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Fighting Games Weekly | May 20-26 | MRN died so Guilty Gear could live!


15 exclusives over 12 months is hardly a documented fact. Games get delayed or cancelled, exclusives end up being only timed and exclusivity does not mean quality products. I still remember Sony touting their exclusives for PS3 and we got shit like Lair, Haze, Genji 2 and Heavenly Sword.

Throwing numbers is inconsequential without backing them up with actual game footage...which was sorely lacking at the presentation.
- NFL partnership
- TV is cool you should watch TV
- 15 exclusives over 12 months, 8 new IPs

I'm not ashamed, just disappointed. The dream is dead. There is no PGR5 and I have to hold this L deepest.
I did mention the TV controls, though I did not mention that you need a separate device to do the TV-control thing. Which is wild for them, because like a third of the event was TV control stuff. Why advertise that so much when the box can't even do it?

I have 0 confidence in the 15 exclusives / 8 new IPs claim until I see the products. Half of those could be new Kinect franchises, and with the state of Microsoft, I bet they will be (they're pushing the device hard). New IPs also don't mean anything to me. One of the most fresh and fun experiences I've had this generation is Kid Icarus: Uprising, an "old IP". It's all about what you do with the IP, not how old or new it is.

Windows Vista/8 say hi.
Those have 3 OS built-in? Or what? I really don't get it, I still use XP (best OS).

15 exclusives over 12 months is hardly a documented fact. Games get delayed or cancelled, exclusives end up being only timed and exclusives does not mean quality products. I still remember Sony touting their exclusives for PS3 and we got shit like Lair, Haze, Genji 2 and Heavenly Sword.

Throwing numbers is inconsequential without backing them up with actual game footage...which was sorely lacking at the presentation.
I bought my PS3 for 5 games:
1) Demon's Souls
2) Valkyria Chronicles
3) Marvel vs. Capcom 3
4) The Last Guardian
5) Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Only 60% of those promised games were actually released! So yeah, I tread lightly until I see actual gameplay these days.

is this the part where we get to make enzo's avatar?
It should be a picture of a Wii U that has an "Only For Enzo" Xbox-style box stamp on it. ;-)


Those have 3 OS built-in? Or what? I really don't get it, I still use XP (best OS).
Just that Microsoft and OS efficiency have not really gone hand in hand over the years.

Someone make a HE HAS FUCKING RETURNED avatar for enzo but make it of J Allard.


LOL Karst I forgot about those 2 games.

Maybe PS4...although even showing game play footage sometimes isn't enough. There were a few more PS3 exclusives that never saw the light of day (like that trailer of a shoot out near a gas station game).


tagged by Blackace
15 exclusives over 12 months is hardly a documented fact. Games get delayed or cancelled, exclusives end up being only timed and exclusives does not mean quality products. I still remember Sony touting their exclusives for PS3 and we got shit like Lair, Haze, Genji 2 and Heavenly Sword.

Throwing numbers is inconsequential without backing them up with actual game footage...which was sorely lacking at the presentation.
What would you consider a fact until it's all said and done? They said they've been investing more in games than ever before, we already know most of them are real (Rare's new IP, Black Tusk making the "next Halo"). I think some might be technically timed exclusives, but those are still a big deal early on in the gen (just look at this past gen for example).

It is a bold claim, but it's better than "we're partnering with other studios" and leaving it at that. More concrete than you'll ever get elsewhere.

I'm actually sorta surprised we didn't see a Kinect game demo'd at all. Where was Ryse? I thought that would be a shoe in, or Forza Vista.
Someone make a HE HAS FUCKING RETURNED avatar for enzo but make it of J Allard.

-Always online required.
-Used games blocked; you have to pay a full-game price fee to play on another system.
-Presentation showed 4 sports games, a driving simulator, and Call of Duty.
-Box looks extremely ugly.
-Improved controller.
-Kinect required.
-Presentation focused on new Kinect features (TV interactivity, voice commands).
-The equivalent of "tabs" available on the system (one for gaming, one for IE, etc.).
-Specs were upped to 8GB DDR3 RAM.
-Lots of timed exclusive DLC content for CoD and EA games.
-Applause track was used frequently throughout the presentation.

What am I forgetting?

And US only for most of it.

Throwing numbers is inconsequential without backing them up with actual game footage...which was sorely lacking at the presentation.

Especially when 14 of those might be prefixed with "kinect"
Sound advice.

I disagree, actually. The more people who know exactly what an ass he really is, the better off/more informed everyone is. So long as you're not harping on the guy or rehashing stuff you've already told us (and you're not) you're doing it right: The idea that starving a troll actually works is complete bullshit. It's never worked in the history of the internet. What works is shaming/discrediting/marginalizing. That's 100x more effective than "ignoring" them.

