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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Spoilers Thread!

The Snake

Why do you guys think that the next part of the remake won’t follow 7 at all?

I’m aware, timeline protectors being killed and all, but I don’t think Square Enix is just going to drop the natural course of FF7 and create an entirely new game.

What seems most likely is proceeding down the traditional path, with all kinds of twists along the way. Essentially the original story, and this time-bending craziness happening in parallel.

I don't think anyone is saying that. I think the main problem is that we were all ready for a complete remake of the game. With these changes this is no longer a remake but rather a sequel that will feature scenes and locations similar to those we remember, but they won't be the same scenes. The story is changed. The stakes are changed. To call it "Remake" is now a deceptive misnomer.

Not only that, but this now allows Square to alter and omit any content they like to fit any time or budget limitations; it is now a failsafe. I already didn't expect Square to deliver a 1:1 experience (world map, off-the-path sidequests like the Chocobo nut guy), but now I know for a fact they won't, and that makes this a product that no longer matches the title on the box, nor its marketing.

What they're doing is deceptive, plain and simple. I now fully believe that the reason this game was only Midgar was so they could hide the fact that this is actually a sequel. When all you have to show is content that matches the original game, that's all people will see.

Time will tell if SE is paying attention to feedback and scales back the sequelization of this for future "Episodes" or whatever, but I can't imagine what they've done is in any way irreversible. They wanted an excuse to scale back what was once a huge, relaitve-for-its-time open world game, and they got it. I just wish they weren't trying to make a meta statement about it, and that they'd just be fucking honest about what they're tricking people into pre-ordering $300+ collector's editions for.


I don't think anyone is saying that.

Many are saying exactly that, within this very thread.

I think the main problem is that we were all ready for a complete remake of the game. With these changes this is no longer a remake but rather a sequel that will feature scenes and locations similar to those we remember, but they won't be the same scenes. The story is changed. The stakes are changed.

I think there’s room for debate on how much they’ll deviate, but I do generally agree with this.

To call it "Remake" is now a deceptive misnomer.

Cant get on board with that.

Not only that, but this now allows Square to alter and omit any content they like to fit any time or budget limitations; it is now a failsafe. I already didn't expect Square to deliver a 1:1 experience (world map, off-the-path sidequests like the Chocobo nut guy), but now I know for a fact they won't, and that makes this a product that no longer matches the title on the box, nor its marketing.

What they're doing is deceptive, plain and simple. I now fully believe that the reason this game was only Midgar was so they could hide the fact that this is actually a sequel. When all you have to show is content that matches the original game, that's all people will see.

Time will tell if SE is paying attention to feedback and scales back the sequelization of this for future "Episodes" or whatever, but I can't imagine what they've done is in any way irreversible. They wanted an excuse to scale back what was once a huge, relaitve-for-its-time open world game, and they got it. I just wish they weren't trying to make a meta statement about it, and that they'd just be fucking honest about what they're tricking people into pre-ordering $300+ collector's editions for.

This is a lot of speculation presented as something absolutely happening, without question.


Many are saying exactly that, within this very thread.

I think there’s room for debate on how much they’ll deviate, but I do generally agree with this.

Cant get on board with that.

This is a lot of speculation presented as something absolutely happening, without question.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

The Snake

This is a lot of speculation presented as something absolutely happening, without question.

How can something be both speculation and also present an absolute? What? lmao. I love you.

I really hope you enjoy the game.

EDIT: And no, I'm not being sarcastic. I genuinely hope those that are okay with this stuff enjoy the game. Better than to be bitter with the rest of us.
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Looks like some of you really love the narrative that the remake has to be terrible, no matter what.

If that comes to pass, we’ll cross that bridge, but there’s a lot of Chicken Littles here that don’t even seem to want to have a conversation about the possibility of anything positive.


Many are saying exactly that, within this very thread.

I think there’s room for debate on how much they’ll deviate, but I do generally agree with this.

Cant get on board with that.

This is a lot of speculation presented as something absolutely happening, without question.

The fact is this: from the beginning, a lot of us expected SE to cut and change a much of the game to, let’s say, bring it more in line with their current development mindset. Then when it became clear that part 1 was only ever going to be Midgar by itself, those worries were exacerbated, but we were never really sure just how far they would go with it.

