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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Spoilers Thread!


Are you still going to buy the other 3 parts?

I don't think so, I really don't.

I'd need some major reassurances to opt into anything more. They straight up lied about this game, this is not a remake.

If they had been honest about the nature of this game I would have been fine, but they promised that this would be the FF7 we love, just better.

Over and over they said this, and it was all bullshit. This makes me not want to buy another Square game period.


But with this ending, can they just not do the alternate universe shit and stick to original storyline based on fan reaction? I mean they left it completely open to go either way..

I don't think they left it completely open, the ending makes it very clear is not going to stick to the original anymore.

But that would be the ideal scenario IMO, I'm usually not for petitions or demands from developers but in this ocassion I really wish they would do it, mainly because it was as much on them for not being honest from the begining, at the same time tho, the ghosts are so engrained through the whole game it's going to be difficult to justify their existence, unless they just drop that element and ignore it going forward, I imagine there would be information about them later.

This game is one big fucking lie.

Anything other than that is denial.

Holy shit this crap is surreal.

What makes it worse is that they knew exactly what people wanted and still decided to against it, and if the meta-narrative theory is correct, which sounds plausible, they even made the fans who wanted a faithful remake into the antagonists, which is not only dumb, it's also insulting.


This game is one big fucking lie.

Anything other than that is denial.

Holy shit this crap is surreal.

A bit of an overreaction. Obviously, yes, the end is different and you’re free to disagree with the story choices made but besides that one tangent, this is faithfully designed point-by-point recreation of Midgar.


A bit of an overreaction. Obviously, yes, the end is different and you’re free to disagree with the story choices made but besides that one tangent, this is faithfully designed point-by-point recreation of Midgar.

This isn't a remake. Plain and simple, justify it however you like. Downplay it all you like. The last 2 chapters of the game change everything. As far as it being "faithfully designed" that's not even completely true, but I don't care to get into it.

You enjoyed it? That's cool I'm happy for you. but do not try and sell me a fucking horse then hand me a chicken.
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I hope the whatever number the final episode is, there will be multiple endings and story branching choices. That’s the number one thing I want for all AAA remake projects. I hope original ending is there, but also with multiple other endings and choices added.


I hope the whatever number the final episode is, there will be multiple endings and story branching choices. That’s the number one thing I want for all AAA remake projects. I hope original ending is there, but also with multiple other endings and choices added.

I can't see how the original ending can be a possibility unless they backtrack on a lot of the nonsense in the last half of this game.


This isn't a remake. Plain and simple, justify it however you like. Downplay it all you like. The last 2 chapters of the game change everything. As far as it being "faithfully designed" that's not even completely true, but I don't care to get into it.

You enjoyed it? That's cool I'm happy for you. but do not try and sell me a fucking horse then hand me a chicken.
i've redone midgar yesterday there are lot of changes in first half too.
And i can say most changes are for the best in this game...but yes, the destiny narrative feel like a last minute addition. And i can understand why they did it.
Free from putting 90% of the effort turning text into cinematic we can hope they will focus more on the gameplay (let's hope the story stay interesting)
I see a potential Kain into this Sephiroth that could be interesting if done well.
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Oh, we had a spoiler thread? Good. I really liked the ending overall and I'm pretty interested in what they do.

I still don't get the ending. We can see Zack holding Cloud. It's alternative timeline or what? And why the hell would they show Zack so early in the game. It's like they showed 60% of the stuff only in the EP1.

You can think if it in the usual time travel shenanigans way. Either what they did created a timeline where this is all true and they're living it or everything is occurring to a single timeline. There could also be a multiverse, etc. The answer will depend on how you view it. For me, it's a little bit of both. It seems like knowledge of what could happen has changed what will occur or has occurred in this version of FF7's universe. That's the reason for the Whispers, they're trying to keep everything on the same path.

As for how I see the ending. The whispers were trying to keep their timeline on track and showed up to make sure Zack died while facing Shinra troops. However, when the team decides to face the Whisper Harbringer and defeat it, any of the work the whispers were doing to preserve the original FF7 story was nullified which allowed Zack to live that encounter instead of dying there. You can confirm this with Biggs and Jessie too as we saw them die but we see Biggs at the orphanage at the end of the game and Jessie's glove on the desk, clearly after everything occurred.

