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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD coming to PS4/Xbox One (no Vita), Agito coming too (iOS/And)





Would have been nice to see on Vita, but I'm damn happy it's coming out over here on the new consoles. I want to believe the game is going to get some serious upgrade in the visuals department, and that might have had an effect on whether or not to put the HD version on Vita (which is visually more comparable to PS3).

The first idea was probably to simply translate and release as DD for the Vita (like they did in Japan). Technically, if they really wanted to, they could still do that without much cost as they will be localizing the game anyway. I suppose they just have to want to do that but it's feasible in my mind.

I do understand the upset some are feeling, and I feel for you, but I'm honestly just very happy about this game making it here at all. The blunder about mentioning Vita though, ehhh, that's pretty shitty regardless.


It's not coming to the platform that people wanted.

"we are pleased to announce ... due to the incredible outpouring of fan support".

Which fan support? Has anyone in the console realm ever asked for a 4 year old PSP game to come to next gen consoles? No. It was the Vita fan support fueled by the hashtag jrpg campaigns. I'm glad it's coming at all and more platforms the better, but don't be surprised at the outrage by the people that asked for this in the first place ain't getting it. Even more annoying is the fact that the initial Blog post was about the Vita. The indignation is righteous and justified.
Fan support = FF fanbase of all kind, a majority of which doesn't own a Vita. You keep claiming the Vita crowd is the most important while ignoring that the masses and masses of FF fans & people interested in Type-0 just GENERALLY wanted Type-0 to be localized, most of them years before the #JRPGVita campaign. For a lot of people it ultimately didn't matter what platform it would be on. People just assumed it could be a PSP digital release or a Vita port because that probably seemed like it could probably be the easiest, most proable solution for Square Enix instead of bringing it to consoles and putting more work into it, but yeah, a lot of the demand wasn't ultimately tied to any specific platform. Everytime Type-0's localization was brought up, people were ready for anything. You can go back the threads and see people being all "well, if you don't bring it over on a dead platform like Vita, then do a PS360 HD port, port it to 3DS, bring it to PC, maybe group it with FFXII IZJS HD. Just do SOMETHING so that non-Japanese speaking people can play & understand the game."
Fan support = FF fanbase of all kind, a majority of which doesn't own a Vita. You keep claiming the Vita crowd is the most important while ignoring that the masses and masses of FF fans & people interested in Type-0 just GENERALLY wanted Type-0 to be localized, most of them years before the #JRPGVita campaign. For a lot of people it ultimately didn't matter what platform it would be on.

FF fanbase that owns a PSP/Vita, not all kind. No one is going to ask for a product to get localized if they didn't own the platform. I'm not gonna press Enix to localize DQVII with the hopes for a 3DS release and they instead port and bring it over to the Vita. Back in 2011 we wanted Type 0 on PSP, then the Vita came out and PSP was dead and pirated in the west long before it anyway so we figured and hoped to have them put it on Vita, and maybe few asked for a Vita/PS3 combo like FFX HD. No one expected this to get localized on any other platform ever. This doesn't even matter, because Square's decision to localize this is based on the Vita JRPG campaign, not what happened 3 years ago when it came out in Japan. The campaign is a year old, Type-0 came in second after Tales of Hearts R, SE noticed. There was no other concurrent movement that pressed to bring it over to something else.


Junior Member
FF fanbase that owns a PSP/Vita, not all kind. No one is going to ask for a product to get localized if they didn't own the platform. I'm not gonna press Enix to localize DQVII with the hopes for a 3DS release and they instead port and bring it over to the Vita. Back in 2011 we wanted Type 0 on PSP, then the Vita came out and PSP was dead and pirated in the west long before it anyway so we figured and hoped to have them put it on Vita, and maybe few asked for a Vita/PS3 combo like FFX HD. No one expected this to get localized on any other platform ever. This doesn't even matter, because Square's decision to localize this is based on the Vita JRPG campaign, not what happened 3 years ago when it came out in Japan. The campaign is a year old, Type-0 came in second after Tales of Hearts R, SE noticed. There was no other concurrent movement that pressed to bring it over to something else.

Type-0 came in third lol. Second was Tales of Innocence R.

just read an interview with the CEO of Ubisoft, and he said the thing surprising him most about the release of Watch Dogs is how fast people have abandoned PS3 and 360. He thought WD would sell a lot more on those, and it didn't. Titanfall didn't either. I'm sure SQEX has the same data available as they released Thief, Tomb Raider (GOTY/DE), and Murdered all cross gen as well. This is also why you now see a lot of fire sales on PSN for PS3 retail games for $5. Because in about a year they are going to be worth $0.

