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*EID MUBARAK!* RAMADAN 2015 |OT| Come with me if you want to fast

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Ate food but I'm still hungry. But I want to save room so I can drink like 2 more bottles of water so I can be better hydrated. But I want to eat food but if I do I wont have much room left for water and sehri window is closing fast.

Habibis what do I do


Ate food but I'm still hungry. But I want to save room so I can drink like 2 more bottles of water so I can be better hydrated. But I want to eat food but if I do I wont have much room left for water and sehri window is closing fast.

Habibis what do I do

how many minutes do you have left? What are the temperatures outside likely to be?


Low 80s with humidity in the high 60s-low 70s. It's just muggy as hell in NYC now.

Got about 16 minutes left I believe.

You don't need two bottles of water. Most of our food is percentage wise made of water...

But that's a pretty warm day though.. So if you're feeling hungry just have a glass of water at the end of it or something..
You don't need two bottles of water. Most of our food is percentage wise made of water...

But that's a pretty warm day though.. So if you're feeling hungry just have a glass of water at the end of it or something..

I'm just gonna eat a stick of string cheese and some more water and then hope for the best 🙏

I'm also on keto so I can't eat any carbs. Previous years I'd just eat rice and it'd sit my belly and kept me nice and full. Cant do it this year :(


I'm just gonna eat a stick of string cheese and some more water and then hope for the best ��

I'm also on keto so I can't eat any carbs. Previous years I'd just eat rice and it'd sit my belly and kept me nice and full. Cant do it this year :(

You won't listen to me. But temporary diets even extreme ones don't tend to work over the long term.

I don't know how this particular one works though.

It's just needless suffering. The latest research in diets talk about gut bacteria and the like. And that seems more believable than whatever diet is trending.

Lots of fruits and veg. Varied balanced diet. Exercise routines. Get rid of fast foods and stuff with high sugar content (except fruits because they're so good for you in other ways).. It's common sense for reason...

Those things are probably more likely to work over the long term in my view.
You won't listen to me. But temporary diets even extreme ones don't tend to work over the long term.

I don't know how this particular one works though.

It's just needless suffering. The latest research in diets talk about gut bacteria and the like. And that seems more believable than whatever diet is trending.

Lots of fruits and veg. Varied balanced diet. Exercise routines. Get rid of fast foods and stuff with high sugar content (except fruits because they're so good for you in other ways).. It's common sense for reason...

Those things are probably more likely to work over the long term in my view.
I am trying to get list of high sugar content vs low sugar content food so I may know what to eat. Is mango pulp worth it?


I am trying to get list of high sugar content vs low sugar content food so I may know what to eat. Is mango pulp worth it?

Since I never had a taste for Mangos, I don't know really know.

At an educated guess, I'd say stuff like that has gone through some kind of factory processing, so you're not getting the whole benefits of the actual fruit, just whatever's left from fruit juices.

Fruit juice manufacturers tend to add a lot of sugar - because well focus tests suggest they taste better.

But again, I don't know, since this falls into that grey in between area.
You won't listen to me. But temporary diets even extreme ones don't tend to work over the long term.

I don't know how this particular one works though.

It's just needless suffering. The latest research in diets talk about gut bacteria and the like. And that seems more believable than whatever diet is trending.

Lots of fruits and veg. Varied balanced diet. Exercise routines. Get rid of fast foods and stuff with high sugar content (except fruits because they're so good for you in other ways).. It's common sense for reason...

Those things are probably more likely to work over the long term in my view.

Keto is basically low carb high fats. I'm not suffering or doing something extreme or trendy, it's actually been a great change in lifestyle for me. The transition was a little tough since I was raised on rice and bread/roti with just about every meal. But I've been on it for about 6 weeks so far and I've lost a ton of fat and feel a lot better than before. I cut out rice, bread, fruits, sweets and sugars in general and am a lot more conscious about what goes into my body.