I definitely thought it was a bit early but I do get that they wanted to put an exclamation on the fact that anything goes after this point in the story and I'm pretty excited for it.
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Oh, we had a spoiler thread? Good. I really liked the ending overall and I'm pretty interested in what they do.

You can think if it in the usual time travel shenanigans way. Either what they did created a timeline where this is all true and they're living it or everything is occurring to a single timeline. There could also be a multiverse, etc. The answer will depend on how you view it.For me, it's a little bit of both. It seems like we knowledge of what could happen has changed what will occur or has occurred in this version of FF7's universe. That's the reason for the Whispers, they're trying to keep everything on the same path.

As for how I see the ending. The whispers were trying to keep their timeline on track and showed up to make sure Zack died while facing Shinra troops. However, when the team decides to face the Whisper Harbringer and defeat it, any of the work the whispers were doing to preserve the original FF7 story was nullified which allowed Zack to live that encounter instead of dying there. You can confirm this with Biggs and Jessie too as we saw them die but we see Biggs at the orphanage at the end of the game and Jessie's glove on the desk, clearly after everything occurred.

I definitely thought it was a bit early but I do get that they wanted to put an exclamation on the fact that anything goes after this point in the story and I'm pretty excited for it.
Thanks was writing a post to ask about this.
So anyone want to elaborate on the ending, what exactly was the end?
Sephiroth and Cloud in space, something about 7 seconds, was about as close of Final Fantasy VII turning into Final Fantasy VIII storyline, seriously fuck that game.
Whispers were keeping the timeline close to original game's timeline? People that were supposed to die (Biggs, Jessie and Wedge), did and people that weren't (Barret) were saved somehow by the Whispers. You end up defeating the "whispers" hence why Biggs is alive at the end supposedly Wedge and Jessie might be alive?


Thanks was writing a post to ask about this.

No prob. There's actually more interesting questions potentially but there's too little to go on right now making it mostly speculation. Like, Sephiroth seems to be aware of everything occurred to him originally but it brings up questions about if this is the essence of that Sephiroth since there was all of that Lifestream zaniness or if this version realizes something even bigger is afoot and asks Cloud for his help as a result.


People who hate it that much need to get a life.

FFVII was my first JPRG and I consider myself quiet a big Fan. Have US and German first print release, bought the OST, have limited Edition Crisis Core PSP From Japan, Limited Edition of the German PSP Game, and so on Figures. . . So yes I am not just a fan but also quiet a big FFVII nerd. ^^
Its my Favorite JRPG together with Xenogears. But I am not offended in any way. I didn't go in with high expectations. Well since FFXII Square-Enix hasn't done a really good or great FF game imo (FFXIV as an MMORPG I give them). But I admit I had a lot of fun with FFXII-2 which then lead into the disappointing FFXIII-3 . . .

So yes its not a remake its actually FFVII-2. But hey would you have bought it if it was FFVII-2? I guess not. People would have discarded it directly. So I assume that might have been the reason for the lie. But I think the subtitle remake for sure will play a bigger role in the context of the upcoming games I think later. All in all I can live with it since it feels like Final Fantasy VII but I don't know what to expect or happens next. If it would be faithful remake then there would nothing to be surprised anymore nothing more to learn. I don't think this game devalues the original in any kind.
I mean Advent Children didn't scratch my FFVII itch and I think it added nothing of value as a FFVII fan but I am not pissed it exists. At the end people need to accept this is not our Story. Other people tell it for us and right now I am actually more happy to get something new. If this change would not have happened I would be less hyped for a second part since I know how everything will turn out. Now we don't know whats going to happen.

But everyone can feel to vote with their wallet. They did this with FFXIII thats why each following part seemed to have been done with less resources. . .


But hey would you have bought it if it was FFVII-2?
I would have.
If Square Enix just straight up made a sequel, I would've been very much into it.

