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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Spoilers Thread!


I can’t tell if you’re joking or if this is the approach you’re really trying to take with this
This game does not need to have Episode 1 or Part 1 in the title.
this isn't my approach, this is just how it is.

It's the first installment in a series based on a previous story. Something that has been said nonstop for years.
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yea no fate ghosts, roche, ending is all kingdom hearts type nonsense
backlash is because something else was delivered than promised and who's about to suicide over a game
Something else that is ACTUALLY VERY GOOD. If it was shit I would’ve understood the shitshow

I swear to god the gaming community has the biggest cry babies in the whole world


The last of us is the first installment of a series. it doesn't need to be title the last of us part 1.
Being based on something doesn't mean you are that thing. Don't see this is so confusing

If I make a story based on the opening act of cinderella, Basically a story about her home life where she hated by her sister. do I now need to title it Cinderalla part one?


They've never really marketed as a complete and faithful recreation of the original though, as I recall.

That is an outright lie. The game was repeatedly marketed as being faithful to the original's plot. Look at the advertisements, look at their statements in interviews.

"In terms of how faithful the remake is to the original Final Fantasy VII, from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed," Toriyama said. "The major story structure is kept very close"

They made a point several times that this was meant to be faithful recreation of the original plot, with new scenes added to flesh out the characters.

The thing that makes this such a kick in the pants is that they lied. The game is actually pretty good right until the last chapter where you are literally physically fighting destiny, and chopping buildings in half(when like 30 minutes ago Cloud and Barret were struggling to open a metal door) as Sephiroth reenacts his favorite scene from advent children. Like what is even the point of fighting Sephiroth at the end? It literally achieves NOTHING. It's just there because they thought it would be cool, the battle serves no purpose. What about Sephiroth abandoning Cloud at the "edge of creation" what was the point of that? How did Cloud get back? How does Aerith just know all of this random shit, how can she just touch someone and they just know? Wtf was President Shinra doing hanging from the edge of the building? Why were they all crying at Barret for threatening him? This guy literally killed hundreds of people, destroyed Tifa and Barret's lives, but now they don't want Barret to kill him? lol wtf is going on.

How are any of the events of the original game supposed to happen when the party already mostly knows what's going to happen? They'd have to make up some shit in the second game about their memories of the battle with fate fading now that it's all over or something.


Also, I'm tired of everyone blaming just Nomura for this. Kitase, Toriyama, and Nojima all had their hands in this mess, Nomura was not unilaterally making decisions here, he wasn't even the only director.

Nojima wrote the scenario here.


The last of us is the first installment of a series. it doesn't need to be title the last of us part 1.
Being based on something doesn't mean you are that thing. Don't see this is so confusing

If I make a story based on the opening act of cinderella, Basically a story about her home life where she hated by her sister. do I now need to title it Cinderalla part one?

Why do you keep bringing up The Last of Us? The game did exceptionally well and warranted a sequel, that’s completely different from this situation?

You know what would be comparable? If, in 20 years, they announce The Last of Us Remake for the PS8, work on it for five years, charge 60 Emperor Barron Bucks for it, then you get it home and 30 hours later you realize it only covered the portion of the game before the timeskip and padded it out with Joel doing Uber Eats deliveries for his neighbors.

Then you get to the end and it turns out the soldier who shot his daughter was actually himself time traveling from the future to try and save her, but the Fungus Destiny interfered. Or something.

Yes, you and I and everyone here knew this was going to be the first part of a series. What about the people who don’t spend their free time reading video game news sites and translated interviews with Japanese game directors? You know, the vast majority of people?

You don’t think there’s even one person who might see FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE on a store shelf and think “Oh shit they remade FF7” only to get to the end of what is wholly and undeniably a “PART 1” of something bigger and feel burned?

edit: it’s even got the same box art dude come on
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That is an outright lie. The game was repeatedly marketed as being faithful to the original's plot. Look at the advertisements, look at their statements in interviews.

"In terms of how faithful the remake is to the original Final Fantasy VII, from the perspective of the storyline, it is very faithful indeed," Toriyama said. "The major story structure is kept very close"

They made a point several times that this was meant to be faithful recreation of the original plot, with new scenes added to flesh out the characters.