I limit my carb intake to under 20g daily. My daily carbs come from energy drinks, half + half on coffee, and the odd Quest bar here and there. When I reach my goal weight, I'll probably start to indulge in carbs here and there (I need my samosas man) but overall this has been a great way to reset my brain to avoid bad foods.

I do miss samosas and paratha though. My GOAT iftar meal is crispy paratha + sunnyside eggs + curry meat, veggies, and some cool dates for dessert. Next year!


My first Ramadan this year, its been testing at points but working through it! Great to see an awesome community for Ramadan here on GAF!


I'm not Muslim, and sorry if this is stupid in any way. But I work with someone who is fasting right now... and I accidentally mention *I* was 'hungry' in front of him.... Whoops. Heh, it was a really busy day at work and he's like "YOU'RE hungry?" We had a laugh since my piddly hunger probably had nothing on his. x)
That and my low blood pressure would probably mean I pass out at least once a week if I avoided any food/drink that long...

Point is, I really respect the Islamic faith, so best of luck to all of you fasting, it can't be easy during the longer Summers. Ramadan Mubarak!

Thanks mate!

The funny thing during Ramadan is that I always see the same reactions among the non-muslims in the office :

"How can you fast during summer ? It must be so hard" or "You can't drink ? Even water ?"

I don't find it annoying, people usually overerstimate the difficulty of Ramadan :)
Keto is basically low carb high fats. I'm not suffering or doing something extreme or trendy, it's actually been a great change in lifestyle for me. The transition was a little tough since I was raised on rice and bread/roti with just about every meal. But I've been on it for about 6 weeks so far and I've lost a ton of fat and feel a lot better than before. I cut out rice, bread, fruits, sweets and sugars in general and am a lot more conscious about what goes into my body.

I limit my carb intake to under 20g daily. My daily carbs come from energy drinks, half + half on coffee, and the odd Quest bar here and there. When I reach my goal weight, I'll probably start to indulge in carbs here and there (I need my samosas man) but overall this has been a great way to reset my brain to avoid bad foods.

I do miss samosas and paratha though. My GOAT iftar meal is crispy paratha + sunnyside eggs + curry meat, veggies, and some cool dates for dessert. Next year!

If you're on a LCHF diet, your satiety threshold should be pretty low (i.e. you'll get fuller with less food). Fasting should be easy because it induces ketosis. That's why many people feel pretty bad when they're fasting as their body tries to adjust to a lower caloric intake and breaks down body fat to compensate - something your body is most likely has already been doing.

I was on LCHF last year and lost about 60 pounds in 3 months. My primary reason was not necessarily weight loss, but because I had become prehypertensive (135/85). LCHF made me hypotensive (90/60!!! but asymptomatic) so I quit. It was mostly my fault because with a LCHF diet, you NEED to supplement with a heavily increased salt and water intake - and I have never been a fan of salt.

Now, I have a normal BP and even though I'm not at my ideal weight, I'm much closer than I was before. Will continue in the winter time inshaAllah.

I am trying to get list of high sugar content vs low sugar content food so I may know what to eat. Is mango pulp worth it?

If you really want to cut down on sugar, cut out ALL fruits (except the odd berries, avocados, tomatoes, okra). Almost any benefit of fruits can be supplemented from vegetables.
Mum just came back from the mosque, and is now glowing about a fifteen year old who led prayers for about four rakaat half way through taraweeh. The imaam is on tour and apparently won many awards in mamy different countries and even led prayers in Mecca.. Or was it Medina? Can't remember.
Anyways she was saying that his voice was extraordinary. Absolutely first rate. That she was teary at the end of it.

Anyways, here is a cool dua to read before tasleem. Optional of course. And some of you may already be reciting it.
yeah, there is some kid who does 4 or 8 of the tarabis, and he's pretty good. kudos to him.