Now they’ve basically written themselves a get out of jail free card. They don’t have to do a huge, freely navigable overworld, they don’t have to do stuff like Fort Condor or Wutai - they can make a new game with FF7 characters.

Which they are free to do. But when they unveiled this as FF7 Remake after years and years of fans asking for an FF7 remake, they knew exactly what they were doing. Let’s not pretend this new direction is going to be an overwhelmingly welcome surprise to the millions who preordered FF7 Remake expecting an FF7 remake.

Look at their most recent mainline game, FFXV. Even now, years later, after countless free updates and some sizable paid DLC, nobody could claim the game feels complete. There are huge, obvious chunks that were cut or abridged. And Kingdom Hearts 3 is a structural mess even compared to other kingdom hearts games. There is loads of precedent for people to be worried about the direction Nomura is taking this.

Which brings me again to Nomura. As I’ve said before, I do think this is a neat concept for a remake. I just think with something like FF7 they should have been more upfront about what they were doing (at least a little bit). I also, again, have no faith in Nomura’s ability to pull it off. He is not a good writer or director.

So yeah, while it’s not fair to say this is going to be a disaster...it’s not exactly unreasonable to assume so.

But whatever I’ve got my popcorn


Hey everyone i have a question. By any chance is there an option to equip different costumes for the characters and use them whenever? Thanks in advance.


Looks like some of you really love the narrative that the remake has to be terrible, no matter what.

If that comes to pass, we’ll cross that bridge, but there’s a lot of Chicken Littles here that don’t even seem to want to have a conversation about the possibility of anything positive.

Trust me, I am most definitely not loving that the remake is terrible. The original was an important game to me and I am distressed at how the source material has been treated.

So far the tone has been changed, the character motivations have changed, the sequence of events has changed, and the events themselves. And not in any way that makes sense or could be forgiven or predicted considering the marketing.

Instead so much story development has been lost to clumsily shoehorn a Cloud versus Sephiroth encounter into the first chapter, along with what I would call cringe-inducing nonsense for what reason? To 'subvert expectations' or perhaps promote buzz/speculation while conveniently lessening the pressure on the developers to maintain any form of consistency in the following chapters whatsoever?

At least from what I can tell the story changes don't seem to honor the original game as they're so ridiculous as to detract from it if anything, they don't serve the old fans looking for a faithful recreation, and they don't serve new fans either due to all the literal in-game dialogue references to a game they've never played.


Trust me, I am most definitely not loving that the remake is terrible. The original was an important game to me and I am distressed at how the source material has been treated.

So far the tone has been changed, the character motivations have changed, the sequence of events has changed, and the events themselves. And not in any way that makes sense or could be forgiven or predicted considering the marketing.

Instead so much story development has been lost to clumsily shoehorn a Cloud versus Sephiroth encounter into the first chapter, along with what I would call cringe-inducing nonsense for what reason? To 'subvert expectations' or perhaps promote buzz/speculation while conveniently lessening the pressure on the developers to maintain any form of consistency in the following chapters whatsoever?

At least from what I can tell the story changes don't seem to honor the original game as they're so ridiculous as to detract from it if anything, they don't serve the old fans looking for a faithful recreation, and they don't serve new fans either due to all the literal in-game dialogue references to a game they've never played.

Wasn’t talking about you, but the people that seem to have some sort of FF7 Remake Derangement Syndrome, when asked a simple question about their comments, or receiving some light criticism.

Nonetheless, ty for the well-written response and insight.


Looks like some of you really love the narrative that the remake has to be terrible, no matter what.

If that comes to pass, we’ll cross that bridge, but there’s a lot of Chicken Littles here that don’t even seem to want to have a conversation about the possibility of anything positive.

People love any good disaster narrative... This simply isn't what most people expected. I think most of us went in with the hope and honest expectation of a remastered FF7. Modernized but still mostly faithful to the original script. No, this is a whole new, brand new 2020's realization of FF7. It's a new game based on an old story from last century.

I stopped having expectations when I realized part 1 was only inside of Midgar and contained nearly 30 hours of content. To think that Midgar was the part of this game I raced to break out of LOL. I'm not a good judge of this product because it's not at all what I wanted. It looks like a pretty good game, though. Demo was fine enough.


