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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"


I dont get why anyone would get a season pass before the first dlc arrives. There also have been cases where the season pass was discounted (accidently) even before the first dlc release.
The thing is that I find this change to be arrogance more so than being open and honest. They know people will just buy this sight unseen, so they don't need to justify it. People are free to do what they want but the idea that the only thing they do know is that it will cost $40 is pretty disconcerting and speaks to how this is being made. Even worse is how this is framed as a deal, despite it being nothing right now.

Maybe it is arrogance and I'm just looking at it in the best light. I agree with everything else you've said, but it's just nice to know that a AAA developer is waiting until the game is finished before working on DLC. It's just a silver lining on an otherwise grim announcement.

And if I were to put my corporate hat on, I'd say I don't really blame them from doing this since it's clear people will pay for it. It works as a business decision but it's a terrible one for consumers. Consumers have the choice to abstain until details are announced but sadly not everyone will do that, which in turn sets a precedent that this is an OK practice.



Warner Bros representative: "It's not really a Season Pass, we didn't advertise it as a Season Pass, and does not cover all DLC released during any particular season."

... Never again will I buy a "Season Pass". Ever.


Just an observation, and its probably not the same people saying this but its funny to me how some people complain about planned DLC that is already in development before the base game launches and then people also complain about planned DLC that hasn't started development yet.

I think we all hate the idea of DLC, but our arguments against it are all over the place ;)

They released two big story DLC for Skyrim at 20 bucks each (no idea what Hearthfire released as). I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that bought individually the DLC packs individually will be at least $40 bucks.

Hearthfire DLC is one of those things they should have just patched into the game for free, but I don't think it cost very much when it launched. The 2 story DLCs were pretty fun (I thought)

And has already been said, you're cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs if you think they don't know what that DLC will be.

I agree with this. Maybe they haven't started much of the development of it, but I am sure they have the plans pretty well thought out at this point.


King of Gaslighting
You don't know how much discount, if any, you're getting. All they said was it'll be 'worth' $40, not that it'll cost $40 if bought individually. And still, 25% is still on $10 in your assumed scenario, which to me, is not a saving worth pre-purchasing content.

The last two Fallout games had 5 DLC each, and I believe they all released at 10 bucks. They released two big story DLC for Skyrim at 20 bucks each (no idea what Hearthfire released as). I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that bought individually the DLC packs individually will be at least $40 bucks.

fucking hell i know it's been said in this thread already but jesus christ, "we don't know what it'll be but its 30$" is just ridiculous, no other industry could do something like this.

And has already been said, you're cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs if you think they don't know what that DLC will be.
If it ain't broke. Don't fix it Bethesda. The previous games had an excellent DLC model. Old World Blues even won awards.

You will be able to buy DLC individually.


Broken Steel was the best DLC I have ever played in my life... Point Lookout was EXTREMELY enjoyable, and The Pit was disgusting and great.

I definitely trust Bethesda when it comes to doing DLC right, I don't see what the issue is here... We wouldn't be up in arms or surprised if anyone else did it, why isn't it ok if Bethesda does it?

Sometimes I feel like there is a weird Bethesda hate train around here.
Broken Steel was the best DLC I have ever played in my life... Point Lookout was EXTREMELY enjoyable, and The Pit was disgusting and great.

I definitely trust Bethesda when it comes to doing DLC right, I don't see what the issue is here... We wouldn't be up in arms or surprised if anyone else did it, why isn't it ok if Bethesda does it?

Sometimes I feel like there is a weird Bethesda hate train around here.
Yeah, the Fallout 3 DLC was bookended by disappointment which I think makes people remember it poorly, but I thought it was great.

The Pitt was definitely disgusting as far as that Steel Ingot thing went thought :p

Skyrim DLC was pretty mediocre though I thought.
The last two Fallout games had 5 DLC each, and I believe they all released at 10 bucks. They released two big story DLC for Skyrim at 20 bucks each (no idea what Hearthfire released as). I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that bought individually the DLC packs individually will be at least $40 bucks.

Its fine to suggest stuff but it ultimately means nothing, and still isn't a justifiable reason for pre-ordering before you get any info. What would be the benefits of doing that?

Also kind of on a tangent but I wouldn't look at previous games in a series for an idea of how things will work going forwards. The DLC game has changed a lot since New Vegas was released.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Why are so many people acting like there's never been Fallout DLC? There was like what..5 seperate entities for New Vegas? $30 is a great deal, even solely based on what's happend in the past.
4 for New Vegas, 5 for Fallout, 2 big ones and one small for Skyrim. They have a great track record for quality content for DLC. The fact that people are complaining about this is just absurd. They don't want developers working on DLC until the game is released and yet people complain about them announcing they haven't even started thinking about DLC, but there is going to be after release. It's nonsense.


