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Final Fantasy VII Announced For PS4

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GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Fuck you SE, I'm not giving you money for a game I already own. I'm just gonna play my PS1 copy on the PS3.


So let me get this straight, this guy flew in from Japan and took the stage at a dedicated event to announce a port of the PC port? I don't even know what to say. I can't believe somebody thought that this was a good idea.

My heart actually started to race a little bit when I saw the trailer start. I thought for sure at any moment the screen would break and the new game would appear behind the footage of the old game. And then I was still in disbelief as David Jaffe was even on stage. I kept thinking to myself this isn't what you close a keynote with. This can't be it. And I was waiting for the guy from Square to take the stage one more time and say "oh my bad I forgot to show you this."

I feel overall the show should've closed with something stronger than Jaffe's game and I really am surprised that square didn't have anything more than that. I'm just totally surprised that that guy showed up and took the stage to announce a port that nobody is going to care about.


I know people are going to be understandably upset. I am too. I was genuinely shouting "OMG" out loud, but let me ask you guys something that might put things in perspective for you..

If somebody would have asked you yesterday, would you want FFVII ported to the PS4 with upscaled resolution to 1080p along with Trophies and a Platinum (I'm assuming), or nothing... what would you have chosen?

No, because it also probably puts any kind of BC to bed too.



That's disappointing. FF7 is a really good game, with annoying characters, but still a really good game. But it is disappointing that it is just a port.


If somebody would have asked you yesterday, would you want FFVII ported to the PS4 with upscaled resolution to 1080p along with Trophies and a Platinum (I'm assuming), or nothing... what would you have chosen?

I would have said I didn't care at all. It's a port of a decade old game that has already had a recent re-release.


Biggest disappointment EVER! I was hyped as Fxxx, until half way thru the announcement, when I realized we're not getting an HD remake. SE, WTF?!
Probably a best-case scenario. It's not like they could have remade it in any form anybody would be happy with. Now people can play it again and have their nostalgia shattered by all of the game's sloppy weirdness.

Astral Dog

lol, i love this, SE are master trolls.
but seriously, they should have all their resources on FFXV and KH 3 by now,
Remastering this game is too much of a feat for current SE, nobody wants to do it, that should be obvious by now.
I would have said I didn't care at all. It's a port of a decade old game that has already had a recent re-release.

Sorry, but it can't just be a "decade old game" while making people seethe with hate that they didn't get a remake. It's not just a "decade hold game". It's still amazing to this day.


Gold Member
Isn't even a remaster... not even a 16:9 port like REmake HD... a 4:3 letterboxed port...


I know people are going to be understandably upset. I am too. I was genuinely shouting "OMG" out loud, but let me ask you guys something that might put things in perspective for you..

If somebody would have asked you yesterday, would you want FFVII ported to the PS4 with upscaled resolution to 1080p along with Trophies and a Platinum (I'm assuming), or nothing... what would you have chosen?
Upscaled 1080 letterboxed p?


Neo Member
oh wait you were being serious, let me laugh even harder


That whole trailer I was waiting for it to fade into new HD remade visuals. I'm still happy it's coming if it has trophy support is be happy to go back and play it again.


Did this really happen? I'm certainly not drunk enough for this to be real.

Tell me this didn't fucking happen.

It's all a goof right, right!?


SE puts forum trolls to shame. Excellent performance.

What the fuck! Why did Sony even give them the time of day? The announcement was just mean.


Fucking retarded announcement. they KNOW what we want and still pull this shit. Fuck you Square-Enix, If it wasn't for Nomura i'd be so done with this company.
How did Sony let them do that on stage, on this stage? This level of announcement happens through a simple press release a week before the game hits psn.

Can't believe the troll actually happened.


Sorry, but it can't just be a "decade old game" while making people seethe with hate that they didn't get a remake. It's not just a "decade hold game". It's still amazing to this day.

And I can play it on most device under the sun. Why do I care to specifically play it on the PS4?


It's really sad to see so many people react so negatively to this announcement. Hashimoto made his way to the US just to present this very special announcement which fans have been begging for forever, and this is the response they get? Tragic.



Eh, i'd rather have this than absolutely nothing. I think some of you guys are over reacting. I long ago accepted that FF7 would never get remade, ever. I'm ok with this.


It's really sad to see so many people react so negatively to this announcement. Hashimoto made his way to the US just to present this very special announcement which fans have been begging for forever, and this is the response they get? Tragic.



I never played FF7 and even I felt cheated.

Really bad move from SE. Don't go on a stage as big as this one and announce it like this.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I mean...it's so insulting it beggars belief. This was something that should have been mentioned on the side during the third party stuff. Very poorly handled. I didn't think this level of tone deafness was achievable.


I know people are going to be understandably upset. I am too. I was genuinely shouting "OMG" out loud, but let me ask you guys something that might put things in perspective for you..

If somebody would have asked you yesterday, would you want FFVII ported to the PS4 with upscaled resolution to 1080p along with Trophies and a Platinum (I'm assuming), or nothing... what would you have chosen?

i would choose to be able to play ps1 classics on ps4
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