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*EID MUBARAK!* RAMADAN 2015 |OT| Come with me if you want to fast

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Y'all need to head to Islam OT. This is a thread about pictures of pakoras.



My man, we usually have Pakoora on futoor every other day.
Had an awesome iftar yesterday. Me and about 15 mates went to an Afghan restaurant and packed the place out. Didn't get served til about 45 mins after maghrib but oh well.

So great alhamduliLlah.


Man this Ramadan is draining me hard.

I've started living on coffee because work has gotten so stressful and the timings here in the UK are MAD.

So iftar is at 9:20pm and then you gotta do your prayers at around 11. THen wake up at 2am! By the time I manage to sleep its like 5am and I have to get ready for work around 7-8. Plus the bleedin buildiers next door sound like they're trying to recreate the battle of Ramallah.

I'm here at work...starving...struggling to concentrate p_p

Still. Gotta fight for akhirath!
Ha ha.

Theological discussion is very much related to Ramadan though.

And doesn't make my stomach grumble. :p

I swear if you guys complain about people who keep talking about food whilst you're fasting...

Guess I'll see ya guys at Eid. Enjoy your Ramadan!

Man this Ramadan is draining me hard.

I've started living on coffee because work has gotten so stressful and the timings here in the UK are MAD.

So iftar is at 9:20pm and then you gotta do your prayers at around 11. THen wake up at 2am! By the time I manage to sleep its like 5am and I have to get ready for work around 7-8. Plus the bleedin buildiers next door sound like they're trying to recreate the battle of Ramallah.

I'm here at work...starving...struggling to concentrate p_p

Still. Gotta fight for akhirath!
Hang in there!


I had a kid call me "uncle" at the masjid today. Kinda freaked me out since I'm only 19 LOL. Told the girl to call me Bro Taha since I'm a kid just like her, uh, well, sorta. :)
Can you guys take your discussion elsewhere? This is the month of Ramadan and this thread is dedicated to just that.

y'know, it'd be nice if people could actually say who they're referring to in posts unless it's quoted, or obvious. like, i'm not sure if anything I said has been wildly out of place in this thread.
y'know, it'd be nice if people could actually say who they're referring to in posts unless it's quoted, or obvious. like, i'm not sure if anything I said has been wildly out of place in this thread.
That was clearly directed towards the secularism discussion. I am OK with a little bit of discussion here and there but this topic deserved its own place.
That was clearly directed towards the secularism discussion. I am OK with a little bit of discussion here and there but this topic deserved its own place.
I haven't actually noticed any deep discussions going on here. not saying there isn't any but because I don't get to spend as much time on gaf as before I'm not as active as say in this thread.
I am not a muslim but I find the fasting impressive. I personally cannot go fasting for long since I am diabetic and have to eat for medication reasons. But good luck folks.
Okay. Just because I got into a heated debate with my mother this morning during ceri, can someone please verify for me if tarabi is compulsory or not and how you know so? I've gone from people telling me that 8 is a required minimum and her telling me 4 is the required minimum to hearing here that since it is not compulsory that there is no required minimum so I need to get to the bottom of this..please help
Okay. Just because I got into a heated debate with my mother this morning during ceri, can someone please verify for me if tarabi is compulsory or not and how you know so? I've gone from people telling me that 8 is a required minimum and her telling me 4 is the required minimum to hearing here that since it is not compulsory that there is no required minimum so I need to get to the bottom of this..please help

1. It is not compulsory. Just highly recommended. How do we know? Because the Prophet PBUH did not mandate it in any hadeeth, nor do any of the madhahib deem it compulsory.
2. There's no opinion out there that supports 4 rakats. 8 rakats is the shortest amount that is supported.

So, yeah, if you pray it, better to pray 8 minimum. If you don't pray it, it's not that big a deal. If you pray 4 rakats, it will be considered nafl salah but won't fulfill the minimum requirements of Taraweeh.


I'll assume that you mistyped here, because the first point is Kufr Al-Akbar.


The Quran is a book written and compiled over a thousand years ago by man (after the prophet's death). It didn't just fall out of the heavens. Humans are not perfect, thus I don't believe that the Quran is inherently perfect.