The thing that makes this such a kick in the pants is that they lied. The game is actually pretty good right until the last chapter where you are literally physically fighting destiny, and chopping buildings in half(when like 30 minutes ago Cloud and Barret were struggling to open a metal door) as Sephiroth reenacts his favorite scene from advent children. Like what is even the point of fighting Sephiroth at the end? It literally achieves NOTHING. It's just there because they thought it would be cool, the battle serves no purpose. What about Sephiroth abandoning Cloud at the "edge of creation" what was the point of that? How did Cloud get back? How does Aerith just know all of this random shit, how can she just touch someone and they just know? Wtf was President Shinra doing hanging from the edge of the building? Why were they all crying at Barret for threatening him? This guy literally killed hundreds of people, destroyed Tifa and Barret's lives, but now they don't want Barret to kill him? lol wtf is going on.

How are any of the events of the original game supposed to happen when the party already mostly knows what's going to happen? They'd have to make up some shit in the second game about their memories of the battle with fate fading now that it's all over or something.

Toriyama's statement there and before are not in contradiction with each other. He said in that very article that the major story structure being the same in the game, which is true. There's very little deviation from the original storyline as all of the major events are there. It's a different continuity though and that explains the additional elements and interactions such as Jessie going to the depot to get different explosives and all of the other stuff.


Toriyama's statement there and before are not in contradiction with each other. He said in that very article that the major story structure being the same in the game, which is true. There's very little deviation from the original storyline as all of the major events are there. It's a different continuity though and that explains the additional elements and interactions such as Jessie going to the depot to get different explosives and all of the other stuff.

Not even true. Absolutely not true. From the get go the story is different, with Avalanche not being responsible for the reactor tragedy at all. Several events don't happen in the original, nearly every major event is different in some significant way. There is a direct contradiction, it's not faithful. Which tbh, I would have been ok with were it not for the insane ending.

Aerith couldn't even have her first meeting without it being invaded by Sephiroth and the fucking dementors.
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Avalanche is also much bigger than the last time. It's not only Barret and the group anymore. If so why we didn't see anyone from other groups?


This isn't a remake. Plain and simple, justify it however you like. Downplay it all you like. The last 2 chapters of the game change everything. As far as it being "faithfully designed" that's not even completely true, but I don't care to get into it.

You enjoyed it? That's cool I'm happy for you. but do not try and sell me a fucking horse then hand me a chicken.

I might disagree with you in semantics of the word remake but I understand your frustration. I just wouldn’t consider what Square did here as lie or false advertisement. I didn’t say I liked the ending either, I was just defending the fact that even with the changes to the ending, I still would consider this a remake in the semantic sense.

And talking about the ending, I actually thought it was corny as fuck! I hated it! But I enjoyed the first 90% of the game enough that I could let it go. I think they got self conscious that too many people know the original’s big twist and there would limited story tension in future sequels. An issue worthy of consideration, sure, but I don’t like how they addressed it at all.

In film and games, the term remake has been interpreted a lot of different ways but doing a 1x1 story reconstruction with only updated visuals and presentation is arguably one of the rarest ways to do a remake. (Remasters, on the other hand, are usually the ones designed with that purpose in mind).

If we think about our most successful remakes in culture, the best ones, the ones that we truly cherish, we often look at the ones that make bold and challenging deviates from the original. It’s like the difference between John Carpenter’s beloved The Thing remake vs Gus Van Sant’s panned shot-for-shot Psycho remake. (a movie that left most people scratching their head asking “what was the point of that?”)

In the case of FF7R, they made a bold choice that ultimately was a bad call but it’s still has enough of the core fundamentals in place to deserve the title remake. I mean if they had originally announced it as a sequel and released it as is, you’d have most people saying “that wasn’t a sequel? that was just a remake with a different ending!” and they’d be right.


Not even true. Absolutely not true. From the get go the story is different, with Avalanche not being responsible for the reactor tragedy at all. Several events don't happen in the original, nearly every major event is different in some significant way. There is a direct contradiction, it's not faithful. Which tbh, I would have been ok with were it not for the insane ending.

Aerith couldn't even have her first meeting without it being invaded by Sephiroth and the fucking dementors.

Actually, I think it was hinted in the original that Avalanche wasn't actually responsible for the reactor. If I recall correctly, the President of Shinra was implying they were setting up Avalanche from the start and there was a line from I think Jessie that says the bomb did more damage than they were expecting.

I'm planning on playing the original in Japanese so I can see what the script actually says about that stuff and seeing what details were different relative to the original title.


