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Every Xbox One Includes a Chat Headset!! + Xbox One Day One Unboxing


First tragedy, then farce.
Trust. What an interesting word to give to assign any corporation.

Exactly. The idea that Sony is your friend is so laughable. How soon we forget that they were stealth-installing software on peoples computers that were sending data back to Sony every time you played on of their CDs.
Microsoft is in the house tonight
Reversing policies left and right
All that's left is Kinect and price
Then everybody can have a good time

Everyday we're backpedaling


This is brilliant of Microsoft to come out with a video like this. Everything looks great, but I don't care for the touch sensitive power button. Hated that crap on the phat ps3.

Either way, as good as the 180 is looking now, I'm still pro-ps4. I prefer everything about that console in all aspects. Prices, controller and most especially, the exclusive games. (plus, you think i'm gonna play v13 and kh3 on an xbox? lulz)

its definetly good that they are including this...

whats next on 180 agenda? internet browsing and youtube/netflix FREE without gold?


Good, this is what competition is all about. Now just ditch the requirement for that stupid camera, provide a $350 SKU without it, and I will buy one for the exclusives.


Gold Member
And the 180s continue. But this is good news for prospective buyers, of course. It just kind of makes it seem like MS really have no idea what they're doing and are just reacting to Sony's clearly more popular policies.

EDIT: Man, Kinect 2.0 is HUGE! The original wasn't quite as enormous, right?


Good for Xbox fans that Sony could keep Microsoft in check this next generation.

Well mostly. Pay wall restrictions are still insanely confining.
Exactly. The idea that Sony is your friend is so laughable. How soon we forget that they were stealth-installing software on peoples computers that were sending data back to Sony every time you played on of their CDs.

That was about 15 years ago!! Some GAFers weren't even born!! And the rest don't even know what a CD is!
Will never understand why people don't prefer rechargables.

So much easier than trying to replace a sealed power pack like the DS3s.
What's so hard to understand? I personally don't like to deal with batteries and most of my devices have sealed batteries and I've never had to worry about replacing them.

But in the grand scheme of things, 'tis a small thing.


Junior Member
Regarding the console size, here are pictures by Troll that shows it clearly:




saying they're backpedaling doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

I would say joking that they're flip flopping/reversing every major decision is usually considered a bad thing. Now it could be just a description in some cases though.
I highly doubt the Xbox One is incapable of doing 4K above 30fps, if anything, its the HDMI spec holding it back.

In fairness, he was most likely talking about the GPU rendering something at 60fps at 4K resolution. I'm sure the box can handle 60fps video playback at 4K.


Microsoft can't do anything right, can they? They stick to their guns — they're slaughtered. They change their plans — they're slaughtered.

Yeah, if they stuck to their original shitty guns, they'd rightly get slaughtered. I don't see them being slaughtered now that they've changed plans, there seems to be quite a number of people here who are happy with the changes and are buying one. Personally I still haven't seen anything that makes me want to buy it as a second console, but I'm glad to see MS is taking steps to please their customers a bit more.


Thinks are starting to look better. I'll still wait and see, but thinks are looking better for MS in my eyes. Now if they get a couple of must have exclusive I am interested in, I might just get one. >_> Haha... Get it? Oh. Sorry for bad jokes.


You really think you will ever play a 60fps 4k game on the Xbox One? lol. You won't even get that on PS4.

And movies, (as of now) are 24fps. I don't think any current BR player does 48fps.

Certainly not AAA 3D games, but I'm willing to bet 2D games or simpler 3D games can pull off 4k 60fps.


The console itself doesn't look that big :eek:

And this is great news.
There's always the possibility that Hryb is actually a massive giant, rivaling NBA aces in height.

Also, white is the new green. The charge and play charge cable LED lights up white when the battery is full. The power button/indicator on the console itself also lights up white. I like.


I am starting to think that MS's Xbox strategy after E3 became to look like this:

-Balmer: "Read Gaf, and listen to what Sony does!"

-Xbox staff: " But Sir, we have a roadmap we were planning for the past 3 years, we know the future, we.."

-Balmer: "?"

Next step:

End of conversation. 90% of Xbox staff fired, and replaced by a guy with a win7 PC, a pair of ears and eyes.

Result: MS is back in business baby.

Seriously: I like what MS's doing, all the consumer friendlier attitude and stuff, but it feels so desperate sometimes. :)
I would say joking that they're flip flopping/reversing every major decision is usually considered a bad thing. Now it could be just a description in some cases though.

This isn't a 'major decision' though. It's not a reflection of any 'vision' for the XB1 that they previously had unlike their DRM-vision, this was just a financial decision.

They previously thought they could get away with not including the headset and either reduce their losses/increase their margin. Consumers didn't like the Kinect voice-chat alternative, so they went back and saw that they could afford to reduce their margin/increase the loss.
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