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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"

Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock speed of Xbox One, is working hard to close the gap on PS4, though one developer we spoke to downplayed the move. “The clock speed update is not significant, it does not change things that much,” he said. “Of course, something is better than nothing.”

this part of the article is a little disappointing, but its still good that the up-clock happened. I just hope it wasn't a reactionary move by MS and that it was well thought out and planned.


I am getting the CPU power house.

I am getting Ryse for my little son, he is 1 year old and learned his first alphabet "A". should be qualified enough to finish the game. can't get any more kid friendly game.

Between this and ElTorro's gif-making abilities, I'm having quite a good laugh tonight. Thanks, all.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Some actually like the xbox one line up. Nothing wrong with that

Why would you bother defending a semi literate junior who probably won't be around long, just because he is trolling for your side?
The last time I checked, the Xbox One having a stronger CPU was merely a speculation made by one website and had not been proven a fact.

either way, this article itself talks about what a dev said about it:
Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock speed of Xbox One, is working hard to close the gap on PS4, though one developer we spoke to downplayed the move. “The clock speed update is not significant, it does not change things that much,” he said. “Of course, something is better than nothing.”


awwww u mad? its amazing to buy both conscoles.



sucks ps4 relies on numers while the box relies on games.

awwww nib i have seen you troll a plethora of xbox articles...is it cause you want one or cause u just want to shit on it?
btw xbox is more powefull cpu wise.

sorry bra knack isnt cutting it for me.. throw me ff and we can talk.

none i want.

awwww u mad? its amazing to buy both conscoles.

I wasn't the one that initially compared Infamous and Forza, I simply responded to someone that had. To my knowledge, no one is saying that X1 can't do 1080p, as that is possible on a range of systems, provided the amount of effects and geometry (among other things) allow for it. This brings us to Forza 5. It uses baked lighting, screen-space reflections and static backgrounds to obtain its resolution and frame rate. I'm not saying that it doesn't look good, but - besides the bump in resolution- it isn't really doing anything that Forza 3 didn't already do. By contrast, there are plenty of PS4 titles making use of effects that either couldn't be used, or couldn't be used in conjunction with others during the previous generation.

It's not always about graphics, there is an all new physics engine along with a new DX 11 graphics engine.
I believe the new lighting engine improves on the global illumination system of past forza games.

Nothing new, the audio engine is massively improved.


seems like every thread there is someone attacking nib and they always end up banned for it

I'm telling you, that's why they're out to get me. I think I've indirectly ended so many, but honest it's not my fault. They just come up with the craziest theories and end up short circuiting or getting super aggressive and vitriolic the moment you rebut their rubbish with well formulated and evidence or reality based responses.

I've heard some pretty entertaining and elaborate stories made up about me too lol. Obviously none of which are true, but it's entertaining to read none-the-less.

There's a select few out there who I'm guessing are holding grudges because of bans, re-bans, alt bans and all the rest lol.

My advice to certain, particularly short fused people on here, it's fine to disagree, have differing opinions, defences, even preferences, biases and all the rest, but the moment you start getting offensive about it or continually regurgitating factually incoherent or misinforming information, appreciate that the responses will likely not be too amiable. But try your hardest not to get worked up about it and just take it lightly.


what's his job?

Lol. If people really want to know, I have my own design agency (team of us freelance in design, marketing, web development etc), I also do freelance photography, do all the marketing and media for a chain of my father's restaurants, all admin and management for a string of properties, and am in the process of setting up a new business, a global online jewellery retailer. After which I'll be 'fingers crossed' moving to Marrakech for 6 months to a year to set up a new restaurant franchise.

Thankfully most of my work at the moment revolves around me sitting on my arse working on different computers and laptops, which is why I end up browsing GAF far more than I ought to. But I assure you I'm no console marketer. Sony, Microsoft or whomever probably would be wise to hire me though lol.


(Today, 01:59 PM)

I swear they're getting worse everyday.

I was really surprised he didn't get banned from this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=80597365&postcount=2838

Must not have been any mods online at the time.

Game looks good to me so far. I am not sure how I will like the arcady physics but hey, I will try it out with PS+ and buy the rest of it if I like it.


Defend Drive Club at all costs.

Lol. I didn't always though. My impressions of the game based on the E3 build were actually quite critical and scathing. But you have to give credit where it's due, they've come a long way since then, and maybe we were naive to doubt them given the improvements they made during dev cycles with past games.


