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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"


They have to know to some degree what their DLC plans are. Even with how crazy successful they are I can't imagine Zenimax/Bethesda Softworks are willing to just write them a check of 10-20 million for the next year and half or so to work on "something." They know at least big picture where they are going.

But maybe not and they really are winging it which would be really surprising, but great for them to have so much freedom.
There's no way they don't at least have a roadmap or some sort of outline worked out for what they're going to do.


Not tricking them into buying it, and not bethesda specifically. Tricking them into thinking it's in their best interests to buy it, when really it benefits the publishers more than anyone else.

It's the same reason supermarkets always have 'Buy 1 get 1 free' or '3 for $5' deals on, because they give people the impression that they're getting a deal and convince them to buy something they wouldn't have otherwise. 'Here's a way to get all our DLC for less!' is following the same strategy. They don't do it out of their love for their customers, they do it because they know it makes them more money.

If you were planning on buying all the DLC no matter, then you're still better off spending the extra $5-$10 to get them individually (assuming you're getting them as they release) to ensure that you're not wasting a larger amount of money on extra content that you don't enjoy, or doesn't live up to your expectations.

The only time I can see an arguable case being made for seasons passes is if you're picking them up after all of the DLC has already been released, because you know exactly what you're getting and you are indeed getting it at a discounted price.

In both scenarios, it is ultimately up to the consumer to decide what is best for them.


Nope. Definitely waiting to see how much I like the actual game and what the DLC plans are.

Not many games/series will get me to do this. Maybe Mass Effect.
It surprises me that people still don't understand that this is the real issue. Be freakin' clear about what you plan on giving us. Is Nintendo the only one out there that actually lets you know what the future content may hold?

i like how like 3 people quoted me defending it too. You want my money? at the very least tell me what I'm getting don't tell me to just give you money. How people don't see that being a huge issue and arrogant as fuck is beyond me.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
I'm so sick of seeing people bringing up horse armor as some end-all be-all argument against Bethesda and DLC in general. It was almost 10 fucking years ago, move on. There's legitimate complaints to be made against certain practices, but use some more relevant examples instead of one that happened a decade ago.

Well, this one time they gave the price of the season pass for dlc, even though they had no idea what or when it's going to release. They assured though, that the quality matches $40, whatever this dlc will eventually be maybe


i like how like 3 people quoted me defending it too. You want my money? at the very least tell me what I'm getting don't tell me to just give you money. How people don't see that being a huge issue and arrogant as fuck is beyond me.

You know they will eventually tell you, right? And you don't have to buy it now, right?
I was actually hoping they'd have a season pass. At least they'll be some sort of decent discount on the DLC. Also glad to see a season pass that includes all the DLC instead of a couple of things. I feel that's how season passes should work.


i like how like 3 people quoted me defending it too. You want my money? at the very least tell me what I'm getting don't tell me to just give you money. How people don't see that being a huge issue and arrogant as fuck is beyond me.

I don't buy season passes, but... I fail to see it being a huge issue. The die hard fans know they're going to want all the DLC and this is an easy way to get it all day 1 at a slightly cheaper price.

If they don't meet expectations they burn bridges for next time. Or if enough people buy in, perhaps that funds extra content.

If you don't want to buy in, don't. You know the deal as much as everyone else.

Then why not wait to have something to show or say before asking for money ?

Because some people don't mind paying now? Just because you do doesn't mean everyone does. I didn't need to wait for Mad Max reviews to come in to know I was buying it -- I would have bought it if it was terrible. Thankfully, it's fantastic. That's the -known- risk I took, because for me, I was paying to play a Mad Max game. If someone's been waiting for Fallout 4 forever, and they want the pass, so be it.


Heh. Can't believe how many people are defending the $30 mystery pass. No wonder the big publishers think we're all idiots.

By all means, put down 50% of the game's asking price for an unscoped batch of content. At least you're getting "all" of it!
You don't even know if you like the base game yet.

Looking at most responses.
It's not about defending the $30 mystery pass. It's about not seeing enough of a reason for the outraged reactions.

They are giving the OPTION to buy this now before knowing what it is. Ok fine.
I personally don't think it's a good deal because I like to know what I'm paying for, so I will wait until the content is revealed to decide if I want to purchase the season pass. There, problem solved
It's people getting outraged over a non issue.

On my way to work I sometimes stop at a gas station to eat breakfast. They also sell cigarettes there. I don't smoke so I don't buy any.... and that's that. I don't go "OMG how do you dare to sell this filthy crap here?!?!?! Do I look like I want to inhale smoke that's bad for your health?!?! I demand that they get removed and I hope that everyone that has purchased them gets lung cancer!!!"
I would love for Obsidian to help with the DLC. In fact, it would be nice to see a variety of companies hired to assist with the DLC. But I assume they won't go with the Borderlands model of outsourced DLC development. I've always wanted to a celebrity developer approach though where big name studios do their unique spin on things with DLC.