Neo Member
nomura is a cancer on storytelling. Why does he still have a job is beyond me.

These two videos sum up Nomura (and by extension, a lot of writers like Kojima). They have a lot of good ideas but are fundamentally bad writers (the difference between story and storytelling). There's an idea in writing called "shitty first draft." In order to get the ball rolling and get pass the mental block that is a blank page, every writer accepts that their first draft is likely and necessarily the worst version of their story. As long as they have something to work with, they continually refine it like a sculptor until it becomes acceptable as the final version. Writers like Nomura and Kojima live in a solipsistic echo chamber (which feeds their narcissism) where the final version feels like it's their first draft. Bad pacing, horribly stilted/unnatural dialogue, and constant plot exposition litter their works. These flaws are heavily criticized in every other medium, but the gaming industry is known for having less standards here.
So why are they so popular (still getting work)? Because people love their ideas. See, when people say they love Kojima's stories, they're talking about the ideas on a creative, conceptual level. They're so in love with the novelty of his ideas that they look past all of the technical flaws. You have to understand that the average person doesn't know shit about storytelling and writing. They only go so far as to say things are cool, interesting, or unique, such as Timefall or BB, regardless if they are handled well. They're the same ones who praise the current generation of Capcom games that are terribly written, where the writer has to compensate for the lack of substance with constant garbage dialogue used as distraction such as fuck, shit, bitch, and fart everywhere like it's a D-tier SyFy channel horror movie (where's the creativity?) The same thing applies to Nomura. Combining FF and Disney is a novel idea that a lot of people, especially Western writers, would have never been able to conjure. Their ideas are a refreshing break from the stagnant, mundane stories that Western writers offer. Consumers feel compelled to experience anything that breaks the monotony of their lives.
Over the years, I've noticed East and West are Yin and Yang in a lot of ways. When it comes to writing, Japanese writers are better at creativity but bad at writing. Western writers are generally better at technical writing and have better structure/coherent plot but suffer when it comes to coming up with new, interesting stories. These traits are not mutually exclusive, of course. You can have a well-written Japanese story and a unique, creative Western story, but they are not as common. At the end of the day, people like Nomura and Kojima exist because there is a market for them.

I'm too tired to talk about FFVII, but I'm generally disappointed with their approach. I plan on buying it on PC when it's $20 or less, but I don't care about spoilers since I already beat the original game multiple times. As a side note, the time ghost memes on /v/ is funner and funnier to me than what the game looks to provide.
Goddamn it Canada is right next to the US. WHY DOESNT SQUARE SEND ME MY GAME.

It really is insufferable as hell to try to ignore spoiler threads when its basically my most anticipated game of the decade. I keep thinking "OK I'll just go sneak a peak to see if there's any music uploads" because I love the soundtrack and then I get sucked into crazy spoiler shit because it's fucking irresistable. And the fact that a select group of people get to have deep convos around the game's lore when I can't even play it is miserable.
If it makes you feel any better my First Class Edition is 11 mins from my house but UPS has cancelled the delivery atleast 3 times already since last Friday. Its in their warehouse, possibly still in a trailer, I keep getting conflicting information. I even drove to the warehouse today and was told everything was being shipped out today, which wasn't the case. UPS is the absolute worst, I can't ever recall having a good experience using their service. I am aware of whats going on in the world but its pretty frustrating as I see FedEx trucks dropping by, Canada Post delivered my Switch Lite just fine and I can't count who there are more of, Amazon delivery people or Skip The Dish drivers coming by my apartment complex.

I intend to send a thank you to Square-Enix but a recommendation they no longer use UPS.


I always thought the healthier way to understand FFVII Remake is as a new game which uses the same characters and locations instead of a proper remake. It was clear since beginning the changes in tone, gameplay and art design.

But even I am surprised with the story changes. There is no way people won't be pissed. It would be safer if they were clear and called it FFVII-2 or FFVII If ...something like that.

I wish they did a proper turn based remake with little to none story changes though.


Do you think that while making the remake they figure a standard conversion was too much work, so decided to go bonkers?

To me this makes so much sense now. They probably will wrap it up in the next installment.
I think so. I assume we will never be able to travel the open world.

Who am I lying to? We all know SE loves to shit on their games. If nothing changes in the 2nd episode then they have destroyed on of the greatest games ever released.