Again though, this isn't really a discussion for the Ramadan thread.


So i was working out at my gym and started chatting with this dude. Then he told me he was actually fasting and worked out almost everyday after work for 2 hours before going home. And then he had to wait another hour or two before being allowed to eat and drink.
I knew it was Ramadan but i didn't know there were muslims who were working out on top of working a job all day without eating or drinking. That left me speechless.

I get so thirsty while working out. That dude is a true warrior. I felt bad for drinking in front of him but he said he didn't mind. Still .. I put my bottle of water in my backpack. I know that if I was (were?) in his shoes I would be drooling lol



The Quran is a book written and compiled over a thousand years ago by man (after the prophet's death). It didn't just fall out of the heavens. Humans are not perfect, thus I don't believe that the Quran is inherently perfect.

Again though, this isn't really a discussion for the Ramadan thread.

Just so you know, it's the Ijma of the scholars that such person is a disbeliever.

I should clarify that I haven't personally made takfir upon you.

The Quran is a book written and compiled over a thousand years ago by man (after the prophet's death). It didn't just fall out of the heavens. Humans are not perfect, thus I don't believe that the Quran is inherently perfect.

Again though, this isn't really a discussion for the Ramadan thread.
This definitely isn't.


So i was working out at my gym and started chatting with this dude. Then he told me he was actually fasting and worked out almost everyday after work for 2 hours before going home. And then he had to wait another hour or two before being allowed to eat and drink.
I knew it was Ramadan but i didn't know there were muslims who were working out on top of working a job all day without eating or drinking. That left me speechless.

I get so thirsty while working out. That dude is a true warrior. I felt bad for drinking in front of him but he said he didn't mind. Still .. I put my bottle of water in my backpack. I know that if I was (were?) in his shoes I would be drooling lol

Yup, my little brother will still run or workout during ramadan. I have no idea how he does it. I still go to the gym sometimes, but I wait until after I break my fast.


So, yeah, if you pray it, better to pray 8 minimum. If you don't pray it, it's not that big a deal. If you pray 4 rakats, it will be considered nafl salah but won't fulfill the minimum requirements of Taraweeh.

Where did you get this idea? There is no minimum nor maximum. The prayers at night are two by two.. is all I found in the hadiths.. Well anywhere.. Meaning you have to pray two rakat each time.
The prophet prayed 11 rakat (8 taraweeh & 3 Witr) regularly; Umar (caliph) settled us on 20.
Where did you get this idea? There is no minimum nor maximum. The prayers at night are two by two.. is all I found in the hadiths.. Well anywhere.. Meaning you have to pray two rakat each time.
The prophet prayed 11 rakat (8 taraweeh & 3 Witr) regularly; Umar (caliph) settled us on 20.

The Prophet PBUH prayed 8. Umar and the sahabas prayed 20. That's why Taraweeh is only considered 8 or 20 by the scholars. Why did the Prophet PBUH pray 8? Why did Umar pray 20? Why not just 2 or 4? Praying in units of 2 shows us the method of prayer and the total amount is shown to us by the amount that was actually practiced.

You're also mistaken if you think 11 rakat are Tarweeh. In that case, Umar and the sahabas prayed 23 because even with 20 rakats, 3 rakats of witr are added on. Not to mention the fact that some people pray 1 rakat of witr.

And that's not even accounting for Imam Malik's opinion of 37 rakats.

Furthermore, those who say 20+3 also believe that the 8 rakats have to do with qiyaam and not Taraweeh. That's why you have scholars arguing about 8 or 20 rakats.

Oh, and the Prophet PBUH did not pray 8 rakats regularly precisely to make sure that the ummah doesn't take the extra salah as obligatory. He would rarely pray Taraweeh before the last 10 days of Ramadhan.
I plan to play the games this summer. Bought the trilogy a year ago and I have yet to play it lol.
warning: you may fall in love.

I named my shepard Muhammad, coz I wanted him to be Muslim. I'm a PlayStation gamer so it took me a long time to get my hands on Me1 and I got to play it only once. I remember there was one instance where the question of God came up and that's where you basically decide whether your Shepard is an atheist or not. The answer I chose got me: "What's the saying, 'there are no atheists in foxholes'? Yeah, I've been in a lot of fox holes."

