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Fighting Game Community || Stream Monster Headquarters

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Yeah I play KI probably more than any other fighter at the moment. Always up for some matches just PM me for my GT.


Of all the alt outfits in SFV, the only one I don't like is Bison and that the one Amazon is offering as a preorder.


Yeah I would have been stoked if hobo Ryu had been attached to Amazon. I hate ordering things through Gamestop. Always takes forever to ship.
Count, how do you rate Gamebee's Elena?

Really solid. He keeps it relatively simple and doesn't try to be fancy at all which really works for him. He's not really all to inventive with her though. I haven't learned anything new from watching him play her vs Sako and Galtu. I would say Sako has the better Elena, but Gamerbee is more solid of a player.


Thanks. Living the dream for real now.

By God you earned it man. You've been super active on multiple boards, push hard to further the scene, and have remained solidly objective in your feedback to help make things overall better in NRS titles. You never really seemed to push one tool without considering and bringing up who such changes would impact in matchups and whether or not they should receive balances to compensate. Always enjoyed your work and level head on TYM and here. Hell you were one of the first to get me shaking hands, learning the scene, and finding out whats up with NRS titles when I ventured in with Injustice.

You worked hard man. Time to be a closer part of what you love than ever now. Enjoy yourself. :)
Bearded ryu is pretty rad but Damn he sure look like a white dude.

akira lookin pretty white too


El Sloth

I think people just have to spend some more time with the new Cammy. Watching Poongko do those tricky resets gives me the impression the character has potential.

The V-reversal OS looks cool, but I wonder if Capcom will leave it be.

I could go in and ban folks for that behavior but ultimately, that doesn't do anything but remove noise for a short period of time. My reminders were done with the expectation that you guys could figure it out and keep it on-topic with minimal deviations. You're all smart people. Perhaps I could nanny the thread but I'm not going to be in the thread all the time and so I can't stop folks from going off-topic at every occurrence. Just banning would reduce active on-topic discussion as well.

I prefer to engage and guide to better behavior, saving bans for chronic bad behavior or heinous short term stuff. It's worked in the past on here but I guess I'll need to be a bit firmer in the future.
Yeah, I feel you. More than once would off topic things cycle back into relevant stuff. It's tough. I recognize that I also have the benefit of being able to speak with hindsight. Ah well.

Are you thinking about going to CEOtaku by the way? To raise the Gundam flag high.


The no mixup mixup? What if they try to block in the direction of the cannon strike? They get hit?

In games with cross up protection, you should be fine with blocking either way. I still don't know for sure if that's true regarding auto correct dive kick though. I just remember hearing it on stream somewhere. It could be totally false or they might've changed it.


Take out OSs

let no OSs live.

SFV is about making decisions you believe in, not covering multiple options because your heart wasn't strong enough.


Cammy face reminds me of the old DOA girls faces.

NRS removed all the OS with the new patch. imokwiththis.jpg


I don't see how they could rid of it if they wanted to.

It's one of those things that's going to exist unless they build in a really obtuse exception to normal rules. Follows the normal fighting game rules of blockstun vs non blockstun stuff :v

I think it's fine though. Like if you understand the action being OSed you just RPS that action when you leave them out of blockstun.


Doesn't that OS just lose to lows?

You could OS a bunch of stuff, and even more once every character has both a punch and kick alpha counter.

Chun examples:
charge back, forward LP+MP+HP = alpha counter or ex kikouken
qcf hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or CA
hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or ex legs


Slayer of Combofiends
You could OS a bunch of stuff, and even more once every character has both a punch and kick alpha counter.

Chun examples:
charge back, forward LP+MP+HP = alpha counter or ex kikouken
qcf hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or CA
hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or ex legs

Zissou, your doom tutorials are godlike, please keep on making them if you ever feel like it. Plus your song choices are really good.


You could OS a bunch of stuff, and even more once every character has both a punch and kick alpha counter.

Chun examples:
charge back, forward LP+MP+HP = alpha counter or ex kikouken
qcf hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or CA
hcf LK+MK+HK = alpha counter or ex legs

I haven't played the beta so I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I still don't get it. What's the difference between doing EX fireball or EX legs during blockstun vs. just doing f.MP~LK+MK+HK or even just doing f.LP+MP+HP during blockstun? The startup is probably slower than EX legs, but it doesn't cost a meter and it's probably safer.

You could also easily bait it. Jump back and catch the kicks on their recovery. I don't see it being terribly useful.

Maybe you could just delay your frame trap too (the same way you would delay your frame traps if someone were delay teching). Thinking on it, this is probably why Bison doesn't have psycho crusher anymore lol.
Maybe you could just delay your frame trap too (the same way you would delay your frame traps if someone were delay teching). Thinking on it, this is probably why Bison doesn't have psycho crusher anymore lol.
I had that thought, too. Did Psycho Crusher have startup invincibility? I never used him in SFIV.


