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Final Fantasy Type-0 HD coming to PS4/Xbox One (no Vita), Agito coming too (iOS/And)


I'm pissed because this was originally a PSP game that I've been waiting for for a very long time. I didn't expect an upgraded version, at most all I wanted was a PSN digital release.

I don't own a PS4 or XB1 and very likely will not in the near future because console gaming is impractical for my lifestyle.

Did they ever confirm a Western release for PSP?


I didn't say it's new. I said "now that I finally saw the trailer."

And it's not one screenshot. There's also this one. It's clearly an entirely different character model for Ace. That's not at all how he looks on PSP in cutscenes or in gameplay.

Not even the same game, at all.

I assumed that one was CG?


Then it's brand new CG, which already means it's not a simple port with no upgrades.

I think that's how it will look in game personally. This is PS4 we're talking about.

It's also SE we're talking about that love to do the least amount of work possible or make phone games.


Yep, Kagari already said that SQEX won't put much effort into the port.

As others have pointed out, although there isn't much shown at the moment, it should be apparent from the video and the screenshot that the visuals have clearly gotten an upgrade from the PSP version.


It's also SE we're talking about that love to do the least amount of work possible or make phone games.

That's the opposite of how they've handled every HD upgrade so far. KH, FFX and Tomb Raider are all among the most polished HD releases ever put out, all with fully redone models, textures and rerecorded OSTs.


That's the opposite of how they've handled every HD upgrade so far. KH, FFX and Tomb Raider are all among the most polished HD releases ever put out, all with fully redone models, textures and rerecorded OSTs.
Exactly, some of these people are crazy.


Exactly, some of these people are crazy.
That passive aggressiveness.

I'm not doubting that it will be remastered, I was questioning the fact that Shinta was saying "This is what the game will look like" based off of a single still.

Whether or not it receives a visual upgrade is irrelevant to me, since I won't have a platform to play it on regardless. I do a lot of travelling and until I settle down I'm not going to invest in a PS4 or any home console.

I just want this game on a portable console like it was made for, I would be more than satisfied with a PSN release of the original PSP version in English.


Well currently I don't have much faith in SE (with exception to Yoshida and the FFXIV:ARR team) and I've not played they other HD re-releases but from what I saw KH looked like up resed KH and I did see the upgraded models for FFX though they weren't a huge improvement (as in a jump to be comparable to other PS3 titles). TR was just the PC version right? And even though they are now under the SE umbrella I don't count them the same as the JP dev teams whose job it is to do this.

Then again I could be wrong. I was convinced there wouldn't be an announcement so I could be wrong about this looking a lot better too (you know, aside from up res and better textures). I don't really have much faith though but you never know. I don't expect to see it soon though, I guess if it is going to take a while it'll be redoing the look because they've got the translation and voice and the stuff that the game actually needed to be brought over.


from what I saw KH looked like up resed KH

New character models, significant gameplay adjusts (especially to KH 1), a lot of new CG for the DS game, and re-recorded the entire OST.
and I did see the upgraded models for FFX though they weren't a huge improvement (as in a jump to be comparable to other PS3 titles).

They redid textures, had entirely new character models, fully remade menus and UI, and re-recorded the entire 4 disc OST (even fully writing new interpretations of old songs in many cases).
TR was just the PC version right?

No, they fully remade a new character model for Lara, and added a number of enhancements that are not in the PC version, working on the definitive edition for a year. In a lot of ways it is better than the PC version.


Seems like new models along with new lighting engine and texture is a reality then, awesome.

Also Rameyon, I guess your best option is the PSP fan translation.
So... I've been playing this on the PSP with the patch and although I'm not all that far in, it REALLY feels like a portable game. Only a few enemies in each area, really small sections, and from what I've heard, brief missions. Forgetting about updated graphics and all that, how do people further into FF type-0 feel the gameplay will translate from a portable to a home console?


Junior Member
So... I've been playing this on the PSP with the patch and although I'm not all that far in, it REALLY feels like a portable game. Only a few enemies in each area, really small sections, and from what I've heard, brief missions. Forgetting about updated graphics and all that, how do people further into FF type-0 feel the gameplay will translate from a portable to a home console?

As a console game it probably won't hold up. Should just treat it as a portable game, just now on a bigger screen and updated graphics.


So... I've been playing this on the PSP with the patch and although I'm not all that far in, it REALLY feels like a portable game. Only a few enemies in each area, really small sections, and from what I've heard, brief missions. Forgetting about updated graphics and all that, how do people further into FF type-0 feel the gameplay will translate from a portable to a home console?
Tabata has said that if they were to consider bringing the game to a home console, they'd probably make bigger changes than just upping the resolution. I mean, look how far they went with the mobile version. From a gameplay perspective, Agito is a whole different game than Type-0 because mobiles couldn't handle Type-0 in any way. There's plenty they could do to make it more of a console game. They could make bigger, connected areas, add more enemies and balance the game to that, improve the somewhat barren cities, expand the gameplay areas and have less invisible walls etc. The mission based gameplay can stay, there's no reason that wouldn't work in a console game. It's kind of like how Persona 3 & 4 have a day-based gameplay that fits perfectly into a portable game but is still fine in a console game as well.


Well currently I don't have much faith in SE (with exception to Yoshida and the FFXIV:ARR team) and I've not played they other HD re-releases but from what I saw KH looked like up resed KH and I did see the upgraded models for FFX though they weren't a huge improvement (as in a jump to be comparable to other PS3 titles). TR was just the PC version right? And even though they are now under the SE umbrella I don't count them the same as the JP dev teams whose job it is to do this.