I'm telling you, that's why they're out to get me. I think I've indirectly ended so many, but honest it's not my fault. They just come up with the craziest theories and end up short circuiting or getting super aggressive and vitriolic the moment you rebut their rubbish with well formulated and evidence or reality based responses.

I've heard some pretty entertaining and elaborate stories made up about me too lol. Obviously none of which are true, but it's entertaining to read none-the-less.

There's a select few out there who I'm guessing are holding grudges because of bans, re-bans, alt bans and all the rest lol.

My advice to certain, particularly short fused people on here, it's fine to disagree, have differing opinions, defences, even preferences, biases and all the rest, but the moment you start getting offensive about it or continually regurgitating factually incoherent or misinforming information, appreciate that the responses will likely not be too amiable. But try your hardest not to get worked up about it and just take it lightly.

Haha Nibs, I remember our times on the other "forum", always agree to disagree. Good times...

From the look of things, Microsoft needs to stop focusing on graphics fight and start focusing on consistant quality AAA games. Who cares if their games doesn't look as good as the PC/PS4 version(s). This is the time to invest back into their internal developers and make quality games.

They may or may not win this upcoming console war, but if they can strengthen their internal studios like Sony did with theirs, they can definitely give them a good battle towards the end of the console life-cycle and win people over for the next-next gen battle. My only fear is that if MS drops from the race, then that will give other companies the green light to flood the market with Apple/Google/Samsung...etc. Consoles. Which would suck.


Haha Nibs, I remember our times on the other "forum", always agree to disagree. Good times...

From the look of things, Microsoft needs to stop focusing on graphics fight and start focusing on consistant quality AAA games. Who cares if their games doesn't look as good as the PC/PS4 version(s). This is the time to invest back into their internal developers and make quality games.

They may or may not win this upcoming console war, but if they can strengthen their internal studios like Sony did with theirs, they can definitely give them a good battle towards the end of the console life-cycle and win people over for the next-next gen battle. My only fear is that if MS drops from the race, then that will give other companies the green light to flood the market with Apple/Google/Samsung...etc. Consoles. Which would suck.

I agree, MS should be looking at how Sony handled the PS3 (edit: after the first year or so) and be taking notes, it'd do them a world of good.


I agree, MS should be looking at how Sony handled the PS3 (edit: after the first year or so) and be taking notes, it'd do them a world of good.

The funny thing is that if MS strengthen their lineup, they might even be able to repair the rift between the PC gamer's they have pissed off for years now. (Missed their Mechwarrior series/Age of Empire games)


this part of the article is a little disappointing, but its still good that the up-clock happened. I just hope it wasn't a reactionary move by MS and that it was well thought out and planned.
Why is it disappointing? It was crystal-clear!
Do you think you can make a major performance boost with a minimal upclock (on the software-side)?
Some of us here (especially me) repeated that dozens of times.
It's not like they've put more hardware into the (x)box.
It was just a minimal boost. Sony could do the same if needed, which they don't.
They simply have the better/more hardware.


Why is it disappointing? It was crystal-clear!
Do you think you can make a major performance boost with a minimal upclock (on the software-side)?
Some of us here (especially me) repeated that dozens of times.
It's not like they've put more hardware into the (x)box.
It was just a minimal boost. Sony could do the same if needed, which they don't.
They simply have the better/more hardware.

Minimal boost is better than nothing, I don't think MS had much choice, I think Sony forced MS' hand with this new gen.
If I recall correctly there was a lot of articles suggesting Sony wouldn't be releasing the PS4 until 2015, Sony even went out of their way in 2011 to state that the PS3 would be around for a while longer.

Now this is nothing NEW for Sony, they have always supported their consoles well into the next generations life-time, but, bear with me, is it possible Sony wanted confusion as to when the PS4 was releasing to put MS at ease and think they had more time than they actually had?

Everything since the Xbox One's reveal makes it seem as though MS was in a bit of a clusterf**k, and making it up as they went along.

