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Fighting Game Headquarters |4| Cheers Love, the Anime's Here!

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Like, I believe that Ryce believes, and that he isn't lying.

I just want to know if his source is someone who would actually know if such a thing was going to happen, or if it was just him being told something by someone who was told something by someone else.


I feel like if it were a marvel tease at red bull it would have been an unknown character KOing ryu only for it to be revealed to be a Marvel character like Spider-Man.
How would they trick people into thinking it's SFV with that? Being more vague get more people to talk about it, I guess is what they were going for, it's certainly succeeded at getting Marvel fans attention, what ever it turn out to be.



Probably super fake but hell might as well have some faith.


Day 1 for MvC4.

But you Marvel fanboys sure are crazy nuts. I would never want to associate myself in the same group as you.
Like, I believe that Ryce believes, and that he isn't lying.

I just want to know if his source is someone who would actually know if such a thing was going to happen, or if it was just him being told something by someone who was told something by someone else.
Yup... Didn't FF7R get leaked in a similar insider gaf fashion?
How would they trick people into thinking it's SFV with that? Being more vague get more people to talk about it, I guess is what they were going for, it's certainly succeeded at getting Marvel fans attention, what ever it turn out to be.

Since we're mentioning lupinko, the reason people hated the guy isn't because his hints were vague. It was because they didn't make any sense. you couldn't pick up anything from what he was saying.

To tease, you have show something that doesn't give everything away. But that means you actually have to show something. Showing another street fighter character isn't an appropriate hint to a marvel game.

Unless, again, it's Cyber Akuma



All I keep thinking of is who the most likely new Capcom additions would be.

From SF its a tossup between:
  • Necalli
  • Juri
  • Rashid
  • Urien

All very popular new characters like C. Viper was in 4 during the MVC3 days and all of them have very strong movesets with potential for Marvel style play. Urien isn't new but he is insanely suited for Marvel and the hype bomb that went off for him is one that is significant enough that they may keep riding it.

From misc other Capcom Properties I think strong likelihoods would be:
  • Kitties from Monster Hunter. They've been milking the shit out of them and MH is one of their biggest draws.
  • Asura. Dude is popular and he already had DLC that put him vs SF cast in fights. Folks are eager for this.
  • A Dragons Dogma rep. Its one of their more loved new franchises to push.
  • Yet again...Resident Evil. I'd say more than likely just a return of Wesker given his popularity, but its the anniversary of it so it'd need some representation given its money making power.

Other than those additions I can't really tell with Marvel who would be a "likely" addition. That game series draws on their past heavily and ends up with some surprising additions. Son Son, Ruby Heart, Haggar, Arthur, Phoenix Wright, Hsien Ko...these were all pretty deep grabs during the time of their inclusions. Phoenix Wright was the only one that wasn't getting pretty old by the time he was added but he was a very odd one to develop for.

So help me if this game is happening I may just have guaranteed locals for a game I'm playing again. Currently theres a place near me that plays a lot of casual Friday stuff, but no consistent crowds. Better than the all smash all the time scene a few hours away though.

This time though...I think I wanna tier whore. I probably should've never dropped some of the cast I originally played looking back. I used to play Hulk, Haggar, Ryu, C.VIper, Wolverine, Sentinel, Chun and Storm heavily in vanilla in different combinations. Ultimate hit and everything went into making Iron Fist functional which ended in Taskmaster/Iron Fist/ Arthur. Looking back I think I had the most fun playing as Chun Li , Haggar, and Sentinel in various teams.

I could've probably kept a more enjoyable team using any of those vanilla hopefuls than my final setup. It was too much work to maintain an Iron Fist/Arthur setup. Shouldv'e kept it as my guilty pleasure team. I got disgusted early though with what I saw it turning into with the meta involving Doom and TAC though. Had no idea how much worse it would get when I called it quits lol.
I rewatched the Akuma SFV tease. It can't be cyber akuma because he has both of his normal arms.

How do you get Marvel from this?

Because people want Marvel. It could be just a regular SFV trailer, and people would still probably claim Marvel.

With that, I have a new prediction:

The "Akuma" we see in the trailer is not Akuma. Instead, it's a tease for the Season 2 changes of SFV where each character gets a new V-Trigger. Ryu's new V-Trigger? He turns into Evil Ryu.


I rewatched the Akuma SFV tease. It can't be cyber akuma because he has both of his normal arms.

How do you get Marvel from this?
The text on his back isn't his normal back. It's from Shin Akuma in CvS2.

We get to Marvel from the rumor mill and Ono's "this is going to betray your expectations....in a good way."
Because people want Marvel. It could be just a regular SFV trailer, and people would still probably claim Marvel.

With that, I have a new prediction:

The "Akuma" we see in the trailer is not Akuma. Instead, it's a tease for the Season 2 changes of SFV where each character gets a new V-Trigger. Ryu's new V-Trigger? He turns into Evil Ryu.
I definitely think V-Trigger II for Ryu as E. Ryu will happen.

But that's Akuma's voice in the trailer.



Were getting multiple announcements, and the Akuma/Ono thing doesnt have anything to do with Marvel?

Shin Akuma announced and is playable for SFV + Marvel 4 announcement/tease.

Were getting multiple announcements, and the Akuma/Ono thing doesnt have anything to do with Marvel?

Shin Akuma announced and is playable for SFV + Marvel 4 announcement/tease.

Yeah, the thing I think a lot of people overlook here is that neither Ono nor the rest of the SFIV/V team have really worked on the Versus series. Both TVCs and (U)MVC3 were penned by Ryota Niitsuma and Eighting.


I still don't get what Ono's words had to do with Marvel. I thought he was specifically talking about Akuma. How did that get roped into this?


If Iron Galaxy is involved like some people are speculating than I could see some kind of collection or MvC3 release makes the most sense. IG did all the work for Capcom XBLA and PSN releases (MvC Origins, Darkstalkers Resurrection and 3S OE).

This also fits in with Capcom with making money off re-releases
If IGs doing it, I hope it plays nothing like KI.

Though like stated, they did the other rerelease ports for capcom. Maybe it's that.

Since apparently Keits doesn't know anything about a new Marvel you can probably rest easy about it playing like KI

Also it means IG is making/porting a fighting game without their main fighting game designer, but hey it still means there's a chance


As in "Heathcliff"
Like, I believe that Ryce believes, and that he isn't lying.

I just want to know if his source is someone who would actually know if such a thing was going to happen, or if it was just him being told something by someone who was told something by someone else.

latter one.


As in "Heathcliff"
Since we're mentioning lupinko, the reason people hated the guy isn't because his hints were vague. It was because they didn't make any sense. you couldn't pick up anything from what he was saying.

Well, he and his friends leaked Frank West and Phoenix Wright. However, Karsticles almost guessed one character correctly. He said Red Arremer, and they said no. It was Firebrand whole time.

All I keep thinking of is who the most likely new Capcom additions would be.

From SF its a tossup between:
  • Necalli
  • Juri
  • Rashid
  • Urien

To be honest, I would love to see Rashid getting in tho.

I rewatched the Akuma SFV tease. It can't be cyber akuma because he has both of his normal arms.

How do you get Marvel from this?

I was joking about it but I don't think anyone would take me serious. Did anyone?
Unlike the people in here.. I would smack the fuck out of you and do in front of thousands of people and give 0 fucks.

That's who... so listen you want to troll you want to be funny do it with other members in the FGC weekly, but if you step to me I swear to fucking god I beat the shit out of your entire family tree.

And no I'm not joking or doing it for laughs like I do with Panda and Beef. So just leave my name out of your mouth and go on with your business.

still one of the great FGW posts
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