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E3 2015 Predictions & Discussion thread

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Rime, anyone?

As much as I was looking forward to it, it wasn't on Sony's Games of 2015 list despite the coverage it received last year. I think something's up with development or Sony has given them more money/time in order for it to become a more refined product and have more weight when they release.
Nintendo (Tuesday) (Collaboration with the TV Show Community where the cast is cosplaying as Nintendo characters)
  • Animal Crossing U (Trailer + release window early 2016)
  • Discussion about Animal Crossing and announcement of Animal Crossing Amiibo
  • Announcement of release months for remaining Amiibo
  • Smash Bros character DLC (Snake or Shovel Knight, or both)
  • Mother 3 is coming to Virtual Console to celebrate Lucas’ arrival in Smash Bros
  • GBA and SNES Virtual Console titles coming to New Nintendo 3DS
  • Super Metroid 2 (3DS) (Trailer + release date November 20th 2015)
  • Another major Wii title (Either Twilight Princess or Super Mario Galaxy 1) is coming to New 3DS (Gameplay demo + no release date)
  • Pokemon X-2/Y-2 (Trailer + release November 2015)
  • Mario Maker (Demo + release date Q3 2015)
  • DeNA Mobile games previewed and one is released the day of E3 Presentation
  • Devil’s Third (Short trailer + release date August 2015)
  • Fatal Frame: Shrine of The Black Haired Maiden (Demo + release date October 2015)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X (English trailer and release October 2015)
  • Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (Story trailer)
  • Starfox (Extensive demo with Miyamoto + release date November 20th 2015)
  • Fire Emblem (Demo + release window Early 2016)
  • Retro Studios Project (Not Metroid) (Gameplay trailer + release window Q4 2016) (Will be the final Wii U title)
  • The Legend of Zelda is not shown but hinted and jabbed at in other segments during presentation.

3DS game remake likely won't be Mario Galaxy, because the system won't be able to replicate the pointer/collecting star bits. (Yes you can use the touchscreen, but breaks the flow)

Mario Galaxy collection is more likely to come out on Wii U (if they're doing it at all)

And Sunshine is more likely to be remade for 3DS (again if they're doing it at all, that's the last 3D Mario that will make sense for the 3DS)


Well, we're gonna get some announcements from Nintendo. F-Zero could be one of them.

I'm personally banking on Animal Crossing and Metroid.
Totally forgot animal crossing. I think they'll do a blowout reveal for that one, show a teaser trailer for metroid, and another trailer for a brand new F-Zero. I think if they did announce F Zero it would be similar to star fox announcement last year, so I retract the F-Zero sale announcement prediction. It'll be just, "hey here's a teaser we are working on it."

Oh and announcement of special edition animal crossing amiibo. Those will be the big 3 games coming out of Nintendo this year. Everything else will be about already announced games


Dishonored HD
Dishonored 2
Fallout HD Collection
Fallout 4 tease
Skyrim HD
Elder Scrolls Online

Starwars Battlefront
Battlefield update
Need for Speed
Mass Effect 4
Sports, all of em, new tech, much wow
Origin for consoles
"We get gamers"
New tease for a couple of games from their remaining studios before they die and their work that may never release.

The Division
Singing and Dancing
Aisha Tyler
Rainbow Six
Assassins Creed
Beyond Good and Evil update/new tease

Wii U
new SKUs
Zelda Hype
Barrel Rolls
Metroid love in some form that will still probably disappoint us
New full Mario Game. Not Galaxy

Tomb Raider
Halo Movie update
Rare new IP
Exclusive* 3rd party stuff
We Heart Indies too
Gears tease
Platinum Games game
Gears HD (opens show instead of Call of Duty)
Call of Duty
One piece of outcry, most likely from miscommunication
Free Game available now
Price drop... officially...

Square Enix
Updates on Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts 2 & 3 fourths over 27 days HD Mega Collection (Kingdom Hearts 1.5 and 2.5 for Xbox One and PS4, PC too maybe?)
Final Fantasy XII HD
Dragon Quests stuff that will troll my emotions
Something New
Deus Ex
Tomb Raider coming to PS4 next year

Overwatch New gameplay characters and a new game mode.
New Diablo 3 add-on
Public gameplay unveiling of Cliffy's project
Possible to see unreal tournament on this stage too
Overall awkward presentation with nothing super worthwhile
AMD showcasing off new cards
Square talking about Deus Ex and Announces Tomb Raider for PC