No, hijab is specifically mentioned in the Qur'an. It is an obligation. If someone doesn't wear the hijab, that is sinful because there is consensus of scholars that it is mandatory.
Fair enough, but god knows best what is it in all of our hearts. If there is a woman who dresses modestly and then covers up more for prayer, god sees that and knows that, we don't know if it'll (yes, I say "it" for god's pronoun, not "he") be accepting of it.
Brother, you're relying too much on what you might think is right or hearsay based on what someone has told you, rather than what scholars have told you. The Qur'an specifically commands believing women to wear the hijab - in fact, a specific form of hijab, called the jilbab is mentioned, which includes covering the hair and chest.
as knowledgable as scholars are, I feel like anyone who gets way too wrapped up in their religious research on any level is susceptible to start putting in their own opinions to their answers. Not saying I know better than the scholars themselves, they probably know a lifetime's worth more of islam than I do, but I feel like not even the most respected and accomplished people can always give the most complete or accurate answers. Islam also teaches to use common sense yeah? sometimes I don't like the answers I get from imams/scholars, I feel as though they may be evasive or maybe just not entirely on point. MAYBE it is because I wanted to hear something different, OR it could be because something is telling me that there is more to it than what I am told by them.
Same thing about halal food. Why do you avoid pork if non-halal meat is "permissible"? Allah commands us about what halal is and that we are commanded to refrain from eating that which is not halal specifically in the Qur'an.
I am taught that non-halal meat is discouraged, but allowed. makruh. but of course it is better to eat halal food. I avoid pork obviously because it is unacceptable on all levels except for desperation.
Again, this is hearsay. You'd have to prove that this is possible. Any time salah is broken, it has to be restarted. There's no condition that allows you to resume prayer after you've broken it.
well again, when I heard this rule, it made sense to me. it's not like you just messed up & you're not being interrupted & therefore have to start over. here, something is coming up, but you have done the prayer correctly so far. you're right that I should find out for sure though but what I'm saying is it does not sound non sensical to me.
I mean, you could always ask your manager or whatever for 5 minutes and go to a room to pray.
I'm not comfortable with that. I've been working at this job for less than 3 months and I don't feel like I have earned the right to be able to do things like this. I'm still making bad mistakes as a bank teller. I need to prove to my superiors that I am a good worker before gaining leniency with them.

If you're against the hijab, I have nothing to say to you except that you're going against a clear law of the Qur'an. As I said, a sister can choose not to wear a hijab but she must realize that it is still sinful. Just how someone can drink a beer or break his fast without a valid reason but does realize it is a sin.
i'm not against the hijab. if i had a significant other I would prefer she wore it but as long as she's dressing modestly to begin with I think it is fine. also, I don't think it is in our place to tell off a female about what she's doing, like anjem choudary did.

The entirety of Islam's history is evidence to the contrary brother. Especially this past century.
& no, I'm not against the hijab. Just informed enough to acknowledge that that rabbit hole goes deeper than you give it credit for.

You don't have to be an expert to acknowledge reason.

Nor do you have to be an expert in any given field to be confident in your knowledge of the field's particulars. For example, I'm not a Rocket Scientist but I know about Newton's law of universal gravitation.

I'm not going to write a paper on bone structures any time soon, but I can tell you how many bones there are in the average adult human body. & further, how that differs from average new born babies.
Thank you. I feel like this is just a good way of saying using your common sense for some circumstances is the right way to go about things until you get to learn better.

I am having a pleasant fast so far because of the weekend...I'm dreading monday. Getting up at 8 and going to work on empty stomach is so hard.
oh god...yeah. work on monday, then iftar, then waiting for an hour, then planet fitness at 10 for legs...SQUATS...then home, shower, isha, be like midnight...up at 3am, ceri, fajr, and work at 8. Ramadan is a rough road.

