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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"


Since I'm not ready to put my well known and much respected reputation on the line... I'll just post this here.

3rd Party games differences.

1. Games that have no competition in the genre (Madden 25) - minimal to no differences

2. Games that have other competition in the genre (Racing games ex. NFS Rivals) - there will be noticeable differences

3. Games that have marketing deals with Sony - noticeable differences

now the wild card situations are the 3rd Party games that have Microsoft exclusive deals like Titan. I'm guessing minimal to no differences (depends how the clouds align eh eh??)

this is more so long term...but at launch there should be alittle less differences across the board.
I agree about launch game. They should still show clear differences and it will get worse as it gets later throughout the gen.

E3 should be awesome next year!





PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4

There is literally tears rolling down my face. I've been laughing solidly for 5 mins. Pure brilliance. :)

Yep. As others have said. Best gif I've ever seen. You've ascended.

/I'm off to watch the Matrix.



Impressive, I have a suggestion regarding the start of any gifs:

What about adding a small red dot in the corner at the start of any gifs? as gifs get longer it would be difficult to follow the gif and the joke would be lost while trying to figure out the start. of course some gifs are obvious but ElTorro epic long gifs needs a solution for this.

I was thinking of a method to solve this issue, and it would be great to standardize it for long gifs.


In the UK, the turning point that sealed the PS3' fate was GTA4.

It was available on the 360 and PS3 the same day. Same price.

The 360 had been out longer and was cheaper. Didn't matter that the 360 version was better. The fact that it was cheaper to buy a 360 to get GTA4 is what defeated the PS3.

I remember the midnight opening, the PS3 version was getting outsold 3-1. All the little chavs wanted the 360 version as the console was much cheaper.

This is why this arguement is a waste of time.

PS4 has already won as it's cheaper considerably. That its 50% better is just a bonus!

People are really underestimating pricing. We forum dwellers are arguing about specs, but those won't matter much to the masses. It's the price.

Ps4 being more powerful is just a nice bonus, but the cheaper price will take it to the top. Like it did with the X360 in NA and UK.


In the UK, the turning point that sealed the PS3' fate was GTA4.

It was available on the 360 and PS3 the same day. Same price.

The 360 had been out longer and was cheaper. Didn't matter that the 360 version was better. The fact that it was cheaper to buy a 360 to get GTA4 is what defeated the PS3.

I remember the midnight opening, the PS3 version was getting outsold 3-1. All the little chavs wanted the 360 version as the console was much cheaper.

This is why this arguement is a waste of time.

PS4 has already won as it's cheaper considerably. That its 50% better is just a bonus!

Haha, can always tell a fellow Brit when they starting talking about chavs :p even funnier when your tag line is unwashed heathen.

Of course you're correct, the majority of British people will always go for the cheaper deal. Also, since chavs tend to have a litter of 8-9 kids at a time things can only get worse here ;)


lmao El Torro, cracking gif again, as others said, we should have GIF collection thread, with context of why it was posted, it tells a story in itself, legendary :)
People are really underestimating pricing. We forum dwellers are arguing about specs, but those won't matter much to the masses. It's the price.

Ps4 being more powerful is just a nice bonus, but the cheaper price will take it to the top.

yup. Sony sucker punched MS on the RAM issue AND the pricing issue. i don't think MS saw either one coming when they designed the Xbone.


Haha, can always tell a fellow Brit when they starting talking about chavs :p even funnier when your tag line is unwashed heathen.

Of course you're correct, the majority of British people will always go for the cheaper deal. Also, since chavs tend to have a litter of 8-9 kids at a time things can only get worse here ;)

Most cheaper or the most Valuable deal, I know I do... lol @ Chavs tho, usually most Brits filter the slang for the international folk, humorous to read...lol litter


Nothing! I said nothing!
People are really underestimating pricing. We forum dwellers are arguing about specs, but those won't matter much to the masses. It's the price.

Ps4 being more powerful is just a nice bonus, but the cheaper price will take it to the top. Like it did with the X360 in NA and UK.

The price could change tomorrow. It is not a constant. Both launches are sold out in the UK at current price points.
The price could change tomorrow. It is not a constant. Both launches are sold out in the UK at current price points.

not really. no.

Consoles tend not to have significant margin built into them, if any at all. Dropping the price anytime within the next year would mean removing features (as sony had to do with the PS3) or taking massive losses on hardware (as nintendo had to do with the WiiU basic bundles).

neither of these is really plausible for the Xbone. "dropping kinect" is really all they could do, and they appear very reluctant to do this.
The thing is if the PS4 is doing 40-45 FPS and your target framerate is 30FPS, you suddenly have a whole 7-11ms of frame budget extra! That's enormous! Game developers will find something to take advantage of those idle GPU cycles.

I could see something like Borderlands 2 with PhysX on low vs Borderlands 2 with PhysX on high happening. Maybe.

So graphics could be the same but other extra features might use that sleeping power.


The price could change tomorrow. It is not a constant. Both launches are sold out in the UK at current price points.

Ps4's isn't going to cost $399 forever. So when MS drops X1's price in the future, Sony could do the same for the Ps4 as well.

I really don't think the MS is going to change X1's pricing soon, though. Their anti-Xbox shareholders wouldn't approve of that.

And it's not really surprising that launch units sell out. Nothing shocking about that. But after the launch hype dies down and a big multiplatform game is released on both consoles, then the big price difference IS going to matter.


People are really underestimating pricing. We forum dwellers are arguing about specs, but those won't matter much to the masses. It's the price.

Ps4 being more powerful is just a nice bonus, but the cheaper price will take it to the top. Like it did with the X360 in NA and UK.

