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Fighting Games Weekly | June 3-9 | Getting Put On Blast

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
spooooooooky sooo good haha.

So what do you guys think about madcatz's new console at e3? Maybe they'll get some fighting games on it.

Very interested. I've been looking for an open platform mini TV box lately and was checking out the Ouya, but I might hold out for the Madcatz thing. GS Markman.


Is it about time for more balance changes talk?
Also, sometimes it seems as if they've never played SF4 when they talk about it. They talk about making safe moves safer and "nerfing moves" by giving them better frame data. Then they're like "This move is stupid the way it is, let's give it X property" ...and it already has that property...
Most top players don't really know the properties of certain moves of certain characters. They probably know a lot about their characters and the common top tiers but when it comes to the lower half they will be dumb founded if you ask something specific about them.

When FChamp was doing the balance discussion for UMVC3, a lot of characters he was making suggestion for he clearly had no idea about them. And this mind you is one of the most knowledgeable players of the game out there.


I honestly think that Killer Instinct (if it's true) and it's not some kind of kinnect game is worthless as an IP. It's not a system seller and it wasn't even a great fighter back in the day.

I don't even care that I'm late.

This is horrible.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I'm upset.

People voted Stanley for Skullgirls down because he was a "stupid idea."

Then I find this:


Now tell me. What part of this is stupid? If you voted Stanley down, I hate you all.

Tony will sue for patent infringement.

edit= Combofiend = Wonder Woman


People have been stealing Tony's tech for years.

He just makes something superior.

you mean besides his Lv3 :p

Junior Member
(Today, 06:59 PM)

plant account
ban for corporate shilling

first injustice at 9 am, now this?

when will you stop forcing divekick down everyone's throats, keits?

just for that, Injustice is at 8am next year. and the only other game at ufgt10 will be Divekick


is twitch assing out for anyone else? (more than usual) can't load anything, can't log in.

edit: nm SCII guys are complaining too. stupid twitch
is twitch assing out for anyone else? (more than usual) can't load anything, can't log in.

edit: nm SCII guys are complaining too. stupid twitch

It's happening to me too. It was loading too slow. Then it gave me an error message. It's not loading for me as of now. Sigh.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
is twitch assing out for anyone else? (more than usual) can't load anything, can't log in.

edit: nm SCII guys are complaining too. stupid twitch

Damn stream wouldn't load for RayRay, refreshed and then it wouldn't even load the page period.

Came back here just to ask the same thing actually.

Oh and Sp00ky killed it in that karaoke video - as if he wasn't talented enough already!


Passing metallic gas
This is not commonly known, but that pose is actually him freaking out because his suit is leaking dangerous chemicals all over itself. He's trying to hold his hand away to keep too much of it from getting on his face.

Great. Now i can sleep at night.


This is not commonly known, but that pose is actually him freaking out because his suit is leaking dangerous chemicals all over itself. He's trying to hold his hand away to keep too much of it from getting on his face.

How is a Metal Power Suit so form fitting like that to see his biceps?
How is a Metal Power Suit so form fitting like that to see his biceps?
Stark is actually a flabby-legged alcoholic. The muscles are all part of the suit, like boob armor. What looks like muscle ripples are actually plastic bags filled with vodka and a sippy tube so he can drink while flying around.
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