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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast

Spooky mad.

Spooky giving respect to Guile's invisible sonic boom.

Spooky laughing at how bad the PS4 is.

Tandem and Rufus Tornado no work?

2015 ST Honda

Nyoro SF

Citation required.

PM Ravidrath, SEGA, XSEED, etc. These guys were pretty public about this already.

I thought this was well known though? Why do you think that USF4 PC had changes made to the build essentially in real time, controlled by one developer (wbacon)? Cause that's all you need once you're finished on the development side. If Capcom wasn't so heavily relying on him to work on every single one of their PC ports, he would probably have been able to finish the entirety of USF4 PC updates in two weeks instead of getting his ass hauled out to work on Dead Rising 3, RE5, etc.

If you submit to PSN you have to do a whole bunch of bullshit certification and then Sony updates your game when they feel like it, per region. Also your game or update can get rejected at a random timeframe after submission. Fun, isn't it? Not to mention that unlike Steam you have to redo this certification for every region too. And you have to redo all these certs for every update and every single piece of DLC standalone.

I definitely forgot that PSN doesn't charge a fee for updates anymore, but you know what? With how much complete schlock you have to sort through with all this cert nonsense it ends up costing you way more manpower anyway. On Steam you're beholden to no one but yourself as a company, and it's better that way.




Slayer of Combofiends
What Spooky said about FFXIV sounds like the best fix for USF4 for PS4. Just scrap it and go for a new port, get someone GOOD Sony!


Slayer of Combofiends
A PS4 side tourney with $1 entry fees. I'd love to see that.

It would be pretty funny if this happened. Imagine EVO had the wealth Sony did and Sony had the wealth EVO did and they did the separate side tourney? Damn, I don't even... Smack across the face to the little man.


FGW | 3rd party ports should be taboo like human transmutation (FMA)
speaking of which

Antwan and the other members of CORN are so bad they're the reason a lot of people don't even go to Michigan locals and he was also a pretty big factor in wolfkrone only playing out of state.

Guy is a scumbag and the CORN posse essentially tries to intimidate people out of the scene. Some of them are genuinely good dudes but twan isn't one of them.

I wasn't gonna go there but he and the rest of corn once threatened to kill me and rob me via fb messages because I brought my friend to a casual Monday to show him what fighting games were about. He took this as a sign of me bringing "muscle" or something so rounded up the corn people on me.

He's also threatened to beat and rape a few girls that used to come to locals. He also prefers to be referred to as "the alucard" and he and his friends are why the people organizing Michigan locals have to find a new venue every two months. He pulled that shit on a female friend of mine and she simply sent the chat logs along to Wayne state university and suddenly they couldn't have tournaments for a month.

They also got the cops called on them at youmacon for generally loitering around and physically assaulting the underage cosplayers.

Honestly this is only the tip of the iceberg. I'll look through my old chatlogs when I get home and find the more absurd shit like the time he claimed whites didn't deserve to live because they can get sunburnt.

Also no chance on him commentating Evo. He copped a life ban for trying to steal a PS3 the first year they had them.

He's managed to get away with it for so long because he's in an insulated circle that never really leaves locally. They scare off all newcomers to the scene and the ones that stick around just pretend they don't exist. It also doesn't help that the whole white flight in the 60's really messed up race relations and they definitely abuse that card as well.

Any indictment of their behavior is played away as "we were just trolling/having fun, stop being so racist"

The whole situation is fucked because of the area and the pre-existing issues compounded by the fact that to the younger players Twan IS the cool kid.

Like I said, better to wash my hands and stop attending.

IE: a newcomer once told twan to stop being an ignorant piece of shit and was assaulted for being racist.

To be honest I think they get away with it because no one running things wants to deal with them. As soon as you start trying to deal with the problem they turn it around with the race card and just trolling claims and it's just not worth it. Not to mention most of the people they scare away from the scene just cut their losses and walk away. I'd name names but there's at least a dozen or two from the one year I bothered trying to be active.

It was explained once to me like this: they grew up playing at wizzards in Detroit and they all try to keep it like that. Threatening people is commonplace because they think that making fun of or threatening to hurt people seperates those who are serious and want to learn vs those that just show up to donate to the pot. If you actually want to ti sets against the better players of CORN (twan, Brian James, etc) there's a cash fee. Not like a money match, a straight up cash fee they charge kids to sandbag against them and teach them nothing. This doesn't even begin to describe them though. Growling at women on the street in Chicago when they drove past. Pushing newcomers out of the scene. Making it a point to always try to be the center of attention etc.

At the end of the day I really really want to learn fighting games more and run long sets but it's honestly easier for me to stick to things I know like dota2 and cs:go because at least there the harsh criticism is warranted and doesn't come with the threat of a mugging. It's just not worth dealing with and it's easier to find a new hobby and relegate myself to being that mediocre 2kpp online player that only knows like six combos and a few setups.


I don't think I would advise a new player to ever play her -- there's a lot of little things that can go wrong and you get utterly destroyed on launches due to her weight. There's a huge gap between her relatively low damage output and the high amount of damage she takes (along side the higher risks involved), which makes every fight an uphill battle (that, to be fair, she is mostly equipped to deal with).

However, if that doesn't scare you off, then go for it because she really is fun to play. Just be prepared for some quick blow-ups at times.
here's an hour of one of the strongest Aoi's in NA
matches start at the 8min mark

here's a really really good intro on how to play aoi

Thanks guys this is real helpful.


Slayer of Combofiends
Spooky is going in HEAVY on this port, damn.

speaking of which

Why has no one called the authorities on these idiots? Like seriously, they can get arrested for all of this shit. The one's who are "good" guys are just as much to blame cause they still hang around these ignorant fucks. I hope none of these guys have kids cause if they do, it'll only spread the damn problem. Wish there was a test to take so you could have kids... smh


Ooh, looking forward to hearing your impressions of it.

