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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 coming in May | Trailer at E3, more at Gamescom


Every day my opinion of Japan decreases by just a bit. No one should care but just saying...


I wouldn't think this even needs to be said, but Japan has many people with many different viewpoints. Are there cultural trends that, from a humanistic Western standpoint seem odd or troubling? Sure. But so too in every country (including Western ones). And even so, none of these enjoy approbation across all demographics in Japan.

If this isn't just a hyperbolic way of saying you wish basic feminism had more broad acceptance in Japan (which, so do I, and likewise in India, the US, and every other country), but is actually reflective of your opinion of the entire country en toto, you're being very reductive.

Note, I'm not embracing moral relativism here - I think a strong universal case can be made for treating all humans with dignity and respect. But to suggest that Japan as a whole has a unique problem with this versus other countries is silly. With literally minimal effort I could marshal far more egregious offenses to human dignity in any country than an objectified side character designed for the male gaze or some ill considered words about female character design made off the cuff by a marketing director.
I have to ask, why does Tabata or anyone at SE need to justify Cidney being sexy? This whole argument seems like it's extremely overblowing something that really shouldn't be an issue.


Crystal Bearer
I have to ask, why does Tabata or anyone at SE need to justify Cidney being sexy? This whole argument seems like it's extremely overblowing something that really shouldn't be an issue.

I should go back and count the amount of times they apologized in the video.
Apology Fantasy XV.
I can't wait until S-E signs another promotional deal, this time with AutoZone and then they dress Cindy up in the greasiest, manliest uniform possible and she gives you terrible customer service instead of being bubbly.


Pictured: The internet cheering for interesting character design.

Are you saying Cindy covered head to toe in oil and grease wouldn't be sexy?
Having her crawl out from under a car all sweaty and mucky is more appealing than what we got

They really shouldn't have to change their design to appeal to western ideals...that is the whole part of the Jrpg that I like...it is from a different culture and point of view.

Its really funny that Square and other companies got shat on hard for chasing that Western money and yet here we are and people are passive aggressively asking for the same shit.

The design is sexy and out of place in reality yes and the reasoning is a bit silly (come on son....we all know it is meant to be sexy...and thats ok) but jesus christ guys...it is really hard to read any Japanese Game thread with out the discussion going to the same shit and how people seem to want every game to be this homogenized, safe game that appeals to everyone and no one at the same time because pandering is bad.

I understand the sentiment but I can't say I am not tired of hearing it in every thread. We all want equallity and a better industry and all that jazz but holy shit, it really feels closer to "my way or the highway or at least I will passive agressively call you names and look down on you until you agree".

and again Cidney, a side character with very little importance to the plot, is really the least of the games worries...and yet...

In that case I have no interest in enjoying media that comes from such a culture. If I'm a prudish nun for wanting a mechanic to dress properly for work then so be it. The problem here is that developer or marketer fails to understand why this is a problem and then the Marketer calls us hypocrites for wanting a female member in the group because female member apparently implies she has to be sex-pot despite previous games proving otherwise.

I would rather they went full Micheal Bay and have slow-mo closeups of Cindy's boobs rather than pretend she doesn't exist mostly for titillation

I have to ask, why does Tabata or anyone at SE need to justify Cidney being sexy? This whole argument seems like it's extremely overblowing something that really shouldn't be an issue.

They don't need to. They should ideally be open and say, "Yes Cindy was designed for the boys, you can pose her and ogle her all you please" but instead they act all embarrassed and say she's not meant to be erotic


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
They really shouldn't have to change their design to appeal to western ideals...that is the whole part of the Jrpg that I like...it is from a different culture and point of view.

Its really funny that Square and other companies got shat on hard for chasing that Western money and yet here we are and people are passive aggressively asking for the same shit.

The design is sexy and out of place in reality yes and the reasoning is a bit silly (come on son....we all know it is meant to be sexy...and thats ok) but jesus christ guys...it is really hard to read any Japanese Game thread with out the discussion going to the same shit and how people seem to want every game to be this homogenized, safe game that appeals to everyone and no one at the same time because pandering is bad.

I understand the sentiment but I can't say I am not tired of hearing it in every thread. We all want equallity and a better industry and all that jazz but holy shit, it really feels closer to "my way or the highway or at least I will passive agressively call you names and look down on you until you agree".

and again Cidney, a side character with very little importance to the plot, is really the least of the games worries...and yet...