This is the thing about the UK - we mostly focus on buying what is best value for here. If the PS4 is more powerful, that IS value - they could be the same price and that is a differentiating factor. The fact it's £125 cheaper as well potentially being more powerful is huge here.

If Sony can solidify on word of mouth that the PS4 is cheaper and performs better, that gets around - I can see groups of friends migrating from MS to PS platforms because of that - thanks to playground, water cooler talk etc.

November is going to be so interesting.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Ps4's isn't going to cost $399 forever. So when MS drops X1's price in the future, Sony could do the same for the Ps4 as well.

I really don't think the MS is going to change X1's pricing soon, though. Their anti-Xbox shareholders wouldn't approve of that.

And it's not really surprising that launch units sell out. Nothing shocking about that. But after the launch hype dies down and a big multiplatform game is released on both consoles, then the big price difference IS going to matter.

I think the game that will see the XB1 take a lead in the UK and US is Titanfall. The marketing is going to be crazy and it seems to me to be the only game that will push sales of either system till next winter. I mean after the launch window.


I think the game that will see the XB1 take a lead in the UK and US is Titanfall. The marketing is going to be crazy and it seems to me to be the only game that will push sales of either system till next winter. I mean after the launch window.

You think many people are going to buy a $499 console for a game they can play on their existing console/or a $199 one?

I dunno about that...
I think the game that will see the XB1 take a lead in the UK and US is Titanfall. The marketing is going to be crazy and it seems to me to be the only game that will push sales of either system till next winter. I mean after the launch window.

It's do good, but no offline single player is going to limit how big it will be.


I think the game that will see the XB1 take a lead in the UK and US is Titanfall. The marketing is going to be crazy and it seems to me to be the only game that will push sales of either system till next winter. I mean after the launch window.

The marketing will need to be crazy to get consumers to spend the extra £175 more for a XBox One + Titanfall vs a PS4. Especially for a new IP.


What arrogance? The OP was not presuming that he was important or had a reputation, he was presuming that people would actually read his post and judge him based on his conclusions. I consider it arrogant to rapidly reply to a thread en masse purely to shit on it due to something arbitrary like wording when it was such a long and intelligent post.

That should not be allowed, you're encouraging people to ignore everything about a thread but the title to get a first post in and even shit on it and attempt to try and shut it down without using a shred of logic.

The thread was locked but yet you're in here continuing it. Good luck, you'll need it.


Nothing! I said nothing!
It's do good, but no offline single player is going to limit how big it will be.

You think many people are going to buy a $499 console for a game they can play on their existing console/or a $199 one?

I dunno about that...

I dunno either just a feeling I have.

This is the thing about the UK - we mostly focus on buying what is best value for here. If the PS4 is more powerful, that IS value - they could be the same price and that is a differentiating factor. The fact it's £125 cheaper as well potentially being more powerful is huge here.

If Sony can solidify on word of mouth that the PS4 is cheaper and performs better, that gets around - I can see groups of friends migrating from MS to PS platforms because of that - thanks to playground, water cooler talk etc.

November is going to be so interesting.

Except that it's not £125 cheaper.


The price could change tomorrow. It is not a constant. Both launches are sold out in the UK at current price points.

Only here would I read something that defies belief. Gosh, if only Sony had known about this innate volatility of pricing with Vita or Nintendo with its WiiU, that happens to be bereft of consequences.


I think the game that will see the XB1 take a lead in the UK and US is Titanfall. The marketing is going to be crazy and it seems to me to be the only game that will push sales of either system till next winter. I mean after the launch window.
Infamous: Second Son looks to be a system seller for the PS4. In fact, there are many people who're specifically waiting for that game to purchase a PS4.
Grimløck;81836985 said:
Infamous: Second Son looks to be a system seller for the PS4. In fact, there are many people who're specifically waiting for that game to purchase a PS4.


Infamous was my favorite new franchise last gen. The new one looks amazing!
Random idea: Couldn't Sony simply enforce a 1080p native resolution requirement through TRC? This could give them an automatic edge over the Xbone and reduce the risk of gimped versions a bit.


I predict a situation where MS panics and reduces the price below that of the PS4.

Sony may stick to their guns and make them look silly depending on their momentum.

Much like XBOX ended up cheaper than PS2 but everyone still went for PS2.


Random idea: Couldn't Sony simply enforce a 1080p native resolution requirement through TRC? This could give them an automatic edge over the Xbone and reduce the risk of gimped versions a bit.

No. In time, the native resolution for even sony's first party games will drop and will be upscaled. The only difference is that, hopefully, unlike last time, no game will ever drop below the 720p mark.

The reason is that resolution happens to be one of the most resource intensive aspects of visual processing and lower resolution in pursuit of better visuals (more realistic, better filters, framerate etc) will be more noticeable and preferred by majority.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Does infamous have a history of moving systems? I thought it was petty niche. It's the game I'm most looking forward too except for Titanfall but I don't imagine it will sell much extra consoles.

I think both consoles will struggle for a while, I only think TF gives the XB1 a slight edge in US/UK, nothing more than that.
No. In time, the native resolution for even sony's first party games will drop and will be upscaled. The only difference is that, hopefully, unlike last time, no game will ever drop below the 720p mark.

The reason is that resolution happens to be one of the most resource intensive aspects of visual processing and lower resolution in pursuit of better visuals (more realistic, better filters, framerate etc) will be more noticeable and preferred by majority.

They could still drop the requirement later in the life cycle if they have to. But in theory they could mandate it. The 7850 is definitely capable of handling 1080p. Xbone gpu is probably not.
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