Decides to do a press conference cause why not
Call of Duty
Diablo new stuff
Guitar Hero Live
Terrible host
awkward on stage gameplay and audience interaction
new IP

stealth announces a press conference
Steam OS
Steam Machines
New games!
is actually just at Valve HQ
journalist broke in
arrested by cops
put in psych ward because mumbling incoherently
must have seen something mind blowing
guy couldn't handle it

has a stream on youtube but they fired the guy who was supposed to start it.
turns out they also forgot to make anymore games so for 60 minutes people are treated to a loop of PES the konami logo and an old Metal Gear Solid V trailer

Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
Square Enix showcase
Horizon Tease
Adam Boyes dropping the mic
Indie showcase to 1812 Overture
Wearing shirt with photo of Phil Spencer wearing a shirt with a Playstation logo on it
Also i fully suspect the actual E3 notes to leak online direct from playstation but everyone will just think they're fake.
Adam Boyes will do most of the show, because third parties are the best parties, amiright?
Deus Ex
Battlefront with exclusive beta
Arkham Knight
Destiny: Comet
Guitar Hero/Rock Band
Blizzard bring Hearthstone to Vita plus Beta Access to Overwatch
Gearbox talks Battleborn
Mad Max
Did we say movies?
Ratchet Movie trailer. launching in theatres and on Playstation Plus this fall alongside the new game
Last of Us movie casting update
Uncharted Movie
Playstation Vue rolling out to more cities soon. new apps coming soon.
Insert Chart
Did we say charts?
Sales charts o yeah
PS4 making Bank. Price drop? nah new SKU
Morpheus Price announcement and No Mans Sky support
+2 new IP announcements
1 last thing type announcement for Not the Last Guardian
New firmware preview for PS4 v3.0

This is the best I got. really i just want PS2 emulation with trophy support or Dragon's Quest VIII HD, and for Vue to come to me, and that Ratchet and Clank looks amazing.

Updated for the fact that now everybody is having a conference? Hell what's stopping Valve from having one too?


If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

2015: If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

2014: If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

2013: If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

2012: If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

2011: If they dont show it at E3, we might never see it....

If it doesn't happen at E3 it will happen at TGS

And if it doesnt happen at TGS it will happen at the Geoff Keighleys

If not at the Game Awards then certainly at PSX

And if it Will not happen at TGS it Will happen at PSX.

In 2016, yes.



Chances of Splinter Cell announcement at Ubisofts Conference for Early 2016 Date?
I don't know about that release window, but I think an announcement is pretty likely. Shinobi has said that they have a new Splinter Cell in the works and it seems to be a series strong enough to close their conference with like they have the past few years.


I want to see a trailer for Gran Turismo 7, which says launching Fall 2015. That would be it for me. Unless it gets delayed. :(


Junior Member
They're working on Dissidia Arcade, but I wouldn't be surprised if NG4 turns out to be a thing.

Personally, I hope they make something new instead. Ni-Oh pls.

Yeah, but somehow, I don't think that's their main project.

They previously stated that they want to achieve ''a cutting edge representation of soft body physics by taking full advantage of GPGPU.''

Sounds like Ninja Gaiden.
I haven't kept up with gaming news much the past 8 months or so, but I'm hoping based on what I do know that we see some of these, and I'm gonna keep this is realistic as possible.


Mass Effect 4


Halo 5 full reveal
Gears of War 4 teaser
Gears 1 remake
Scalebound demo


Uncharted 4 demo
Ratchet and Clank reveal
something new from Guerilla


I honestly have no idea what to expect other than maybe a new Pokemon(at least hopefully)

Other 3rd party titles

Watch Dogs 2
Dishonored 2
Deus Ex whatever it's called
Final Fantasy XV demo


As in "Heathcliff"
I'm not sure if countdown images/gifs are welcome here. If majority of people (or moderators) have problem with it then please just let me know so I would stop posting it here. If people were concerned that my countdown would be focused on Nintendo itself only, then you don't need to worry because I would focus on popular titles that are more likely to shown up at E3 (AKA my predictions or wish list)


I have a good feeling that this E3 is going to be good, but not saying that it would be one of best E3. I hope it would be. There are a lot of conferences that are going to happens this year.
  • Square-Enix
  • Bethesda
  • Microsoft
  • Sony
  • Nintendo
  • Ubisoft
  • EA
  • PC