I might disagree with you in semantics of the word remake but I understand your frustration. I just wouldn’t consider what Square did here as lie or false advertisement. I didn’t say I liked the ending either, I was just defending the fact that even with the changes to the ending, I still would consider this a remake in the semantic sense.

And talking about the ending, I actually thought it was corny as fuck! I hated it! But I enjoyed the first 90% of the game enough that I could let it go. I think they got self conscious that too many people know the original’s big twist and there would limited story tension in future sequels. An issue worthy of consideration, sure, but I don’t like how they addressed it at all.

In film and games, the term remake has been interpreted a lot of different ways but doing a 1x1 story reconstruction with only updated visuals and presentation is arguably one of the rarest ways to do a remake. (Remasters, on the other hand, are usually the ones designed with that purpose in mind).

If we think about our most successful remakes in culture, the best ones, the ones that we truly cherish, we often look at the ones that make bold and challenging deviates from the original. It’s like the difference between John Carpenter’s beloved The Thing remake vs Gus Van Sant’s panned shot-for-shot Psycho remake. (a movie that left most people scratching their head asking “what was the point of that?”)

In the case of FF7R, they made a bold choice that ultimately was a bad call but it’s still has enough of the core fundamentals in place to deserve the title remake. I mean if they had originally announced it as a sequel and released it as is, you’d have most people saying “that wasn’t a sequel? that was just a remake with a different ending!” and they’d be right.

It was advertised as a faithful remake of a beloved game. That's what they sold us, that's what made myself and thousands of other people purchase the game. The ending of the game literally spells out that this is a sequel, not a remake. The events of the plot are different enough to make that call. This is what annoys me, I wasn't sold the idea of a sequel. I was sold the idea of playing the original with new life via a good combat system, elaborations on the story of new characters, not a retarded time travel plot that dicks with the story to grant SE a get out of jail free card for future iterations.

In the case of FF7R, they made a bold choice that ultimately was a bad call but it’s still has enough of the core fundamentals in place to deserve the title remake. I mean if they had originally announced it as a sequel and released it as is, you’d have most people saying “that wasn’t a sequel? that was just a remake with a different ending!” and they’d be right.

Sorry, but that's moronic and I don't buy it at all. It's not a remake with a different ending. The game is so significantly different in so many ways as a result of the last 2 chapters that I can't get on board with this.

This is just playing a game of semantics.


You don’t think there’s even one person who might see FINAL FANTASY 7 REMAKE on a store shelf and think “Oh shit they remade FF7” only to get to the end of what is wholly and undeniably a “PART 1” of something bigger and feel burned?

edit: it’s even got the same box art dude come on
The number of people who didn't already know this was PART 1 of that game are such a small number. At least, people that played it in 1997 and still actively play video games.

Speaking of, I would closer equate this to like a Mass Effect or The Witcher. They don't have a '1' in the title I don't think? They were also starting points to a larger story- which was obvious when they came out. The latter was based on a novel too.
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What I find really interesting is how much Shinra was hyping up the war with Wutai. I'm wondering if there will be an actual conflict between Wutai and Shinra going forward.

Also, that Ancient history video was fucking amazing. I loved it.
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Don't get me wrong, I do think this is a fantastic game, the ending just jumps ship so hard I'm in shock. The repercussions of that ending are so grandiose that I don't know what to do with it.

Like how am I supposed to buy that anything in part 2 can pose a challenge to the party after they literally defeat fucking destiny in a giant battle against this kingdom hearts looking mofo? Assuming that part 2 is at all the same as when the party left midgar in the OG, how can I believe that the midgar snake is a threat to the party moving forward when they literally just got done fighting a fucking time dragon and slicing buildings in half?

Not to mention all of the subtlety and menace of finding the dead midgarzorom is gone now, since Sephiroth decided to start tap dancing all over midgar and sexually harrass Cloud more than Jesse all throughout part 1.

What I find really interesting is how much Shinra was hyping up the war with Wutai. I'm wondering if there will be an actual conflict between Wutai and Shinra going forward.

This was one of the changes that actually has promise.
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The number of people who didn't already know this was PART 1 of that game are such a small number. At least, people that played it in 1997 and still actively play video games.

Speaking of, I would closer equate this to like a Mass Effect or The Witcher. They don't have a '1' in the title I don't think? They were also starting points to a larger story- which was obvious when they came out. The latter was based on a novel too.