I think if you're in a position where you're desperate enough to guess alpha counter you have a lot more to worry about than whether you can OS it or not. Anything that's too fast to v-reversal on reaction would probably come out fast enough to stuff whatever you OS and probably recovers fast enough to block the counter anyway. It seems like a solution to a problem that could only even potentially exist online, I don't get it.

Does Bison's reversal do something other than attack that you would actually want to do against a jab or something?
I think if you're in a position where you're desperate enough to guess alpha counter you have a lot more to worry about than whether you can OS it or not. Anything that's too fast to v-reversal on reaction would probably come out fast enough to stuff whatever you OS and probably recovers fast enough to block the counter anyway. It seems like a solution to a problem that could only even potentially exist online, I don't get it.

Does Bison's reversal do something other than attack that you would actually want to do against a jab or something?
It's just a typical reversal with knockback. It looks like it might anti-air, though. Maybe you could V-Reversal a cross-up jump? I will have to give it a try.

I've been foregoing V-Trigger for constant V-Reversals lately - very effective, because I'm in the minority that thinks his V-Trigger is nothing special.


Zissou, your doom tutorials are godlike, please keep on making them if you ever feel like it. Plus your song choices are really good.

Thanks! A lot of the time I wonder if anyone cares, haha. Since I actively play both marvel and xrd (going all in on the sfv beta also), I try to make videos for everything I play and alternate between games so nobody gets the wrong impression and thinks I’m not playing game x or game y anymore. I have a Doom vid in the pipeline that’s nearly complete :)

I haven't played the beta so I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I still don't get it. What's the difference between doing EX fireball or EX legs during blockstun vs. just doing f.MP~LK+MK+HK or even just doing f.LP+MP+HP during blockstun? The startup is probably slower than EX legs, but it doesn't cost a meter and it's probably safer.

Maybe you could just delay your frame trap too (the same way you would delay your frame traps if someone were delay teching). Thinking on it, this is probably why Bison doesn't have psycho crusher anymore lol.

If you’re trying to alpha counter you will of course make mistakes sometimes (i.e., you will attempt it when not in blockstun) and the OS stuff lets you choose what your ‘whiffed’ alpha counter will be. I was just giving examples. You could OS alpha counter/dragon punch with Ryu to combat somebody pressuring you with staggered lights or something. This could be countered easily if the person attacking knew you were doing it and just stopped pressing buttons.


If you’re trying to alpha counter you will of course make mistakes sometimes (i.e., you will attempt it when not in blockstun) and the OS stuff lets you choose what your ‘whiffed’ alpha counter will be. I was just giving examples. You could OS alpha counter/dragon punch with Ryu to combat somebody pressuring you with staggered lights or something. This could be countered easily if the person attacking knew you were doing it and just stopped pressing buttons.

Lol I completely forgot that you can do 6236 for DP. That sounds more useful, but I'm still struggling to think of a situation in which I'd use it. Even against staggered lights, if someone did st.LP stagger st.LP, if I blocked the first one and tried to input 6236, I'd probably just get hit lol.

Can you do 323 and get DP in SFV?


Lol I completely forgot that you can do 6236 for DP. That sounds more useful, but I'm still struggling to think of a situation in which I'd use it. Even against staggered lights, if someone did st.LP stagger st.LP, if I blocked the first one and tried to input 6236, I'd probably just get hit lol.

Can you do 323 and get DP in SFV?

You can (AFAIK).


Lol I completely forgot that you can do 6236 for DP. That sounds more useful, but I'm still struggling to think of a situation in which I'd use it. Even against staggered lights, if someone did st.LP stagger st.LP, if I blocked the first one and tried to input 6236, I'd probably just get hit lol.

Can you do 323 and get DP in SFV?

Yeah, 323 does give DP. Strangely enough, I don't think there are shortcuts for Supers iirc.


It, uh, it works like fuzzy defense guys. during blockstun you get one option, outside of blockstun you get another.

The standard way to deal with fuzzy defense is to bait the non-blockstun option with a gap + your option to beat it. They choose DP, you leave a gap and block the DP or make it whiff, they choose a mash you leave a big gap and let the mash whiff or stuff it, etc.

Fuzzy defense is just a thing in its own right you're going to deal with. Somebody is going to be fuzzy mashing you in every game, that is life. The alpha counter OS is no different, it just adds the alpha counter to it. It'll be useful depending on how often you want to alpha counter things while calling out other mix up options. Seems pretty specific and hard to implement to me but it probably has some pretty solid use vs certain situations.

Edit: What does make this one pretty neat is that the option you choose during blockstun is actually not block. I guess with SFV coming it would be a good idea to make a universal write up about how this works to explain "this will all exist in SFV and it's not that scary."
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