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Fifa Switch will be reportedly based off the PS3/360 versions

Nintendo needs third party games released on their console at the same time It's released on the other consoles. The only way that's going to happen is if BS titles such as Fifa for the Switch which maybe a PS360 port sells decent to we'll enough on the Switch to get publishers to consider releasing more for the system.

Nintendo cannot solo a whole console gen. The Wii U proves that. So when it comes down to it I don't give a fuck if this is a PS360 port. I want this fucker to do well so that it opens a door for future releases from third parties at the same time as the other consoles.


What some are saying on here reflects how I feel about this whole thing.

In all honesty, I have absolutely no interest at all in FIFA on Switch and that was the same before we found out that it was going to be the legacy edition from last generation. The real issue for me here is that this runs contrary to Nintendo's claims of third party developers being interested in their console.

I feel pretty safe saying that there won't be another FIFA on Switch after this one and there may not even be another major EA game on the system. It feels like it's no more than a token appearance by EA.

If it was just FIFA then it maybe wouldn't so bad, but Bethesda are also showing a lack of interest by not releasing the remastered version of Skyrim, even if that remastered version was reduced in quality compared to the other consoles.

We have no idea how many of the relationships that they've built with publishers is going to result in major games such as these ending up being less of game than is available on the other two consoles.

With the games that I've mentioned, due to the approach that the two publishers that I've mentioned are taking I'm questioning why they are there? We're they simply offered money by Nintendo to have a presence on the console just so their name could appear on a slide? Of course, I had no idea if that's true but there's nothing that I've seen which suggests to me that major publishers have any interest at all in this machine.

The simple truth is that if these publishers don't have any interest in it and therefore release things like the FIFA and Skyrim releases that have been announced are not going top encourage customers to buy the games and if customers don't buy these games then it's not going to garner confidence in the people publishing them moving forwards.

The main positive I'm presented for games like these is "Well, it's the best portable version of the game" but that just won't be enough for the vast majority of people who are potential Switch customers.

Particularly when the Switch version of these games is not going to be the best portable version of these games because many of these games will be far better and much cheaper on a mobile PC.

I would love the Switch to do well but I don't think that I've ever felt as negatively about a console and how it's been presented as I do about the Switch right now. The scale of how many things they appear to have just missed the mark on with this machine is ridiculous. I know there are some people who will love it and that's fantastic but I'm completely bewildered by almost everything that Nintendo have done over the past 24 hours or so.


Junior Member
Not surprised that EA didn't bother to get Frostbite running on the Switch. They'll stick with this as their "Oh hey, we're supporting the Switch", & will likely jump ship when it doesn't sell to their liking.
I feel like nintendos been stuck in Groundhog Day for the last 10 years

Except unlike the movie they don't learn any lessons or get better at anything.

Gameplay > graphics
I hope people understand that the PS3/360 versions of the games are actually lesser games not just because of graphical fidelity. There's gameplay stuff missing too.
Would still be the best portable version. The main issue here would be if it lacks game modes/features.
The PS3/360 version does. In '16 those versions missed out on the Creation Centre, custom music and chants, the FIFA Interactive World Cup, GameFace and the secondary commentary track. In '17 they also completely missed out on The Journey. It's an inherently poorer version of the game, and with the move to Frostbite, it seems likely that the last-gen versions will continue to lose features.
Not surprised that EA didn't bother to get Frostbite running on the Switch. They'll stick with this as their "Oh hey, we're supporting the Switch", & will likely jump ship when it doesn't sell to their liking.

It's nintendos job to make their environment and hardware conducive for third party engines and games to flourish, not the other way around. The competition has, Nintendo has not.
Not surprised that EA didn't bother to get Frostbite running on the Switch. They'll stick with this as their "Oh hey, we're supporting the Switch", & will likely jump ship when it doesn't sell to their liking.
Whose job is it to make the Switch a valuable investment of resources for developers and sell them on its future?

It's not EA.


Whose job is it to make the Switch a valuable investment of resources for developers and sell them on its future?

It's not EA.
When the other third party games are:

PS3/360 port of NBA 2K
PS3/360 port of Skyrim
A port of Street Fighter 2

It's definitely just EA phoning it in.

It's nintendos job to make their environment and hardware conducive for third party engines and games to flourish, not the other way around. The competition has, Nintendo has not.

This right here. Developers have tools and engines designed with baseline specs in mind and they've been developing for these specs for 3+ years now. You can't just show up with underpowered hardware and expect third-parties to port everything down just because. It has to be worth the time and investment.