Here's Muhammad in Me2:

and in Me3:

my first playthrough of mass effect ever was of femshep in Me2 (that was the first on Ps3) might've been the first big RPG i've ever played. As I stated here, I named my femshep after my grandmother and I liked to think in my head that she was a reincarnation of my grandmother in the future :3 <3
People who work out in Ramadan are just crazy lol
lol well I am crazy, but in regards to working out during ramadan I go after iftar. are you referring to those who go during the fast? or everyone?
You're in for a treat. Really great games.
the first and second. the third one sucked. -_-
Where did you get this idea? There is no minimum nor maximum. The prayers at night are two by two.. is all I found in the hadiths.. Well anywhere.. Meaning you have to pray two rakat each time.
The prophet prayed 11 rakat (8 taraweeh & 3 Witr) regularly; Umar (caliph) settled us on 20.
I think the only rule with tarabi as far as compulsion goes is that you have to pray them in 4s. You can't do 2 and call it a night, it has to be by 4s. so 4-8-12-16-20. I'm not entirely sure but that is something that makes sense to me, you know?
The Prophet PBUH prayed 8. Umar and the sahabas prayed 20. That's why Taraweeh is only considered 8 or 20 by the scholars. Why did the Prophet PBUH pray 8? Why did Umar pray 20? Why not just 2 or 4? Praying in units of 2 shows us the method of prayer and the total amount is shown to us by the amount that was actually practiced.

You're also mistaken if you think 11 rakat are Tarweeh. In that case, Umar and the sahabas prayed 23 because even with 20 rakats, 3 rakats of witr are added on. Not to mention the fact that some people pray 1 rakat of witr.

And that's not even accounting for Imam Malik's opinion of 37 rakats.

Furthermore, those who say 20+3 also believe that the 8 rakats have to do with qiyaam and not Taraweeh. That's why you have scholars arguing about 8 or 20 rakats.

Oh, and the Prophet PBUH did not pray 8 rakats regularly precisely to make sure that the ummah doesn't take the extra salah as obligatory. He would rarely pray Taraweeh before the last 10 days of Ramadhan.
I don't think Ashes was calling the 11 rakat tarabi, he was just saying it was 11 rakat total with tarabi & bhitr.

also, doesn't the fact that the prophet did 8 make it sunnah? i don't see how that means 4 doesn't cut it.


May Allah protect us from this kufr mindset.
I haven't looked at this yet but I have a feeling I won't like what I'll see.
I don't think Ashes was calling the 11 rakat tarabi, he was just saying it was 11 rakat total with tarabi & bhitr.

also, doesn't the fact that the prophet did 8 make it sunnah? i don't see how that means 4 doesn't cut it.

The Prophet PBUH didn't pray 4. He prayed 8. Ergo, 8 is enough for fulfillment of that sunnah and not 4. And then there are other scholars who do not see 8 as enough and 20 as the fulfillment as they see the ahadeeth relating to the prayer of the Prophet PBUH as referring to qiyaam and tahajjud and not Taraweeh.

Either way, whether you pray 4 or 8 or 20 or 36, any extra ibadah that is nafl gets the reward of fardh in Ramadhan.


The Prophet PBUH didn't pray 4. He prayed 8. Ergo, 8 is enough for fulfillment of that sunnah and not 4. And then there are other scholars who do not see 8 as enough and 20 as the fulfillment as they see the ahadeeth relating to the prayer of the Prophet PBUH as referring to qiyaam and tahajjud and not Taraweeh.

To my mind you've just set up an arbitary minimum without any real justification.
The Prophet PBUH didn't pray 4. He prayed 8. Ergo, 8 is enough for fulfillment of that sunnah and not 4. And then there are other scholars who do not see 8 as enough and 20 as the fulfillment as they see the ahadeeth relating to the prayer of the Prophet PBUH as referring to qiyaam and tahajjud and not Taraweeh.

Either way, whether you pray 4 or 8 or 20 or 36, any extra ibadah that is nafl gets the reward of fardh in Ramadhan.
right, the prophet prayed 8 so praying 8 is sunnah. But why would praying 4 not count as anything at all?
To my mind you've just set up an arbitary minimum without any real justification.