Well there's (probably) going to be at least 2 full sized 'expansions' going for $15-20 each... so not sure what the fuss is.
You will be able to buy DLC individually.
And it will be priced poorly to make the pass seem like the smart move. Because it's the latest fashionable thing to do. Numerous times the season pass for Bioshock Infinite was cheaper than the DLC episodes.
Bethesda didn't make old world blues, that was obsidian with new Vegas.
Who published it, who created the format in Fallout 3? It was Bethesda. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by arguing semantics.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
4 for New Vegas, 5 for Fallout, 2 big ones and one small for Skyrim. They have a great track record for quality content for DLC. The fact that people are complaining about this is just absurd. They don't want developers working on DLC until the game is released and yet people complain about them announcing they haven't even started thinking about DLC, but there is going to be after release. It's nonsense.

Nooooooo, what I don't want is developers telling me something is $30 when it doesn't exist. Y'all mixing peoe who hate dlc with people who hate getting shitted on.


Survives without air, food, or water
And it will be priced poorly to make the bundle seem like the smart move. Because it's the latest fashionable thing to do. Numerous times the season pass for Bioshock Infinite was cheaper than the DLC episodes.

that's the point of a season pass ya dingus
I dont get why anyone would get a season pass before the first dlc arrives. There also have been cases where the season pass was discounted (accidently) even before the first dlc release.
Only thing I can remember that happening to was Assassind Creed Unity and I got the promises content I paid for (Dead Kings and AC Chronicles China), AND Farcry 4 for free. So I mean, that answers your question.


It does not exist, we don't know what the dlc is, we don't know what's being discounted, we know nothing. $30 please. If my own mother called me today and said "Monster zero, im having a cookout, don't know what food I'm cooking but it's $10 dollars to come, but the meal is worth at least $20" even if I know it's gonna be a bomb ass BBQ, I would ask where is my money going toward. Are people here truly comfortable putting $30 into a non existent product?

You don't trust your mother very much hu? lol at the comparison tho

I mean it's Bethesda we're talking about here. It's not like they making games since yesterday. Everyone who bought and played one of their big RPG games with all DLC should probably know what awaits him/her with the season pass.

Edit: so in the worst case it's some horse armor and in the best case something like Dawnguard ;)
Worst season pass announcement ever.

The key to the season pass craze is patience. I can't fathom why anyone buys a season pass at launch, even when the content is detailed in advance. You're paying full price for...nothing. At least at that moment. It's much smarter to wait for all the content to release, or at least the first piece of content before throwing down cash on the pass. At least you get to play something right then and there. And sometimes the pass goes on sale before it's all released. This is I how I do the Telltale games; I snagged Walking Dead S2 pass for $7.50 before the last episode was released. Finished the game right along with the day 1 buyer's at a third of the cost.

I loved The Witcher 3 and will for sure buy the expansions when the release. I did not buy the pass yet. What's the point? Might as well wait for the first one to release and then buy it. There's no time table on these pass's, what's the big rush to preorder DLC?

It took Irrational a full year to release all of Bioshock Infinite's DLC. Day 1 buyers probably wouldn't have bought the pass if they knew the $20 would be tied up for a year. Can you imagine if Rockstar chose to go the season pass route with GTA V? We're approaching 2 years since release and still no details on single player DLC, if it even still exists.

tl;dr - Wait and see on season passes. There's no reason to pay full price up front for jack shit at the moment and possibility mediocre to terrible content later.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Looking at Bethesda ‏track record the game will probably be a buggy mess at launch so it'll be a while before we see anything that isn't a patch update.

I don't have confident in Bethesda to pay 30$ for season pass the company doesn't even know yet.

From Season Pass containing content we don't know to Season Pass the company itself doesn't know. Amazing.‎
that's the point of a season pass ya dingus
I think some season passes are a way to get money early, by selling things people don't want or don't know exist yet. Pumping up the price of the a la carte option is just another tool to sell more season passes.

Bethesda know people want the story content, but will pad it out with a load of cheap disposable shit and charge a little extra.


I don't think Todd Howard is actually a "meme about lies". Though rumor has it he's a full blown capitalist so god help us all

Oh, he very clearly is a meme. He has consistently said things about the games he's worked on that have been proven to not be true.

I've not played many of Bethesdas games, so maybe you or someone else can enlighten me to see if his claims were true: Did Fallout 3 have over 200 endings? Did Oblivion have "radiant AI" that allowed a full individual schedule for each and every NPC? These are claims Howard actually made, and he is only next to Peter Molyneux as a bullshit artist.

