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Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae 2.0 coming in May | Trailer at E3, more at Gamescom


Crystal Bearer
Although, I wonder why such a little showing at E3 for a bigger show at Gamescom.
Are they going to have their own press conf at Gamescom ? Maybe they'll be at Sony's one ?
Can we expect some surprises regarding Gamescom ? I mean... we had one with MGSV at last year Gamescom.

I find weird that they're moving from the biggest video game show, in which they'll have their own press conference for a smaller one.
They basically don't have enough time to make E3.
Okay, since several people seem to think I'm reading things out of context or trusting bad translations from people who actually speak Japanese, let's take the Gematsu translation of this entire section: http://gematsu.com/2015/04/final-fa...duscae-2-0-coming-mid-may#dRafstObe1ty8BWZ.99

I'm having a lot of trouble reading that as anything other than:

1.) They think people are concerned about Cindy's appearance because they might get in trouble if their parents see a character showing that much skin, as opposed to it being an issue about respect.

2.) They imply that it's paradoxical people want a female party member, but think Cindy is too sexy, because why else would you want a female party member?

What's notably disappointing to me about this is that they got a ton of feedback about women in their game, but instead of interpreting it as adults asking for better representation of women, they're acting like their fans are a bunch of horny teenagers who have prudish parents.

It's seriously upsetting.

I can't believe that, of all things, an offhand developer comment in a demo feedback video is the one that put me off the game.
Yes, other women in this game are being represented very nobly are very well, and all this focus on Cidney does not mean that all the women in this game are going to be disrespected when we've clearly seen otherwise since 2008.

Still, what did you expect when she was the only prominent female NPC in the demo? She is being shown off everywhere in the game, and for those people who don't follow the game's 9 year development cycle or even the past two years, they don't know any better. They look at Cidney as the only woman in this game and use that alone as a basis for gender representation. It's not like they have much to go off of for Episode Duscae.

Akio Ofuji comes off as so out of touch, though. And I have no idea what Tabata is saying.

You're exactly right. A side character with little plot relevance is taking up the bulk of XV's discussion and it's completely SE's fault.


Cant believe so many males are complaining about tits being shoved in their face, lord Jesus what is going on in this world
In all seriousness like the other person said, its not as if all men want or like their characters to look sexy. Some might find Cidney's outfit distracting. That's not to say that I think they should change it just to please those upset by it, but its completely fair for even men to be displeased with her outfit.
Funnily enough, my issue with her character design is with her green eyes and yellow jacket making a sort of unappealing character design. I was fond of Lightning and Vanille in FFXIII, but not Cidney here. The clothing makes sense from a mechanic perspective I guess. Just the mix of that and eye color bothers me.
I definitely expected one of the complaints to be the lack of overworld music. That's pretty disappointing that they don't even know about that since no one else complained about it apparently.

Also, kind of disappointed that its not going to be a major presence at E3. I mean GamesCom isn't THAT much later, but still.



This has seriously annoyed me. Especially coming from a series that has produced some pretty good female characters in the past.
I don't find Cidney offensive as much as I find her clothes just unappealing to look at(needs more STYLE). However, I wish they would just be more honest about her being intentionally sexualized. It seems pretty obvious to me and while I don't care, it's not like the people who are bothered by that will simmer down just because they say that she's not.

They probably know that and well end up changing her design though, considering the way they've taken feedback so far.



This has seriously annoyed me. Especially coming from a series that has produced some pretty good female characters in the past.

What I hope, is that it is one more of "hold one button for awesome" Tabata comments (aka irony gone wrong) .
I definitely expected one of the complaints to be the lack of overworld music. That's pretty disappointing that they don't even know about that since no one else complained about it apparently.

It was not requested enough imo to be in the top 15, or because they didn't had time to implement one in the first place, but I'm assured that they are going over every feedback and that at least one of them would be yours to at least let them know that it's a concerns to some players.


I definitely expected one of the complaints to be the lack of overworld music. That's pretty disappointing that they don't even know about that since no one else complained about it apparently.

Also, kind of disappointed that its not going to be a major presence at E3. I mean GamesCom isn't THAT much later, but still.

They surely know about it. The amount of comments they get from demos is really high in volume, but the game will be continuously tested internally, not to mention the dev staff will be aware of it. Don't forget that a lot of developers at these companies are guys who grew up playing FF4, FF6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, etc.


I don't find Cidney offensive as much as I find her clothes just unappealing to look at(needs more STYLE). However, I wish they would just be more honest about her being intentionally sexualized. It seems pretty obvious to me and while I don't care, it's not like the people who are bothered by that will simmer down just because they say that she's not.

They probably know that and well end up changing her design though, considering the way they've taken feedback so far.

Thats like my main problem as well. I really don't care much about how they decide to design their characters as I think it's their artistic freedom. I don't get auto offended by sexualized stuff per se.

Not having the honesty to admit that she in fact is pretty sexualized - tip toing around their blatant pandering towards a certain demographic, is pushing my wrong buttons though.