What I do at work is I do all of the wudhu in the bathroom besides the feet. I do wash my feet though. For that part, I take a paper towel and a cup of water into the private room where I pray. I dip the paper towel in the water and wash my feet with it. You could also just wet the paper towel in the bathroom and take it with you. Been doing this for five years. I'm fortunate enough to have a room that's usually empty so I am able to pray there without being disturbed. I'll lock the door just in case though. Twice someone did walk in cause I had forgotten. One time he just said "oops sorry" and walked out. The other time it was the janitor emptying out the trash and he just went about doing his business. I was able to continue both times without stopping. If you can't find a room, then perhaps go to your car if you drive to work.
More power to you that you are able to do these things, but I'm not comfortable with it at my workplace. I haven't been there that long and haven't earned that level of respect/closeness with my coworkers to do something like this. I haven't even told them about the fasting. I don't wanna just bring it up and tell them out of the blue, I'll only inform them if the subject is somehow brought up in the first place.

So for now I guess, if I have the opportunity, I'll just go to my car and pray zuhr and asr I'll just pray a big late (but still before maghrib) when I get home.

The problem I have is that some people find western scholars arguments more persuasive. And arguments - over the longer term - have more force than positions of authority.

Muslim feminists were beginning to flourish last century when they were allowed to. It'll happen again.

I'm going to ask you straight. Is there a quote in the Quran that tells women to cover their hair? Like for example, it says to cover their bosoms.

What happens is something like this.

People nearly always post the same quotes you posted.
To which I'll say: I don't see the word hijab there.
They'll tell me about the jilbab or some talk about the khimar being used to cover the bosom etc..
Oh.. okay... cool.

And that's the irony.. the hijab, which invokes so many debates, is just mentioned, in passing.

And that too to cover her bosoms.

Hijab, some argue, is actually mentioned in the Quran. In another part. But it's only used in its literal sense, curtains.

And this so called 'utterly clear certainty amongst scholars' occurs before you go into what all of the above actually means in practise; for example, do you mean to talk about the prophet's wives or the average Muslim women? or modesty in general? how much can you cover? and whether the face and hands can be shown. << And every part of this paragraph is argued by scholars vociferously.

To finish off, I actually don't hold a for or against position. It's not like I'm blind to the consensus. Or anything.. But that over the many years that I've covered this, my position has softened somewhat from what I grew up with.

You want to quash this debate by throwing the book at me? Fair enough.
This was a very deep and thought out post...and I think I agree with you?
I'm not Muslim, and sorry if this is stupid in any way. But I work with someone who is fasting right now... and I accidentally mention *I* was 'hungry' in front of him.... Whoops. Heh, it was a really busy day at work and he's like "YOU'RE hungry?" We had a laugh since my piddly hunger probably had nothing on his. x)
That and my low blood pressure would probably mean I pass out at least once a week if I avoided any food/drink that long...

Point is, I really respect the Islamic faith, so best of luck to all of you fasting, it can't be easy during the longer Summers. Ramadan Mubarak!
heh, can I ask you, are you friends with your coworker? And, how did you find out about them fasting? Did they just tell you or did it come up in a conversation?

My first day the girl next to me kept telling me how hungry she was, I didn't really say much on my part lol but I wonder what her reaction would've been if I told her I hadn't eaten in over 12 hours.

My first Ramadan this year, its been testing at points but working through it! Great to see an awesome community for Ramadan here on GAF!
good luck and have a blessed month!

Never! Lol

You've already had iftar? Which country do you live in? About to have mine in about half an hour.
dude...this is off topic but...what is up with your avatar? what is it supposed to mean?
How do you guys feel about going to the movies during Ramadan? I know we shouldn't be doing it and I regret it. Just got out of a 3D screening of inside out with my mother. What a waste of 30 bucks.


For the dude who wanted to know what to eat for sehri

Bananas and yogurt are both really good options along with your traditional meal, whatever it may be. And don't overload on water or else you'll just piss it out by noon lol.
If you're on a LCHF diet, your satiety threshold should be pretty low (i.e. you'll get fuller with less food). Fasting should be easy because it induces ketosis. That's why many people feel pretty bad when they're fasting as their body tries to adjust to a lower caloric intake and breaks down body fat to compensate - something your body is most likely has already been doing.

