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Fallout 4 Season Pass: $30, "we dont know what the actual DLC will be yet"

What if what they release isn't worth $30? What if they only make one expansion?

And somebody will say "oh but they always have done at least 2"

Then I say why not just tell us more details about what they're asking us to pay for?

Companies have become so comfortable with all this expansion/dlc/season pass stuff that they're willing to charge you for something they won't tell you anything about, while being comically frank about it to the point of where it's just disrespectul. That's what upsets me here.

newsflash y'all!

Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.

The season pass comes early next year.

By then, they'll likely have a clearer vision for their DLC plans, and you'll likely know more.

edit: nope, I was wrong, the DLC comes early next year, I read the IGN article and thought they were saying that's when the season pass hits. Still, though. They aren't asking for money from anyone for the season pass at the moment, they've just signaled their intent to release one, so knowing what it comes with right at this moment isn't entirely necessary, and deliberately ignoring past precedent in favor of the absolute worst possible and least likely turn of events ain't even half as reasonable as trusting Bethesda's DLC habits enough to buy in blind, at any rate.


I know what to expect from them in terms of dlc but the whole " To reward our most loyal fans" bit just makes this announcement seem insulting.

Monster Zero

Junior Member
newsflash y'all!

Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.

When you name a price, you're selling, just cause it's not available, doesn't mean we don't have people in this very topic saying they'll buy it without having any idea what it is
If you don't like season passes... don't buy it? I don't get the hyperbole and negativity in this thread.

People don't even want to see if things are worth their money anymore which is the ideal scenario for publishers when selling these, not even needing to promise things to convince people to hand over the money.
Consumers are putting themselves in a very unfavorable position with this.
If this is successful it will become a trend, with publishers not feeling pressure to deliver good content because they already have the money.
If all it takes is saying there's a season pass, why promise valuable content? Just watch the money roll in and then do the bare minimum.


What if Bethesda only releases one DLC expansion and all you do is fight different versions of horse armor? Think about it.


newsflash y'all!

Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.

The season pass comes early next year.

By then, they'll likely have a clearer vision for their DLC plans, and you'll likely know more.

If they aren't trying to push their product then why did they announce it?

Mentioning anything with a price point is them trying to sell me SHIT.


I strong disagree. The value of entertainment that we get from a $60 game goes up and up every year. Games have been $60 since the Nintendo. A game back then gave you maybe 30 hours of entertainment till completion. A game today, like Fallout, will give you 200+ hours till completion.

With such a price sensitive audience (even basic commodities have gone up with inflation) it makes sense that the industry has had to adapt to new pricing models. The $60 game and $40 DLC is the new model (e.g. COD and Battlefield and others). I personally think its better than the other alternatives (e.g. console exclusive content, monthly subscriptions, etc,)
The older Elder Scrolls games have significantly more content than anything Bethesda is making currently. I guess the recent stuff has more voice acting.


This thread is a great example of why companies now lie about DLC plans.

You can be honest and show what you will offer, the insanity !
As far as I know only CDPR did this so far in recent memories and even then the jury is still out because we didn't play any of their DLC yet.


If you don't like don't buy can apply to every single discussion on this forum, it's a shitty counter argument, of course we know we don't have to buy it. But the audacity that a company can come out and promise you nothing for $30, and actually have people defend it is fustigating. There is no hyperbole, season passes shouldn't exist, how about discount for owning previous dlc, anything but an empty Styrofoam box. We have consumers putting actually faith in a product that even Bethesda has no idea what it is. Why is this normal?
The don't buy it applys perfectly to season passes, They said they have no idea what this pass will exactly contain so best thing to do is ignore it till they announce what will be included.

It's a bunch of posters overreacting like they normally do until we get a full story of what this is. The main thing is this should be ignored until it's spelled out what is included.

There's nothing wrong with the premise of season passes just they need to spell out what you get.

You can be honest and show what you will offer, the insanity !
As far as I know only CDPR did this so far in recent memories and even then the jury is still out because we didn't play any of their DLC yet.
I wouldn't trust CDPR anyway. They have alot to prove with the season pass they are bringing out.
When you name a price, you're selling, just cause it's not available, doesn't mean we don't have people in this very topic saying they'll buy it without having any idea what it is

So? What's your point? Those people, myself included, trust that they'll be getting their money's worth based on past precedent. That makes sense.