To say he's not a meme about lies shows you don't really follow him. He and Peter M are the wombo combo of spinners.

As for full blown capitalism, I know you said that as a joke, but unfettered capitalism, like the type that has ruined America, is a literal social disease. If God were real, He/She/It would be better off eradicating that original sin of ignorance and greed from this earth. I really doubt Howard is such a vile human being to be that, of course. He has sincerity in his words, even is his words are empty, sweet little lies. ;)


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Nooooooo, what I don't want is developers telling me something is $30 when it doesn't exist. Y'all mixing peoe who hate dlc with people who hate getting shitted on.
Well of course it doesn't exist yet, they haven't made it. Based on their previous DLC however, we have a good idea of what's going to happen, making the price seem pretty reasonable. The best part is, is that you can buy the season later after all the DLC comes out to see if it's truly worth the value.

On Demand

I'm sure they have some incredibly vague idea about what they want to do, maybe not enough to qualify saying so but yeah. I don't know the full story so I may be completely wrong, bu Fallout 3 came out end of october 2008 withe Operation Anchorage releasing end of January. Based on taht perhaps it doesn't take as long to make their dlc as we may assume. Now they said early 2016 so they could mean march for all we know right?

But Fallout 3's DLC was probably already pre developed also. In fact i'm sure it was because they announced at E3 that 360 was getting the DLC first.
It does not exist, we don't know what the dlc is, we don't know what's being discounted, we know nothing. $30 please. If my own mother called me today and said "Monster zero, im having a cookout, don't know what food I'm cooking but it's $10 dollars to come, but the meal is worth at least $20" even if I know it's gonna be a bomb ass BBQ, I would ask where is my money going toward. Are people here truly comfortable putting $30 into a non existent product?
I'm sure they will sell plenty of $30 season passes before this game releases, to answer your last question first.

In your scenario, your money is going to 1) entry, 2) food. In this scenario, your money is going to more Fallout 4. And the crazy part is that you don't have to buy it. Bethesda isn't threatening to break your legs like some bookie. You can wait if you like, or commit earlier for a discount, or even wait for it all to come out and then buy the season pass and STILL get the discount... or not buy anything at all! You've still got your choices. Why are you in a huff about that?

Who's complaining about the idea of a season pass? I like that as an option.

If I were to buy blind, I'd like the option to cancel and get a refund if it doesn't meet my expectations. They can keep the money I use on anything I may have redeemed. Options!
You can buy the season pass when all the DLC has been released. You don't have to "buy blind" if you don't want to. That option is merely for the people that know they're going to download whatever is released.


But Fallout 3's DLC was probably already pre developed also. In fact i'm sure it was because they announced at E3 that 360 was getting the DLC first.

Oh I see cheers for correcting me. I still don't think it'll take too long for them to make a dlc from scratch, it just depends on what they meant by early 2016. If they mean January then obviously I can see where you're coming from.


Surely they know what the content will be, wouldn't it have been factored into ROI when they first started the project? Seems like the sensible thing to do.


Disgusting. And anybody that supports this should be ashamed of themselves. It's disappointing to see what consumers are willing to accept nowadays.


Yeah, the Fallout 3 DLC was bookended by disappointment which I think makes people remember it poorly, but I thought it was great.

The Pitt was definitely disgusting as far as that Steel Ingot thing went thought :p

Skyrim DLC was pretty mediocre though I thought.
I may be the odd one but I preferred Fallout 3 DLC (with the exception of Mothership Zeta, screw that) than New Vegas DLC. Only one I liked was Lonesome Road.

K' Dash

Gold Member
At least they're not cutting a piece of the game and selling it like an expansion, I will not buy anything without knowing what I'm getting anyway.


King of Gaslighting
Oh, he very clearly is a meme. He has consistently said things about the games he's worked on that have been proven to not be true.

I've not played many of Bethesdas games, so maybe you or someone else can enlighten me to see if his claims were true: Did Fallout 3 have over 200 endings?

Depends on what you call an "ending". Until Dawn has one "ending" but many ways to get there. FO3 is no different.

Did Oblivion have "radiant AI" that allowed a full individual schedule for each and every NPC? These are claims Howard actually made, and he is only next to Peter Molyneux as a bullshit artist.

Can't say for sure about EVERY NPC, but most in cities did indeed, wake up go somewhere, and go home at the end of the day.

