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EDGE: DRM-free PS4 is a PR play – expect similar policies across both consoles.

GAF: EDGEs new article is unbased play for hits.

Like a device that doesn't require to be online to work can even have similar policies.

" and revealed that its decision to go DRM-free was made at the very last minute."
LOL, sure it was.
Example of just how effective PR can be.

You don't think a company like Sony would lie to you?

Jesus fuck.

and they can always change their policy about this. it's like if people already forgot about the missing features/components from the initial PS3 launch/announcement to this day:

- extra USB ports
- memory cards reader
- linux
- ps2 backwards compatibility

and I love my Slim PS3, but I've had PS3 systems since launch day and I know what has happened to the main concept to this day.


Unconfirmed Member
Update: Sony has issued a statement on the matter to GameInformer:

“The Online Pass program for PlayStation first-party games will not continue on PlayStation 4. Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners. As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever.”

that's what they been saying since the press conference

why did it need another confirmation? because someone heard from "sources" it was different?

edit: I swear this update appeared on the site? was it removed? am I going crazy?


Either Sony completely lied or Edge is tasked with doing PR for Microsoft by mudying the waters between DRM and online passes. I don't see how Sony can risk a huge backlash like that so I think that Edge is full of shit.


If publishers choose to implement DRM from their end, then that's their choice and they can be ignored on a case by case basis.

The important point here is that Sony hasn't built this kind of restriction into the platform and are backing up the point by not implementing any additional DRM in to their 1st party software.

Not really chiming with the vibe of this article. It sounds like it has its origins in a few salty 'insiders'. At the end of the day, Sony won't implement system wide DRM - that's all you can ask of them. It doesn't really matter what they were considering in the run up to this decision, as in the end they made the correct choice and are rightly reaping the PR benefits as a result.


Nothing more than we have now. Online passes for MP if a pub chooses but not for 1st party. Tretton already cleared this up.


The fact that these so called 'journalists' still want to beat this dead horse just enforces the fact they are super salty over xboxone and want to sour it for the PlayStation user base somehow.

I mean fuck, 'IT WILL BE JUST LIKE PS3' What don't these imbeciles understand about that?????

Am I missing something? Am I retarded??


it's like if people already forgot about the missing features/components from the initial PS3 launch/announcement to this day:

- extra USB ports
- memory cards reader
- linux
- ps2 backwards compatibility

and I love my Slim PS3, but I've had PS3 systems since launch day and I know what has happened to the main concept to this day.

hey man, they shipped ps3s with linux support and ps2 backwards compatibility, that wasn't a lie.
Christ some people are dense, there is no way Sony back track on this.

The only ones that can implement DRM are third party publishers, just like last gen ............ Sony is not making it a system wide policy.

There is a slight issue with it not being a system wide policy though, and that's having to put up with each publisher's own DRM system. And we saw how EA's servers panned out at the Sim City launch. Then again, at least all the eggs aren't in one basket. So it's swings and roundabouts.


Any games that try to pull that on PS4 would have to fully justify it. Eg. Defiance on 360/PS3 does not run without an internet connection, as you'd expect with it being an MMO.

If say EA wanted the new Dragon Age to be like this, they'd have to implement enough MMO-ish features that the community will accept it. This is quite hard (see: Sim City, Diablo 3.)


FUD gonna FUD.
Came to post precisely this.

Yes, DRM will evidently exist on the PS4, nobody's dumb enough to believe it won't, but Sony themselves aren't the ones who went to publishers and said "let's buttfuck our customers with this brand new DRM tech lol", like MS did.


Are you fucking kidding me?

Wait are you agies hahaha, he said the same thing on twitter yesterday. If not its just like now, if ea wanted to fuck you over worse than online pass they could do it now. They wont the pr nightmare would be huge, unlike xbone they cant hide behind the policies of the console itself.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Each platform holder’s DRM policy has changed continually over the last few months, they said, though Microsoft’s initial stance was much tougher than its position today.
Must've been what CBOAT was talking about, but Microsoft relented.
Sony first party games available on a disc won't have DRM.
Will be interesting to see how many first party games are only available digitally

if the game is only digital, than what's the drm? it's been widely accepted that you can't sell digital download game.
MS's DRM requires the console to be online. PS4 does not require online. The end.