You don't starve a cockroach. You turn the lights on and feed it poison.
Sucks for tournaments if they do use XB1. Maybe an easy solution is to use Wi-fi tethering with a phone and carry it through the venue at the end of a day, putting each XB1 online once a day.

That's the thing, why would any tournament short of being sponsored by MS bother with the xb1?


Because no one keeps count of these numbers except diehard fanboys. Do you remember how many exclusive titles Sony promised for PS3 and how off the mark they ended up being?

A lot of stuff like this needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Its PR and they will say anything to hook people. I mean so what of they are a few exclusives off by next year... who is keeping count and who is going to hang Microsoft for it?

Edit: That avatar is BRILLIANT!


I disagree, actually. The more people who know exactly what an ass he really is, the better off/more informed everyone is. So long as you're not harping on the guy or rehashing stuff you've already told us (and you're not) you're doing it right: The idea that starving a troll actually works is complete bullshit. It's never worked in the history of the internet. What works is shaming/discrediting/marginalizing. That's 100x more effective than "ignoring" them.

You don't starve a cockroach. You turn the lights on and feed it poison.
I agree. When it comes to potential shadiness, you want to turn on the floodlights.


tagged by Blackace
That's the thing, why would any tournament short of being sponsored by MS bother with the xb1?
MrWizard and integrity aren't exactly synonyms.

I agree. When it comes to potential shadiness, you want to turn on the floodlights.
The problem with this is the players will still keep doing it because lots of them are friends with Fanatiq and are trying their hardest to get the maximum support they can for whatever events/get AGE sponship, etc. TOs are desperate to get every resource or player they can to make their event more successful. Not that I think anybody is checking for Fanatiq in 2013.


That's the thing, why would any tournament short of being sponsored by MS bother with the xb1?

I don't know. I think it'd be a terrible idea to go with xb1 too. I'm just offering a possible idea because I know the immediate reaction would be to gather all of the xb1s at the closest Ethernet port, lol.

El Sloth

It's been discussed recurring in these threads. Wasn't DmC near simultaneous and it still didn't reach close to 200k? That game didn't do gangbusters total, but it was probably their best PC effort yet considering how well it was optimized (it even runs on my shitty PC).
Again, I think this is just a poor example. DmC is part of a different sort of genre that favors being played with a controller in the living room. Not only that, but the game didn't meet sales expectations in any market or platform. Rather, show me the numbers Capcom has sold on SSIV and SFxT so far instead.

Where are you did you find that 200k number anyways? I can't find a source for it.
PC as a market isn't as great for everything as everyone makes it out to be. With the advent of Steam you have people's perception of game value changing. An indie game they may be on the fence about at $5, they're now on the fence about at $1 despite having interest. It's not the primary market for fighters because of the arcade where the genre originated and because of where it has always been. For small publishers, I don't even think PC is an option, way too much dev work for ultimately not that many sales and probably revenue.
Sure, I can agree with this. At least, with how the PC market is now anyways.

However, I absolutely do not agree with that last sentence of yours. Not at all. The overarching narrative being presented by indie developers themselves for the last few years is, "PC is the way to go," both in and out of news articles. Hell, even Phil Fish, who was staunchly against porting his game to PC, admitted that he made more money on the Steam release than the XBLA release of Fez.

The only thing I can see smaller publishers not wanting to deal with is Steam Greenlight and for good reasons. This should not be a problem for the larger fighting game developers at all though.

What's more, developers have testified over and over again that steam sales have only had positive effects for the revenue made from one of their games make as it extends the "shelf life" of the game and provides a longer stretch of time to make money off a single game after the initial big release date sales.

And arcades are only really a thing in the far east at this point. I don't buy using them as an excuse for the western market.
I honestly don't think if everything is Steamworks from now on and is released day and date with the console versions you will see a significant difference. More sales, but not a significant difference. Even around GAF, PC elitists just lurk console threads port begging, and they get excited when the ports actually do come because they know it will look better and most likely perform better than the stock console offering at it's best. It will never do as well as Xbox/Playstation/Nintendo versions and I think they're all aware of those diminishing returns and that's also why you don't see publishers jumping for joy on PC ports.

Maybe next gen consoles will help fighting games get ported a bit, but I still don't think we'll ever see PC ports as a standard thing for fighting games. If the biggest of publishers see small, unreliable profit margins in the PC market still, and they're only getting around to it now, I don't think it's going to become an imminent thing for fighting games anytime soon.
Well, I simply disagree. I suppose all I can say at this point is that we'll have to see how it turns out for those who do decide to support the PC more actively. If I'm wrong then I'll eat my crow, but I want them to at least try for pete's sake.
I think it's really sketchy to try and compare PC sales with games that aren't released on the same day as their console versions. As for price I think it's pretty silly to argue over it when we don't know the cost of the next generations machines or the cost of a PC that could run a next generation fighter. I think the only real barrier is the lack of releases which hopefully will change in the next generation due to lower install bases of consoles.




tagged by Blackace
Again, I think this is just a poor example. DmC is a different sort of genre that favors being played with a controller in the living room. Not only that, but the game didn't meet sales expectations in any market or platform. Rather, show me the numbers Capcom has sold on SSIV and SFxT so far instead.

