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Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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It's a HD remake of MvC3 with a new balance patch.

I've still got my bet with Beef



Yeah that bet is locked in, I have the receipts.

Though if they announced Marvel 4 with no word on Marvel 3 then Beef wins anyway. This was clarified before.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll let you have the rest, but RE7 plays nothing like Amnesia outside of being first person.

If you don't like that it's first person, thats fine. But at least make the right comparisons.
I don't like anything about it, but I think that's the style they were kind of chasing. Of course it's pretty different. Granted I also enjoyed RE6.

You can't blame capcom for inafune's fuck shit. He was doing crazy shit whilist he was still at capcom, everyone just forgot. Like when you tell people he really wanted DmC to happen. They forgot about that shit.
I blame them because of their treatment of Mega Man. MN9 wouldn't even exist had they put some care into it.

Anywho...how legit is any of that Marvel stuff?


Even my pessimism over these rumors can't take all these images and teases at this point. This now has my attention in spite of my skepticism.

If it was Marvel 3 porting I'd be bitching bout Ironfist's overhead causin a bounce , his rekkas and air mobility again but THIS is teasing fully toward a sequel now and thats an entirely new ballpark of things to hope for.

  • new cast
  • new systems
  • Skullgirls style 1vs2 / 1vs3 /2vs2 / 2vs3 / 3vs3 options of team setups
  • Skullgirls style any move becomes an assist options
  • Character traits like BB, SFV or Injustice
  • No TACs or X-factor. Need replaced with something else.
  • new cast
  • Removal of old cast to shake up meta

If its real I'll miss IronFist, but not his flaws. I doubt he'll return unless completely overhauled and that'd only happen if they really wanted to push the Netflix series. I'd honestly be more likely to see Luke Cage which would also have me hyped.

EDIT: Also Heroes and Heralds should fucking return with local dammit. That was a killer mode and it was fucked over by that. It was the perfect casual collect-a-thon mode for single player and it had potential for its own brand of insanity tournies.


Neo Member
As much as I'd like to believe this Marvel stuff I'm remaining skeptical as its been shot down by Niitsuma himself.

That said, if this comes to fruition, I'd hope for the following
-Niitsuma to return (he did a good job dealing with Marvel's BS last time)
-Frank West to not be remodelled on his awful new DR 4 look (must also retain TJ Rotolo as his voice).
-Capcom to lighten up on the Resident Evil and Devil May Cry characters.
-A decent X-Men showing (couldn't even have a team of 3 X-Men team members ffs).
-Some Spiderman villains.
-As always, Lou from Three Wonders.
-Capcom staples like Captain Commando and Jin to return.
-A good array of alternate costumes (how can they not include Wolverine's tan or tiger stripe costume?)


Honestly I'd be down for them to dump P. Parker Spiderman for Miles Morales Spiderman if it meant they'd replace his moveset entirely to update the poor guy. If nothing else just change spidey swing from a DP motion for crying out loud.Honestly Ironman needs a moveset update too. His moveset is odd with those kicks and feels really out of place at times and for being one of Marvel's most popular dudes they sure made him a rough choice for all those casual fans to pickup and play as.

Personally, I feel that Marvel mainstays with antiquated movesets should just be overhauled to make em casual friendly in terms of moves and inputs if they intend to keep em around. Besides, we all know as soon as a casual picks up one of these they go to one of the mainstream dudes. May as well make certain they have fun when they do it and have a reason to stick around.
As much as I'd like to believe this Marvel stuff I'm remaining skeptical as its been shot down by Niitsuma himself.

Once again, those tweets are ancient. Eventhubs is stupid and they unearthed them months later in November and actually went out of their way to take the dates out.
Once again, those tweets are ancient. Eventhubs is stupid and they unearthed them months later in November and actually went out of their way to take the dates out.

Imo, don't even listen Niitsuma, no matter what. If MvC4 is really unveiled @ Capcom Cup, it means that the development started at least a few months ago, and the pre-prod work usually start waaaaay before starting the development.

Hell, even if it was unveiled during E3/EVO, Niitsuma would have known at the time he tweeted.


I was much more skeptical yesterday than I am today after the bish hype in the other thread.

Either way, it will be fun to watch the reactions.


If it does turn out to be true, then I look forward to all the hilarious moments the game will give us.

I don't know of any other series that delivers quite the same amount of shenanigans on and off screen. It's just so damn entertaining to play and watch.





Just like injected GG into SFV, right?

Also, Woshige is probably stuck to SFV for the foreseeable future, who ever is the gameplay director, it wont be him.
If only they had a high level Marvel player in a management role who could oversee the project....

One who's vanished from public sight for the last few months...
I haven't been paying attention because I don't care but why do people think it's marvel 4 and not cvs3? shin akuma's last appearance was cvs2

I mean, to lead with the reveal of shin akuma would imply that he's pretty relevant to whatever it is they're going to show. Whether its a new game or arcade mode. what does shin akuma have to do with marvel comics?
I feel like if it were a marvel tease at red bull it would have been an unknown character KOing ryu only for it to be revealed to be a Marvel character like Spider-Man.

Unless it's Shin Cyber Akuma or something...because that's something directly related to the vs series.
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