Nintendo needs to either invest in third-parties or invest in hardware. Ideally both. Either way, it has to take investment on Nintendo's part.


Ah yes. Autodesk that developer of classic AAA architectural software.

Seriously when theyre listing people who just make design tools as developers I knew this was over exaggerating things.
I wonder if it'll be the PS3 version of AutoCAD?

At least it'll be the best mobile version of AutoCAD. Well, apart from the actual mobile version of AutoCAD.
That's a massive problem.

It means no support for Frostbite 3.0

Which also means no Battlefield, no Mass Effect, no Dragon Age. And more importantly.... No Star Wars


Whose job is it to make the Switch a valuable investment of resources for developers and sell them on its future?

It's not EA.

You're right, but if EA actually wants us to buy their product, then it's their job to make a compelling product in the first place. They shouldn't have even bothered with this game if this is the best effort they're going to do. The screwed up thing is that they'll use this as a sign that players don't buy their games on Nintendo platforms, which is complete BS.

It's irresponsible to remove any blame from EA. This is their game and theirs alone. The quality (or lack thereof) is squarely on their shoulders. We, as consumers, are under no obligation to buy their game.


You're right, but if EA actually wants us to buy their product, then it's their job to make a compelling product in the first place. They shouldn't have even bothered with this game if this is the best effort they're going to do. The screwed up thing is that they'll use this as a sign that players don't buy their games on Nintendo platforms, which is complete BS.

It's irresponsible to remove any blame from EA. This is their game and theirs alone. The quality (or lack thereof) is squarely on their shoulders. We, as consumers, are under no obligation to buy their game.
I find it highly doubtful that EA begged for FIFA to be on Nintendo's new console. More than likely it was the other way around. It would be a bad look for Nintendo to not have any FIFA iteration.

As another poster said, no real FIFA player/fan is waiting for the Switch version. We are well served by PS4 and X1. Nintendo needs to design some good hardware if they want devs to jump aboard and deliver proper games. It's 2016 and PS4/X1 tech isn't even good tech these days - it's embarrassing that a new console would have worse specs than those consoles. Switch gets the games it deserves.
You're right, but if EA actually wants us to buy their product, then it's their job to make a compelling product in the first place. They shouldn't have even bothered with this game if this is the best effort they're going to do. The screwed up thing is that they'll use this as a sign that players don't buy their games on Nintendo platforms, which is complete BS.

It's irresponsible to remove any blame from EA. This is their game and theirs alone. The quality (or lack thereof) is squarely on their shoulders. We, as consumers, are under no obligation to buy their game.

Yep, can't agree more. It's common to put all the blame over Nintendo's shoulders for everything, even to justify stupid third-party's decisions like this. Ok: "let's make an outdated version that no one will care about it. It'll bomb, but hey, we know Nintendo will take the blame, so we can get away with it and blame them, so we can justify no more support for them".

That's how some third-parties has been acting towards them in the last years. If Nintendo was aware, they wouldn't allow EA (or any other third-party thereof) to deliver low quality products that ultimately will not only repel buyers but inflict negative image to the system in general. This happened with Wii U thanks to some feature-missing, underperforming ports that came with it (Mass Effect 3 and FIFA 13, hello?)

As another poster said, no real FIFA player/fan is waiting for the Switch version. We are well served by PS4 and X1. Nintendo needs to design some good hardware if they want devs to jump aboard and deliver proper games. It's 2016 and PS4/X1 tech isn't even good tech these days - it's embarrassing that a new console would have worse specs than those consoles. Switch gets the games it deserves.

Quit with this crap, this is no excuse, no even justification, to release a poor version that no one cares about it.
You're right, but if EA actually wants us to buy their product, then it's their job to make a compelling product in the first place. They shouldn't have even bothered with this game if this is the best effort they're going to do. The screwed up thing is that they'll use this as a sign that players don't buy their games on Nintendo platforms, which is complete BS.

It's irresponsible to remove any blame from EA. This is their game and theirs alone. The quality (or lack thereof) is squarely on their shoulders. We, as consumers, are under no obligation to buy their game.
I'm going to throw out my unsubstantiated guess that they didn't ask Nintendo to do this, Nintendo asked them.


Quit with this crap, this is no excuse, no even justification, to release a poor version that no one cares about it.
Frostbite is far more advanced than anything that can run on Switch. There's your justification, that's the reality, and that's exactly why Switch is getting a PS3 port. Nintendo's hardware isn't up to snuff.


Port based of the 360 version and maybe up the resolution a bit and add Switch features like joy con MP seems completely logical considering how powerful the machine is no?
Up the resolution and you kill the switch. The thing is literally a mobile Wii U. It's not powerful at all . For a mobile device it's decent but stop lying to yourself. It's a mobile version of 2007 hardware.