Tragic victim of fan death
Why do they have to be mutually exclusive? They're just adding the improvements they made in the main game to the demo for us to try out. I don't see the downside at all.

Why the fuck are they working on balancing and working out the kinks for a demo (which is only a small segment of the main game that isn't even in the main game) when they can be working on the core game? This screams to me that they have a general idea of what they want to do but want to cater to everyone and they're using a demo to just get feedback for as many inputs as humanly possible. I'm just hoping this doesn't become a disheveled mess.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, since several people seem to think I'm reading things out of context or trusting bad translations from people who actually speak Japanese, let's take the Gematsu translation of this entire section: http://gematsu.com/2015/04/final-fa...duscae-2-0-coming-mid-may#dRafstObe1ty8BWZ.99

I'm having a lot of trouble reading that as anything other than:

1.) They think people are concerned about Cindy's appearance because they might get in trouble if their parents see a character showing that much skin, as opposed to it being an issue about respect.

2.) They imply that it's paradoxical people want a female party member, but think Cindy is too sexy, because why else would you want a female party member?

What's notably disappointing to me about this is that they got a ton of feedback about women in their game, but instead of interpreting it as adults asking for better representation of women, they're acting like their fans are a bunch of horny teenagers who have prudish parents.

This is honestly pretty bizarre. Final Fantasy, as a series, doesn't typically have much of a problem with over-sexualization or a lack of female characters. Maybe the fact that they've been okay at it for so long blinds them to what many of us see?


I hope the game releases with dual audio.

I also don't understand the outrage for cidney...she's fan service...their only mistake was to say she isn't. She may end up having great character development (or not) but visually she is fan service and I don't see a problem with that.
marketing people, sadly, nearly always have input into AAA development

especially the kind of input like "your female character needs to show more skin and/or not be playable"

They seem to be following Nomura's script and characters for the most part. Cidney is a character that appears to be a creation of the new team, which is also why she's not a main character nor does she really have much of a role in the game aside from your mechanic. But since they're sticking to Nomura's design, the female characters that get most of the screentime should be his and not something that the current team created off to the side.
Why the fuck are they working on balancing and working out the kinks for a demo (which is only a small segment of the main game that isn't even in the main game) when they can be working on the core game? This screams to me that they have a general idea of what they want to do but want to cater to everyone and they're using a demo to just get feedback for as many inputs as humanly possible. I'm just hoping this doesn't become a disheveled mess.
Because what they work with the demo will also apply to the main game?

Seriously, using a demo as a beta to make the main game better, in what world would this be a bad thing?


This is honestly pretty bizarre. Final Fantasy, as a series, doesn't typically have much of a problem with over-sexualization or a lack of female characters. Maybe the fact that they've been okay at it for so long blinds them to what many of us see?

I think they honestly just haven't received all that many complaints historically since to be fair, for a long time the audience for Final Fantasy was teenagers.

Like look at Tifa's popularity back in FF7 or for a more recent example, there weren't many people complaining about Fran.

The situation has changed in the West though and this is now something people feel rather differently about, but I get the impression the same isn't true in the Japanese gaming sphere, so they're confused as to what the complaints are.

However, given they own Eidos and a Western branch that handled the Western survey translations in the first place, there should be a lot of people they can ask and get the correct interpretation from, which they don't seem to be doing.


This is honestly pretty bizarre. Final Fantasy, as a series, doesn't typically have much of a problem with over-sexualization or a lack of female characters. Maybe the fact that they've been okay at it for so long blinds them to the context of the rest of the culture that many of us perceive?

Or maybe they just decided they wanted to do something different for this game and try something new. The fact that there aren't any females in the main party isn't a problem and shouldn't be seen as one. There's never been an all-male cast before, but there has been an all-female cast, so this will be a new dynamic for Final Fantasy games.


This is honestly pretty bizarre. Final Fantasy, as a series, doesn't typically have much of a problem with over-sexualization or a lack of female characters. Maybe the fact that they've been okay at it for so long blinds them to what many of us see?

For one thing, certainly there have been cultural changes in the past few years that have many people focused on this issue. And it has been quite a few years since the last mainline FF game.

For another, I would argue that over-sexualization, or just sexualization period, has long been in FF in general. Today's technology just makes it more obvious.
I don't see the problem with Noctis having a deep adult voice... Do American FF fans really want him to have a higher-pitched teenage voice?
I think they honestly just haven't received all that many complaints historically since to be fair, for a long time the audience for Final Fantasy was teenagers.

Like look at Tifa's popularity back in FF7 or for a more recent example, there weren't many people complaining about Fran.

The situation has changed in the West though and this is now something people feel rather differently about, but I get the impression the same isn't true in the Japanese gaming sphere, so they're confused as to what the complaints are.

However, given they own Eidos and a Western branch that handled the Western survey translations in the first place, there should be a lot of people they can ask and get the correct interpretation from, which they don't seem to be doing.