Totally fine with this. As opposed to say, Rocksteady who demanded $40 up front with no successful DLC background, Bethesda has at least proven to create and release great pieces of dlc in the past.

Also $30 for every Fallout 4 dlc they ever make!? I easily spent over $40 on the Fallout 3 dlcs so this doesn't sound like a bad deal at all.


Is announcing a price asking for money? Again, it's not even for sale right now.

As far as I know, they're not selling the Season Pass anywhere, so I'm still not sure what the issue is.

All they announced was a price.

I guess I'm one of the few who finds it weird they announce something, which they will reveal the content later and tells us in advance the price, just seem so alien to me, to each their own.

Besides gaming I don't think I ever came across another industry where I'm asked for money without being told a general idea of what I'm getting, just seems bizarre.


I think you are out to lunch, They do DLC better than almost any other developer.
I thoroughly enjoyed all of the FO3/Skyrim DLC.

If i was to every buy a season pass upfront that wasn't included in a special/collectors edition it would be from these guys.
Out of all the developers Bethesda games are the easiest for me to wait for. They're going to be cheaper and guaranteed significantly better gaming experiences a year from release.


I would love for Obsidian to help with the DLC. In fact, it would be nice to see a variety of companies hired to assist with the DLC. But I assume they won't go with the Borderlands model of outsourced DLC development.
Old World's Blues in New Vegas was great. I'd love more of this quality.
oh ffs

i'm sure it's been addressed since I was only able to read the first page before blacking out from all the stupid flying around, but this isn't some random indie dev here

it's not like you'll put down 30 and never see a return on your investment

and you all know that shit

but yall gotta get butthurt and this is why companies lie to you

it's one of many reasons but yeah

Not tricking them into buying it, and not bethesda specifically. Tricking them into thinking it's in their best interests to buy it, when really it benefits the publishers more than anyone else.

It's the same reason supermarkets always have 'Buy 1 get 1 free' or '3 for $5' deals on, because they give people the impression that they're getting a deal and convince them to buy something they wouldn't have otherwise. 'Here's a way to get all our DLC for less!' is following the same strategy. They don't do it out of their love for their customers, they do it because they know it makes them more money.

If you were planning on buying all the DLC no matter, then you're still better off spending the extra $5-$10 to get them individually (assuming you're getting them as they release) to ensure that you're not wasting a larger amount of money on extra content that you don't enjoy, or doesn't live up to your expectations.

The only time I can see an arguable case being made for seasons passes is if you're picking them up after all of the DLC has already been released, because you know exactly what you're getting and you are indeed getting it at a discounted price.

that's an understandable point of view but I don't understand why someone who is already planning on buying all the DLC should buy them individually when that will cost them more and get them less. Just because they don't know exactly what they'll be getting doesn't mean there's no reason for them to have confidence that they'll be getting their money's worth.


jesus christ im sure most companies do this, they're just being honest about it.

but yall gotta get butthurt and this is why companies lie to you


Yep, thats my beef with season passes. Dont even know what youre going to make but its k, give us the cash

Yea I like the Nintendo approach for their big games, announce it after the game is out with a price and what your gonna get.

def dont like the idea of announcing something months before the game is out and asking people to preorder it when we have no idea of what it is.
Old World's Blues in New Vegas was great. I'd love more of this quality.


If they could cobble together a few rpg studios to make their own expansions it would rock. Double Fine, while not truly a rpg dev, would make for a weird choice but I am sure they would create one wild ride with some of the best dialogue ever seen in a Fallout title.
oh ffs

i'm sure it's been addressed since I was only able to read the first page before blacking out from all the stupid flying around, but this isn't some random indie dev here

it's not like you'll put down 30 and never see a return on your investment

Tell that to the people who bought the Arkham Knight season pass on pc.


Well not right after but dont they get rid of it after the first 1-2 dlc?
Nope. I'm sure it's happened once or twice, but all the major ones I can think of off the top of my head - Borderlands 2, Bioshock Infinite, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc - are still available.
Preordered. Not gonna let this opportunity to suck some fat corporate cock slide.


The lengths some of you will go to try and dictate how other people spend their money. I've got Fallout 4 preordered. If it sucks, I'll trade it in. If it's good, I'll buy the season pass to accentuate the multiple play throughs I'm sure to do.

Sorry if I'm not sticking it to the man enough.


