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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"

hey guys lets all give them half the value price of the game again for what could be anything they feel arsed to make next year.

I hate season passes when they don't tell you fuck all
You're right, you don't get it. We aren't complaining that they haven't started making DLC, that's totally great.

We are complaining because they are selling DLC which they haven't even started or THOUGHT about.

Where exactly can you buy this at though? I read the whole article that was linked and I didn't see a link to purchase it. Are we jumping the gun here or did I miss something?


This is to be expected of pretty much all triple A titles now. Instead of charging 90 US Dollars up front they charge you 60, and then incentivize you to spend the other 30 dollars later. Businesses are for profit, guys. Remember that.

The game your avatar is based off of seems to be doing that model very differently. ;)

I don't think passes themselves are bad. The issue I have is that they announced a pass, a price, but nothing on what it entails. It also entails the release window of that content, which I don't think Bethesda has ever been a shady company to be in when it comes to that. Warner Bros, on the other hand...
Fallout 3 , one of my favorite games of all time and only platinum was not worth any season pass, so the likelihood this game will be is minute....

Fallout 3 on ps3 couldn't even run past a couple of DLC's before the whole game would just crash repeatedly and never get past a certain point.

Also in these games you find that the DLC is just more drawn out gameplay with the exact same mechanics on a different map... it's not really that intriguing.

I'm one of Fallout's biggest defenders , but this is just a NO. At least just wait for the GOTY edition if you are obsessed with DLC (if it even runs properly). The fact that they are basically saying "give us money up front for unknown content " is even worse.
You really didn't like The Pitt or Point Lookout? The worst thing I could say about either is that there was a "collect this bullshit" achievement for each.

Edit: Although I played on 360.
Season passes have become a joke recently. They always just seem to be 4 or so minimalist content packs (usually maps) announced in advance & marketed to sound like a huge amount of content so developers/publishers can grab more money at launch.

Substantial expansions seem to be a thing of the past now & if they do get announced they're not always included in the pass anyway (looking at Destiny). GTA IV's 2 expansions & Red Dead Redemption's Undead nightmare were brilliant examples of how DLC should be done, they might have been more expensive compared to other DLC at the time but completely justified the price & added significant content to the game in one big package. I wish developers would go back to that.

At least with Bethesda not knowing what the DLC is in advance there's a chance it could be a few great expansions based on what people want in Fallout 4 over 5-6 watered down content updates rushed out in a year.


Beneath this DLC there is more than $30.

Beneath this DLC there is an idea (although not much of one atm, please understand), GAF...

... and ideas are bulletproof.


Disgusting. And anybody that supports this should be ashamed of themselves. It's disappointing to see what consumers are willing to accept nowadays.

I will buy this day 1, because Fallout 3 had the best dlc I have ever played in my life.



You really didn't like The Pitt or Point Lookout? The worst thing I could say about either is that there was a "collect this bullshit" achievement for each.

Edit: Although I played on 360.

Honestly , no... I played through Operation: Anchorage, Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta.

but I couldn't get through the Pitt because the game crashed repeatedly, over and over... the more DLC I did the more often it crashed until my saves were all unplayable.

By the Pitt I was like "oh more of the same stuff" honestly. Didn't play point lookout and didn't really feel like I was missing out either.

edit - also I played the original on 360 and just couple years ago borrowed GOTY for ps3 from a friend . They should really be ashamed of that port on ps3, like really , really ashamed.
Honestly , no... I played through Operation: Anchorage, Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta.

but I couldn't get through the Pitt because the game crashed repeatedly, over and over... the more DLC I did the more often it crashed until my saves were all unplayable.

By the Pitt I was like "oh more of the same stuff" honestly. Didn't play point lookout and didn't really feel like I was missing out either.
That's definitely a fair point, but I think "new areas to explore" is exactly what I was looking of for DLC for this game haha.

Zeta and Anchorage were definitely the worst of the set I think.


Disgusting. And anybody that supports this should be ashamed of themselves. It's disappointing to see what consumers are willing to accept nowadays.

Oh get off your high horse. People can do whatever the fuck they want to do with their own money.


Yep, thats my beef with season passes. Dont even know what youre going to make but its k, give us the cash

So then wait?

I don't know why people act like season passes increase in price over time or are only available to buy pre-release.. It will always be $30 max. After they've released 2 or 3 DLCs and you feel its worth $30 then buy it. Or wait until they release 4 or 5.

If you're a PC gamer then chances are it'll go on sale sometimes, so you get the DLC for even cheaper.