Internet also happened.
I don't know if a game like FFX-2 would have had the same reception today.

I can understand that having a woman in the party within the context of a "bro road trip" setting may not make much sense.

But that should have nothing to do with how sexy she may or may not be. Are they saying if they force-added a female character into the party that she would inevitably have to be sexy? Is that because the dudes are already designed to be sexy, so she would have to be too?
Although, I wonder why such a little showing at E3 for a bigger show at Gamescom.
Are they going to have their own press conf at Gamescom ? Maybe they'll be at Sony's one ?
Can we expect some surprises regarding Gamescom ? I mean... we had one with MGSV at last year Gamescom.

I find weird that they're moving from the biggest video game show, in which they'll have their own press conference for a smaller one.

Just for the record, E3 is obviously the head for announcements and things, but in terms of footfall and things like that, Gamescom is actually the biggest videogame show on the planet.

From a journalistic perspective, there tends to be less new stuff, but I find I can actually get a lot more work done at Gamescom, too.


Well I don't really see what's wrong with it. The only change I could see being made that would make it more fitting is if she was wearing jeans and a workbelt to hold tools.

Wearing so little clothes if you ever worked on a car, you'd get so much grease and oil residue a shower would take hours. I don't have that much of a problem with her clothes, they are way too revealing for her job but I learned to live with it it's by far not the first game doing it my problem in this case is with the camera focus and angle used when she is around.

I hate bikini armor that fails at what they are supposed to be doing, protecting it just doesn't make any sense, doesn't stop me from playing and enjoying games but I prefer not to see those.


If that outfit is what they wanna go with, sure, it's their artistic vision. Doesn't stop me from thinking it's a dumb design and laughably juvenile at the same time. And yes, having a guy running around shirtless under a coat is pretty dumb too. But again, you be you.


Internet also happened.
I don't know if a game like FFX-2 would have had the same reception today.

That's what I mean. The audience is older and has a platform from which to band together and voice their complaints in a way they didn't before.

A lot of developers are voicing this internally as well, which is why we've seen pretty significant change over the years.

However, I don't think this same kind of internal and external pressure exists in Japan, at least no where to the same degree, so it's a culture clash.
But that should have nothing to do with how sexy she may or may not be. Are they saying if they force-added a female character into the party that she would inevitably have to be sexy? Is that because the dudes are already designed to be sexy, so she would have to be too?
Probably. In a lot of Japanese RPGs, the guys are designed to be sexy, so they make the girls look even sexier in comparison.

In general, Japanese attitudes towards nudity often tend to be more liberal than in the West. That might be why they might not see a problem with the clothing. But it seems the complaints about Cindy's clothing mainly come from Europe rather than America.


Was the feedback so negative that they felt a need to patch a demo? This isn't coming out until 2017, is it?

I don't care what they do with Cindy, either way.
Was the feedback so negative that they felt a need to patch a demo? This isn't coming out until 2017, is it?

I don't care what they do with Cindy, either way.

It really wasn't negative at all

Will you get Final Fantasy XV when it’s released?

Will definitely buy – 74% (Japan) / 81.9% (NA) / 82.1% (Europe)
Will probably buy – 18% (Japan) / 11.9% (NA) / 12.4% (Europe)
I don’t know – 7.0% (Japan) / 4.2% (NA) / 4.3% (Europe)
Will probably not by – 1% (Japan) / 1.6% (NA) / 0.9% (Europe)
Will definitely not by – 0% (Japan) / 0.5% (NA) / 0.3% (Europe)


It just seems like they want to get the base mechanics and gameplay at a level that people are really satisfied with. The combat seemed to be the main issue that people had. And that seem to largely stem from how long battles took, which Tabata said they're addressing.


That overreaction. Don't like it, don't buy it. I don't mind her design at all.
You sure you should be encouraging people not to buy a game that is probably going to just barely make back its investment?

If you want FF to continue on consoles, you want MORE people buying the game, not less. What that means is character designs like Cindy are no-go. There's a reason why the comic book movies and tv shows are not lifting their female character costumes straight from the comic books, because those designs are dumb and pandering, and they don't sell to women. FF13-2 suffered a sharp dip in sales in Japan partly because the female audience declined significantly between 13 and 13-2. The reasons for lack of female interest in the sequel could be many, but I can't imagine character design like Cindy help increase female interest.

I'm not going to shell out for this game until it hits 20 dollars or less, and probably going to buy used instead of new so that SE doesn't get my money. Chances are I might skip it altogether. Before the demo, before the blowout, before Cidney, and before Tabata, I had contemplated getting a PS4 for this game. Is it an overreaction? When the designs for Star Ocean, the designs for Fire Emblem x SMT, the designs for Fire Emblem IF, the obligatory loli design for Xenoblade X, the horrible loli Watson in Grand Ace Attorney—they all feature bad female character designs, and we're overreacting when the so-called "fantasy based on reality" rpg couldn't come up with a better character design for a female mechanic? Are we overreacting if we're simply just tired of dealing with this shit?
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