Hell, even if Square Enix wanted to make a reboot with completely different plot points from the start I would've been into it too. Actually I was super into it when Barret "died" to Sephiroth, it was a shock and I was like "OMG WTF this is huge !"... until it got retarded AF 5 minutes later only to get even worse at the end.

Instead of all that, they told us it was a remake and then got full retard on it.
Going full meta commentary and muh destiny because FF7 is known in our world. Go fuck yourself Nomura. This was supposed to be FF7, not KH where any dumb shit goes.
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got to Air Buster last night and died a whole lot of times. gonna have to do this one smart.

still really loving the story changes and how all this is playing out. i know some people wanted a 1:1 remake but that was never happening.

besides everyone complains about the story in these games anyways. all FF games have people ranting about story or characters or dialog, like they are Herman fuckin Melville or something. it's kind of a FF tradition for people to go nuts over it. personally, i just enjoy these games. this one is damn good.
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Fret Runner

When I fucking saw Zack, Man, that shit got me good. Zack getting in on spotlight makes me happy.
But then I thought to myself "So they are taking things from Crisis Core, that's Awesome!"
Then a few seconds later "Oh no, they are taking things from Crisis Core..."


No god. No god please no. Nooooooooooo

Dark Oni

they thoroughly butchered sephiroth's character just to shove him as much as they could in this to the point he's the boss in midgar? really who the wise guy that came up with this idea (ghosts aside another horrid idea)
who is the boss in the 2nd now jenova+sephrioth+ ghosts hybrid? did they even think this through or just wanted to give fans a summery game under the remake title where u get sephiroth boss battle like end game?
Does anyone trust them with part 2 after this mess of a game?square u morons just update the graphics of the original and make a full game don't touch the story u have no idea what ur doing noone wants kingdom hearts final fantasy ffs
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Does anyone trust them with part 2 after this mess of a game?square u morons just update the graphics of the original and make a full game don't touch the story u have no idea what ur doing noone wants kingdom hearts final fantasy ffs

This game has quickly become my favorite thing from square since Final Fantasy tactics. I could not trust them any more than I do right now. I couldn't be happier that they didn't just make the old game shiny and instead vastly expanded on the characters and setting of midgar.

This is the kind of remake I've wanted for over a decade now. If this game is supposed to be an example of what Nomura does to a game then he's instantly become one of my favorite devs.


This game has quickly become my favorite thing from square since Final Fantasy tactics. I could not trust them any more than I do right now. I couldn't be happier that they didn't just make the old game shiny and instead vastly expanded on the characters and setting of midgar.

This is the kind of remake I've wanted for over a decade now. If this game is supposed to be an example of what Nomura does to a game then he's instantly become one of my favorite devs.
I wouldn't go that far, but FFVII Remake is a great game, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am excited for the next part, that I might pre-order it rather than buy it late like I did with this one.


I wouldn't go that far, but FFVII Remake is a great game, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am excited for the next part, that I might pre-order it rather than buy it late like I did with this one.
I'm mostly joking, I keep hearing Nomura is to blame for this. I don't know much about his history. But if people insist I gotta blame this game on him then the only thing I know about him is that he made one of my personal favourite games.


I'm pretty happy right with what they're doing and I don't really expect them to go nuts with the story like they did with Kingdom Hearts or even the Compilation of FF7 games. They gave themselves a blank slate for what they're doing but I expect them to largely follow the same path and change things as necessary like Aerith not dying this time around, involving Zack and the other Avalanche characters, etc. There's certainly a possibility it just goes nuts but it seems like they have the right head on their shoulders considering the writing in this game has been really solid.

The original storyline is canon and real too so this is just an extension of that.


Ok, just beat the game...

Don't even know where to begin.

This is the best game ever created with the most awesome incoherent trash ending that takes a nosedive at lightspeed while you can't help but love it.

Also, why Roche? Absolutely no point in adding him to the game.

And the Whisperers are dumb af.

The battle against Abiter of Destiny or whatever it's name was, was badly executed.