Then again I could be wrong. I was convinced there wouldn't be an announcement so I could be wrong about this looking a lot better too (you know, aside from up res and better textures). I don't really have much faith though but you never know. I don't expect to see it soon though, I guess if it is going to take a while it'll be redoing the look because they've got the translation and voice and the stuff that the game actually needed to be brought over.
It matters fuck all if you can see the effort put into those games, the fact is they had lost the source code for KH (and FFX?) and had to go through a huge effort to make KH1.5 happen. KH1.5 is easily one of the most polished & high quality HD remasters released.

You might think Square Enix's output is crap nowadays, but it's fucking silly and a huge insult to the hardworking people at Square Enix and their development partners to say they don't put any effort into anything. If anything, it's more valid to complain they put TOO MUCH effort into these things while they should be focusing on new experiences.

If you want to see craptastic HD ports with very little effort put into them, look at Ubisoft's Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell HD collections. Those were rush jobs that are arguably worse than the originals (missing effects, buggy & glitchy ass hell, performance issues).
What's happening with the fan translation? How do the people who worked on the translation feel about Type-0 localisation port?

They should start creating Final Fantasy XV (fan version) by next E3 and hopefully Square Enix will release it shortly after the announcement. Not going to happen, right?


Is it weird I have never even heard of Final Fantasy type 0 until now? What is so special about this game that it is making people buy PS4's just to play it?


What's happening with the fan translation? How do the people who worked on the translation feel about Type-0 localisation port?

They should start creating Final Fantasy XV (fan version) by next E3 and hopefully Square Enix will release it shortly after the announcement. Not going to happen, right?

the fan translation already released.
If you want to see craptastic HD ports with very little effort put into them, look at Ubisoft's Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell HD collections. Those were rush jobs that are arguably worse than the originals (missing effects, buggy & glitchy ass hell, performance issues).




Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I know it was released. I wanted to know their reactions. Do they feel that their efforts was wasted.

Not at all. The way I see it the fan translation presents an avenue for gamers to experience Type 0 on the PSP and PS Vita platforms(and on PC through emulator) while Square Enix will alienate that install base in favor of the X1 and PS4. So IMO everyone wins. And the learning experience of delving into the Japanese language and managing a project like this is a great learning experience and it was fun working with others that shared the same goal.


Unconfirmed Member
I know it was released. I wanted to know their reactions. Do they feel that their efforts was wasted.

There's plenty of people that would:
A) Would rather play on a handheld/PSP
B) Won't play dubs, need their subs
C) Saying "screw you!" to SE and not purchasing the real thing/sticking with their Japanese purchase
I hate when companies don't give release dates in announcement briefings. :(

That Agito game sounds really good and I want to know when I'll be able to get it!


Not at all. The way I see it the fan translation presents an avenue for gamers to experience Type 0 on the PSP and PS Vita platforms(and on PC through emulator) while Square Enix will alienate that install base in favor of the X1 and PS4. So IMO everyone wins. And the learning experience of delving into the Japanese language and managing a project like this is a great learning experience and it was fun working with others that shared the same goal.

You can play the fan translation on vita!?
It's also SE we're talking about that love to do the least amount of work possible or make phone games.

Lol wut? That's so wrong and you're talking out your ass. As someone has already stated, The HD ports for KH /Chain of memories and FF X/X-2 were really well done.

Even the PS1 ports to PSP were well done (FF tactics, Tactics Orge, FF IV, Star Ocean 2, etc)

EDIT: If anyone else recalls, Chrono Trigger DS port was fantastic. The GBA ports of FF 1-6 were pretty good as well IMO.

Square puts quality effort into their ports. How is this even debatable?


(Might have been posted already?) Matthew Mercer is playing Trey.

I know a few others, but since they haven't announced it themselves, I won't reveal them.



tbh though, it was that SE girl's fault. I wonder what happened after she made the post.

"Sakura, what did you just do?"


That's the opposite of how they've handled every HD upgrade so far. KH, FFX and Tomb Raider are all among the most polished HD releases ever put out, all with fully redone models, textures and rerecorded OSTs.

Yup.Their past efforts clearly show massive efforts put into their remasters even when it comes to marketing.

There is no doubt that this game in particular will get significant upgrades due to its past platform and its new platform.

People want to be satisfied visually for sure and SE picked PS4 and XBO for a reason.
As others have pointed out, although there isn't much shown at the moment, it should be apparent from the video and the screenshot that the visuals have clearly gotten an upgrade from the PSP version.

Absolutely yes.Screenshots speak far louder than words.

So far what little we've seen is much more convincing than any rumors floating about.

It will definitely get upgraded.Whether it will look like a PS4 title is unknown but it sure as hell won't look like a PSP game.


Is it weird I have never even heard of Final Fantasy type 0 until now? What is so special about this game that it is making people buy PS4's just to play it?
Anyone that buys a game console JUST for an announced Square Enix title in development with no hard release date is certifiably insane.
I don't care how good the game is. This company has mortgaged their credibility when it comes to delivering on a timely release of anything.



An interview with Orion Acaba, confirmed to be the voice of Nine, where he talks about Type-0 (At least for a bit)

He reckons the remaster will be out by the end of the year, probably, and Agito out next month.

Thanks for the video. Nice watch.

I don't think the game will be out this year. While voices, subs and menus might be done, the HD porting itself should take longer than just a few months. Unless SQEX is really not putting much effort into it.

Also, KH 2.5 is coming in the holidays, and SQEX never overlaps releases, which makes me think this game might be released on the first half of 2015.
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