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EDGE: DRM-free PS4 is a PR play – expect similar policies across both consoles.


extra source of jiggaflops
So you agree with all of those statements? Ok then.

Consoles have allowed pubs to use online passes and ps4 is maintaining the status quo.
I completely agree.

I think what is being claimed is absolutely ridiculous. I'm just saying it's technically all possible.
It would mean that every publisher is in on a conspiracy, even the ones that CBoaT said were not very warm about the Xbox One direction.


This whole thread seems to me like Xbox marketer's dream come true. Lets confuse people (I'm surprised anyone is confused after all those statements from Sony leadership) into thinking, that PS4 is somehow as restrictive as Xbox.
Our contacts described Sony’s conference announcements as a PR play, and revealed that its decision to go DRM-free was made at the very last minute.

I call bullshit. They were trolling with the drm talk, its clear they planned this at the very latest after the Xbone backlash.


The GiantBomb interview with that Sony dude kind of makes it clear it was not a Sony policy. He was pretty forthright with everything so I believe him escpally with EA also saying they did not ask MS to implement the sort DRM they went for.


Unconfirmed Member
This whole thread seems to me like Xbox marketer's dream come true. Lets confuse people (I'm surprised anyone is confused after all those statements from Sony leadership) into thinking, that PS4 is somehow as restrictive as Xbox.

"It's the same as the PS3" couldn't be clearer

EDGE's baseless FUD isn't fooling anyone
I wouldn't be surprised. Despite popular belief, there's no such thing as an ethical multi billion dollar corporation. They're in the business of making money, and the ONLY reason Sony is coming off the way it is, is the fact that they consider this pathway the one best primed for carving out a lucrative venture. There's a reason companies shift from being humble and in line with consumer demand, to cocky and seemingly out of touch with consumers, depending on their success within the industry. It happens with every company, and its simply the nature of the business.


The idea that publishers can just implement their own DRM is nonsense. There isn't a platform level support for any DRM such as online passes so it is actually more open than PS3.

Any publisher so hell bent on having DRM would need to implement the equivalent of online passes themselves. Include serial codes in each box etc, with no support frm Sony.

The alternative from MS is DRM by default. Games are always tied to your account. Games cannot be traded in unless a publisher specifically opts to allow it, and then only if MS have a deal I place with at least one retailer.

The situations are very clear and I don't seen any ambiguity at all. That edge article is irresponsible garbage. If I were Sony I'd ask them to retract it.


extra source of jiggaflops
Do you think pubs will try to sell to gamers the need for a tied in online experience in single player games? After what happened with SimCity, I can't see that working.

This is what I had to say earlier today about this:
The real issue in the future is how publishers will try to sell us customers "DRM as a service" because there are no restrictions to limit online-parts of games and there shouldn't be from a platform holder as to not restrict creativity.

DRM as a service for me is Sim City. That game can be continued to be played when you edit your local copy of the game. No calculation takes place on the server side.

A game that wouldn't be DRM as a service and legitimately requires online would be World of Warcraft.

If a publisher wants to get customers into the no used games trap then they will have to be smarter than the last times they tried.


On stage confirmation,many interviews, a video, many twitter posts.

So what do people want them to tattoo it on their bodies and to personally visit every ps fan to confirmed it again?


So before the consoles were revealed Edge's rumors were never to be questioned, but now that they say something negative they are clearly wrong?

Well practically every website was saying that Durango had DRM and always online. It's not like Edge was special or anything.

The difference in this case is that this time it's only Edge with their anonymous sources that is saying this about sony. If it really was true then surely it would have leaked to other sites as well, as you couldn't keep such a big thing a secret. This is just typical click bait disinformation by Edge. Sony has confirmed that ps4 will use the same policy as the ps3 did.


All I'm getting reading this stuff is dizzy, PS4 pre-order is in but if if the online check in used games stance changes from Sony (and not some nonsense "EA PS4 games will be different") then I'll probably cancel.