Where are you did you find that 200k number anyways? I can't find a source for it.
Sorry it's 300k.

However, I absolutely do not agree with that last sentence of yours. Not at all. The overarching narrative being presented by indie developers themselves for the last few years is, "PC is the way to go," both in and out of news articles. Hell, even Phil Fish, who was staunchly against porting his game to PC, admitted that he made more money on the Steam release than the XBLA release of Fez.

The only thing I can see smaller publishers not wanting to deal with is Steam Greenlight and for good reasons. This should not be a problem for the larger fighting game developers at all though.

What's more, developers have testified over and over again that steam sales have only had positive effects for the revenue made from one of their games make as it extends the "shelf life" of the game and provides a longer stretch of time to make money off a single game after the initial big release date sales.
Yeah, for indies that are not also developing for 360/PS3 as their core platforms, let alone for more than one platform, which a different case and budget bracket entirely. Throwing a PC port in there is expensive and intensive on the development period too, and this is always the case. Expensive even for small publishers, and even more expensive to do it right and make it scalable.

For indies, PC is heaven. No expensive dev kit to buy, no nothing. That's not one of the places I thought it wasn't a great platform for.


tagged by Blackace
LOL, ok. So...he came back to Microsoft?
He was part of the highlight reel at the start of the conference alongside people like Kojima, Bill Gates, etc.

Go to YouTube and search for him, he embodies a lot of what MS was trying to do to look "cool" at the time. Except he was actually cool.

El Sloth

He was shipped off to Zune(lol) did some phone thing and then retired.

Xbox became shit after he was gone, imagine that.

And, strangely enough, there was a rumored sex/orgy group scandal supposedly involving various Microsoft employees. It was implied in the rumors that he may have been "encouraged" to retire early after that.
That's really interesting. I'm not too surprised, but it's interesting that not a single one of their titles has broken 300k yet (according to Sven). I would have guessed SSIV if someone had asked me. Although, he never does say outright whether or not Capcom is disappointed by the sales. Hmmm


He was shipped off to Zune(lol) did some phone thing and then retired.

Xbox became shit after he was gone, imagine that.


He was part of the highlight reel at the start of the conference alongside people like Kojima, Bill Gates, etc.

Go to YouTube and search for him, he embodies a lot of what MS was trying to do to look "cool" at the time. Except he was actually cool.

Thanks for the explanation guys, and I had forgot about ZUNE! What a piece of crap...


tagged by Blackace
Thanks for the explanation guys, and I had forgot about ZUNE! What a piece of crap...
Zune HD was great, and the bigger Zune models were pretty good too.

MS just didn't know how to market the thing. HEY LETS MAKE IT BROWN, KIDS LIKE BROWN ELECTRONICS RIGHT?

Right product at the wrong time. Well, wrong product in some facets.
Killer Instinct? Even that game can't make me change view on the console :(
Even so, what is the game's actual appeal? It was a big deal back in the day because it was flashy. The graphics were pretty substantial for its time. The character designs were not generally interesting. It was like Darkstalkers without character design talent. The gameplay was always mediocre.

Who, outside of nostalgia-filled adults, would buy a Killer Instinct game? I wouldn't even bother, and I owned both games.

And does Rare even have the talent to make a good fighting game these days? That's not something you can take a decade-long hiatus from and go back to.


Ok, I'll be honest, I'd seen only the first Zune and didn't bothered to look at newer versions, so I know nothing about them. Maybe I will now that you guys are saying it is not that bad
Even so, what is the game's actual appeal? It was a big deal back in the day because it was flashy. The graphics were pretty substantial for its time. The character designs were not generally interesting. It was like Darkstalkers without character design talent. The gameplay was always mediocre.

Who, outside of nostalgia-filled adults, would buy a Killer Instinct game? I wouldn't even bother, and I owned both games.

Violence. It was pretty cool at the time (when I was like 12), but yeah it was a pretty crap game. I'd say it'll still sell ok, but just in the mortal kombat kind of way.

Which doesn't mean that they couldn't make a great fighting game of course, it'd just have to be different.


Ok, I'll be honest, I'd seen only the first Zune and didn't bothered to look at newer versions, so I know nothing about them. Maybe I will now that you guys are saying it is not that bad

I think its main issue was timing. The Zune HD was incredible but at that time people wanted iphones and tablets
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