Did people really expect the psone versions.

Switch hasn't shown it's not much more powerful than the wiiu and the wiiu was arguable weaker than the ps360 depending on the specific specs like CPU.

So of course it's getting the version it's hardware is equal too.


I find it highly doubtful that EA begged for FIFA to be on Nintendo's new console. More than likely it was the other way around. It would be a bad look for Nintendo to not have any FIFA iteration.

As another poster said, no real FIFA player/fan is waiting for the Switch version. We are well served by PS4 and X1. Nintendo needs to design some good hardware if they want devs to jump aboard and deliver proper games. It's 2016 and PS4/X1 tech isn't even good tech these days - it's embarrassing that a new console would have worse specs than those consoles. Switch gets the games it deserves.

It doesn't matter about the hardware. The NS can run their games. This is about something else. But none of that matters to us, the consumer. EA wants us to buy this game, they need to make a compelling reason for that. If they don't want to, then we're under no obligation to buy it. Giving EA a pass is crazy. They are responsible for their own software and how it's presented to us.

I'm going to throw out my unsubstantiated guess that they didn't ask Nintendo to do this, Nintendo asked them.

It doesn't matter who asked who to do what. The bottom line is that the game is coming out and they want customers to buy it. At least that's the theory. If they don't, then they're doing the right thing by releasing a potentially bad or mediocre game.
Frostbite is far more advanced than anything that can run on Switch. There's your justification, that's the reality, and that's exactly why Switch is getting a PS3 port. Switch's hardware isn't up to snuff.

Ok, so you probably work for EA and has evidence that Frostbite can't run on Switch. Care to show this to us?
So when the poorly made port fails, they can justify no more Switch games. Hey, we tried! A true self fulfilling prophecy.

How exactly is it EA's fault that Nintendo has, for the third consecutive generation, released a console that is closer in performance to what the other guys had last gen?

It's not like the 360/PS3 versions are bad, they just won't have the graphical bells and whistles that the greater horsepower provides. This is their hardware philosophy, multiplats are never going to look best on Nintendo's system.
Frostbite is far more advanced than anything that can run on Switch. There's your justification, that's the reality, and that's exactly why Switch is getting a PS3 port. Nintendo's hardware isn't up to snuff.
UE4 can run on switch. I don't know that it's a fact that frostbite is 'far more advanced' than UE4.


Frostbite is far more advanced than anything that can run on Switch. There's your justification, that's the reality, and that's exactly why Switch is getting a PS3 port. Nintendo's hardware isn't up to snuff.

That isn't remotely true.
Did people really expect the psone versions.

Switch hasn't shown it's not much more powerful than the wiiu and the wiiu was arguable weaker than the ps360 depending on the specific specs like CPU.

So of course it's getting the version it's hardware is equal too.
Switch isn't much more powerful than the Wii U, but neither is the Xbox 360 and that ran frostbite engine games.


Did people really expect the psone versions.

Switch hasn't shown it's not much more powerful than the wiiu and the wiiu was arguable weaker than the ps360 depending on the specific specs like CPU.

So of course it's getting the version it's hardware is equal too.
If only we were getting the PS1 version of FIFA, if only!!!!!


What game is From even developing for the Switch? They are on that list, are we gonna get the trilogy or not?
A port of Demon's Souls would melt Switch

That isn't remotely true.
Could the same game that's on PS4 and X1 be ported to Switch? Would it work properly? Would it look the same? Look deep within yourself and you will find the answer.

UE4 can run on switch. I don't know that it's a fact that frostbite is 'far more advanced' than UE4.
Has anything that looks like BF1 been created with UE4?

It doesn't matter about the hardware. The NS can run their games. This is about something else. But none of that matters to us, the consumer. EA wants us to buy this game, they need to make a compelling reason for that. If they don't want to, then we're under no obligation to buy it. Giving EA a pass is crazy. They are responsible for their own software and how it's presented to us.
EA when nobody buys FIFA 13 on Switch:

They make a fuckton of cash from FIFA on X1 and PS4. Switch owners don't wanna buy it? No problem.


What game is From even developing for the Switch? They are on that list, are we gonna get the trilogy or not?
It's going to be a worse-running version of the PS3/360 version of Dark Souls 1 & 2, just like the third-party Wii U ports of stuff like Arkham City.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I seem to recall Epic saying back in 2012 that UE4 full feature set would run on 1 Teraflop processors. Ea is probably just lazy
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