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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Did he make that statement about Capcom before Dragon's Dogma Online was announced?
This was from two months ago

More from Capcom, CC2, several more from SE (all console, and not remasters), a couple things from L5, some stuff from Sega, and something from Namco Bandai (unrelated to the obvious games that are always exclusive to Sony platforms). That's some of your important "collaborations" (or unofficial assisted efforts) over the coming years.

It's fair to say PS4 will be the platform where you'll have the opportunity to play most of the notable Japanese third party franchises, including some forgotten, some that have been away for a while, and some new ones being created. Most of the notable announcements are yet to come. These are your appetisers basically (except SFV since that's a big deal).


What you mentioned wasn't proof. If that was a new game, then SFV wouldn't be on their list of E3 games. We know it's going to be there. Whoever posted that just forgot to include PC under the tag.

That's why I putted said "profs", with quotation mark. It's a rumor.
It could be an error or not.

And I didn't know SFV was going to be shown againg at E3.
I only wondered it was going to be demoed to public at E3.

Not to mention that people choose when the list is trust worthy or not.


Capcom helping on a potential PS Allstars sequel sounds like too good of an idea to ever happen. Wouldnt solve the roster problems either people will still be calling for crash, spyro cloud etc
Prediction: Nintendo Direct the Smash logo goes on screen and we see a xmas tree with a huge present underneath it. Snake pops out from under the box, "Kept ya waiting huh?" Snake coming to Smash as the next veteran returning this December.

I can dream. :(


Does anyone else think microsoft would back a sunset overdrive sequel I mean the first one sold ok and was well received by critics they'd be mad not try try and build it into a new IP no?


There's one unannounced Capcom exclusive that I know of but that one won't be announced until next year at least (and probably not at E3), and I'd be surprised if they announced any more exclusive fighting games from Capcom before SFV is out the door.

I think it'd be better if they focused on that at E3 before announcing anything else. Oh, and feel free to announce a localisation of Dragon's Dogma Online. Please :(
There's one unannounced Capcom exclusive that I know of but that one won't be announced until next year at least (and probably not at E3), and I'd be surprised if they announced any more exclusive fighting games from Capcom before SFV is out the door.

I think it'd be better if they focused on that at E3 before announcing anything else. Oh, and feel free to announce a localisation of Dragon's Dogma Online. Please :(

old or new ip?


There's one unannounced Capcom exclusive that I know of but that one won't be announced until next year at least (and probably not at E3), and I'd be surprised if they announced any more exclusive fighting games from Capcom before SFV is out the door.

I think it'd be better if they focused on that at E3 before announcing anything else. Oh, and feel free to announce a localisation of Dragon's Dogma Online. Please :(

What about Deep Down, Kyoufu?! Can we expect some news this E3?


Capcom helping on a potential PS Allstars sequel sounds like too good of an idea to ever happen. Wouldnt solve the roster problems either people will still be calling for crash, spyro cloud etc

I honestly think there is a higher chance of those characters getting in a PS Allstars 2. Maybe not Spyro from the three you mentioned, but Cloud and Crash i can definitely see getting into the game.
I remember Lara Croft being requested by fans alot, but i think that will never happen now.

There will never be another PS All Stars.

Maybe not a straight up sequel, but there will be another Mascot Fighter according to Verendus. He said "It'll be done right this time"
There's one unannounced Capcom exclusive that I know of but that one won't be announced until next year at least (and probably not at E3), and I'd be surprised if they announced any more exclusive fighting games from Capcom before SFV is out the door.

I think it'd be better if they focused on that at E3 before announcing anything else. Oh, and feel free to announce a localisation of Dragon's Dogma Online. Please :(

I really hope you are not trolling.

That FFVII remake needs to happen.


I honestly think there is a higher chance of those characters getting in a PS Allstars 2. Maybe not Spyro from the three you mentioned, but Cloud and Crash i can definitely see getting into the game.
I remember Lara Croft being requested by fans alot, but i think that will never happen now.

Why? What will have changed?