Watch Dogs is a more mainstream type of game so it makes sense. Not that FF isn't mainstream but notable console RPGs are still coming to PS3 (and only PS3), so there's going to be people holding on to their consoles who probably don't want to drop $400 on Type-0 alone (not like any other JRPGs are coming out for it anytime soon...besides Omega Quintet lol).


I may sound like a entitled brat but welcome to my shit list Square Enix. Won't buy non Vita games from you new anymore, everything used for me when it's possible. Fucking assholes. I don't even need a HD remaster, just shoehorn the translation into the PSP iso and add dual analog support.

I am not buying any business reasons, even considering opportunity costs a Vita port should do good enough.
I'm sure he is really trying to make the Vita version happen. I just hope he can actually convince SE, who seem to be the real issue here.

He also hasn't posted anything on his twitter since yesterday. I'm sure he and all of Sony are fully aware of the amount of fan backlash going on now.

Also, did SQEX just blocked comments on their Type-0 announcement blog post? Lol if so.

I believe Square Enix is not the only issue, to be honest. I am pretty sure Sony approached Square Enix about releasing Type-0 in the west (either PSP or ported to Vita), Square preferred a HD port to consoles and, when the possibility of launching it on PS4 appeared, Sony fully embraced it. Judging by their behavior, they think the initial success of PS4 means a return to PS2 days...


Honestly, I wonder if that means that even SE is kind of confused about the situation. How does their senior product manager completely goof it up?

I'd like to think even the senior product manager thought it was obvious they would announce it for the Vita too, but then got the call to correct that shit.

The disparity between the amount of comments on Type-0's announcement post and every other post on the PlayStation Blog is hilarious: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2014/06/10/final-fantasy-type-0-hd-coming-to-ps-vita/

Vita owners are out for blood in there, lol.

This is pretty funny. Wonder if SE will say anything.
Orion Acaba, a voice actor who worked on Type-0, said that his last recording session for the game was two years ago. This seems to confirm that Square had been sitting on the localization of the game for a while.
Orion Acaba, a voice actor who worked on Type-0, said that his last recording session for the game was two years ago. This seems to confirm that Square had been sitting on the localization of the game for a while.

Interesting! Reading his facebook he's also confirmed to be the voice of Nine in Agito, guessing they are gonna make use of the same actors for the eventual VO recording of Type-0 HD.

And although this is an incredulously impractical/unlikely scenario (who knows in this weird day and age) I hope SE doesnt get bitter from all this fan outcry and cancel console ports for a vita port, I own a vita but much prefer playing what would be an visually upgraded, next gen overhauled version on my tv with Dualshock 4, just my opinion.


Orion Acaba, a voice actor who worked on Type-0, said that his last recording session for the game was two years ago. This seems to confirm that Square had been sitting on the localization of the game for a while.

Yup. I also believe feep has confirmed it. Someone said so in the FFType-0 Fan translation thread.

SE has had at least the voice work done on this for years, possible UI stuff too (though maybe they need to do that). I'd have liked a trailer or something not a static screen with a bunch of words saying it's coming.


Interesting! Reading his facebook he's also confirmed to be the voice of Nine in Agito, guesing they are gonna make use of the same actors for the evtuanl VO recording of Type-0 HD.

And although this is an incredulously impractical/unlikely scenario (who knows in this weird day and age) I hope SE doesnt get bitter from all this fan outcry and cancel console ports for a vita port, I own a vita but much prefer playing what would be an visually upgraded, next gen overhauled version on my tv with Dualshock 4, just my opinion.

Read the post you quoted. It's already done. Feep has also said this on multiple occasions. They have a full voice track for the game, which would almost certainly indicate it's been fully localized in terms of in-game text as well. There will be no new recording.
Orion Acaba, a voice actor who worked on Type-0, said that his last recording session for the game was two years ago. This seems to confirm that Square had been sitting on the localization of the game for a while.

Interesting. This seems to indicate that Final Fantasy XV is not going to come out anytime soon and Square Enix was waiting to release the game after Lightning Returns so we could have something to play until Final Fantasy XV or other game? What other game(s) could we have to fill in the time to wait for Final Fantasy XV?
SE has had at least the voice work done on this for years, possible UI stuff too

I think voice work is the last thing that gets done in localizations, usually. My guess is in this case, it was already 100% done and Square was just waiting for the opportune time to release the game.


I wouldn't be surprised if the PSP version was actually already made and is just sitting there unreleased.

I think this is the scenario most people had envisioned, hence the vocal Vita supporters now.

Pretty much.

On page 14 of this thread, you can see the exact moment when the shit hit the fan.

Oh yeah, that page has become one of those "never forget" moments for me.