Uh... what? The Prophet PBUH prayed 8. He didn't pray 2, 4, 6. He prayed 8. Thus, 8 is sunnah. I can't make it any simpler than that.

right, the prophet prayed 8 so praying 8 is sunnah. But why would praying 4 not count as anything at all?

Praying 4 won't fulfill the sunnah of the Prophet PBUH where he prayed 8. It will still count but won't count as Taraweeh.


Praying 4 won't fulfill the sunnah of the Prophet PBUH where he prayed 8. It will still count but won't count as Taraweeh.

Brother, the reason* the mosques in Mecca pray 20 taraweeh** is because they say, the hadiths regarding the Prophet praying 11 rakat nightly prayers regularly (8 taraweeh and 3 Witr) refer to tahajjud (nightly prayers throughout the year)

If this is the case, your reading of the hadith, go against their reading of the hadiths regarding tahajjud, which has a minimum of 2 rakat, where 8 is optimal.

*as far as I know and can tell.
**after being set by the caliph Umar.


Uh... what? The Prophet PBUH prayed 8. He didn't pray 2, 4, 6. He prayed 8. Thus, 8 is sunnah. I can't make it any simpler than that.

Praying 4 won't fulfill the sunnah of the Prophet PBUH where he prayed 8. It will still count but won't count as Taraweeh.

I'm pretty sure they want a source m8
Brother, the reason* the mosques in Mecca pray 20 taraweeh** is because they say, the hadiths regarding the Prophet praying 11 rakat nightly prayers regularly (8 taraweeh and 3 Witr) refer to tahajjud (nightly prayers throughout the year)

If this is the case, your reading of the hadith, go against their reading of the hadiths regarding tahajjud, which has a minimum of 2 rakat, where 8 is optimal.

*as far as I know and can tell.
**after being set by the caliph Umar.

Those scholars that see 8 rakats as Taraweeh refer to the ahadeeth that say that the Prophet PBUH prayed 8 rakats in Ramadhan, not less than that. These are the same scholars that consider Tahajjud and Taraweeh to be the same in Ramadhan, except the Prophet PBUH prayed 8 rakats in Ramadhan.

Those that say 20 is the minimum is where the distinction from Tahajjud comes in.

As for what happens in Makkah, many Salafi Saudis make the excuse that what they're doing in Makkah is inauthentic and simply continuing a preexisting practice. The same is said about the Takbeer-at-tashreeq that are recited during the Eids, where the Salafis say that what is recited in Makkah is beyond what is narrated from the sunnah.

I'm pretty sure they want a source m8

For those who support 8 rakats:

'Aaisha narrated, "He did not pray more than eleven rakahs in Ramadhan or at other times. He would pray four, and do not ask how beautiful and long they were, then he would pray four, and do not ask how beautiful and long they were, then he would pray three. I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, will you sleep before you pray Witr?&#8217; He said, &#8216;O 'Aaisha, my eyes sleep but my heart does not.'" -from Bukhari and Muslim

From this hadeeth, we know the Prophet PBUH prayed no less than 8 rakats in Ramadhan as far as Taraweeh is concerned.

Those who support 20 raka'ats see this hadeeth as a reference to Tahajjud, not Taraweeh. Evidence for 20 raka'ahs is found here.

And as Ashes said, yes, if you take this hadeeth to refer to Tahajjud, then there IS no minimum, because there is consensus on the fact that there is no minimum for Tahajjud except 2 raka'ats. But if taken in a context of Taraweeh, then a minimum can be derived because any of the ahadeeth that refer to the Prophet PBUH praying Taraweeh (or what some understood to be Taraweeh such as those who use the hadeeth I quoted as evidence for Taraweeh) specify a number, whereas praying outside of Ramadhan, no number is specified (and those who take 20 raka'ats as the number of units in Taraweeh see this hadeeth as a recommended amount if taken in conjunction with other ahadeeth that don't specify an amount).

(I personally believe 20 raka'ats to be the number of raka'ats in Taraweeh)

that's what I'm not getting, here. 8 and up can count as sunnah tarabi. but why does 4 not count as anything at all?

