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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"


If you're so concerned about the power of your next-gen console, why not just switch your pre-order, we're still months from launch!

If XYZ games are the decider, why would you even care what system is the most powerful?


So what's the power difference between a 360 and a PS3 for a developer who isn't capable of "unlocking" PS3's true potential?

I mean, PS3 having a power disadvantage if the devs weren't capable of handling the CPU is the reason why many third party titles were better on the 360. Right? But how much of a disadvantage was that? That disadvantage meant noticeable changes to textures, foliage, pop-up, lighting, and whatever Bayonetta's deal was.

All weren't THAT big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but the differences between versions were definitely noticeable when you put them side by side.


That's why we debate the power difference. Even if the PS4 is more powerful, we debate now over whether or not it's powerful enough to make a difference in the end.
It only matters if someone is going to only buy one of the two, and only on which has the stronger performance on third party titles, and in that event, the performance benefit is going to lay with PS4, no one seems to think otherwise, even if the performance is smaller than some anticipate.

Beyond that, it's down to the specific games, and that'll just be the normal Digital Foundry type stuff for people who own both.

It's warranted discussion purely out of intrigue and the comparative technical designs of the systems, but ultimately, in terms of it's use for consumer purchasing advice, the debate seems to be over, and have been since they were announced.


I find all of this to be absolutely amazing. This isn't a comment on this particular thread but more the "power wars" in general. I'd love to know of a case for this next gen launch where an objective buyer used power as the deciding factor in which console to buy. It's a ridiculous notion to use with console gaming, especially when, let's face it, both consoles have fairly similar specs. (there is not a Wii --> 360/PS3 difference here)

Seriously, what in the hell are we even talking about anymore? Both consoles are powerful and "next gen", both produce good looking games, is power really a deciding factor for anybody? I just think it's amazing that so much importance is placed on power when it is probably the last thing an objective buyer considers when buying these consoles.
Concerning the thread that was just locked, why is such blatant thread shitting being allowed which was simply due to a kneejerk reaction to something which had nothing to do with the content of the thread?

It's pretty aggravating to see someone who made a long and intelligent post relentless mocked because of arbitrary wording and the fact that the post wasn't executed 100% perfectly. This "let's all try to post fast with a wise zinger" mindset means people didn't even give the content of the post a chance, most who shitted on the threat probably didn't even attempt to read it.

There may be multiple threads lately about the power difference and closing or combining a thread is fair but why is shitting on a thread based on just a weirdly worded title allowable?

His points about multiplats potentially not using the PS4 to its fullest were very worth discussing and his conclusions were very level-headed.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
That thread started by plagiarize and his reputation. That was painful.
He raised some good points but he murdered his own thread by mentioning 'Reputation'. Poor sod. We all make mistakes.

I thought this line was interesting.

A game designed around the PS4, that leverages it's RAM setup and GPU compute advantage, will struggle if ported to the Xbox One.


Ps4 will have the better performing multiplatform titles, if you care so much just cancel your xbox preorder and get a ps4 first. Then get the xbone when the price drops.


I thought we heard at E3 from various publishers is that the main team works on the PC version, and then that PC version gets ported to PS4 and Xbone by two separate teams.

With the new AMD architecture in place, I'm guessing that Xbone -> PS4 or vice versa won't be the norm?


So who's winning? I figure it will take 18 months for there to be any major differences if there are any at all. Minor differences though should be in abundance.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Ps4 will have the better performing multiplatform titles, if you care so much just cancel your xbox preorder and get a ps4 first. Then get the xbone when the price drops.

But will the PS4 have Halo 5?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
30/60 pages damn...love me some pre-launch console wars GAF.

I thought we heard at E3 from various publishers is that the main team works on the PC version, and then that PC version gets ported to PS4 and Xbone by two separate teams.

That's for cross platform titles. Doesn't really apply for games where there won't be a PC version (probably JP titles like FF) or games 2 years out when cross platform (meaning ps3,360,wiiU in addition to next gen) is no longer a thing.

at that point lead platform will be down to marketshare and not much else.
Concerning the thread that was just locked, why is such blatant thread shitting being allowed which was simply due to a kneejerk reaction to something which had nothing to do with the content of the thread?

It's pretty aggravating to see someone who made a long and intelligent post relentless mocked because of arbitrary wording and the fact that the post wasn't executed 100% perfectly. This "let's all try to post fast with a wise zinger" mindset means people didn't even give the content of the post a chance, most who shitted on the threat probably didn't even attempt to read it.

There may be multiple threads lately about the power difference and closing or combining a thread is fair but why is shitting on a thread based on just a weirdly worded title allowable?

Arrogance gets stamped out pretty quickly around here. It's a good thing.


I find all of this to be absolutely amazing. This isn't a comment on this particular thread but more the "power wars" in general. I'd love to know of a case for this next gen launch where an objective buyer used power as the deciding factor in which console to buy. It's a ridiculous notion to use with console gaming, especially when, let's face it, both consoles have fairly similar specs. (there is not a Wii --> 360/PS3 difference here)

Seriously, what in the hell are we even talking about anymore? Both consoles are powerful and "next gen", both produce good looking games, is power really a deciding factor for anybody? I just think it's amazing that so much importance is placed on power when it is probably the last thing an objective buyer considers when buying these consoles.