I don't think MS had any idea just how far ahead Sony's R&D was, and then had to take a completely reactionary stance.
Rushing to make deals that were not as profitable or cost efficient as Sony's.
Locking down manufacturers, some exclusive 3rd party IPs, etc.
Why is it disappointing? It was crystal-clear!
Do you think you can make a major performance boost with a minimal upclock (on the software-side)?
Some of us here (especially me) repeated that dozens of times.
It's not like they've put more hardware into the (x)box.
It was just a minimal boost. Sony could do the same if needed, which they don't.
They simply have the better/more hardware.

its disappointing cuz X1 seems to be further behind than I thought. Not just in raw hardware, we've known that, but also their development tools. I dunno, a part of me was expecting that MS might have something up their sleeve (like a super cool Kinect 2 game) but they don't.
Minimal boost is better than nothing, I don't think MS had much choice, I think Sony forced MS' hand with this new gen.
If I recall correctly there was a lot of articles suggesting Sony wouldn't be releasing the PS4 until 2015, Sony even went out of their way in 2011 to state that the PS3 would be around for a while longer.

Now this is nothing NEW for Sony, they have always supported their consoles well into the next generations life-time, but, bear with me, is it possible Sony wanted confusion as to when the PS4 was releasing to put MS at ease and think they had more time than they actually had?

Everything since the Xbox One's reveal makes it seem as though MS was in a bit of a clusterf**k, and making it up as they went along.

I don't think MS had any idea just how far ahead Sony's R&D was, and then had to take a completely reactionary stance.
Rushing to make deals that were not as profitable or cost efficient as Sony's.
Locking down manufacturers, some exclusive 3rd party IPs, etc.

I have always harbored the notion that MS was unprepared for Sony's reveal this year and have been playing catch up the entire time

Imagine if the original Xbox One plans were for release in 2014?

Would make sense to me


Minimal boost is better than nothing, I don't think MS had much choice, I think Sony forced MS' hand with this new gen.
If I recall correctly there was a lot of articles suggesting Sony wouldn't be releasing the PS4 until 2015, Sony even went out of their way in 2011 to state that the PS3 would be around for a while longer.

Now this is nothing NEW for Sony, they have always supported their consoles well into the next generations life-time, but, bear with me, is it possible Sony wanted confusion as to when the PS4 was releasing to put MS at ease and think they had more time than they actually had?

Everything since the Xbox One's reveal makes it seem as though MS was in a bit of a clusterf**k, and making it up as they went along.

I don't think MS had any idea just how far ahead Sony's R&D was, and then had to take a completely reactionary stance.
Rushing to make deals that were not as profitable or cost efficient as Sony's.
Locking down manufacturers, some exclusive 3rd party IPs, etc.
All of that is a major assumption and it could just be Sony made better hardware decisions and took riskier bets (GDDR5). And that they were both prepared for next gen.


I am Korean.
I have always harbored the notion that MS was unprepared for Sony's reveal this year and have been playing catch up the enitre time

Imagine if the original Xbox One plans were for release in 2014?

Would make sense to me
That'd make sense. MS seems to have been making stuff up on the fly the whole time.


All of that is a major assumption and it could just be Sony made better hardware decisions and took riskier bets (GDDR5). And that they were both prepared for next gen.

Oh I agree completely, that that could be the case.
But if Sony did out-play MS into thinking that the PS4 would launch in 2015, it would have been a goddamn genius move.

Don't think there's any way to ever confirm this, unless Tretton or somebody said they had it all planned years in advance.


Minimal boost is better than nothing, I don't think MS had much choice, I think Sony forced MS' hand with this new gen.
If I recall correctly there was a lot of articles suggesting Sony wouldn't be releasing the PS4 until 2015, Sony even went out of their way in 2011 to state that the PS3 would be around for a while longer.

Now this is nothing NEW for Sony, they have always supported their consoles well into the next generations life-time, but, bear with me, is it possible Sony wanted confusion as to when the PS4 was releasing to put MS at ease and think they had more time than they actually had?

Everything since the Xbox One's reveal makes it seem as though MS was in a bit of a clusterf**k, and making it up as they went along.

I don't think MS had any idea just how far ahead Sony's R&D was, and then had to take a completely reactionary stance.
Rushing to make deals that were not as profitable or cost efficient as Sony's.
Locking down manufacturers, some exclusive 3rd party IPs, etc.

I think it's pretty obvious at this point MS wanted/needed this gen to go on for one more year. Which is shocking to see since they had a year head start on everyone so they should have been the most prepared for next gen.

That and they think Kinect is the end all be all, this is probably their biggest mis step.
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