Where are you getting this idea that 4 does not count at all? It simply does not fulfill the sunnah of 8 rakats Taraweeh, as you have just said. It still does count as nafl ibadah and qiyam-ul-layl and since it is Ramadhan, you get the reward of a fardh act.
Where are you getting this idea that 4 does not count at all? It simply does not fulfill the sunnah of 8 rakats Taraweeh, as you have just said. It still does count as nafl ibadah and qiyam-ul-layl and since it is Ramadhan, you get the reward of a fardh act.
I'm wondering why it does not count as 4 rakats of tarabih.
Not really. zuhr year round is always 4 rakat sunnah + 4 rakat fard + 2 rakat sunnat. that never changes unless you're traveling like you said, or some other extraneous circumstance.

Same thing with Taraweeh. It is 8 raka'ats minimum as we don't have anything that shows a lower number from the ahadeeth with regards to Taraweeh. Only Tahajjud has no minimum specified since you can pray it year round.
Same thing with Taraweeh. It is 8 raka'ats minimum as we don't have anything that shows a lower number from the ahadeeth with regards to Taraweeh. Only Tahajjud has no minimum specified since you can pray it year round.
you're arguing that 8 rakats is the minimum because the prophet did it, I'm saying that makes 8 rakat sunnat but it shouldn't make 4 rakats not mean it is not tarabih at all.
you're arguing that 8 rakats is the minimum because the prophet did it, I'm saying that makes 8 rakat sunnat but it shouldn't make 4 rakats not mean it is not tarabih at all.

We know that 8 raka'ats is Taraweeh because the Prophet PBUH never prayed less than 8 raka'ats of Taraweeh. Similarly, we know to pray 4 raka'ats of Dhuhr fardh because we know the Prophet PBUH didn't pray less than 4 except when traveling.

In the end, the entire reason that a disagreement exists between scholars with regards to whether Taraweeh is 8 or 20 is because those who say it is 20 do not see 8 raka'ats as fulfilling the minimum amount of Taraweeh and those who say 8 disregard anything past the books of hadeeth.
We know that 8 raka'ats is Taraweeh because the Prophet PBUH never prayed less than 8 raka'ats of Taraweeh. Similarly, we know to pray 4 raka'ats of Dhuhr fardh because we know the Prophet PBUH didn't pray less than 4 except when traveling.

In the end, the entire reason that a disagreement exists between scholars with regards to whether Taraweeh is 8 or 20 is because those who say it is 20 do not see 8 raka'ats as fulfilling the minimum amount of Taraweeh and those who say 8 disregard anything past the books of hadeeth.
Okay, I think I get what you're saying now.


I feel so unproductive during this Ramadhan:

Sahoor -> Too sleepy to do anything
Noon -> Hungry and thirst distract me from anything that is not gaming
Evening -> Full belly makes me lazy doing anything besides prayer

and the cycle goes on D:

Anyway, Ramadhan Mubarak to everyone here.


With all due respect, I'm going through the hadiths and I see the prophet not leading prayers some nights so as to not make it compulsory, then saying pray as much as you want the nightly prayers and on other occasions, praying 20 himself etc..
Allah is the best judge, but nowhere is there a minimum standard nor maximum nor a set standard 'till Umar. You're filling in the gaps with your additional 'match' the prophet for it to be counted as sunnah, at 8, when people pray 20 raakats not only in the mosques of Mecca & Medina but around the world, as they see that as the most appropriate, arguing against 8 being right.
One of the reasons the prophet didn't want to set it as a regularly prayer in Ramadan - so it doesn't become compulsory - is because he thought it would be difficult for people. And isn't that why we are being asked the same question? Not only do you go against the spirit of this, you say if he prays taraweeh, there is a chance it won't be counted at all! (count as taraweeh)
Lots of people are not confident in the hadiths that declare 8 rakats, but you're quite confident at setting the minimum at 8 and/but ideally 20.
I think you have heard my point of view three times now. And I have heard your point of view three times. & as neither of us is now likely to see eye to eye, we should shake hands and leave the matter to Allah (swt).
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