I'd definitely take a new Splinter Cell if they build on what made Blacklist so good and not implement it in some open world hoohah. Also bringing Michael Ironside back would be nice. I'd take a Splinter Cell reveal over a new Watch Dogs reveal any day.
These are totally possible.
  • Animal Crossing U (Trailer + release window early 2016)
  • Discussion about Animal Crossing and announcement of Animal Crossing Amiibo
  • Announcement of release months for remaining Amiibo
  • Smash Bros character DLC (Snake or Shovel Knight, or both)
  • Mother 3 is coming to Virtual Console to celebrate Lucas’ arrival in Smash Bros
  • Pokemon X-2/Y-2 (Trailer + release November 2015)
  • Mario Maker (Demo + release date Q3 2015)
  • DeNA Mobile games previewed and one is released the day of E3 Presentation
  • Fatal Frame: Shrine of The Black Haired Maiden (Demo + release date October 2015)
  • Fire Emblem (Demo + release window Early 2016)
  • Retro Studios Project (Not Metroid) (Gameplay trailer + release window Q4 2016) (Will be the final Wii U title)
  • The Legend of Zelda is not shown but hinted and jabbed at in other segments during presentation.
These will never happen.
Nintendo (Tuesday) (Collaboration with the TV Show Community where the cast is cosplaying as Nintendo characters)
  • GBA and SNES Virtual Console titles coming to New Nintendo 3DS - Let it go, let it go
  • Super Metroid 2 (3DS) (Trailer + release date November 20th 2015)
  • Another major Wii title (Either Twilight Princess or Super Mario Galaxy 1) is coming to New 3DS (Gameplay demo + no release date)
  • Xenoblade Chronicles X (English trailer and release October 2015) - This soon? I dunno...
  • Starfox (Extensive demo with Miyamoto + release date November 20th 2015) - This soon? I dunno...


I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

I am pretty confident we'll see third / second party exclusives, but there is nothing like a "home town" developer showing off something fresh.

The PS3 era saw the creation of critically acclaimed new IP. People forget Sony forged together InFamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and Resistance within the first few years. It was quite an exciting time because it felt like the internal Sony teams could do no wrong.

The PS4 feels like we've gotten off on the wrong foot seeing as how Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, and InFamous Second Son are more or less luke warm.

I want to see that spark shine on again from the 1st Party Teams. E3 is the best time to do it :).


I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

I am pretty confident we'll see third / second party exclusives, but there is nothing like a "home town" developer showing off something fresh.

The PS3 era saw the creation of critically acclaimed new IP. People forget Sony forged together InFamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and Resistance within the first few years. It was quite an exciting time because it felt like the internal Sony teams could do no wrong.

The PS4 feels like we've gotten off on the wrong foot seeing as how Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, and InFamous Second Son are more or less luke warm.

I want to see that spark shine on again from the 1st Party Teams. E3 is the best time to do it :).

I really want to see what Guerilla Cambridge are up to. I want them to either take on Killzone or Resistance for the PS4. Mercenary was great and I know they could create something really special on the PS4.


Junior Member
I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

I am pretty confident we'll see third / second party exclusives, but there is nothing like a "home town" developer showing off something fresh.

The PS3 era saw the creation of critically acclaimed new IP. People forget Sony forged together InFamous, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and Resistance within the first few years. It was quite an exciting time because it felt like the internal Sony teams could do no wrong.

The PS4 feels like we've gotten off on the wrong foot seeing as how Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Drive Club, and InFamous Second Son are more or less luke warm.

I want to see that spark shine on again from the 1st Party Teams. E3 is the best time to do it :).

Don't worry.

The Last Guardian should be the second critically acclaimed exclusive to release for PS4 in 2015, after Bloodborne of course.


Neo Member
Anyone else think we're going to see an xbox redesign?

I mean, look at the inside of this thing. It's way oversized, purposely even.
I want Sony to make a statement at E3 with their 1st Party developers.

Stuff should only be shown when it's ready to be shown, and ideally, shippable within 12 months.

No need to be driven by any sort of "desire to make a statement bravado." It's stuff like those that leads us to stuff like Ubisoft "one last thing" E3 statements from Watch_Dogs & The Division, or with Sony themselves, Agent/Killzone 2 CGi trailer, etc.


XV is just getting a short trailer.

If FFXV is getting a short trailer and KH3 is likely highlighted at D23 expo, some new announcements should fill the hole in the FF/DQ/other SE JRPGS E3 lineup: maybe localizations (Bravely Second, FF Explorers, Saga Vita?) Remasters (FFXII HD, KH 3D HD/ HD HD Complete ReMix, DQVIII) or new titles (I have no ideas here). Unless it is a Western-focused show, but I highly doubt it. I have the feeling SE this June will blow our minds


now that I see this thread.. are ther going to be gif gaf threads on may? I want the E3 hype to build up but I don't know if it's allowed...

now with all these press conferences things will get very interesting


As in "Heathcliff"
now that I see this thread.. are ther going to be gif gaf threads on may? I want the E3 hype to build up but I don't know if it's allowed...

now with all these press conferences things will get very interesting

Yeah, I'm going to do E3 GIF/WEBM thread next month if it's allowed.
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