If I may make a few assumptions about why this complain keeps happening, I think it's a combination of

1) Final Fantasy historically having some western appeal beyond a super niche audience like say, Neptunia.

2) Final Fantasy sporting a more realistic (though stylized) aesthetic than some more niche JRPGs. What I mean is that it just sticks out more when a game has a more realistic design then a completely unrealistic looking, cartoony game.

This isn't meant as a "group A is right" or "group A is wrong" statement, mind. It's just an observation as to why this particular incident of a pandering design is getting a lot more attention/scrutiny.
I have to ask, why does Tabata or anyone at SE need to justify Cidney being sexy? This whole argument seems like it's extremely overblowing something that really shouldn't be an issue.

I remember someone asking Kamiya if he's ever apologized for Bayonetta and his exact response was "Apologize? No fucking way!".


In that case I have no interest in enjoying media that comes from such a culture. If I'm a prudish nun for wanting a mechanic to dress properly for work then so be it. The problem here is that developer or marketer fails to understand why this is a problem and then the Marketer calls us hypocrites for wanting a female member in the group because female member apparently implies she has to be sex-pot despite previous games proving otherwise.

I would rather they went full Micheal Bay and have slow-mo closeups of Cindy's boobs rather than pretend she doesn't exist mostly for titillation

Cause Japan is the only country in the world that sexualizes women? You yourself just listed Michael Bay an American as an example for his movies oversexualizing women . Are you gonna boycott American culture now? lol
If I may make a few assumptions about why this complain keeps happening, I think it's a combination of

1) Final Fantasy historically having some western appeal beyond a super niche audience like say, Neptunia.

2) Final Fantasy sporting a more realistic (though stylized) aesthetic than some more niche JRPGs. What I mean is that it just sticks out more when a game has a more realistic design then a completely unrealistic looking, cartoony game.

This isn't meant as a "group A is right" or "group A is wrong" statement, mind. It's just an observation as to why this particular incident of a pandering design is getting a lot more attention/scrutiny.

Very good catch. When your game looks like GTA + Monster Hunter with realistic bodies and clothing made by & sold by a real company then when you introduce a character dressed like Cindy it sticks out like sore thumb. She's more Debbie Does Dallas than Rosie the Riveter

Cause Japan is the only country in the world that sexualizes women? You yourself just listed Michael Bay an American as an example. Are you gonna boycott American culture now? lol

I probably should have shortened culture to company/creator. I avoided and dislike the Transformers movies, so I'll avoid FFXV too. Most likely I'll still play it but bargain bin or brought second hand just for everything else
Leaving all exaggerations and hyperbole aside, I just want them to admit that Cindy was designed for titillation purposes. Something for the boys to dream about on those long and lonely nights
They don't need to. They should ideally be open and say, "Yes Cindy was designed for the boys, you can pose her and ogle her all you please" but instead they act all embarrassed and say she's not meant to be erotic

I really don't think they should be put in that position in the first place though.


Are you saying Cindy covered head to toe in oil and grease wouldn't be sexy?
Having her crawl out from under a car all sweaty and mucky is more appealing than what we got

In that case I have no interest in enjoying media that comes from such a culture. If I'm a prudish nun for wanting a mechanic to dress properly for work then so be it. The problem here is that developer or marketer fails to understand why this is a problem and then the Marketer calls us hypocrites for wanting a female member in the group because female member apparently implies she has to be sex-pot despite previous games proving otherwise.

I would rather they went full Micheal Bay and have slow-mo closeups of Cindy's boobs rather than pretend she doesn't exist mostly for titillation

and that is your own point of view.. Stop trying to force it on everyone else by making yourself sound all high and mighty.

The sweet thing about being a human is that not all of us feel the same way and that's ok. I jump the gun a bit in this thread since it is technically on topic but in others it gets tiring reading through post after post of dudes/dudettes telling you that you should be outraged over a design and if you aren't you obviously are sexist (or a pedo). Again I am more than ok with people not liking the design, feeling it to be gross and I also agree that they should just admit it is a sexy design made to be sexy because there isn't anything wrong with that. I stop being ok with it when it starts to dominate threads not about it, people start putting down whole cultures and people, and generally start acting like some better than thou type jerkoff (not you btw). It is really hard to have a legit discussion of anything if one person is approaching it as if they are this superior being for not fucking liking a design.