Doesn't mean that 3rd party games won't require some sort of online authentication. Thats something Sony can't control. I expect quite a few games requiring online checks if the publishers decide to do so.

The big difference is that Sony has no system in place to act as the middleman like MS. So you can boycott all games that have DRM you won't agree with.


Sony kind of backed themselves into a corner. If things aren't as they promised it's going to be armageddon

I don't think saying on many occasions "that it's up to the publisher" is backing yourself into a corner.


Doesn't mean that 3rd party games won't require some sort of online authentication. Thats something Sony can't control. I expect quite a few games requiring online checks if the publishers decide to do so.

The big difference is that Sony has no system in place to act as the middleman like MS. So you can boycott all games that have DRM you won't agree with.

That's the most important thing, plus I think publisher will be a bit more careful what they force on us now also.
Sonys used game trolling video is REALLY blowing up too so the talk about people not caring about these DRM methods is a load of bullcrap. It has 6,5 million views in 2 days and youtube can only add the views so fast so who knows how many it has.

It certainly isn't 1-1 correlation but for example E3 PS4 teaser video has 7,6 million views and 28k votes. The february Playstation 4 video has 29 million (!) views and 50k votes.

The used game trolling video has 230k+ votes as of now... with overwhelming majority being positive.

Edge, if it's good things about my favourite platform/company, I believe you!
Edge, it it's bad things about my favourite platform/company, You're lying!

It's a conspiracy!

I guess I could see this happening, corporations only do what's in their best interest. If Sony ran the numbers and decided that they could make more money by implementing some kind of DRM they would/will do it, honor and shame have nothing to do with it (I'm an expert!). I think Sony ran the numbers and decided that the present course would make them more money.

Time will tell though
also, in GT Pach attack, Pachter said while 3rd party publishers could theoretically make their own restriction like adding online pass that lock the single player content as well, he think no publishers will have the gut to do it, except maybe Activision.

Exactly what I said and think. They try it, the spotlight is on them, and the shitstorm begins. With Xbone they can easily say "it's all MS not us we cool!" Hell Peter Moore is already making damn sure the word gets out that EA had nothing to do with helping with the development of the DRM features on the Xbone and putting all the blame on MS.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think EVERY journalist has gotten the Xbox One policy wrong about this. Its worse than most assume. Publishers have to actually opt in for the very basic concessions MS made.

Yeah. I keep seeing people over and over saying it's an opt-in system, as if pubs can opt out entirely (and in the same vein as the supposed pre-E3 'opt in PS4' scenario).

It is completely different. The default is that nothing is allowed after the first owner. The opt-in is that basic concessions managed by DRM and approved retail are allowed.
I have no doubt some third parties will push online pass style systems, and if you resell games, you'll be punished. I think by 2020, there will be serious pressure to end all used games. I think many people watching games businesses will agree. But even then:

- The ability to sell and lend the disc freely (even if its worth less than it is now)
- No 24 hour check

Are both publicly declared. And that makes the PS4 a vastly superior product from a consumer point of view.

I absolutely expect a continuation of DLC bullshit, of nickle-and-dime, of online passes, of overpriced expansion packs, of servers closing early. I expect more games to charge for online. I expect more freemium mechanics to occur in paid games. I might even support some of these options for the right games.

That's what I expect. But my disc is my disc. That's sacrosanct.

The best DRM ever invented is the game disc. If I can't fully install the game, then the disc is needed for me to play it. Fire it up at game launch and then leave it alone. The whole reason MS is in this shit ISNT the used game issue, it's that they need a mechanism to make the install-to-drive concept work.