I was on LCHF last year and lost about 60 pounds in 3 months. My primary reason was not necessarily weight loss, but because I had become prehypertensive (135/85). LCHF made me hypotensive (90/60!!! but asymptomatic) so I quit. It was mostly my fault because with a LCHF diet, you NEED to supplement with a heavily increased salt and water intake - and I have never been a fan of salt.

Now, I have a normal BP and even though I'm not at my ideal weight, I'm much closer than I was before. Will continue in the winter time inshaAllah.

Yup. This has been the easiest Ramadan in my adult life so far, especially because of how I've gotten used to eating less and being smart about hydration. The only thing I really struggle with is the lack of caffeine. I'm definitely too reliant on caffeine so this is a good opportunity to wean off of it slowly and focus more on being well rested and naturally energized.

When my brother did Keto about 2 years ago, he also shed a ridiculous amount of weight off his body. Practically melted off. I wish I started this last summer :/
Yup. This has been the easiest Ramadan in my adult life so far, especially because of how I've gotten used to eating less and being smart about hydration. The only thing I really struggle with is the lack of caffeine. I'm definitely too reliant on caffeine so this is a good opportunity to wean off of it slowly and focus more on being well rested and naturally energized.

When my brother did Keto about 2 years ago, he also shed a ridiculous amount of weight off his body. Practically melted off. I wish I started this last summer :/

Going from unhealthy desi diet of parathas, rotis, rice, lentils etc, what are some of the things you like eating in lunch and dinner in keto diet?
How do you guys feel about going to the movies during Ramadan? I know we shouldn't be doing it and I regret it. Just got out of a 3D screening of inside out with my mother. What a waste of 30 bucks.

Yeah no movies in Ramadan lol. There are pretty much no movies released in India outside of C grade stuff during Ramadan because no Muslims are going to the theaters. All the big name releases are scheduled around Ramadan.
Going from unhealthy desi diet of parathas, rotis, rice, lentils etc, what are some of the things you like eating in lunch and dinner in keto diet?

Middle eastern and mediterranean cuisine is actually pretty well suited for keto diets. So stuff like kebabs, shawarma, chicken souvlaki, etc. is good and delicious. I like to add a ton of blue cheese, whether crumbles or as dressing as well as regular cheese for additional fats. Also guac / avocados are good too.

I also eat regular curry meats like chicken, beef, and lamb but have to be conscious about the type of curry spices used. So I guess generic curry chicken is fine but stuff like korma is no unfortunately. Plus as a typical bengali, we eat a ton of fish and shrimp. Oh, and eggs too. I eat eggs with almost every meal.

I like to add a lot of cheese to my foods as well as blue cheese dressing for additional fats. I dont eat as much vegetables at home as I should but begun bhaji (fried eggplant slices) are also great and goes with just about any meats you want to eat it with. Just oily so it might gross some people out.

You can also get some sausages or burger patties and just have them bunless with some veggies. There are halal options for those as well as most halal meat stores carry halal burger patties. For sausages, best to go to the butcher and ask them to make beef or turkey sausages without pork casings.

burger patties, turkey and beef sausages, eggs, guac, souvlaki, kebab, shawarma, curry meat (no korma T_T), eggplants, salads, fish, cheese, cheese, more cheese, blue cheese.
dude...this is off topic but...what is up with your avatar? what is it supposed to mean?

To be honest I don't know. I've always thought Ellie was super cool and that scene when she pulled the finger is funny and cute. (Not sure if the finger is against the TOS but I only did it after I saw a member here with one in their avatar. By now I think the mods would of pm'd me about it or banned me so I think theres no problem with it).

The 'only on xbox' is for nostalgia purposes even though ironically I've only mainly played ps consoles. I would have had the 'only on Nintendo' if my 'photoshop' skills didn't suck. I also liked the irony of the Xbox symbol on a ps exclusive.