Why is it important to YOU what an "objective buyer" things? How is that relevant? It's YOU who buys the console.

On the statement that both consoles are "next gen" - it seems like BF4 struggles even on PS4, let alone we didn't see the XB1 version. If you now think about that those consoles are to stick at least 5 years till we see something new, you get where the power discussions come from. You need to consider that for 95% of the buyers here at NeoGAF, the advancement in technology is the No. 1 reason to buy a new console. There really is no other reason. So the overall performance does matter as does a potential 50% gap, considering the even cheaper price of the PS4.


No it will outsell it because it has better games that are easier to market to a UK audience and Xbox live.

Yep my opinion, it seemed to be the norm in this thread for a lot of people to use opinions as facts so I went with it.

"Everyone is doing it" doesn't seem like a reasonable excuse for stating opinion as fact. A good way of avoiding the question though, which was...

"Will the more expensive and weaker console outsell the competition purely on 'brand power' in the UK?"
Arrogance gets stamped out pretty quickly around here. It's a good thing.

What arrogance? The OP was not presuming that he was important or had a reputation, he was presuming that people would actually read his post and judge him based on his conclusions. I consider it arrogant to rapidly reply to a thread en masse purely to shit on it due to something arbitrary like wording when it was such a long and intelligent post.

That should not be allowed, you're encouraging people to ignore everything about a thread but the title to get a first post in and even shit on it and attempt to try and shut it down without using a shred of logic.


Nothing! I said nothing!
"Everyone is doing it" doesn't seem like a reasonable excuse for stating opinion as fact. A good way of avoiding the question though, which was...

"Will the more expensive and weaker console outsell the competition purely on 'brand power' in the UK?"

I answered the question.


I find all of this to be absolutely amazing. This isn't a comment on this particular thread but more the "power wars" in general. I'd love to know of a case for this next gen launch where an objective buyer used power as the deciding factor in which console to buy. It's a ridiculous notion to use with console gaming, especially when, let's face it, both consoles have fairly similar specs. (there is not a Wii --> 360/PS3 difference here)

Seriously, what in the hell are we even talking about anymore? Both consoles are powerful and "next gen", both produce good looking games, is power really a deciding factor for anybody? I just think it's amazing that so much importance is placed on power when it is probably the last thing an objective buyer considers when buying these consoles.

I think it has something to do with the fact that the ps4 is not only more powerful, it's also 100$ cheaper than the competition. Exclusives aside (for those who only play Cod & Madden/Fifa - which happens to be a large segment of the console market) why would you pay more for less? Everybody has a hard time explaining that one to other consumers, specially MS, if their PR fiascos of the past weeks are any indication.

They are similar products, which serve the very specific needs of the gaming market. If course everything will be analyzed, from games to power, ultimately leading to price comparisons. If the Xbox cost 800$ but had 3x the power of the ps4, it would be possible to justify its price. Given that they're in the same price range, and the more expensive one is apparently weaker..that raises questions and everyone wants to compare. It's something an informed consumer would do.


The DDR vs GDDR myth primarily comes from the CAS for the respective memory.

The CAS for GDDR tends to be 2-4x that of DDR. However that is offset by the high frequency that GDDR runs compared to DDR.

As an example Hynix (H5GQ2H24AFR) GDDR5 runs at a CAS of 5-20 (depending on configuration/bus speed). Where as their DDR3 has CAS of 5-11. In all likely hood the Xbox one will be running a CAS around 10 as thats pretty normal at those bus speeds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DDR3_SDRAM)

The PS4 memory clock is a bit more than 2x that of the Xbox One. so if we take the worst case CAS of the Hynix memory the latency of both the Xbox and PS4 will be the same at about 10ns.

As far as the DDR5 for CPU issue. I don't think thats a big issue anyways. Anyone that is concerned with CPU performance optimizes their workloads to be Local Cache (L1/L2) bound anyways. The jaguar cores have 2MB of L2 cache. With the higher bandwidth of the GDDR5 vs DDR3 this means that the 2MB cache can be flushed and reloaded 3x faster. So even if latency on the PS4 would be 2x that of the Xbox... it would be a wash.

Now there certainly are workloads that are pure latency bound that can't utilize the L2 cache. But I don't see those workloads being very likely or at least not "maskable" in a system that has an end user latency of 15ms (@60fps).. where as we're talking about latency differences in the 10s of NS.

Now the Xbox One certainly has some advantages, that 32MB memory pool is fast. And if they can fit a workload into eSRAM it can certainly outperform the PS4. Think of a workload where the GPU reads from DDR3 and eSRAM does some processing then feeds that data back to eSRAM for the next phase of precessing. In this case the Xbox One can certainly hit that ~272 GB/sec bandwidth. (IE theoretical max) The question is how much of that workload can actually be achieved?