What will happen is that some publishers will devolve X1 policies to PS4 - but that's the point - the market is going to resist and resist and resist. If they want to solve this, they have to make digital games cheaper than boxed. That's the only way they'll win.
also, in GT Pach attack, Pachter said while 3rd party publishers could theoretically make their own restriction like adding online pass that lock the single player content as well, he think no publishers will have the gut to do it, except maybe Activision.

EA has recently clarified they won't be doing it anymore.


If Sony has nothing built into the system to enforce DRM (no always online, no 24 hour checks, no disc lending/renting/buying restrictions) AND third parties like EA and First parties like Sony themselves are saying online passes are dead...what's left?

sure, EA could require battlefield 4 to always be online, but that doesn't stop used games without a pass, which they said they aren't doing. "always online" really only benefits the platform holder for tracking purposes.

This doesn't sound plausible. For Edge to be correct, everyone not just Sony has to be lying about explicit statements made during E3.

and they removed those features by a simple firmware update

PS2 backwards compatibility was removed via a firmware update? That's news to my perfectly functioning 80gig PS3.
They already said veeeeeery clearly that it's the same as on the PS3 be it first or third party games and made a huge fucking deal out of it. There's no way in hell they'll allow any used game blocking.

That said, that also means that shit like always online and online passes are still a go if the publisher wants it. But I highly doubt any publisher will dare making a disc game always online, unless it's a online-only game.


yeah, i'm sure the huge number of games from small/independent developers and publishers will implement "similar" DRM strategies as MS stock standard *rollseyes*
and they can always change their policy about this. it's like if people already forgot about the missing features/components from the initial PS3 launch/announcement to this day:

- extra USB ports
- memory cards reader
- linux
- ps2 backwards compatibility

and I love my Slim PS3, but I've had PS3 systems since launch day and I know what has happened to the main concept to this day.

Extra USB ports/2nd ethernet/2nd HDMI was shown like 2 years before the console came out. PS4 is coming out this year.


Unconfirmed Member
Any games that try to pull that on PS4 would have to fully justify it. Eg. Defiance on 360/PS3 does not run without an internet connection, as you'd expect with it being an MMO.

If say EA wanted the new Dragon Age to be like this, they'd have to implement enough MMO-ish features that the community will accept it. This is quite hard (see: Sim City, Diablo 3.)

I think we'll see that in the first couple of years.

Someone (EA probably) is going to add just enough content to turn a single player game into a "connected experience" (or whatever bullshit marketing line they're spinning this month) to try and get around this just like SimCity.

I just hope console gamers reject it so they stop.


You like me, you really really like me!
Yeah, like they're gonna pay them to do it. Please.... What is this? You joking?

You really don't think MS is capable of that?

All bets are off after the attitude they've shown with the Xbone. Moneyhatting publishers into forcing restrictive policies onto their PS4 games is a possibility that should be considered.


Well its both validating and upsetting that my fears about this are not completely unfounded.

I find it amazing the amount of people that have naively bought into this idea that Sony are some 'good friend' company that wouldn't be misleading or a bit deceitful in their attempts to sell consoles. People saying that Sony wouldn't lie aren't getting the point - they worded all their statements very carefully. It wouldn't be a lie. SONY will not enable any DRM and will allow used games and allow games to be played offline. But as they've said very early on, publishers will still have the power to require always online and any sort of DRM they wish. It may not be exactly the same as the way Microsoft are handling it, but there's nothing stopping them from doing this in general.
I wouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. A lot of these rumors are created by people just looking for attention, and websites report on it because all the traffic brings in ad revenue, regardless of how accurate the story is.

Seems like no one does any actual fact checking anymore.

Video game websites are starting to become just as bad as wrestling dirt sheets.
Activision's Kotick has come out and said they like the used game ecosystem.

EA's Moore has come out today and said that he likes the idea of gamers having equity in their discs.

I mean...if publishers are going to do this? What publishers? Ubisoft has also backtracked a fair bit on their PC DRM strategy....

well that's what Pachter mean, even if publishers want it, doesn't mean they will actually do it or have the guts to do it since this have become a really hot topic that anyone who do it will be under scrutiny.
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