There's nothing wrong with season passes. It gets you DLC cheaper. The problem is how publishers want you to buy it early
hey guys lets all give them half the value price of the game again for what could be anything they feel arsed to make next year.

I hate season passes when they don't tell you fuck all

Considering how many people are preordering the game in spite of their..."sterling" record on bugs and game stability, I'm not surprised Bethesda is doing this.

It's still total bullshit, to be sure, but it's not surprising.


I didn't buy any of the DLC for Fallout 3. I certainly won't be buying any of the DLC for Fallout 4. So a Season Pass being sold with no DLC actually planned out yet is absolutely not for me.


Options are fine but not when they encourage and reward people for making purchases based on faith. That's just bad for consumers but somehow people have been tricked into thinking it's a good thing.

LOL. So Bethesda is tricking the people into buying the season pass?

Come on now.
They say DLC will be out early next year. Then they obviously know what the DLC is and working on it already. They aren't going to poop out some dlc in a couple months suddenly

True Fire

I might wait for the final edition with all of the DLC to be perfectly honest. I'd rather not pay 100 dollars Canadian for something I don't have an urge to play on Day 1.


They got people to buy horse armor
I'm so sick of seeing people bringing up horse armor as some end-all be-all argument against Bethesda and DLC in general. It was almost 10 fucking years ago, move on. There's legitimate complaints to be made against certain practices, but use some more relevant examples instead of one that happened a decade ago.


King of Gaslighting
They say DLC will be out early next year. Then they obviously know what the DLC is and working on it already. They aren't going to poop out some dlc in a couple months suddenly

Exactly. It's obviously story DLC to start; given how stingy they have been with story details for the main game it's not surprising they aren't giving up any details.


I'm just reminded of when I bought the Destiny Limited Edition for $100, which included the game and the Season Pass which included two "expansions". We were saying, "Its Bungie -- they got a rep."

What a piece of shit that first expansion was, The Dark Below. They couldn't even advertise it to those that hadnt bought the Season Pass yet because the review scores and Metacritic score was too low.

Bungie had to strong-arm players to purchase it by including the DLC into the Weekly Strike rotation ad nauseum. I'm so glad I quit that manipulative, half-assed game. Bless Witcher 3 for that.


I really have nothing against Season Passes. I've only ever bought one (DriveClub's, which was awesome), but I don't hate them as a practice in general.

But this is just the typical Zenimax/Bethesda idiocy & BS. I have nothing against Fallout 4 having a season pass, but could you at least wait until you have at least MOST of the Season Pass' content figured out before you start marketing & selling it?


Heh. Can't believe how many people are defending the $30 mystery pass. No wonder the big publishers think we're all idiots.

By all means, put down 50% of the game's asking price for an unscoped batch of content. At least you're getting "all" of it!
You don't even know if you like the base game yet.
Yep, thats my beef with season passes. Dont even know what youre going to make but its k, give us the cash
You don't have to give them anything though. Season passes are available for long after games release. Wait until the details come out if that's your incentive, or don't buy it at all.


ROFLMAO. I do applaud them for being honest though. They could have bullshitted everyone and listed some vague shit but they were like nah fuck it we don't know what it is but buy it anyway. lol


Disgusting. And anybody that supports this should be ashamed of themselves. It's disappointing to see what consumers are willing to accept nowadays.

The thing is... there's no shame. Consumers have become accustomed to buying Season Passes, and they really don't give a shit whether you, me, or anyone else disapproves. Season Passes have received a vote of confidence from consumers' wallets, and publishers will continue on this parh because it makes them money.

As much as I agree with Jim Sterling's takes on preorders, Season Passes, and other nonsense... he's not going to change a thing. Shaming consumers who buy into Season Passes isn't going to change anything, either. People will spend their money as they see fit, regardless of how we feel that they should spend it.

I understand the outrage, but honestly? It's not productive. Better to make your own buying decisions and adapt to what the current realities of the video game industry are.


ROFLMAO. I do applaud them for being honest. They could have bullshitted everyone and listed some vague shit but they were like nah fuck it we don't know what it is but buy it anyway. lol
I'm sure Bethesda has no idea what the future plans for fallout 4 are as much as square has no idea if the deus ex preorder event will reach its goal.


I only bought two season passes in my life so far, Destiny (which was REALLY disappointing) and Witcher 3 who we'll see the first one soon enough, not springing without knowing what I'm paying for in this case.
LOL. So Bethesda is tricking the people into buying the season pass?

Come on now.

Not tricking them into buying it, and not bethesda specifically. Tricking them into thinking it's in their best interests to buy it, when really it benefits the publishers more than anyone else.