Mass Effect and The Witcher weren’t remakes of an existing product.

Like are you people serious right now?
Just gonna leave this here.



Toriyama's statement there and before are not in contradiction with each other. He said in that very article that the major story structure being the same in the game, which is true. There's very little deviation from the original storyline as all of the major events are there. It's a different continuity though and that explains the additional elements and interactions such as Jessie going to the depot to get different explosives and all of the other stuff.

For one thing, the core story structure is only there on a surface level. Sephiroth is handled in the opposite way, and many events are "intact" only in a checklist fashion. They still fight Reno and escape from the church, we just have to ignore what happens in the church in between.
The group still storms the Shinra building, the president is murdered and they escape, we just have to ignore Barret, Hojo with the ghosts, what happens to Biggs, Wedge and Jessie, and the entire ending of FFVII itself and the resurrection of Zack shoehorned in Disc 1.

By just using that logic, you can do whatever you want with the plot. That is garbage logic.

Second: the fact it even implies the possibility of "another continuity" means a major retcon, so we're already off to reboot-zone.
FFVII had no time ghosts, no time-travel, none of that, Sephiroth didn't travel time and knew a lot of things but not how to travel across dimensions and time, saying otherwise is dishonest, it's all new.

Third: it's a remake that directly addresses the original as a reality that either existed and it's been rebooted or a future timeline they want to escape and that makes this pretty much a new reality in spite of the original one, so it's more or less a sequel.

Whether you want to call it a spin-off, a preboot, a premake, a seboot, sidequel, a rebootake or a sequelmake it really, seriously doesn't matter: FFVII relies on too many small things to work, retconning Zack and Aerith's death won't keep the major story structure so we're discussing a done deal.

Also, you would have to explain why would Sephiroth, the guy that in the original only lost because of Aerith's hail mary from the lifestream, lose now? If anything I'd expect to see them all dead in Kalm since they can do absolutely nothing to stop him now.

With a focused, unrestricted Sephiroth I'd expect to see way more casualties, not less, wasn't that what they meant to do in the original anyway, just keep 2-3 characters alive?

The only way to fix it would be a remake time that actually chokes, as in "this new timeline is a fiasco, Sephiroth played us all, we need the old one or we're all dead". I don't think Nojima and Nomura have enough common sense to pull it off.
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Don't get me wrong, I do think this is a fantastic game, the ending just jumps ship so hard I'm in shock. The repercussions of that ending are so grandiose that I don't know what to do with it.

Like how am I supposed to buy that anything in part 2 can pose a challenge to the party after they literally defeat fucking destiny in a giant battle against this kingdom hearts looking mofo? Assuming that part 2 is at all the same as when the party left midgar in the OG, how can I believe that the midgar snake is a threat to the party moving forward when they literally just got done fighting a fucking time dragon and slicing buildings in half?

What's even dumber is that it looks like Seph summons meteor during the last 1/4th of the fight. Like, what the fuck is even going on? Let alone the stupid building slashing Advent Children stuff.
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Nice straw man btw.

Neither is a remake of anything.
That's like arguing Avengers Endgame is how the Infinity Gauntlet saga actually ended. It's a different take, it doesn't even scratch the canon, and it's influenced by copyrights and movie planning.
Also, Witcher was a bad example, because Sapowkski does not consider the games, sequels to his books, canon.

One of the things that bothered me was near the start, Cloud saying to sephiroth "I killed You"
Am I misremembering something here or wasn't Cloud not knowing that he did that a big reveal in the original?

More meta fanfiction horse manure.

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One of the things that bothered me was near the start, Cloud saying to sephiroth "I killed You"
Am I misremembering something here or wasn't Cloud not knowing that he did that a big reveal in the original?

Think about the Kalm flashback. It ends right before Cloud confronts Sephiroth in front of Jenova. He says he must’ve killed him but he doesn’t know how he could’ve. So kind of but not really.


For one thing, the core story structure is only there on a surface level. Sephiroth is handled in the opposite way, and many events are "intact" only in a checklist fashion. They still fight Reno and escape from the church, we just have to ignore what happens in the church in between.

There was no Reno fight in the original. Cloud and Aerith run from Reno and the MPs because they know they couldn't handle one of the elite members of the Turks and a bunch of Shinra MPs. In this game Cloud literally beats Reno into the ground and about to merk him.