If my 1st party games are all as they are with the PS3 and some publishers follow that route then those are the games I'll buy, if some say "hey you don't need to check in online but if you choose to you can look at all the pretty horse armor" I'll consider it based on game but if they say "when you boot our title up it checks our servers and if it can't find our servers it won't play" then that title can sod off (apart from stuff like MMOs obviously)

Anything that starts with "you register this game with a code against your account and if you want to sell it you have to take it into your local X store and they take the code off your account and then your console logs in and checks the codes we have and starts deleting stuff" well that's going nowhere near my PS4.


Do you think pubs will try to sell to gamers the need for a tied in online experience in single player games? After what happened with SimCity, I can't see that working.

Doesn't matter, they can't stop trading in games without unique codes per disc. They'd need to print those themselves and get Sony to put them in the box at a price. Can't see anyone bothering


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Highly doubt Sony would dickride their anti-DRM stance as hard as they did only to switch it up at the last second.


Can't imagine publishers restricting features only on the xbox one. So much for that twitter blitz from gaffers.

Also, CFW initially ended the PS3 innocence. Anyone paying attention should see that sony need other security measures.


Can't imagine publishers restricting features only on the xbox one. So much for that twitter blitz from gaffers.

Also, CFW initially ended the PS3 innocence. Anyone paying attention should see that sony need other security measures.

Riiiiiight...you havent been reading shit


Can't imagine publishers restricting features only on the xbox one. So much for that twitter blitz from gaffers.

Also, CFW initially ended the PS3 innocence. Anyone paying attention should see that sony need other security measures.
You do realize that the drm stuff is integrated into the xbone hardware so third parties don't have to do anything right? They would have to provide the tech to do that themselves on ps4 and that costs a significant amount.
Edge is bullshitting. Sony could not have been more clear in their interviews. There is no system like the Xbone, and will be no system like the Xbone.


I'm pretty sure that Kyon is saying that season passes for single player games won't exist. And that's completely correct. A permanent connection because they've created some MMO-type game? Sure, and Sony even welcomes that as you see with Destiny.
See I don't have a problem if the game has a REASON to be online all the time like destiny. I have a problem when it goes the sim city route.
Can't imagine publishers restricting features only on the xbox one. So much for that twitter blitz from gaffers.

Also, CFW initially ended the PS3 innocence. Anyone paying attention should see that sony need other security measures.
They actually can't for single player games. It is not possible. They only can do something about MP, which we call Online Pass. Nothing beyond that. And EA is not that stupid to bring them back now.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
This. I don't get the issue here.

Sony would be nuts to be outright lying. If they were planning to do this, they'd take the Microsoft route by making ambiguous statements, tip toe around questions, or say more details will be released in the future. They haven't done that. They've been pretty damn clear.
The backlash would be enormous. Tretton was honest and he did say it will be up to publishers but at the very least, first party games will not have DRM. Besides that, I don't think a ton of publishers are going to implement it anyhow.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
It was clarified again and again people will NOT be satisfied for unknown reasons.

Not unknown; they can't stand the fact their favorite console has an unprecedented level of draconian drm and anti-consumer features while PS4 doesn't. That's the only explanation I can come up with for outright ignoring facts that are right in front of your face and claiming the complete opposite of all available information.


Allright serious question here .

Was there This much denia.l blind ignorance and ultra stupid fanboyism going around GAF when sony came out with 599$?

i mean holy shit . This thread is surreal .
This is the same shit all over again. People tried to downplay and twist what Sony's execs said after the PS4 unveiling. GAF told me that the PS4 would have the same DRM as the Xbox One because of their dissecting of quotes. Sony has been clear as day on this issue from the very start.

Edit: Read through this thread and holy shit. Usual suspects with a bunch of wishful thinking.
I believe that Sony would lie. They certainly have before. See Linux on the PS3 , which was removed from the Fat model despite assurances that it wouldn't be or the music CD rootkits.

I just can't understand what kind of PR play would involving getting rousing applause, putting out a video that's getting a ridiculous amount of hits and then doing the opposite in practise. The Xbone hate would turn into PSpoor or PS4Who hate in about 0.03 seconds and it would be more intense because the betrayal felt would be personal rather than "Major corporation is trying to screw you must be a day ending in y" that Microsoft is getting.

