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Fighting Games Weekly | Dec 22-28 | On the Xrd Day of Christmas


late but if you're just starting out, logging thousands of hours of play between meetups, lab time, tournies and post tourney matches over some years is a thing you're gonna do if you're gonna become an actual competitor and not just another johnny doughnuts


What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.


Playing anything for a long time makes you tired after a while. The trick is to find the sweet spot between playing too little and playing for too long


What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.
I much prefer them. Longer sets allow you to pick up on player tendencies and more specific character knowledge. Just as long and its not causing fatigue that adversely affects your performance. I really wouldnt reccomend swearing off em, in my experiences thats when you grow the most as a player.


I know somebody who did ft100 in vsav for breakfast
To be fair, you could wrap that up before brunch rolled around.

I kind of miss the bad old days of playing FT100s, but nowadays after about 20 games I just kind of go into autopilot. Which is kind of useful to know how you play on autopilot, but there's no point of playing 100 games like that.


A friend and I actually killed a PS1 waaaaaaaaaaay back in the day doing Vermillion mirror matches in Toshinden 1. In hindsight what the fuck were we doing.
What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.

'Love long sets, it's what I enjoy the most about playing fighting games with other people.

Even if I'm on the losing end for most of the set, it's still time well spent to me.


What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.

I like long sets, you can actually learn from the games. Personally though, I get more physical fatigue than mental from them which kinda sucks. Depending on the games I can go from absolutely loving to waste hours to being miserable.
I've wondered what kind of player metagame would develop around tourneys using scoring similar to tennis (long sets with lots of "bracket resets"). Would that even be fun to watch? idk
sp00ky just went live, NLBC is actually happening tonight? Crazy.

Seems a bit unusual, you would think that there wouldn't be a lot of people there.

But hey, if they have the crowd and they do it, more power to them, I'm sure tons of them are happy to see everyone on Christmas Eve.

I've never actually watched Topanga
I've been behind on stuff so there's some things that went right over my head. What happened to Gamerbee that made everyone go RIP Gamerbee and stuff around Capcom Cup?

And what is this about Snake Eyes' local scene disappearing after his 0-2? Apparently he said some stuff?


I've been behind on stuff so there's some things that went right over my head. What happened to Gamerbee that made everyone go RIP Gamerbee and stuff around Capcom Cup?

And what is this about Snake Eyes' local scene disappearing after his 0-2? Apparently he said some stuff?

Gamerbee messed up and failed to win a tournament that would have put him in Capcom Cup because of input errors or because he didn't have situational awareness in the very last seconds. After that he was really down on himself and talked about retiring. He didn't though.

snake Eyez said that he thought he'd improved as much as he could in SoCal and people in his scene got butthurt.
What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.

What's long to you? I have played the same person for 2-3 hours before. But I haven't done that in a long while though, haha. You learn the matchups, kinda. If they are good. But if they are not, you might be getting bad habits and just learning their tendencies and how to be them specifically. That's why I love ranked. Encounter lots of stuff.
I sort of wish there was some sort of rotating lobby system in GGPO or fightcade, as opposed to just playing vs the same dude repeatedly. Sometimes I want like a minute long break to just think about stuff and spectate or play different people once every couple of rounds. I always feel sort of embarrassed to get burnt the fuck out on a match and call ggs, only to want to play again vs the same person an hour later.


I like long sets, you can actually learn from the games. Personally though, I get more physical fatigue than mental from them which kinda sucks. Depending on the games I can go from absolutely loving to waste hours to being miserable.
My issue is I am in a long sets against people much better than me and I learn nothing really. Nobody plays my character

'Love long sets, it's what I enjoy the most about playing fighting games with other people.

Even if I'm on the losing end for most of the set, it's still time well spent to me.
I would agree with you but when a game pisses me off too much in the middle of the set, the time is often wasted. And I know it's something that will slow my growth but what can I do.

I much prefer them. Longer sets allow you to pick up on player tendencies and more specific character knowledge. Just as long and its not causing fatigue that adversely affects your performance. I really wouldnt reccomend swearing off em, in my experiences thats when you grow the most as a player.
I think they work best within a skill spectrum, on somebody closer to my skill I certainly see that happening but when they are much better than me just pisses me off and makes me leave the game for a month. XD


Long sets are fun to play for practice, I just don't like watching them. 2/3, 3/5 are both great for tournament play, and 5/9 is cool if it's something like the TGS tourney where it's high-stakes.


A long set is good so long as you are "actively" playing. Otherwise, a long set can cement bad habits if you're just going through the motions.


Intresting seeing your views. I guess I won't completely swear them off but I will be cutting them short if I feel like I am going through the motions and limit myself to 10 games.


What does FGCGaf think about long sets? I find the longer I play the worse I play. I think I am gonna swear off em.
I can't even stomach them in DOA for too long.

Only type of sets I'll do. I have to set my shit up to play, so we're not going to play a short set.
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