Yeah that's tough bro. I feel you, I can't deal with PS1 graphics in this day and age. The story in the original is excellent and you're definitely not going to get that from this remake. In fact the remake kind of expects you to be familiar with not only the FF7 story but the additional content (that kind of sucked honestly) like Advent Children and Crisis Core. So in your case maybe just set your sights on another game lol.
Use the enhanced version with better graphics - forum.qhimm.com.
Just played upto the part of
Jessies death

damn I knew it was coming but didn’t expect to hit that hard. They really gave her a bubbly personality and very enjoyable to be around, the side missions were fun too. Was hoping these guys all would’ve stuck around.

Also, before Jessie is about to toss that bomb those guardian looking figures pop up behind her? Anyone know if those things played a part or something.


My opinion after finishing the game.

- It felt like a mix of FFXIII (music) with FFXV battle system.
- It's linear as shit.
-Crashing boxes wasn't fun at all
- I was laughing when Cloud was holding Jessie (it was a stupid scene) or when the Whispers took Cloud with Aeris.
- I thought the ending would end like in the original. The timejump thing was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED.
- The battlesystem is OK, but I'm a big fan of the original one. Call me grandpa, but it's my opinion.
- Why show Sephiroth so early? I always thought of him as a mysterious person.
- their vision of episode 1 is Sephiroth is revealed, we know about Zack, Cloud knows he's gonna kill Aeris (yes, it's Aeris not Aerith!)
- Barret stabbed by Sephiroth? Really? LOL

When the 2nd episode comes out I'm gonna definitely play it but the FF7 Remake should be called a 'reboot', not remake. I'm totally confused. I've played FF7 hundreds of times. Why? Because of the plot. IT IS GREAT.


Its basically just FF XV but hey, do you think anyone has balls to review it properly? Nope.
The camera in the battle is a joke, it's too close. Tried to change the settings but it's still too close, when fighting a boss I see shit. Plus you push the right analog to lock an enemy by accident. You want to attack his arms but every time you try turning the camera around it switches to another part of his body.
Its basically just FF XV but hey, do you think anyone has balls to review it properly? Nope.
FF XV was good though because it was its own thing. FF VII remake is just FF XV with a VII reskin but all the people who didn't like XV will say this one is good cuz it has Cloud Strife in it.


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What did Aeris mean by "Don't fall in love with me, it won't be real". Does she already know he's a poser and he's using Zack's memories?
Both this and Half Life Alyx came out with shitty time travelling retcons lol

I feel in both cases it ruins the story because now one or more of the characters is going through 'the story' with prior knowledge of what's going to happen. Takes away the impact of the actual story imo


Both this and Half Life Alyx came out with shitty time travelling retcons lol

I feel in both cases it ruins the story because now one or more of the characters is going through 'the story' with prior knowledge of what's going to happen. Takes away the impact of the actual story imo

Please, don't continue to spoil Half Life Alyx. This thread is about FFVII spoilers, not other games. I didn't want to know what you posted.


Ehh. In the remake everything is given on a silver plate for the player. I thought she meant something else. In the original version Aeris had feelings for Cloud.
They are obviously pushing Tifa harder this time. Some examples:

-You have to give her the flower. In the original this was optional for a +5 affection boost (affects the date scene)

-In addition to the line you mention, Aerith has another altered line where she calls Zack 'her first love.'

-Tifa, as a whole, doesn't do much in the original game's Midgar portion. Whereas Aerith was a central part of the plot from here until her death. I feel like Tifa has more added scenes and content in this game if we're comparing her against the all the other characters.

If people want to attribute the ghosts of fate as being a subconscious version of 'the player', you can probably attribute something similar to Aerith telling Cloud (the player) not to fall in love with her, because it's fake or 'not real.' Since some original players like that pairing.

Though to answer your other, original question: "Does she already know he's a poser and he's using Zack's memories?" =>Even in the original game, she knew he was not himself. This was especially apparent in her date.
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They are obviously pushing Tifa harder this time. Some examples:

-You have to give her the flower. In the original this was optional for a +5 affection boost (affects the date scene)

-In addition to the line you mention, Aerith has another altered line where she calls Zack 'her first love.'