Tested it for a bit. It's REALLY soft, the d-pad is comfortable, way better than the PS3 pad. The buttons are big, I like it too. There's some angle adjustments that can be made on the d-pad but I don't see why would someone rotate the d-pad...

Anyway, it'll take time to get used to it, I've been playing on stick for the last couple of years, but it's a good product.


Not sure how anyone expected more from the PS4 port.. but I feel for everyone that paid for it day 1. Or at all.

It's one thing to expect the game to not be that frame perfect, to have some crashes. But THAT no one could expect. And we thought the MKX PC port was the worst thing ever....this PS4 USFIV port managed to be WORSE somehow


Not sure how anyone expected more from the PS4 port.. but I feel for everyone that paid for it day 1. Or at all.

The signs were there. Since the announcement in December, no one seen the game. Then last week they confirmed the PS3 sticks and went out and said this is the definitive version of the game and even got rid of the PS3 lag.

Nyoro SF

The signs were there. Since the announcement in December, no one seen the game. Then last week they confirmed the PS3 sticks and went out and said this is the definitive version of the game and even got rid of the PS3 lag.

This is true. They never showed off the game anywhere and were completely mum about stick support until the last moment.

Makes you wonder if Capcom knew the port was bad and deliberately withheld information. Wouldn't be the first time, hiding Street Fighter X Tekken's pay-to-win scheme and the ridiculous DLC until the last moment.


So, I haven't been watching many FG tournaments recently, but I caught most of top 8 of USF4 Stunfest this weekend and loved seeing it again.

Any particular standout matches I should go back and check out in, say, the last six to nine months-ish? Doesn't matter what game; I'll check it out if it's fantastic.


Slayer of Combofiends
playing someone your level is definitely more fun than getting constantly beat up

everybody on steam is so good lmao

Getting constantly beat up is what makes you better, as long as you don't take the losses too hard. Playing against Vulva and Onemic on the regular makes other players look weak as hell lol


Hmm daigos matches tbh

i love how hes improvements with eryu are obvious and now hes picking og ryu again

Most notable i can remember is poongko vs pepeday on camada cup and there was some hype matches on kumite
Getting constantly beat up is what makes you better, as long as you don't take the losses too hard. Playing against Vulva and Onemic on the regular makes other players look weak as hell lol
Well that much is obvious. Its just fun that i get to play people on my level cause most of the time o get people with 10-15k bp and thats just not fun. I can still win from time to time against those 2kpp 3kbp people but majority of the people in steam is just too good
So, I haven't been watching many FG tournaments recently, but I caught most of top 8 of USF4 Stunfest this weekend and loved seeing it again.

Any particular standout matches I should go back and check out in, say, the last six to nine months-ish? Doesn't matter what game; I'll check it out if it's fantastic.

Bonchan vs BJ unchained

Nemo vs Infiltration (kind of sucks that they don't show the anime music intros for each player)

Daigo vs Nemo (Tokaigi 2015)


Slayer of Combofiends
Well that much is obvious. Its just fun that i get to play people on my level cause most of the time o get people with 10-15k bp and thats just not fun. I can still win from time to time against those 2kpp 3kbp people but majority of the people in steam is just too good

I see what you mean. I used to have that mindset cause I wanted to play the game casually but still be "good" at it. Got fed up and decided to go full in and just face strong players. Steam has a good amount of good people but it surprises me how some of them are rank A's lol


The signs were there. Since the announcement in December, no one seen the game. Then last week they confirmed the PS3 sticks and went out and said this is the definitive version of the game and even got rid of the PS3 lag.

The way they acknowledged the input issue was completely pathetic. "we noticed some of you more hardcore players..."

It doesn't take a hardcore player to tell when one version of a game is superior to every single other version, and it's also absurd to acknowledge an issue like that and just ignore it for the prior releases.

At this point, that's really the least of their issues; I hope they're scrambling to make things right in time for EVO.


I see what you mean. I used to have that mindset cause I wanted to play the game casually but still be "good" at it. Got fed up and decided to go full in and just face strong players. Steam has a good amount of good people but it surprises me how some of them are rank A's lol
I guess its just there are less casual players on steam

Problem is i play tons of competetive games so i just kinda play sf4 casually lol


Slayer of Combofiends
I guess its just there are less casual players on steam

Problem is i play tons of competetive games so i just kinda play sf4 casually lol

kasane-senpai, pls teach me these others you play. i wanna get into dota 2 but its a time sink lol
So, I haven't been watching many FG tournaments recently, but I caught most of top 8 of USF4 Stunfest this weekend and loved seeing it again.

Any particular standout matches I should go back and check out in, say, the last six to nine months-ish? Doesn't matter what game; I'll check it out if it's fantastic.

daigo vs snake eyez from canda cup masters. knuckle du vs jwong/ricky ortiz from combo breaker. mkx top 8 at combo breakers. louffy vs gagapa from kakutop league.

oh yea also just watch all of evo finals for every game. Can never go wrong with that.


kasane-senpai, pls teach me these others you play. i wanna get into dota 2 but its a time sink lol

i have like 2400 hours in dota 2 and thats not including dota 1

which i have played since 2006


edit:evo finals for blazeblue was literally an anime arc


I guess its just there are less casual players on steam

Problem is i play tons of competetive games so i just kinda play sf4 casually lol

it's a lot worst on 360 since people feel that's the superior version a lot of players manly play on there.
i have like 2400 hours in dota 2 and thats not including dota 1

which i have played since 2006


edit:evo finals for blazeblue was literally an anime arc

still remember my first game in dota 1 back in 6.48ish. Went 0-12 as dragon knight and got shamed out of the game ;(.
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