All in all, it wasnt meant to mean anything and it was all done in tongue-in-cheek. How did you interpret it when you first saw it? :)

at the time I posted it was close to fajr time. Just posted really late lol. Iftar was about 7 hours before that

Ah. I thought you were roughly in the same timezone as me :)


How do you guys feel about going to the movies during Ramadan? I know we shouldn't be doing it and I regret it. Just got out of a 3D screening of inside out with my mother. What a waste of 30 bucks.

I feel like it would be fine to watch a movie after Iftar. Also it depends since there is a lot of sex appeal stuff in most movies. Idk that's just me.
Yeah no movies in Ramadan lol. There are pretty much no movies released in India outside of C grade stuff during Ramadan because no Muslims are going to the theaters. All the big name releases are scheduled around Ramadan.
okay. so i definitely was legitimately overhyping inside out.
To be honest I don't know. I've always thought Ellie was super cool and that scene when she pulled the finger is funny and cute. (Not sure if the finger is against the TOS but I only did it after I saw a member here with one in their avatar. By now I think the mods would of pm'd me about it or banned me so I think theres no problem with it).

The 'only on xbox' is for nostalgia purposes even though ironically I've only mainly played ps consoles. I would have had the 'only on Nintendo' if my 'photoshop' skills didn't suck. I also liked the irony of the Xbox symbol on a ps exclusive.

All in all, it wasnt meant to mean anything and it was all done in tongue-in-cheek. How did you interpret it when you first saw it? :)
lol, I really didn't know how to interpret it. What's TOS btw?

I feel like it would be fine to watch a movie after Iftar. Also it depends since there is a lot of sex appeal stuff in most movies. Idk that's just me.
inside out didn't really have much sex appeal. but it was still a waste of time this weekend (and we went to see it during the fast).
Middle eastern and mediterranean cuisine is actually pretty well suited for keto diets. So stuff like kebabs, shawarma, chicken souvlaki, etc. is good and delicious. I like to add a ton of blue cheese, whether crumbles or as dressing as well as regular cheese for additional fats. Also guac / avocados are good too.

I also eat regular curry meats like chicken, beef, and lamb but have to be conscious about the type of curry spices used. So I guess generic curry chicken is fine but stuff like korma is no unfortunately. Plus as a typical bengali, we eat a ton of fish and shrimp. Oh, and eggs too. I eat eggs with almost every meal.

I like to add a lot of cheese to my foods as well as blue cheese dressing for additional fats. I dont eat as much vegetables at home as I should but begun bhaji (fried eggplant slices) are also great and goes with just about any meats you want to eat it with. Just oily so it might gross some people out.

You can also get some sausages or burger patties and just have them bunless with some veggies. There are halal options for those as well as most halal meat stores carry halal burger patties. For sausages, best to go to the butcher and ask them to make beef or turkey sausages without pork casings.

burger patties, turkey and beef sausages, eggs, guac, souvlaki, kebab, shawarma, curry meat (no korma T_T), eggplants, salads, fish, cheese, cheese, more cheese, blue cheese.
Thanks! Quick question about curry and desi food. How do you eat it without naan/bread/roti/rice, since keto says no to those items?
Thanks! Quick question about curry and desi food. How do you eat it without naan/bread/roti/rice, since keto says no to those items?

By itself! haha. Basically a nice big plate of just meat and some veggies if you'd like.

You can also make cauliflower fried rice which tastes pretty good too. I dont have it often since it takes time to prepare and I'm lazy :p Just remove the pork ingredients from the recipe and anything else you cant eat.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
How do you guys feel about going to the movies during Ramadan? I know we shouldn't be doing it and I regret it. Just got out of a 3D screening of inside out with my mother. What a waste of 30 bucks.
Should have seen Mad Max: Fury Road instead.


Waited for Game of thrones season to be over so i could watch it without waiting but forgot that Ramadan was super close to the finale.
Now i am waiting an extra month since there is no way i am watching something like GoT during Ramadan.


How do you guys feel about going to the movies during Ramadan? I know we shouldn't be doing it and I regret it. Just got out of a 3D screening of inside out with my mother. What a waste of 30 bucks.