What doesn't make sense is people getting up in arms just because Bethesda doesn't have a clear vision for their DLC right now. The context for getting pissed about that has solely been, "but look, they're trying to sell you a season pass when nobody knows what it even is, not even them!!!"... except they're not trying to sell you that shit blind, because they're not selling it now, they're selling it next year... They signaled their intent to release a season pass, that is not the same thing.
If they aren't trying to push their product then why did they announce it?

Mentioning anything with a price point is them trying to sell me SHIT.

Yeah, then why don't you go and hand them $30 for the season pass?

You won't, eh? Ah, it's because you've got integrity and no respect for scummy practices...

oh wait no, you can't buy it because it's not even for sale for another 4 months
so in four months if they've still don't have their DLC roadmap figured out or they still can't or won't communicate that to us, then that's when it would make sense to get up in arms about it
certainly not now
The older Elder Scrolls games have significantly more content than anything Bethesda is making currently. I guess the recent stuff has more voice acting.
IIRC, Twice as much as Witcher supposedly. That seems unfathomable to me.

What if Bethesda only releases one DLC expansion and all you do is fight different versions of horse armor? Think about it.
That's a great way to end your future business. Think about it!
newsflash y'all!

Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.
Bethesda isn't trying to sell you SHIT right now.

The season pass comes early next year.

By then, they'll likely have a clearer vision for their DLC plans, and you'll likely know more.

I agree but some here never miss an opportunity to bash a company. What is not being discussed is that Bethesda will be doing free updates that add new content.
We know Bethesda will make expansions they always do. Whether or not you enjoyed their previous work is personal taste. My issue with season pass is developers who sell it and then don't deliver any content or very little.


Bethesda is one of the better devs when it comes to DLC, so I may be in. Will have to play the main game before buying any sort of season pass, though. I'm expecting FO 4 to be good, but ya never know.
The season pass won't be up for purchase until four months from now?

Where are you getting that?

I got that from a badly worded IGN paraphrasing that I'm now beginning to call into question myself, considering the article linked in the OP states that they'll start selling the DLC early next year, whereas the IGN article seems to imply that it's the season pass that doesn't come until next year. I'll still wait and see if Bethesda knows what they want to sell us when they start selling it, before I complain that they're trying to sell me something blind, though.

This is actually my usual plan when it comes to these games, but the possibility of an solid port on the PS4 and getting it for 40 bucks via GCU, I was seriously considering getting this day 1.

Now I'm reconsidering that.
So you were gonna buy a game that nobody knows much about yet on day 1, but because they're planning on selling a season pass for DLC that they were always going to make anyway, suddenly the base game is a less appealing purchase....? ???


Season Passes and Pre-order incentives are evil; we all know this.

That said, when will the Fallout 4 Season Pass be available on GreenManGaming...? I'm ready to buy it at 23% off, and am ready to see what the amazing modding community will come up with in early 2016 when the Creation Kit rolls out.


I guess one can also wait for "game of the year" edition of the game.

This is actually my usual plan when it comes to these games, but the possibility of an solid port on the PS4 and getting it for 40 bucks via GCU, I was seriously considering getting this day 1.

Now I'm reconsidering that.


Wait. People complain when they are already working on DLC before the game is finished ("JUST INCLUDE IT IN THE GAME!!!"). Now we are complaining that they haven't started on the DLC yet?

I don't get it.

I think it would be a good idea to actually let the consumer know what their paying their extra $30 for...don't you think? imagine going to an restaurant, and instead of getting what you ordered you get an mystery box that costs $30. Would you buy it? That's what folks are upset about here.
When you name a price, you're selling, just cause it's not available, doesn't mean we don't have people in this very topic saying they'll buy it without having any idea what it is

I'm honestly trying to understand why this is problematic. Some people have faith that the content will be good and worth buying. Others would prefer for Bethesda to flesh out what this content will be before pulling the trigger. Still others might prefer until some or most of it is out and there are impressions before buying. Still others might just say "you know, there's enough stuff to play over the coming year, I'll just wait until they sell everything as a Game of the Year or Definitive Edition package."

These are all options available to you. There's no hard decision to make. I'm not sitting here between a rock and a hard place feeling like there's a big gamble either way that they might either steal my hard-earned money from me with a subpar product or I might miss out on great content.