The group still storms the Shinra building, the president is murdered and they escape, we just have to ignore Barret, Hojo with the ghosts, what happens to Biggs, Wedge and Jessie, and the entire ending of FFVII itself and the resurrection of Zack shoehorned in Disc 1.

Also, you would have to explain why would Sephiroth, the guy that in the original only lost because of Aerith's hail mary from the lifestream, lose now? If anything I'd expect to see them all dead in Kalm since they can do absolutely nothing to stop him now.

Is Sephiroth even a fucking threat anymore? The party literally takes him in a fight. The dude is throwing buildings and he couldn't beat early game Avalanche.

With a focused, unrestricted Sephiroth I'd expect to see way more casualties, not less, wasn't that what they meant to do in the original anyway, just keep 2-3 characters alive?

They actively retcon shit in this game. The fact that the real storyline is now an alternative timeline or some bullshit proves that.
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There was no Reno fight in the original. Cloud and Aerith run from Reno and the MPs because they know they couldn't handle one of the elite members of the Turks and a bunch of Shinra MPs. In this game Cloud literally beats Reno into the ground and about to merk him.

The group still storms the Shinra building, the president is murdered and they escape, we just have to ignore Barret, Hojo with the ghosts, what happens to Biggs, Wedge and Jessie, and the entire ending of FFVII itself and the resurrection of Zack shoehorned in Disc 1.

Is Sephiroth even a fucking threat anymore? The part literally takes him in a fight. The dude is throwing buildings and he couldn't beat early game Avalanche.

They actively retcon shit in this game. The fact that the real storyline is now an alternative timeline or some bullshit proves that.
Yeah that's why it sucks it kind of devalues what the original was (see how new terminators ruined t2)

I can’t tell if you’re joking or if this is the approach you’re really trying to take with this
He's either joking or is too young to understand.
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Yeah that's why it sucks it kind of devalues what the original was (see how new terminators ruined t2)

He's either joking or is too young to understand.

I played the original 3 years after launch in Japanese.
I'm too old to lost my mind because they are turning a story into a series without putting episode 1 on it.
you don't do that with the first installment.
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In his interview with Famitsu, translated by IGN Japan, Nomura assured players that this level of quality would be maintained throughout the entire game. “The sub-quests,” he said, “have been made in exactly the same way as the main story quests.”

Look, more lies.


The only thing stopping me from having a complete meltdown at that ending.......is playing through the game on Hard Mode, rewatching cutscenes WITH the new context, and realizing that the ending was not a complete asspull.

I fucking hated that ending, but the more I think on this, the more impressive of a move this game was.

It was clear from the start that this game was going to deviate from the original.

The expectation here is that the game was carefully crafted to make you believe that the Ghosts were a re-imagining of an older concept of FF7, as if we were getting a "reimagining" of the original plot. They set it up perfectly because the first time you see the ghosts is with Aerith. They want you to believe that the ghosts are a manifestation of her powers as an Ancient. Then they want you to believe it's Shinra. Then Jenova.

The twist though ended up being that the ghosts were literally a representation of the game NOT trying to change. So you get to the end expecting the reveal to be what the ghosts are supposed to be from the original game. And you find out that the game you've been playing was never the original story at all.

Either as a meta plot device, or as a standalone, FF7R's future story is now going to be completely different from the original....as the entire plot seems to be focused on ENSURING it's completely different.

How to interpret this though is up for discussion

One of the things that bothered me was near the start, Cloud saying to sephiroth "I killed You"
Am I misremembering something here or wasn't Cloud not knowing that he did that a big reveal in the original?

This is the first encounter after beating the game that has the ending start making sense.

Cloud simply saying "I killed you" is 100% a deviation from the original story. Cloud was never aware that he killed Sephiroth, the only time he knew this was after he left the Lifestream.

Everything Sephiroth says that follows takes on a different meaning after you know that this Sephiroth isn't the same one that he's supposed to be at this point.
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The only thing stopping me from having a complete meltdown at that ending.......is playing through the game on Hard Mode, rewatching cutscenes WITH the new context, and realizing that the ending was not a complete asspull.

I fucking hated that ending, but the more I think on this, the more impressive of a move this game was.

It was clear from the start that this game was going to deviate from the original.