I watched the dark knight during the first night of ramadan, I think it was a midnight showing and ramadan was starting that morning. Never again though lol. I feel like I should be giving money away to the poor instead of spending it on entertaining myself. So many Muslims are starving in Syria, Gaza, and all over the place and non-Muslims locally that I can't get myself to spend money on movies or games on regular days much less during ramadan.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'm finding that supplementing caffeine with vitamin D, fish oil, and multivitamin keeps me from feeling lethargic before maghrib time.
Is the Islam thread still around? Maybe the fiqh discussions should go there?

Afaik if you are praying by yourself, verbalising the words of the prayer to a level audible to yourself is a condition. If you have seen people not doing so, it is likely because they are either Hanafi and praying in jamaat (in which case it is impermissible to recite behind the imaam) or don't know what they are doing.

Make wudhu in your work sink, just wipe down the basin after you. If they fire you, sue them for discrimination. People get away with crazy stuff at their workplaces. If you are REALLY worried about it, make wudhu in a clean bathroom stall with a bottle of water.
Does anyone else have irregular bowel movements in Ramadan. I feel like my stomach explodes right after suhoor...
happened to me just now. ugh. i hope it does not become a recurrence
Should have stayed home instead.
I watched the dark knight during the first night of ramadan, I think it was a midnight showing and ramadan was starting that morning. Never again though lol. I feel like I should be giving money away to the poor instead of spending it on entertaining myself. So many Muslims are starving in Syria, Gaza, and all over the place and non-Muslims locally that I can't get myself to spend money on movies or games on regular days much less during ramadan.
I guess I am not a good enough person to have this mindset. Or it could just be because my family and I don't have that much money ourselves.
i stopped smoking for a couple of months but it feels like being in ramadan is boosting my urge to relapse. it may just because friday was a bad day for me.
Dude that's a pretty personal question. I don't think it's appropriate to simply ask up front.
he doesn't have to answer if he doesn't want to.
OS, while you are here, a question about fasting. What are the justifications ulema use when trying to specify the fasting hours in northern Europe countries? For example, some say that you can follow Meccan time. What is the justification for that? A hadith?


I feel like I should be giving money away to the poor instead of spending it on entertaining myself. So many Muslims are starving in Syria, Gaza, and all over the place and non-Muslims locally that I can't get myself to spend money on movies or games on regular days much less during ramadan.

I'm not exactly a fan of this principle. Yeah sure, there are other people around the globe in worse situations, but there's nothing inherently wrong with taking advantage of what you got, right? Live a little, why not? You've been blessed by God (SWT) with your fortunate state. Why waste it? Idk that's what I think.
OS, while you are here, a question about fasting. What are the justifications ulema use when trying to specify the fasting hours in northern Europe countries? For example, some say that you can follow Meccan time. What is the justification for that? A hadith?

I'm not sure to be honest bro. The only ruling I have seen is for countries with no true night, in which case you follow the nearest populated centre that has a true night. Haven't really investigated the fiqh of it because it hasn't been relevant to me.
I'm not exactly a fan of this principle. Yeah sure, there are other people around the globe in worse situations, but there's nothing inherently wrong with taking advantage of what you got, right? Live a little, why not? You've been blessed by God (SWT) with your fortunate state. Why waste it? Idk that's what I think.
true, as long as we give our zakat, our status is purified.
I watched the dark knight during the first night of ramadan, I think it was a midnight showing and ramadan was starting that morning. Never again though lol. I feel like I should be giving money away to the poor instead of spending it on entertaining myself. So many Muslims are starving in Syria, Gaza, and all over the place and non-Muslims locally that I can't get myself to spend money on movies or games on regular days much less during ramadan.

This isn't a bad impulse. Money you give in charity is truly yours, because its reward is eternal, money you spend on yourself is temporal, and is gone as soon as its pleasures has passed.

Which isn't say that spending money on yourself is impermissible, but if that feeling makes you spend in charity then I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to suppress it.
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