DLC Season Passes are already one of the more anti-consumer practices in the video game industry, and this Fallout 4 one sounds worse than most out there. It may end up being a good deal or it may end up as a big rip off. The point is that we don't know at this point so it's just a gamble. And it's not in our interests to put down money on a gamble. I can see why some people may think that Bethesda's mystery offering is worth the money, but it's still unreasonable for them to defend this practice.
Tell that to the people who bought the Arkham Knight season pass on pc.
Well, I wouldn't tell people not to pay for Xbox Live just because MCC was a mess. Shit's an outlier. This is Bethesda, and I'm confident they'll be bringing 4 $10 or $15 dollar DLC packs plus stupid little armor and weapon bundles by the end of Fallout 4's lifecycle. I'm cool with paying $30 upfront for that because I know for a fact that I'm gonna play all that shit.
Funnily enough, I like to know what what I am buying first. Strange concept, I know.

well awesome, that's good for you. By the time the season pass is actually on sale, I'm sure they'll have more information for you.


What if what they release isn't worth $30? What if they only make one expansion?

And somebody will say "oh but they always have done at least 2"

Then I say why not just tell us more details about what they're asking us to pay for?

Companies have become so comfortable with all this expansion/dlc/season pass stuff that they're willing to charge you for something they won't tell you anything about, while being comically frank about it to the point of where it's just disrespectul. That's what upsets me here.
DLC Season Passes are already one of the more anti-consumer practices in the video game industry, and this Fallout 4 one sounds worse than most out there. It may end up being a good deal or it may end up as a big rip off. The point is that we don't know at this point so it's just a gamble. And it's not in our interests to put down money on a gamble. I can see why some people may think that Bethesda's mystery offering is worth the money, but it's still unreasonable for them to defend this practice.

We've reached a point where all it takes is saying "there's a season pass" for people to start throwing $30 at you.
The content doesn't even matter anymore. It's like, whatever, take my money.
Well, I wouldn't tell people not to pay for Xbox Live just because MCC was a mess. Shit's an outlier. This is Bethesda, and I'm confident they'll be bringing 4 $10 or $15 dollar DLC packs plus stupid little armor and weapon bundles by the end of Fallout 4's lifecycle. I'm cool with paying $30 upfront for that because I know for a fact that I'm gonna play all that shit.

Last time they did Fallout DLC it launched buggy as shit almost every time and half of them weren't that good. Some may even call some of them bad, short, unfun, or all of the above depending on the DLC in question. On the PS3, it straight up broke the fucking game and they never fixed it like they tried with Skyrim. Just fucking broken, possibly the most broken shit i've ever seen on a console.

So they can eat a bag of dicks with this give-us-money-maybe-you'll-get-something-decent bullshit. They should be lucky if i pick this up their GOTY nonsense next year for $20 or less because this stinks.


Winning! I mean at least they said it will be worth $40+ but if they haven't started it then how can they be sure lol
People looking to be upset. We know they are going to have expansions, so why is a season pass a bad thing?
Especially if they are promising it includes EVERY DLC THEY WILL MAKE. Assuming they keep that promise, that's a lot better than other Season Passes where you only get SOME of the expansions.


So what if Bethesda decides just to release one expansion and be done with it?

Monster Zero

Junior Member
If you don't like season passes... don't buy it? I don't get the hyperbole and negativity in this thread.

If you don't like don't buy can apply to every single discussion on this forum, it's a shitty counter argument, of course we know we don't have to buy it. But the audacity that a company can come out and promise you nothing for $30, and actually have people defend it is fustigating. There is no hyperbole, season passes shouldn't exist, how about discount for owning previous dlc, anything but an empty Styrofoam box. We have consumers putting actually faith in a product that even Bethesda has no idea what it is. Why is this normal?
LOL this keeps on delivering.

This industry is quickly becoming the worst anti-consumer shithole. But hey, nobody really cares apart from a bunch of youtubers, apparently.
I strong disagree. The value of entertainment that we get from a $60 game goes up and up every year. Games have been $60 since the Nintendo. A game back then gave you maybe 30 hours of entertainment till completion. A game today, like Fallout, will give you 200+ hours till completion.

With such a price sensitive audience (even basic commodities have gone up with inflation) it makes sense that the industry has had to adapt to new pricing models. The $60 game and $40 DLC is the new model (e.g. COD and Battlefield and others). I personally think its better than the other alternatives (e.g. console exclusive content, monthly subscriptions, etc,)

Not knowing what the content is going to be doesn't matter to me. A "fan" will naturally subsidize the gaming experience they enjoy to get more content and to ensure future iterations.
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