This has bee gradually getting worse over the whole forum as of late. And I know I know, if I don't like it...then leave but still I just want people to know how irritating it can be to go into a thread and see the same arguments and no one respecting the other side making it more pointless.
I remember someone asking Kamiya if he's ever apologized for Bayonetta and his exact response was "Apologize? No fucking way!".

Hah. If someone at Square does that, people (mainly GAF) will eat them alive for it.

Either way, too bad to see that this thread became mainly this... Guess I'll have to stop visiting FFXV threads too.

I don't care though, I've seen that they will be shitting all over the game's systems due to fans, so that's more than enough to kill a lot of my hype and make me go look somewhere else =X
So are we looking at new content, or just changes to the system and mechanics? I think some new enemies would be cool.

This is what's on the table for 2.0

Confirmed Features

AXB enhancements
Camera and targeting system enhancements
Additional combat actions / overall re-balancing and bug fixes
More joint attacks (the current demo has one) and in terms of triggering it, it might be different currently available one.
Possible dodge roll inclusion.
The range of actions for each weapons has been improved.
MP recovery and usage has been adjusted, like not using MP for perfectly timed evades.
Titan bug will be fixed.

Under Consideration

Individual quests – These are quests where all four party members may not partake in. The mechanics are already in place and working, so Tabata thinks it’s possible to implement along with the quest data. For example, when the player decides what to do in the morning after camping, depending on the choice, Noctis and Prompto will be paired for that day. Or three of the party members might go together. Those days might have different conversations because the number of party members are different from usual. In battles, there will be situations where all four members aren’t present, so it’ll bring out different situations. Then, at night everyone gets back together to camp, and each character might bring what they acquired, or something like that. The final release version will be much more in-depth.

Frame rate stabilization – Not sure if this one can be added, as they’re still reevaluating data allot-age and how objects are being rendered. A decision will be made once they get a better sense of timing.

and that is your own point of view.. Stop trying to force it on everyone else by making yourself sound all high and mighty.

The sweet thing about being a human is that not all of us feel the same way and that's ok. I jump the gun a bit in this thread since it is technically on topic but in others it gets tiring reading through post after post of dudes/dudettes telling you that you should be outraged over a design and if you aren't you obviously are sexist (or a pedo). Again I am more than ok with people not liking the design, feeling it to be gross and I also agree that they should just admit it is a sexy design made to be sexy because there isn't anything wrong with that. I stop being ok with it when it starts to dominate threads not about it, people start putting down whole cultures and people, and generally start acting like some better than thou type jerkoff (not you btw). It is really hard to have a legit discussion of anything if one person is approaching it as if they are this superior being for not fucking liking a design.

This has bee gradually getting worse over the whole forum as of late. And I know I know, if I don't like it...then leave but still I just want people to know how irritating it can be to go into a thread and see the same arguments and no one respecting the other side making it more pointless.

Point taken. But would you care to elaborate on the "other side" that isn't getting much air time? I also apologize if I insulted any culture or implied that you or anyone else was sexist.

My Final Statement on the Cindy issue: Me no like Cindy. Me not buy. Maybe second hand.

On the other hand I'm totally drooling at all this. FFXV will be my first proper Final Fantasy game and besides one or two issues is practically tailor made for me


So are we looking at new content, or just changes to the system and mechanics? I think some new enemies would be cool.

They're most likely just doing changes to the engine, fighting system etc., improvements that carry on to the main game. Demo should have enough content already for the feedback purposes.

And about Cindy, personally I like her and her design.
Hah. If someone at Square does that, people (mainly GAF) will eat them alive for it.

Either way, too bad to see that this thread became mainly this... Guess I'll have to stop visiting FFXV threads too.

I don't care though, I've seen that they will be shitting all over the game's systems due to fans, so that's more than enough to kill a lot of my hype and make me go look somewhere else =X



Crystal Bearer
So are we looking at new content, or just changes to the system and mechanics? I think some new enemies would be cool.

We might not even get it. It depends on if they can even patch it to the public. If not, they'll have it at trade shows and the like.