And are you seriously comparing him to Molyneux based off two claims both of which are kinda sorta true? Yea. Not hyperbole at all.
But I don't even understand what the crime is here just yet. Honestly, it strikes me as silly to announce a season pass when there's not even a road map as to what that content might be. But if you're a Fallout fan with money in hand shouting "shut up and take my money!", then ok. This might strike you as a sensible purchase. And if you're a consumer of more discriminating tastes who doesn't like to feel like some sucker, then the solution is that you don't preorder the season pass. I get why people personally think it's BS to announce season pass content in this type of fashion. I disagree though that this is Reason #213214 why this industry is going to shit and that we need to do something about this yesterday because this should be borderline illegal.
In that respect we are in agreement. I personally think it's shitty, but not exactly a death knell for the industry, but consider that it's easy for the situation to get considerably worse if left unchecked.

Hypothetical situation:

Company A announces game X and offers a season pass for future content. The company doesn't release any kind of outline or details about the future content outside of the fact that it exists, but a number of consumers buy it anyway. A greater amount of consumers wait until the company releases some concrete information about the content before deciding that it's worth ponying up for the pass.

Company A, now emboldened by the success of game X's strategy, announce game Y and again offers a season pass without any details. This time, however, they want to incentivize consumers into buying the pass early in the cycle by offering additional goodies like an XP boost for multiplayer, some skins, maybe even an exclusive mission or two, but only if you buy the season pass today, no questions asked. Those who still want to buy the season pass because, hey, game Y looks great and they've been fans for years, but would at least like some real information before plunking down their dollars (reasonable expectation, wouldn't you say?) will unfortunately be locked out from said goodies.

This kind of situation would create that pressure you mentioned in an earlier post that doesn't exist in the Fallout situation, but the Fallout situation can certainly help pave the way to a situation with actual pressure. I would like to err on the side of caution.
It does not exist, we don't know what the dlc is, we don't know what's being discounted, we know nothing. $30 please. If my own mother called me today and said "Monster zero, im having a cookout, don't know what food I'm cooking but it's $10 dollars to come, but the meal is worth at least $20" even if I know it's gonna be a bomb ass BBQ, I would ask where is my money going toward. Are people here truly comfortable putting $30 into a non existent product?

I completely agree.

I just wanna ask. Does your Mom actually call you Monster Zero? That'd be awesome.
My Mom hates it when I write Krappadizzle when we go sing karaoke.


Isn't it normal to know the retail price before you finish planning it out? I mean, it must be pretty important element to your budget. DLC prices have been pretty much standardized by now.


Yeah, the Fallout 3 DLC was bookended by disappointment which I think makes people remember it poorly, but I thought it was great.

The Pitt was definitely disgusting as far as that Steel Ingot thing went thought :p

Skyrim DLC was pretty mediocre though I thought.

Fallout 3 , one of my favorite games of all time and only platinum was not worth any season pass, so the likelihood this game will be is minute....

Fallout 3 on ps3 couldn't even run past a couple of DLC's before the whole game would just crash repeatedly and never get past a certain point.

Also in these games you find that the DLC is just more drawn out gameplay with the exact same mechanics on a different map... it's not really that intriguing.

I'm one of Fallout's biggest defenders , but this is just a NO. At least just wait for the GOTY edition if you are obsessed with DLC (if it even runs properly). The fact that they are basically saying "give us money up front for unknown content " is even worse.
Disgusting. And anybody that supports this should be ashamed of themselves. It's disappointing to see what consumers are willing to accept nowadays.
This is just an objectively bad post. This doesn't make any sense and shaming people for their purchasing decisions (using the money THEY earned) is just wrong.
This kind of situation would create that pressure you mentioned in an earlier post that doesn't exist in the Fallout situation, but the Fallout situation can certainly help pave the way to a situation with actual pressure. I would like to err on the side of caution.

Sure, but this is just a slippery slope argument. Secondly, any of those things you are mentioning sound like the sort of silly hooks that I expect Consumers of Discerning Taste (TM) to not fall for. Especially the first two: "XP boost for multiplayer, some skins, maybe even an exclusive mission or two." Come on, we're in the know. We're careful with our money, right? We're not going to be hoodwinked by crap like skins or an XP boost. The exclusive mission or two could be problematic, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


Who published it, who created the format in Fallout 3? It was Bethesda. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by arguing semantics.
But the DLC won awards for the concept, writing, quests, you name it. All things Bethesda didn't have anything to do with. That's not semantics, Old World Blues didn't win awards because Bethesda's DLC model is so great, Old World Blues won awards because Obsidian is just damn good at writing.
This is to be expected of pretty much all triple A titles now. Instead of charging 90 US Dollars up front they charge you 60, and then incentivize you to spend the other 30 dollars later. Businesses are for profit, guys. Remember that.
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