It's the same reason supermarkets always have 'Buy 1 get 1 free' or '3 for $5' deals on, because they give people the impression that they're getting a deal and convince them to buy something they wouldn't have otherwise. 'Here's a way to get all our DLC for less!' is following the same strategy. They don't do it out of their love for their customers, they do it because they know it makes them more money.

If you were planning on buying all the DLC no matter, then you're still better off spending the extra $5-$10 to get them individually (assuming you're getting them as they release) to ensure that you're not wasting a larger amount of money on extra content that you don't enjoy, or doesn't live up to your expectations.

The only time I can see an arguable case being made for seasons passes is if you're picking them up after all of the DLC has already been released, because you know exactly what you're getting and you are indeed getting it at a discounted price.


I normally don't have a problem with season passes but I really don't like how they are trying to pretend that they will release more than $40 of DLC
Why the negative reaction? Devs announce DLC and what it contains: look at these horrible greedy devs chopping of pieces of the game to sell as DLC. Devs announce they want to make DLC to extend the game after launch but it doesn't exist yet: look at these horrible greedy devs, they shouldn't even be talking about this now, game's probably unfinished.

Some of you have a problem with paying for an "empty box" but would you be okay with this if they came out and said what it contained, if they didn't mention a price, if it wasn't available for preorder? You guys want transparency but at the same time don't want it. When would it be okay to announce the DLC if there is something inherently wrong with Season Passes and DLC in everyone's eyes?

Not to mention Fallout 3 and New Vegas had, what I assume, will be a similar setup minus the actual "Season Pass" branding and those are some of the best pieces of DLC I've played, each worth more than the ten dollars it cost.

If you don't want to preorder it fine, that is completely understandable, even advisable (I won't be), but don't shit all over it like this.


The way they phrase it as well is laughable giving loyal fans the chance to pay upfront for something when they don't even know what it is, gee thanks guys.


So technically I'm supposed to pay for something I know nothing about? Seems legit.

You're not supposed to pay for anything. Bethesda hasn't even put the pass up for sale yet.

The whining in this thread is ridiculous. The season pass will not have limited availability. You can wait to see what the DLC actually is before you buy it.


The middle ground that's missing in your dichotomy is them choosing not to announce a season pass when they don't know what's going to be in the damn season pass yet. That's what people are pissed about.

Yeah, I know, and that kinda sucks. But honestly, isn't that pretty much the MO for Season Passes? You NEVER really know what you're going to get. With Borderlands you literally had no idea what you were going to get, only that it was going to be more Borderlands. Sometimes you get the names + quantity of the DLC, but that still doesn't really tell you anything. And when you DO get a lot of information, that typically pisses everybody off because it seems like the DLC is basically done, so they're charging for content that "should be included on-disc" (which is also a silly argument).

I guess I still find the outrage expressed here to be completely exaggerated, given that this is pretty much standard-faire in my opinion.


All the poor people in this thread that Pete Hines and Todd Howard are holding at gunpoint and forcing to buy the season pass the moment it's available. Truly a shocking display of savagery.

Look, if you don't feel comfortable buying it without knowing what you're getting, then don't. That's your perogative as a consumer. I'm probably one of the biggest Fallout fans in this thread, been dying for 4 to come out for years, and even I'm going to hold off at least until the first DLC is revealed, probably even until it's released. But I'm also glad it's an option for when I get to that point.
Why the negative reaction? Devs announce DLC and what it contains: look at these horrible greedy devs chopping of pieces of the game to sell as DLC. Devs announce they want to make DLC to extend the game after launch but it doesn't exist yet: look at these horrible greedy devs, they shouldn't even be talking about this now, game's probably unfinished.
Make thing. Show thing. Sell thing.

Its not hard.

They're not forced to accept advanced payment for non-descript things to come down the line. They're choosing to do it this way because they can.


I only bought two season passes in my life so far, Destiny (which was REALLY disappointing) and Witcher 3 who we'll see the first one soon enough, not springing without knowing what I'm paying for in this case.

I've bought three (Halo 4, Destiny and Borderlands 2). Borderlands is the only one that didn't disappoint me. Everybody should just hold out until the dlc releases


No bald cap? Lies!
They have to know to some degree what their DLC plans are. Even with how crazy successful they are I can't imagine Zenimax/Bethesda Softworks are willing to just write them a check of 10-20 million for the next year and half or so to work on "something." They know at least big picture where they are going.

But maybe not and they really are winging it which would be really surprising, but great for them to have so much freedom.
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