I just remembered what exactly it reminds me...
Like, there's nothing wrong with a female character being sexy, like, ever. Or males for that matter. That's perfectly fine. It's when the outfit is pander-rific in a way that feels completely out of place (for example, a mechanic wearing an outfit that most actual mechanics would not wear on the job) that eyebrows are raised. Give her a t-shirt and maybe some baggy pants while we're at it and she'd still be sexy as hell and look less like a "Hey boys, you like our game, riiiiiiiight?" character.
It's not like it is a first time such exaggeration is used. Watch this video - it does have some "mechanics" that even less dressed than Cindy.
And it's a perfectly mainstream video which heavily exploit sexualization of characters.

And I don't really understand the root of complaint. Every attractive girl I know exploit their attractiveness in some way. Not usually in such exaggerated way, but they still do use they attractiveness (and sexiness too) for their own benefit. Everyone, both men and women knows it, and music/film industry exploited it for decades. But it suddenly became bad if it's shown in game, that is just beyond my comprehension.


In that case I have no interest in enjoying media that comes from such a culture. If I'm a prudish nun for wanting a mechanic to dress properly for work then so be it. The problem here is that developer or marketer fails to understand why this is a problem and then the Marketer calls us hypocrites for wanting a female member in the group because female member apparently implies she has to be sex-pot despite previous games proving otherwise.

I would rather they went full Micheal Bay and have slow-mo closeups of Cindy's boobs rather than pretend she doesn't exist mostly for titillation
I don't feel they're being subtle about her role from a design perspective, but she does serve a role beyond that as a facilitator for vehicle-related gameplay. In my mind, she exists primarily as a game mechanic, and her design is mostly fluff. It's a personal choice.

It seems a bit ridiculous to demand realism in design for the female NPC when all of the game's main cast of characters are dressed rather ridiculously (none of them are sensibly dressed). I don't quite understand your developer/marketer analogy; are you suggesting that women who bare skin are sex-pots?

I just remember what exactly it reminds me...

It's not like it is a first time such exaggeration is used. Watch this video - it does have some "mechanics" that even less dressed than Cindy.
And it's a perfectly mainstream video which heavily exploit sexualization of characters.

And I don't really understand the root of complaint. Every attractive girl I know exploit their attractiveness in some way. Not usually in such exaggerated way, but they still do use they attractiveness (and sexiness too) for their own benefit. Everyone, both men and women knows it, and music/film industry exploited it for decades. But it suddenly became bad if it's shown in game, that is just beyond my comprehension.
I feel anger over unfair treatment is a factor. Pretty people may not all have easy lives, but it cannot be denied that attractiveness can greatly impact your interactions and outcomes with other people. It's a huge advantage to have in life, and it is certainly not fair. It's understandable to strive for a level playing field, even when it's not realistic.


Point taken. But would you care to elaborate on the "other side" that isn't getting much air time? I also apologize if I insulted any culture or implied that you or anyone else was sexist.

My Final Statement on the Cindy issue: Me no like Cindy. Me not buy. Maybe second hand.

Fair enough. In other threads with similar topics, most of the thread is just people insulting each other in the most covert ways (both sides) so any actual dialog is drowned out which makes the entire topic a chore....especially when there are more interesting things to talk about generally.

If you feel that way , it great and I respect that...its when someone feels that way and expects others to feel the same way and if they don't they must be sexist or something.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I just remember what exactly it reminds me...

It's not like it is a first time such exaggeration is used. Watch this video - it does have some "mechanics" that even less dressed than Cindy.
And it's a perfectly mainstream video which heavily exploit sexualization of characters.

And I don't really understand the root of complaint. Every attractive girl I know exploit their attractiveness in some way. Not usually in such exaggerated way, but they still do use they attractiveness (and sexiness too) for their own benefit. Everyone, both men and women knows it, and music/film industry exploited it for decades. But it suddenly became bad if it's shown in game, that is just beyond my comprehension.

I don't think the question is so much about mainstream as it is about balance. Games have a history of being too pandering in their designs and the complaints come I think not from a desire to eliminate, but to balance.

And FF gets more attention in this regard because it's considered one of the biggest franchises in the industry. It's, in effect, an industry representative, as it were.


Games have a history of being too pandering in their designs and the complaints come I think not from a desire to eliminate, but to balance.