-Tifa, as a whole, doesn't do much in the original game's Midgar portion. Whereas Aerith was a central part of the plot from here until her death. I feel like Tifa has more added scenes and content in this game if we're comparing her against the all the other characters.

If people want to attribute the ghosts of fate as being a subconscious version of 'the player', you can probably attribute something similar to Aerith telling Cloud (the player) not to fall in love with her, because it's fake or 'not real.' Since some original players like that pairing.

Though to answer your other, original question: "Does she already know he's a poser and he's using Zack's memories?" =>Even in the original game, she knew he was not himself. This was especially apparent in her date.
Thanks for your reply.

- there aren't many options like in the original. I agree with you

- in the original she said it doesn't matter anymore, she didn't mention Zack. In the remake she did (without voice).

- I also get the same feeling. Tifa is getting more attention which isn't bad. She acts like an adult, Aeris more like a child to me.

I don't exactly recall their date back at Gold Saucer. Don't remember what words she used back then.
Im holding out hoping that the final part released will be the actual remake of OG 7 and the previous 2 parts are just some crazy dream/alternate universe thing.

I wonder if thats why they opted to release it in parts, test the waters and see how fans respond, then change things in the second part accordingly.

Either way, its really starting to feel like my generation is no longer considered a target audience for anything other than f2p and battleroyal type games. The industry clearly gives no shits about source material/IPs and the fans that were there from the start that bankrolled them.
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Im holding out hoping that the final part released will be the actual remake of OG 7 and the previous 2 parts are just some crazy dream/alternate universe thing.

I wonder if thats why they opted to release it in parts, test the waters and see how fans respond, then change things in the second part accordingly.

Either way, its really starting to feel like my generation is no longer considered a target audience for anything other than f2p and battleroyal type games. The industry clearly gives no shits about source material/IPs and the fans that were there from the start that bankrolled them.
Wouldn't it slower the production process? Why not stick with the original story from the beginning?


its been over 20 years, whats another 5-10 at this point.

Thats what i was hoping for, seems Square had other ideas.
When was it announce at first? Around 2013 or 2014? I don't remember exactly.
Still the production process takes forever. The 1st episode which took me around 40 hours to complete doesn't feel like a 6-7 years production title. The whole game should be made in 6-7 years. But who am I to judge...
When was it announce at first? Around 2013 or 2014? I don't remember exactly.
Still the production process takes forever. The 1st episode which took me around 40 hours to complete doesn't feel like a 6-7 years production title. The whole game should be made in 6-7 years. But who am I to judge...

Sorry my bad, I was referring to the original ff7 and mocking squares dev time for KH3 and FF15.
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I knew they couldn't resist the temptation to shove Sephiroth fight to the game. Kinda bummer. The whole time jump thing and the whispers were silly. I guess they didn't have the guts to end the game with more subdued manner.
As a whole I enjoyed it, but it has its flaws.


I knew they couldn't resist the temptation to shove Sephiroth fight to the game. Kinda bummer. The whole time jump thing and the whispers were silly. I guess they didn't have the guts to end the game with more subdued manner.
As a whole I enjoyed it, but it has its flaws.
They couldn't resist putting Zack, Wutai stuff and alot more. It's chaotic to me.


I am not the least bit thrilled that this game sucks but nobody can claim they weren't warned. The fanbase produced five years worth of extremely accurate predictions based on perfectly logical assumptions about the developer and their prior output but as usual nobody listened. Having no hope and still being disappointed sucks but I have to believe its not as bad as actually thinking this game would be good.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
When Sephie and Cloud are at the Edge of Creation, Seph looks up at some weird nebula and says, "Our world will become part of it...."

Is he talking about Jenova and/or the world/Lifestream becoming part of or being absorbed by Jenova?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
This game really impresses me from what I'm seeing.

Lol at the dance and cross dress scene. That's fucking great.

I wonder how much this scene will offend both anti-sjw types for thinking this is pandering to lgbt and/or sjws being offended for thinking it's an offensive stereotype and making fun of flamboyant gay men.

Either way this game is really gorgeous. There's parts I'm seeing that even look better then anything they've shown in previews or demos.

Really hoping for that stimulus check to happen so I can give Square their due.

Edit: btw the whole gay guy dance scene reminded me of Le Cage, which I saw as a kid with my family here in Vegas.
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