I think it would be a good idea to actually let the consumer know what their paying their extra $30 for...don't you think? imagine going to an restaurant, and instead of getting what you ordered you get an mystery box that costs $30. Would you buy it? That's what folks are upset about here.

Depending on the restaurants reputation, I would.

Would those people at the restaurant still be upset if they knew what they were getting for $40 btw?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If Season Passes were actually time based I would have more of an issue with this, but they're not. I agree that it's pretty silly to already dump money on content that isn't detailed at all, but there's no punishment for waiting even if you may be interested.
If you don't like don't buy can apply to every single discussion on this forum, it's a shitty counter argument, of course we know we don't have to buy it. But the audacity that a company can come out and promise you nothing for $30, and actually have people defend it is fustigating. There is no hyperbole, season passes shouldn't exist, how about discount for owning previous dlc, anything but an empty Styrofoam box. We have consumers putting actually faith in a product that even Bethesda has no idea what it is. Why is this normal?

If it is so shitty a counter argument, then why don't you properly address it? If you're not into buying a promise for future content at a discount, then don't. Let others take the risk and do it if they want to.

"There is no hyperbole, season passes shouldn't exist" - I loved that line. Quite ironic.

"But the audacity that a company can come out and promise you nothing for $30" - Again, hyperbolic as fuck. Did you even read the post? The promise is for at minimum $40 worth of content which would consist of all the DLC content they sell meaning it could be more than $40 sold separately. That is not a lack of a promise. If that is a promise you don't like, then don't buy.

Sorry if the easy to understand and convey "counter argument" fits so many of this outrage response threads. I frankly don't pay that much attention. But perhaps it says something about the things you get mad about.


Why would anyone buy this then?

I have a tin of fresh air for sale for $30. Not sure on the quality, where it's from or when I'll be able to get it to you but do you want it?

Fuck me I need to quit my day job and come up with a new way to make money. I'm in the wrong business.


People doubting Bethesda won't deliver after Bloodmoon, Shivering Isles, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Dawnguard and Dragonborn?

They're essentially one of the greatest when it comes to DLC and content + quality.

Dragonborn, Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles especially featured like 1/4 of new game content in relation to the vanilla game.


People doubting Bethesda won't deliver after Bloodmoon, Shivering Isles, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Dawnguard and Dragonborn?

They're essentially one of the greatest when it comes to DLC and content + quality.

Dragonborn, Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles especially featured like 1/4 of game new game content in relation to the vanilla game.

Agreed, but you can't expect people to think rationally like this... Especially with all the "Never preorder" bullshit going around.
If you don't like don't buy can apply to every single discussion on this forum, it's a shitty counter argument, of course we know we don't have to buy it. But the audacity that a company can come out and promise you nothing for $30, and actually have people defend it is fustigating. There is no hyperbole, season passes shouldn't exist, how about discount for owning previous dlc, anything but an empty Styrofoam box. We have consumers putting actually faith in a product that even Bethesda has no idea what it is. Why is this normal?

lmao, I'm gonna start doing this every time a new game is revealed.

While everyone is getting all hyped up and talking about how one of their favorite franchises is getting a sequel and they can't wait to see more or play it for themselves...

I'm gonna be all like "WHAT? They only show us the title, and a small trailer, and they expect me to pay $60 for THAT? For fucking NOTHING? How dare they..."

because that's about how much sense all this whining actually makes
Season Passes and Pre-order incentives are evil; we all know this.

That said, when will the Fallout 4 Season Pass be available on GreenManGaming...? I'm ready to buy it at 23% off, and am ready to see what the amazing modding community will come up with in early 2016 when the Creation Kit rolls out.

wait 2 more years for amazing mods.


Agreed, but you can't expect people to think rationally like this... Especially with all the "Never preorder" bullshit going around.

Granted. Hearing the words "Season Pass" certainly leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you hear it because of all the bad examples that has been out there. But since Bethesda are so good with their after game content I would put the odds on

90:10 worth it / not worth it

Bethesda is heavily favoured in this match-up here.


People doubting Bethesda won't deliver after Bloodmoon, Shivering Isles, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Dawnguard and Dragonborn?

They're essentially one of the greatest when it comes to DLC and content + quality.

Dragonborn, Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles especially featured like 1/4 of new game content in relation to the vanilla game.