Everything else was pretty much spot-on.
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I'm pretty happy right with what they're doing and I don't really expect them to go nuts with the story like they did with Kingdom Hearts or even the Compilation of FF7 games. There's certainly a possibility it just goes nuts but it seems like they have the right head on their shoulders considering the writing in this game has been really solid.

Just a reminder that the game marketed for the last five years as a remake of FF7 has you killing the concept of Destiny and fighting Advent Children Sephiroth in a pocket dimension before you leave Midgar. Really solid, head-on-your-shoulders stuff.


They need to kill aerith at the same point in the story in the next game.
It’s one of the most memorable part of the game.
It must be hard to watch and not cheesy too.

If they keep the most important stuffs I am ok with the changes, some are good , they improved some characters.
Aerith is even more interesting.
I want her dead.


They need to kill aerith at the same point in the story in the next game.
It’s one of the most memorable part of the game.
It must be hard to watch and not cheesy too.

If they keep the most important stuffs I am ok with the changes, some are good , they improved some characters.
Aerith is even more interesting.
I want her dead.

Disagreed, It was the memorable part of the original game. Make something more memorable.
Kill Tifa
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Just a reminder that the game marketed for the last five years as a remake of FF7 has you killing the concept of Destiny and fighting Advent Children Sephiroth in a pocket dimension before you leave Midgar. Really solid, head-on-your-shoulders stuff.

They've never really marketed as a complete and faithful recreation of the original though, as I recall. We all assumed that that was what they were doing with it but it looks like even they acknowledge this was going to be different. I found an interview Kitase where it gets mentioned apparently. It seems like Nomura even mentioned it before interestingly enough.

But anyway, considering how solid this turned out I'm expecting something a lot closer to the original than most are thinking, aside from some destiny shenanigans.

Disagreed, It was the memorable part of the original game. Make something more memorable.
Kill Tifa

I was talking to a friend about this twist and he mentioned he thought there's no way they'll kill Aerith again so we immediately thought of Cloud and Tifa getting killed in the end, lol. Probably not going to happen but that would be something.
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Dark Oni

some of you take anything square throws at you and praise it they couldn't have messed up the story more if they tried and outright lie about it being faithful to the original but even then you justify it no wonder they are putting out these half baked games and getting away with it
other developers are putting out huge games like witcher3, DX11, persona5 etc with less development cycle and those games are made from scratch here they have game already made and still couldn't put out a faithful remake in 5 years because "it's too big to make in one go" really? while you sit here and justify this they are going to charge you at least 4x as much for a game that could've been done at once


Ok, just beat the game...

Don't even know where to begin.

This is the best game ever created with the most awesome incoherent trash ending that takes a nosedive at lightspeed while you can't help but love it.

Also, why Roche? Absolutely no point in adding him to the game.

And the Whisperers are dumb af.

The battle against Abiter of Destiny or whatever it's name was, was badly executed.

Everything else was pretty much spot-on.
Roche's voice was irritating.


some of you take anything square throws at you and praise it they couldn't have messed up the story more if they tried and outright lie about it being faithful to the original but even then you justify it no wonder they are putting out these half baked games and getting away with it
other developers are putting out huge games like witcher3, DX11, persona5 etc with less development cycle and those games are made from scratch here they have game already made and still couldn't put out a faithful remake in 5 years because "it's too big to make in one go" really? while you sit here and justify this they are going to charge you at least 4x as much for a game that could've been done at once

They are earning my money by giving me amazing games that I personally love. You guys are trying way to hard to convince people to be angry about a wellmade game because you didn't like the ending or didn't know what you were buying.
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Wow, I was looking into it but it looks like the developers mentioned that this wouldn't be the same continuity as the original FF7 a few years ago. It's just no one bothered to follow-up with that. There was an interview last month that indicated that this was going to be separate from the original FF7 too. Interesting :pie_thinking:


They need to kill aerith at the same point in the story in the next game.
It’s one of the most memorable part of the game.
It must be hard to watch and not cheesy too.
It sounded like Sephiroth has something planned...
Think about it. What would hurt Cloud even more than watching Sephiroth kill Aerith?