I'm not happy with this. You could say everything in a game is pandering to a demographic. I don't see how this is a bad thing.


I'm surprised that more people complained about Noctis' voice than Ignis. Ignis sounds so pompous compared to the other guys.


2 ways they can go about this:

1) Make these grassland section interesting by having various uneven, unique surfaces and natural/man-made structures in its vicinity that "hides" the emptiness of an open grassland, like Colony 6/9 in Xenoblade.

Is Colony 6/9 really a grassland or more of a town area? I'm not sure I want a bunch of man-made buildings filling up what's obviously supposed to be an open natural environment landscape filled with small-medium-large wildlife. Once you fill it up with man-made clutter it no longer becomes a grassland. I think we're still getting small settlements here and there in the final world. I've seen some grasslands in Xenoblade and they're basically like FFXV but even flatter and more barren. I think the Duscae region is interesting enough, they just need to give us more things to do and better quests. We're also still missing Adamantoise in this area.


If they can increase the grass density that cast shadows like in the October build then it'll look a lot better too.


And going out of the restricted area actually shows more elevation changes although graphically unfinished.



I don't think the question is so much about mainstream as it is about balance. Games have a history of being too pandering in their designs and the complaints come I think not from a desire to eliminate, but to balance.

And FF gets more attention in this regard because it's considered one of the biggest franchises in the industry. It's, in effect, an industry representative, as it were.

But this is like one of the worst series to complain about in that regard.
I don't feel they're being subtle about her role from a design perspective, but she does serve a role beyond that as a facilitator for vehicle-related gameplay. In my mind, she exists primarily as a game mechanic, and her design is mostly fluff. It's a personal choice.

It seems a bit ridiculous to demand realism in design for the female NPC when all of the game's main cast of characters are dressed rather ridiculously (none of them are sensibly dressed). I don't quite understand your developer/marketer analogy; are you suggesting that women who bare skin are sex-pots?

I agree that they are not being subtle. She wouldn't look out of place in Fast & The Furious but this isn't F'n'F is it? How are Noctis and friends dressed ridiculously? These guys are uber expensive wearing ramp model clothes by virtue of being high society types. Even then they are modest or prudish compared to Miss Visible Bra and Thong. I wasn't making any analogy, the Marketer who was answering questions/commenting on the issues raised said that it was hypocritical for fans to ask for a female companion when they don't like Cindy. I said this before, if Cindy started off as zipped up and then unzipped her jacket slightly to flirt with Noctis or whoever that would make sense. Women who bare-skin aren't sex pots but Square Enix seem to think so.

I feel anger over unfair treatment is a factor. Pretty people may not all have easy lives, but it cannot be denied that attractiveness can greatly impact your interactions and outcomes with other people. It's a huge advantage to have in life, and it is certainly not fair. It's understandable to strive for a level playing field, even when it's not realistic.

I think a Rihanna music video is a bad comparison. Again, those women are there for audience appeal, most music videos are sexually charged depending on the song. Is FFXV about sex? Is so then Cindy's design makes sense.


It's amusing amidst all this discussion of Cidney that when I get to the bottom of the page all I see is this loop of a Game of War ad that starts with the camera focused on Kate Upton's boobs and then pans up to her face.


The only thing I would really love.... is Japanese voice-overs. Was there an option to toggle English/Japanese in the demo?


We might not even get it. It depends on if they can even patch it to the public. If not, they'll have it at trade shows and the like.

Hopefully they can patch it; it's almost the same as MGS: Ground Zeroes in content barring some side missions which received a couple of updates.


The only thing I would really love.... is Japanese voice-overs. Was there an option to toggle English/Japanese in the demo?

I guess you'll want to stick to one language in a demo to limit the download size. Having a choice would also have had a negative impact on various survey points i.e. how you like the localiztion and individual characters.

Nose Master

Seems like a waste of time to polish up and patch a demo. It's a demo, everyone should know stuff like the frame rate is subject to change. If it's the same content but with a smoother framerate and less camera pans over Cid's ass, who cares?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
But this is like one of the worst series to complain about in that regard.

I mean the pandering of the industry as a whole, not the FF series specifically. FF games have been (mostly) good about not being a pander-fest. Some designs are, but most aren't. But I also think that's why it stands out again here.
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