Also: This is my first GAF post after lurking for many many years. (Been lurking since the 360 launch) so please don't shoot me. Also I preordered BOTH systems.. I'm a gamer and games matter.. and the Xbox One will have some great exclusives. But IMHO it's pretty clear which system I'll be buying most multiplatform titles for this generation.
Welcome and great first post.

I do not believe those esram number for xbone. Its stuff of fairy tales. its fuzzy math at best....


Neo Member
the 30GBs on the Xbox is coherent link, that's only 10 on the PS4 so there is a big difference but the Xbox has all the custom processors that will benefit and be using this.

the PS4 can also skip that and get 20GBs, I assume the Xbox can also skip this and get faster access,

pretty sure the Xbox has much more potential access via the CPU due to it being a more CPU heavy design.

This however is will potentially using bandwidth the gpu needs and the ram only has 68GBs in total so its going to be a delicate balancing act and I can't think CPU memory bandwidth will be a big multi platform divider.

I think we are mostly in agreement, From the leaked diagrams it looks like PS4 has <~20GB direct link to GDDR5 plus an the additional onion/onion+ 10GB Coherent link. So that would be ~30GB if both buses can be run simultaneously. (Not quite clear if thats the case though...I'm assuming they can.. cause otherwise that would be a silly decision)

The Xbox One has a single 30GB coherent link. So if coherent access is required.. the One has a 20GB of bandwidth advantage. But if not.. it's a wash. Coherent access is only required for data that will be accessed by the GPU and CPU (or any axillary hardware) simultaneously... there are some interesting things that this can allow the One to be better at (say programatic textures/CPU doing some post/pre processing work?)

I don't see any other (higher speed) GDDR5/DDR3 to/from CPU on either platform. At least not from the diagrams I'm looking at.

Are you seeing something else I'm missing?

Will be interesting once both architectures get torn apart after release.


Since I'm not ready to put my well known and much respected reputation on the line... I'll just post this here.

3rd Party games differences.

1. Games that have no competition in the genre (Madden 25) - minimal to no differences

2. Games that have other competition in the genre (Racing games ex. NFS Rivals) - there will be noticeable differences

3. Games that have marketing deals with Sony - noticeable differences

now the wild card situations are the 3rd Party games that have Microsoft exclusive deals like Titan. I'm guessing minimal to no differences (depends how the clouds align eh eh??)

this is more so long term...but at launch there should be alittle less differences across the board.


I find all of this to be absolutely amazing. This isn't a comment on this particular thread but more the "power wars" in general. I'd love to know of a case for this next gen launch where an objective buyer used power as the deciding factor in which console to buy. It's a ridiculous notion to use with console gaming, especially when, let's face it, both consoles have fairly similar specs. (there is not a Wii --> 360/PS3 difference here)

Seriously, what in the hell are we even talking about anymore? Both consoles are powerful and "next gen", both produce good looking games, is power really a deciding factor for anybody? I just think it's amazing that so much importance is placed on power when it is probably the last thing an objective buyer considers when buying these consoles.
50% is a big difference and it means multi platform games will look and play best on PS4. That's why is power is a deciding factor. Price is another one.
we need a "GIFs of the year" thread for original content like this. SO many good ones this year.

the nutty professor/wiiU one is still tops for me though. Dude's name was even Reggie.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
CPU's don't have that privilege however and its literally throwing clock cycles out of the window. Hence why DDR is still used in general purpose PC's to this day.

Even for DDR3 and the like, latency is so far bigger than what you see in the local L2, let alone registers, to make round trips to main RAM a pain in the butt. Depending on the system architecture you have, the kind of code it will run most of the time, you spend resources on improving, tweaking or implementing one of the many mitigation measures you have available. They are holistically designed systems in which CPU, GPU, memory, dedicated custom logic, and the OS are designed to work together efficiently and get chosen and tweaked to do just that.

Talking about a single execution stream, out of order issue and execution does work around latency (albeit it hardly covers much more than L1 misses nowadays) and when we go on multiple threads of execution, CPU's and GPU's are not dissimilar at all.
It is the workload you run on them that varies not their capabilities of hiding latency with computation from one or multiple threads. Switch on Event MT, Simultaneous MT, and slightly off topic scout threads (they kind of alleviate data dependencies a bit indirectly) are other ways of saying that CPU designer had to tackle the latency issue before and with similar ideas basically.

We do not know of the memory controller on the PS4 has been tweaked and performs better than what you see on PC's and desktop GPU's... Direct Rambus DRAM obtained a very bad undeserved reputation on PC's thanks also to poorly designed controllers and the implementation Sony and Rambus provided in PS2 as well as what Alpha engineers were doing with the EV7. Could they have worked with AMD to ensure latency is kept under control? It is possible.


In the UK, the turning point that sealed the PS3' fate was GTA4.

It was available on the 360 and PS3 the same day. Same price.

The 360 had been out longer and was cheaper. Didn't matter that the 360 version was better. The fact that it was cheaper to buy a 360 to get GTA4 is what defeated the PS3.

I remember the midnight opening, the PS3 version was getting outsold 3-1. All the little chavs wanted the 360 version as the console was much cheaper.

This is why this arguement is a waste of time.

PS4 has already won as it's cheaper considerably. That its 50% better is just a bonus!
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