Would be more interesting than the game if a class action suit came about over this tbh.

Nah, the've been very clear about it only being midgar from the start. And I don't think anyone is actually dumb enough to think they can win in court that it isn't a remake because the plot isn't exactly the same.

Oh who am I kidding.


I kinda liked the ending 😳

It's not perfect and I'm not usually a fan of Nomura but it was nice to see the story throw a curve ball so it won't feel like I know everything that's going to happen.

Do I get why people are pissed off? Of course, if you were expecting the same story and hold it dear to you then you're gonna be pissed to see it changed before your eyes after 23 years of waiting to relive your favourite moments.

But I don't get why some people online (here and other sites) are shaming people for liking the ending.

I'm interested to see where they go and cannot wait for the second part, but if the second part goes fully Kingdom Hearts with a FF7 coat of paint then I'll be leaving the hype train.


They are earning my money by giving me amazing games that I personally love. You guys are trying way to hard to convince people to be angry about a wellmade game because you didn't like the ending or didn't know what you were buying.
No one is trying to convince anyone. Everyone here got free will don't you think.
Game is trash.

And they were going to sue for Colonial Marines being false advertising??
I'll shit on this game all day but it's a perfectly playable product in comparison to Colonial Marines. People knew what they were (sort of) getting quality wise with FF VII remake. Colonial Marines was walking into a mine field compared to this.


That ending was disappointing but understandable at the same time

Those final 5-6 boss fights kept me pumped with all that juicy soundtrack!

Dark Oni

They are earning my money by giving me amazing games that I personally love. You guys are trying way to hard to convince people to be angry about a wellmade game because you didn't like the ending or didn't know what you were buying.
.... yes amazing games that's what i was talking about in my post. i dont think anyone knew they were buying kingdom hearts ff7 with this they were hoping for the original remade but fell for squares lies.


.... yes amazing games that's what i was talking about in my post. i dont think anyone knew they were buying kingdom hearts ff7 with this they were hoping for the original remade but fell for squares lies.
What? FFVII Remake shits on all Kingdom Hearts combined

I don't understand the backlash on the remake or lets say "reimagination" since lots of people was about to suicide because of a game

Dark Oni

What? FFVII Remake shits on all Kingdom Hearts combined

I don't understand the backlash on the remake or lets say "reimagination" since lots of people was about to suicide because of a game
yea no fate ghosts, roche, ending is all kingdom hearts type nonsense
backlash is because something else was delivered than promised and who's about to suicide over a game


Nah, the've been very clear about it only being midgar from the start. And I don't think anyone is actually dumb enough to think they can win in court that it isn't a remake because the plot isn't exactly the same.

Oh who am I kidding.
Well that and never using episode 1 in branding or marketing the game.


.... yes amazing games that's what i was talking about in my post. i dont think anyone knew they were buying kingdom hearts ff7 with this they were hoping for the original remade but fell for squares lies.

They didn't lie though. They've said it was a different continuity from the original in interviews. It uses all of the old FF7 stuff from before as the base but it's not a simple remake of it. I noticed it in this interview from last Month but Nomura apparently mentioned it a few years ago as well like I said in my other post. https://www.vg247.com/2020/03/02/final-fantasy-7-remake-interview/

VG247: So I’m pretty sure that after Sephiroth appears and you’re walking around the streets of Midgar, that’s a music track from Advent Children. [We later verified this; the music track is a new arrangement of ‘The Promised Land‘ from 2005 FF7 sequel movie Advent Children.] I was surprised to hear that. I realize [Tetsuya] Nomura-san said before that the remake is in a different continuity to the FF7 projects from the past, but I’m curious about how much of the compilation ideas you wanted to bring into the game. Hearing music from the compilation that never appeared in the original FF7 was a pleasant surprise.

Yoshinori Kitase: I can’t give you full details exactly how many times, where they’re referenced, or anything like that, but what I want to let you know is that all of the lore from the works created after the original game, the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7, that’s all very much in the base of the canon for the remake, and going forward it will be too.

We actually had a thread about it when Nomura talked about it.

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