Ray Down

Yoooo... Can I get a link?

Should edit my post he doesn't exactly say its sony exclusive just that its happening (although it wouldn't surprise me)
I can't wait to match my post to the 108 Stars of Destiny? It's fate Psycho.

1. New Suikoden game in the works now. This one is very far off though as it's a recent thing as far as I know. I'd think 2016 is the earliest we start hearing stuff about it.

2. Superman is looking to make his triumphant return to video games, in a non-fighting game this time.

3. New Virtua Fighter game to come.

4. Good news for some PC MGS fans, there are plans from the top to bring the HD collection to PC. Not that anyone isn't expecting that, I'm sure.

5. On the back of that, FFXII HD on current gen is basically confirmed at this point. As is one of the older Dragon Quest titles in HD (I've genuinely forgot which number though since it's been a while). In addition to that, there is a spin-off Final Fantasy title planned for consoles. Not big budget. Not FFX or FF7 in case people take it there. Not a traditional RPG either.

6. For you, thou shall bring a Xenosaga HD collection. I'm also looking forward to this as I've never played them. Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby.

7. You will start to hear about digital revivals of some old IPs in the next one to two years. Playstation and otherwise.

8. Another unnamed IP which is coming to Playstation exclusively from Sega should hopefully be announced next year. It's had teething issues which seems to be making it take longer than I thought, as have most other projects on current gen to be fair from the looks of it, but I'm happy to mention it again because it looks like we might finally get an announcement next year. I'm hoping at least. This one's not a fighting game.

9. Third Person IP which is big budget is coming and it's set in the Indian subcontinent. Mentioning this because I feel it's quite notable something big is going this route. I don't think I've ever seen a big title in this kind of setting. I find it very surprising, but also very exciting. Western developed.

10. Japanese new IP which is set in...Japan. Third person action adventure title with monsters and machines. Might have RPG elements, not too sure on that unfortunately. Futurisitic setting. Playstation exclusive.

Now for more something which is what you would say is a tease but actually makes perfect sense:

11. A new game which will be a pretty big deal, I'm sure.

12. An old game, which will be somewhat of a big deal I guess.

We should have news on all of the above over the coming 2 years I'd think. There's one or two "twists" here and there where one may not like what happens, but it's all true. I honestly think this is going to be an amazing generation.



Are you kidding guys? Virtua Fighter is still huge! Just look at the last VF tournament:



Why? What will have changed?

Sony is way better with third party now. Crash also got many teases in Ps4 ads. I'd say that them being in first place also is pretty big for that. FF7 Returns got Stage time at PSX and it could easily be announced on the PS Blog and FF7 remake is going to come in 15 years exclusive to PS4, SE showed that that game is still part of PS History. And if they are really trying to do it right this time and want this to be their Smash Bros, they HAVE to get all those characters, and they know this. They are important to Playstation


Sony is way better with third party now. Crash also got many teases in Ps4 ads. I'd say that them being in first place also is pretty big for that. FF7 Returns got Stage time at PSX and it could easily be announced on the PS Blog and FF7 remake is going to come in 15 years exclusive to PS4, SE showed that that game is still part of PS History. And if they are really trying to do it right this time and want this to be their Smash Bros, they HAVE to get all those characters, and they know this. They are important to Playstation

I think this is most important point, if they do make another mascot fighter allstars must have taught them they need a roster much closer to what fans expect. Which is why i think another game wont ever happen unfortunately :(


PABR 2 would be awesome if its a Sony-Capcom joint development, and is an evolution of the Marvel 3 engine.
Please no more smash clones.


Was there actually one major capcom game not beeing exclusive (or atleast some form of exclusivity) in this gen? (without the remasters)

Dead Rising = Xbox
Street Fighter V = PS4, PC
DD Online = Ps4
Deep Down = PS4

Looks like this studio can't mange to bring out their major IP's on their own.
I strongly believe that DMC 5 will be a Ps4 Exclusive.