The expectation here is that the game was carefully crafted to make you believe that the Ghosts were a re-imagining of an older concept of FF7, as if we were getting a "reimagining" of the original plot. They set it up perfectly because the first time you see the ghosts is with Aerith. They want you to believe that the ghosts are a manifestation of her powers as an Ancient. Then they want you to believe it's Shinra. Then Jenova.

The twist though ended up being that the ghosts were literally a representation of the game NOT trying to change. So you get to the end expecting the reveal to be what the ghosts are supposed to be from the original game. And you find out that the game you've been playing was never the original story at all.

Either as a meta plot device, or as a standalone, FF7R's future story is now going to be completely different from the original....as the entire plot seems to be focused on ENSURING it's completely different.

How to interpret this though is up for discussion

This is the first encounter after beating the game that has the ending start making sense.

Cloud simply saying "I killed you" is 100% a deviation from the original story. Cloud was never aware that he killed Sephiroth, the only time he knew this was after he left the Lifestream.

Everything Sephiroth says that follows takes on a different meaning after you know that this Sephiroth isn't the same one that he's supposed to be at this point.

Welp, I'm glad you're happy with your purchase.

I wish I was.

EDIT: Like don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, the ending just soured my experience. The combat is great and the characterization is on point.
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Lol true. Not just his voice.

Really no idea what the point to Roche was.
I would be fine with Roche except for the fact he disappeared from the game and was never reintroduced, almost definitely because they were rushed and ran out of time in development. It's mind boggling how much was left unfinished and underdeveloped in a game that spent 7 years in development.


I would be fine with Roche except for the fact he disappeared from the game and was never reintroduced, almost definitely because they were rushed and ran out of time in development. It's mind boggling how much was left unfinished and underdeveloped in a game that spent 7 years in development.
Completely agree.

Looking back at Remake, I really love it overall (it took the spot of the original imo), but they tried too hard with the story changes.
Less would've been even more.

I was expecting Roche to make a reappearance at the end, but I guess they should've just cut him.


So is it safe to assume that the next games won't follow the same storyline as the original?

I can't believe how awesome they made this game only to fuck it up COMPLETELY at the end with that teenage Nomaru nonsense......Honestly, I loved the game up until the end. I wish Nomura would just retire.


w h a t s t r a w m a n

I’m responding to you. You are the one who brought up mass effect and the Witcher.

lol I’m done. Y’all keep slobbin on that corporate knob and telling people it tastes like strawberries.
And yet completely ignored the first part...

And the second part is completely wrong. Good god, one of my last ten posts on this site was criticizing Square and this game. Maybe get your facts straight. Someone calling you out on your bullshit isn't 'slobbin' on corporate knob.'
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Nah, the've been very clear about it only being midgar from the start. And I don't think anyone is actually dumb enough to think they can win in court that it isn't a remake because the plot isn't exactly the same.

Oh who am I kidding.
Not on this product alone, but the Remake was advertised as three to four products adhering to a formula of one, of which the first’s last 10% looks to grant liberty to the next three to take whatever new direction it wishes.

Quite clever of SE if I say so myself, that they believe people are actually dumb enough to see the first game and buy that its successors are going to stick to what SE seemingly promised and advertised up until after release. It appears that they get to have their cake and eat it too.
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They must've been desperate to milk more of the FFVII brand hence they pull up the time traveling ending card. It's clear the story will be pretty divisive from here on out, I'm not sure if it worth the price butchering, especially with such blatant "Remake" lies and misleadings.
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I'm sure you made interesting points in your post, unfortunately you made me stop reading after that first childish line.
Which then proves get a life 🤣 if that supposed childish line invalidates further reading what I wrote. All the hate is not good. Get a life to all pissed people who even get personal to the developers. It's a game not everyone will be pleased and wrong statements about games will always be found for every game or media. I had a blast and even if I didn't I wouldn't hate it that much as I can see here in some posts. I don't even hate FFXV which was in an incredibly worse state when it launched and that sudden ending really didn't sit well with me. Was really disappointed and even pissed about it. But I didn't shit von SE or Tabata. Everyone can vote with their wallet or wait to buy something. But here I have the feeling no discussing about that ending is happeneing just shit on it . . .

I mean I feel like I am one of few people who is not unloading a shit of hatred in that thread.

I would give them the benefit of the doubt and see what further installments bring even when I am that IMHO fake outraged and disappointed as some comments make me believe.
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