Yes their track record is good but where is the guarantee that their future content will be good, especially considering you have no idea what they will come up with this time. They could be selling you Christmas hats for your characters for $30 and you would be none the wiser at this point.

Then there is the fact that we don't even know how good the base game actually is at this point. What if the game is a disaster (unlikely scenario I know, but stranger things have happened) and they end up folding as a result? What if you don't even end up liking the base game content? How would you then feel about the $30 you spent on that unspecified content?

Would you go into a shop and put $30 down for a mystery unspecified item with an unknown delivery date?

I just don't see the logic here. No wonder this industry continues to shaft it's consumers when people are defending this shite.


- "Please give us $30"
- "What do I get in exchange?"
- "I dunno"

Brilliant sale pitch if I'm honest.


- "Please give us $30"
- "What do I get in exchange?"
- "I dunno"

Brilliant sale pitch if I'm honest.

Sounds like a pyramid scheme when you put it like that to be honest.

"Don't forget to tell all your friends to buy it as well!"
People are really gonna pay $30 for promises? This is sucha ridiculous statement. I thought it was a joke.

Of course they will. No matter how awful the game, people will gladly pay $90-$100 dollars on the promise of content for a game with a big name from a big publisher. It's the lifeblood of the AAA industry that doesn't have quite the bad reputation you think it's earned from past awfulness.


lmao, I'm gonna start doing this every time a new game is revealed.

While everyone is getting all hyped up and talking about how one of their favorite franchises is getting a sequel and they can't wait to see more or play it for themselves...

I'm gonna be all like "WHAT? They only show us the title, and a small trailer, and they expect me to pay $60 for THAT? For fucking NOTHING? How dare they..."

because that's about how much sense all this whining actually makes

You see that already in most triple A reveal threads :)


King of Gaslighting
People doubting Bethesda won't deliver after Bloodmoon, Shivering Isles, Broken Steel, Point Lookout, Dawnguard and Dragonborn?

They're essentially one of the greatest when it comes to DLC and content + quality.

Dragonborn, Bloodmoon and Shivering Isles especially featured like 1/4 of new game content in relation to the vanilla game.

Horse Armor!

Yes their track record is good but where is the guarantee that their future content will be good, especially considering you have no idea what they will come up with this time. They could be selling you Christmas hats for your characters for $30 and you would be none the wiser at this point.

There's isn't anyone without a horse in this race that actually thinks they'll get that.
Granted. Hearing the words "Season Pass" certainly leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you hear it because of all the bad examples that has been out there. But since Bethesda are so good with their after game content I would put the odds on

90:10 worth it / not worth it

Bethesda is heavily favoured in this match-up here.

Even if their reputation wasn't good, I don't see the problem. My position is that people are free to spend their money however they want. There are certainly situations where companies will abuse the goodwill they have earned, and when they do that, they deserve to be called out. But even in this thread, people will cite things like "this is the same company that sold us horse armor." And all I can think is "yeah, and?" I mean, I didn't buy horse armor? Did you? If you did and thought it was worth $5 (or whatever it costed), then more power to you. If you didn't, it was optional content that you should have felt no pressure to buy.

Now if they sell a bunch of people $30 season passes based on good will that fans have towards the Fallout franchise and deliver horse armor, I expect that they'll get called out for it. Hopefully, fans that feel cheated will have some recourse to get some/all of that money back. And going forward, more people will be skeptical of paying money in advance for vague promises. But the rest of us? We'll feel glad that we never plopped down this cash in advance and nothing of value will have been lost.


.... you have no idea what they will come up with this time. They could be selling you Christmas hats for your characters for $30

I have a hard time understanding how someone could actually believe Bethesda would do this, based on everything they do nowadays.

If you seriously think that they would put cosmetics for a single player game in the "Seasonal Pass" then you have a problem. They are not Gear Box, this is not Borderlands... Every single one of Bethesda's DLC's have been great for Fallout.

I am sorry, but that quote sounds uneducated, and down right silly.
Why would anyone buy this then?

I have a tin of fresh air for sale for $30. Not sure on the quality, where it's from or when I'll be able to get it to you but do you want it?

Fuck me I need to quit my day job and come up with a new way to make money. I'm in the wrong business.
Is it a fallout collector's tin?
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