Lieing is one thing, a PR plan that involves committing PR suicide is something else altogether.


I can't see Sony being this reactionary for there E3 conference. First people said the price was a last minute change and now the DRM stance? They seem like 2 topics that take more time then just 7 hours to finalize.

I'm not trying to say it's some form of damage control from the media because they expected a "me too" Sony on Monday but.....it kind of comes off that way.
Edge is bullshitting. Sony could not have been more clear in their interviews. There is no system like the Xbone, and will be no system like the Xbone.

Seriously. This really makes me question Edge. It seems petty as can be and almost as if they were fed bogus info from MS shadowing as someone else.


Not a good look by Edge trotting out obvious FUD like this.

Sony wasn't vague, they weren't dismissive, and they did more than say it (multiple times) they even made a fucking video of it.

Sorry, but the PS4 is not using the same bullshit DRM as the XBONE, and yes, thats a good thing. No... you can't write some garbage article to try and stem the negative tide for MS by pulling stuff out of your ass.

Hell even EA came out and said that the passes crap was a mistake, and that they didnt push for it. At this point, its clear as crystal.


I can't believe there are some people who are hoping the PS4 has the same BS DRM as Xbone just so their choice of console is more justified.

How about accepting that Xbone is screwing us over and if anyone on PS4 is trying to add this DRM then not buy games from that publisher.
Meh, if they do then I'll just be done with gaming period. I had a good run.

I can still plug in my NES/SNES/Genesis/N64/PS1/Saturn/Dreamcast/GameGear/GameBoy/PS2/Xbox/360/PS3 to this day, load a game and play.


I like the last line.

We have contacted Sony for comment.

What more comment do you need than what's already been said to the press? Sony's been pretty explicit about their stance with respect to DRM.

I can't decide whether this piece is straight-up FUD or just a rampant display of cynicism, but either way, I sort of expected better from Edge.


this show is not Breaking Bad why is it not Breaking Bad? it should be Breaking Bad dammit Breaking Bad
Sony said you could play your console offline, it was designed for offline play as well.
STFU edge, you on the edge.
All these discussions get hung up on confusing a bunch of different types of DRM, and drawing conclusions based on false equivalencies. In reality, DRM isn't one thing. There's a clear continuum, and the possibilities on the two platforms occupy different parts of it. Like this:

   You can't sell it to anyone                     X1 (default level)
   You can sell it, but only to approved stores    X1 ("opt-in" level)
   All modes must constantly be online to play     X1
   Game must repeatedly reauthenticate online      X1 (mandatory)       
   Used-game singleplayer needs one-time fee       X1
   Most game content is purchasable DLC            X1                    PS4    
   Multiplayer requires service subscription       X1 (all)              PS4 (most)
   Used-game multiplayer needs one-time fee        X1*                   PS4**
   No restrictions of any kind                                           PS4

* Unknown which games, if any, will use online passes
** First-party games will not use online passes; third-parties strongly discouraged
There is an obvious difference, and it's not just a "PR play". The PS4 does not support any of the harsher versions at the top--they literally can't be implemented.
Don't look now, but certain PS3 games already use "always online" DRM checks, even for single player content.

Just be vigilant and don't support online DRMed products. It worked when Ubisoft tried always online DRM on its PC games.
What's clear to me is that Sony has basically called the big publishers' bluff. They are daring EA, Ubisoft and the rest to incite the anger of the whole internet by continuing down this DRM path. They are saying, "we won't stop you, but I can't imagine you can sell all your third person shooters or car games on a subscription model."

And the funny thing is it seems to be working. EA and Activision are already trying to distance themselves from the issue, and MS is sitting there holding the bag with this entire draconian infrastructure that compromises their platform even if no one ends up using it.


What's clear to me is that Sony has basically called the big publishers' bluff. They are daring EA, Ubisoft and the rest to incite the anger of the whole internet by continuing down this DRM path. They are saying, "we won't stop you, but I can't imagine you can sell all your third person shooters or car games on a subscription model."

And the funny thing is it seems to be working. EA and Activision are already trying to distance themselves from the issue, and MS is sitting there holding the bag with this entire draconian infrastructure that compromises their platform even if no one ends up using it.