Fan support = FF fanbase of all kind, a majority of which doesn't own a Vita. You keep claiming the Vita crowd is the most important while ignoring that the masses and masses of FF fans & people interested in Type-0 just GENERALLY wanted Type-0 to be localized, most of them years before the #JRPGVita campaign. For a lot of people it ultimately didn't matter what platform it would be on. People just assumed it could be a PSP digital release or a Vita port because that probably seemed like it could probably be the easiest, most proable solution for Square Enix instead of bringing it to consoles and putting more work into it, but yeah, a lot of the demand wasn't ultimately tied to any specific platform. Everytime Type-0's localization was brought up, people were ready for anything. You can go back the threads and see people being all "well, if you don't bring it over on a dead platform like Vita, then do a PS360 HD port, port it to 3DS, bring it to PC, maybe group it with FFXII IZJS HD. Just do SOMETHING so that non-Japanese speaking people can play & understand the game."

People that knew about Type-0 were enthusiasts, not the average FF fan. I'm sure I can go one by one to all the people I know that like Final Fantasy and they won't know shit about Type-0.

We are upset because they were actually teasing the game for the Vita. And Agito. We didn't get either. Even better, Square Enix put a typo in the fucking title and said "Vita" instead of PS4. How hard is to read three times a title? I'm not even asking for them to correct the full thing. Just the title because... you know? Is the first thing that people read and the ONLY thing that some people read. It's completely embarrasing.

They've pretty much killed the dream in a horrible way and pissed over the corpse. If instead of teasing it and releasing that typo they'd had been honest about it and -reread the title of the announcement post they were going to release on the BUSIEST time of the year gaming wise people would not be as pissed.

They only thing I know is I'm not buying this version. I'll import the PSP one and apply the english patch. If they hadn't acted this way or, at least, have apologized (since they've made a mistake worth a quick apologize) I may have not cared and I would have probably bought it for the PS4.


Type 0 in 2015
FFXII HD in 2016
FF15 in whenever
You need to add some additional padding for Lightning Saga Remastered and Crisis Core HD. The only reason Type-0 is getting the HD console treatment is so Square Enix can outsource it and get some dollars from hard-up North American console owners while they milk FFXV vaporware for another year.

This strategy will work, too.

Weird. That would be awesome if it's out this year.
The localization was done for FFX & X-2 when they announced that HD collection. We waited 2 1/2 years.
That the voicework has been in the can for a while means nothing.
I'll accept Kagari's assessment to not expect much from this optimization process to buy a 2015 release. Especially with the absence of focus on Japan for this one.


I guess. I mean, it's clearly a massively upgraded shot of Type-0. And it's clearly not CG.

You really think they're going to port a psp game without enhancements to PS4?
I didn't say that, but there's not much to tell from one screenshot. And it's hardly new since it's been in the OP since it was announced, there's nothing in that video that I can't see by going to page 1 of the OP.

Personally I can't say "This is what the game will look like" from one screenshot that could by all means be a mock up or a bullshot.


I guess. I mean, it's clearly a massively upgraded shot of Type-0. And it's clearly not CG.

You really think they're going to port a psp game without enhancements to PS4?
I honestly think they will have a new lighting system and high res textures. No model reworks or anything. Even though doing that would be amazing.

Can someone please explain to me why people are pissed this isn't coming to the Vita? I mean, I own a Vita, and new games are always good, but I'd much rather have this game with improved graphics on the PS4 than a Vita.


I didn't say that, but there's not much to tell from one screenshot. And it's hardly new since it's been in the OP since it was announced, there's nothing in that video that I can't see by going to page 1 of the OP.

Personally I can't say "This is what the game will look like" from one screenshot that could by all means be a mock up or a bullshot.

I didn't say it's new. I said "now that I finally saw the trailer."

And it's not one screenshot. There's also this one. It's clearly an entirely different character model for Ace. That's not at all how he looks on PSP in cutscenes or in gameplay.


Not even the same game, at all.



I honestly think they will have a new lighting system and high res textures. No model reworks or anything. Even though doing that would be amazing.

Can someone please explain to me why people are pissed this isn't coming to the Vita? I mean, I own a Vita, and new games are always good, but I'd much rather have this game with improved graphics on the PS4 than a Vita.
I'm pissed because this was originally a PSP game that I've been waiting for for a very long time. I didn't expect an upgraded version, at most all I wanted was a PSN digital release.

I don't own a PS4 or XB1 and very likely will not in the near future because console gaming is impractical for my lifestyle.


I didn't say it's new. I said "now that I finally saw the trailer."

And it's not one screenshot. There's also this one. It's clearly an entirely different character model for Ace. That's not at all how he looks on PSP in cutscenes or in gameplay.

Not even the same game, at all.
Personally I can't say "This is what the game will look like" from two screenshots that could by all means be mock ups or bullshots.

Better? :p


Now that I've had time to get over the fact this is actually happening I now realize that we may be waiting for this for quite awhile.
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