Resident Evil will probably be the only big multiplattform Game from Capcom for a while
You forgot to mention:
Monster Hunter = Nintendo
Ace Attorney = Nintendo

And as multi, Resident Evil Revelations 2

PABR 2 would be awesome if its a Sony-Capcom joint development, and is an evolution of the Marvel 3 engine.
Please no more smash clones.
I don't see Sony paying for another fighting game. They already paid for USFIV and SFV. But I'd love to see a Playstation vs Capcom game (I'd prefer SF engine).

What would you guys most like to see from Level-5?

Ni No Kuni 2
Dark Cloud 3
Rogue Galaxy 2
White Knight Chronicles 3
New IP

Ni No Kuni 2.


Another Capcom exclusive for Sony?

Adam Boyes is head of third-party relations at Sony -> formerly Capcom USA -> formerly Midway -> worked with John Vignnochi at Midway -> Johnny V is at Disney Interactive now -> Disney controls Marvel games now


When you write it out this way, it sounds crazy, but if I recall, they actually did make jokes on the E3 Bombcast last year about how the fact that they used to be roommates made it easier for PS and Disney to partner on stuff like Infinity.


Another Capcom exclusive for Sony?

Adam Boyes is head of third-party relations at Sony -> formerly Capcom USA -> formerly Midway -> worked with John Vignnochi at Midway -> Johnny V is at Disney Interactive now -> Disney controls Marvel games now


You forgot to mention:
Monster Hunter = Nintendo
Ace Attorney = Nintendo

And as multi, Resident Evil Revelations 2

I can see Playstation vs Capcom.

PSvC is the kind of thing I can get behind. The MK games and Injustice have made me interested in fighting games again, even though I'm terrible at them.


When you write it out this way, it sounds crazy, but if I recall, they actually did make jokes on the E3 Bombcast last year about how the fact that they used to be roommates made it easier for PS and Disney to partner on stuff like Infinity.

But that was like for Hulk exclusivity lmao. A full fledged Marvel vs Capcom is expensive. I recall each character costs like 100k to develop.
Another Capcom exclusive for Sony?

Adam Boyes is head of third-party relations at Sony -> formerly Capcom USA -> formerly Midway -> worked with John Vignnochi at Midway -> Johnny V is at Disney Interactive now -> Disney controls Marvel games now


Thats pretty crazy tbh.


Another Capcom exclusive for Sony?

Adam Boyes is head of third-party relations at Sony -> formerly Capcom USA -> formerly Midway -> worked with John Vignnochi at Midway -> Johnny V is at Disney Interactive now -> Disney controls Marvel games now

Yup. Or...
Just check LinkedIn. LinkedIn knows all, even when you're not sure what you're looking for.
I initially thought it could be DMC 5, but it doesn't make sense for Capcom to make it exclusive to PS4 with DMC 4 remastered coming to Xbox One.

Resident Evil 7 is TOO big to become exclusive, so it's likely not that.

The likely choices, a collaboration with Capcom on the PS All-stars successor, Marvel VS Capcom 4(I wish) or an actual sequel to Dragon Dogma(does not make since to announce this now with Dragon Dogma Online not out yet).

Hmmm......I might start looking at some Capcom IPs to see what it potentially might be.

yeah now that you mention it...Since Super Street IV is also exclusive on Ps4 (on nextgen consoles) It doesn't make sense to make the DMC 5 Remaster multiplatform...

Yeah Resident Evil is too huge.

A new Dragons Dogma funded by Sony would be a dream....A huge megaton for me...Maybe will DD Online they wan't to catch more fans and make the ip bigger/more popular while they're secretly developing DD2

But if im honest, now without DMC 5, the collaboration the next brawler game would make sense. Capcom would be the perfect choice and they could include some of their own characters


What would you guys most like to see from Level-5?

Ni No Kuni 2
Dark Cloud 3
Rogue Galaxy 2
White Knight Chronicles 3
New IP

I would love another Rogue Galaxy.

I absolutely adored the original - the look, combat, and strong roster of characters really made an impact. The story was decent as well. Loved exploring different planets!
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