Do you think MS could still revert back to no DRm and no online obliatory connexion? That would make them look like dorks and their whole plan like a mistake-shake down, but it would get them back in the hardcore players game...
What's clear to me is that Sony has basically called the big publishers' bluff. They are daring EA, Ubisoft and the rest to incite the anger of the whole internet by continuing down this DRM path. They are saying, "we won't stop you, but I can't imagine you can sell all your third person shooters or car games on a subscription model."

And the funny thing is it seems to be working. EA and Activision are already trying to distance themselves from the issue, and MS is sitting there holding the bag with this entire draconian infrastructure that compromises their platform even if no one ends up using it.

Don't fool yourself. EA and Activision just want to see how things shake out on the Xbox One first.


What's clear to me is that Sony has basically called the big publishers' bluff. They are daring EA, Ubisoft and the rest to incite the anger of the whole internet by continuing down this DRM path. They are saying, "we won't stop you, but I can't imagine you can sell all your third person shooters or car games on a subscription model."

And the funny thing is it seems to be working. EA and Activision are already trying to distance themselves from the issue, and MS is sitting there holding the bag with this entire draconian infrastructure that compromises their platform even if no one ends up using it.
A little bit of background information here. One of the first places information came to SCE regarding the plan of DRM of MS was from someone at one of the major publishers. This was a long time back now, and SCE wasn't intending on implementing any DRM so they essentially gave feelers back along those lines too to everyone. The top execs at major publishers have known for months SCE would not be joining MS in their plans with such a DRM system. They probably just didn't expect SCE to do what they did at E3.

Regardless of this whole talk about Sony changing their mind on DRM and having huge internal discussions about it in the past couple of months (they didn't as the major policies were nailed down prior to the official unveiling of the PS4), they did indeed take advantage of the mess Microsoft created. They knew as early as January that MS was going to do something quite crazy so they wanted to wait. It's also why they were being cautious with making some official announcement on it, even though some people actually spoke up and gave the indication anyway. Due to sheer luck, things turned out the way that they could make a massive fuss about it on stage at E3 which essentially puts everyone else at a disadvantage because Sony basically said, 'Do your thing, it's your own shit to deal with, we're not getting involved but this is what we're going to do.' They made that clear to everyone. There isn't some conspiracy. It's a big business, and the success of the PS4 is integral, so this isn't the kind of thing they were being wishy-washy about for the past couple of months.

Basically, MS are idiots and their PR skills made everything easier for SCE.

Now, unless all consumers are actually bloody morons, and you help make the Xbox One successful, and just show once more, that you really don't care about getting bended over, then you don't have anything to worry about. But if this shit doesn't mean anything, and you still make the Xbox One successful, accept the policies, allow MS to set such a ridiculous precedent, then a few years down the line, Sony have no reason not to play ball either because obviously, it's meaningless to you. They could then re-evaluate things for the US for example. Just bear this in mind. It's in everyone's hands now whether to fuck up or not.

SCE has one strategy which they have confidence in.

MS has a different strategy. If you're going to make this strategy successful, then obviously, another business is going to think they need to re-evaluate things.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Well someone is feeding Edge FUD. Sony made their point crystal clear, so you would have to believe they lied several times and would rather face that backlash. Unless Sony says something new what else is there to ad? Even EA said "the customer owns the disc.." they don't seem to care publicly.


Sony said you could play your console offline, it was designed for offline play as well.
STFU edge, you on the edge.

Sony also say a lot of things during E3 which don't always come up true, and are flat out lies.

Need I remind you of this?

Sony also say a lot of things during E3 which don't always come up true, and are flat out lies.

Need I remind you of this?


Need I remind you that was a prototype shown almost 2 years before release? PS4 is coming out this year.

And the things that were removed didn't even make sense to be there. No one cared that they were removed.
Need I remind you that was a prototype shown almost 2 years before release? PS4 is coming out this year.

And the things that were removed didn't even make sense to be there. No one cared that they were removed.

Not to mention the picture is incorrect: all launch models of PS3 had an HDMI output, but that picture is missing one.
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