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Final Fantasy XV Hands-On Demo (Chapter 0-3) Previews

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Junior Member
Does it seem like FFXV has kind of a slow start? We do have a chapter 0, but from this demo it seemed so brief and inconsequence, and had barely any context as to what's happening at all, and it was very chaotic and tough to make of what is what. After that, there's the awkward transition to chapter 1 just like that, we don't know who Noctis is, his background and his friends, anything major really.

Really hope there's more meat to the introduction of the game. The game better not assume everyone who plays this game watched Kingsglaive or Brotherhood, as those should be additional story material and not mandatory pieces of the game's plot, even if they are all canon to the universe.

Also, about the gameplay, none of the previews brought up how the weapon abilities really work now? Is it like Platinum demo where you press down+attack to use the weapon's ability? Did everybody forgot about this mechanics from Episode Duscae already? The Dragoon Jump? The Blood Drain? Tempest?
I do wish you can equip more than 4 weapons at a time, and the rest of the team can scroll through abilities. Maybe this is a progress marker after the first half of the game?

It's just towards the end of the game, how can Ignis, Gladious and Prompto only use one skill on command? It doesn't seem a lot.


Crystal Bearer
Does it seem like FFXV has kind of a slow start? We do have a chapter 0, but from this demo it seemed so brief and inconsequence, and had barely any context as to what's happening at all, and it was very chaotic and tough to make of what is what. After that, there's the awkward transition to chapter 1 just like that, we don't know who Noctis is, his background and his friends, anything major really.

Really hope there's more meat to the introduction of the game. The game better not assume everyone who plays this game watched Kingsglaive or Brotherhood, as those should be additional story material and not mandatory pieces of the game's plot, even if they are all canon to the universe.

Also, about the gameplay, none of the previews brought up how the weapon abilities really work now? Is it like Platinum demo where you press down+attack to use the weapon's ability? Did everybody forgot about this mechanics from Episode Duscae already? The Dragoon Jump? The Blood Drain? Tempest?
Opening is basically chapter 0 > fade to white > CG cutscene where Regis sends Noctis away, Noctis is a jerk to his dad > car breaks down.


Damn, even the very critical German site 4Players.de was super positive and gave it the second-best score a preview can get "Very good - Fit 4 Hit".

"Die ersten fünf Stunden machen mich unheimlich neugierig auf die finale Version dieses Abenteuers. Das abwechslungsreiche Kampfsystem bringt vor allem durch die Gruppendynamik und die selbst gebastelten Magie-Granaten jede Menge Freude. Und ich konnte gar nicht genug davon kriegen, die Spielwelt zu erkunden, Nebenquests zu erledigen oder einfach nur mit meinen Kumpels am Lagerfeuer abzuhängen. Die Gespräche mit meiner Truppe und deren natürliche Interaktion gibt einem unheimlich schnell das Gefühl, Teil der Gruppe und somit Teil ihres Schicksals zu sein. Dieses Final Fantasy 15 scheint eine sehr stimmungsvolle Reise voller Gefahren zu werden. Zu schade, dass ich mich nach der kürzlich bekannt gegebenen Verschiebung noch bis zum 29.November gedulden muss."

Einschätzung: sehr gut​

"The first 5 hours made me extremely curious for the final version of the adventure. The varied battle system brings a lot of joy, especially through the group dynamics and self-built magic-grenades. And I really couldn't get enough of exploring the game world, doing side quests, or just hanging around the campfire with my buddies. The conversations with my squad and their natural interaction very quickly makes you feel part of the group and thus their destiny. This Final Fantasy XV seems to be a very atmospheric journey full of dangers. Too bad I'll have to be patient still until November 29 after the recently announced delay."

Assessment: very good​

All the press previews sounded poromising so far and it's funny how pretty much all of them say something along the lines of "It made us strangely curious and we can't wait to see more!". Also noticed how many of them were non-FF fans, who now are really excited for a FF for the first time. SE's strategy to broaden the audience with FFXV could work, though it remains to be seen how many of the older fans are turned-off at the same time. As FF fans we all should hope they'll manage to rejuvenate the brand for the sake of its future. Can't rely on the same aging demographic of 90's FF fans forever.
Previews have been super positive and fair I'm still in disbelief to be honest. Considering the skepticism we have to deal with debating the game on a constant basis.


Crystal Bearer
It was thought Kingsglaive would fit in ideally here, once the car breaks down.
Is this still the case?

Most of the movie takes place after Noctis and friends are sent away but there's a short time before that where they're technically still in the city even though we don't see them.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Paid previews confirmed.



That's reassuring really, hope the 4chan story rumor/leak are fake.
Platinum-ed all 3 FF XIII so I gotta do it again for this one or I'm not a FF fan.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
And? Why should we suddenly believe this guy?

This game just cannot win for you, right?

What? dude he played the game at Gamescom, why should we not believe him?

Also why are you attacking me? i'm just the messenger.


What? dude he played the game at Gamescom, why should we not believe him?

Also why are you attacking me? i'm just the messenger.

You said "paid previews confirmed". The Twitter guy did not mention anything like it.

Do you have any proof of that?


Yeah, so pretty much bullshit.

We already saw the console build video. "Looks like PS3" my ass. Pretty much disqualifies this dude.

Stop acting like such a shill. People can have opinions and impressions different from other people's. It doesn't disqualify them.
Re Dawg:

Car on rails doesn't bother me (we can explore by chocobo and later by airship anyway, this was never going to be GTA).

Visual spottiness was clear from 50 minute video. Curious to see how much they can clean it up in 2 months.

He subsequently tweated that that the combat felt a lot better now, too, so that's something.
Hmmm I usually just cobble all previews together and see what the overall impressions are.. it would seem some pick whichever one fits and runs with it, hey whatever works


Stop acting like such a shill. People can have opinions and impressions different from other people's. It doesn't disqualify them.

Note how I only singled out the "PS3" thing. Which is not true at all. He can claim his other points no problem.


Well... There it is.

At least these previews are helping to ease the inevitable let down for me once again.
Well, I mean if Dawg said it... Who is Dawg again?

All the previews listed the car features, and they sound fine for an RPG, this isn't GTA. Visuals, performance and sound are being worked on.
Edit: my main worry is combat and grenade based magic system.


Stop acting like such a shill. People can have opinions and impressions different from other people's. It doesn't disqualify them.

I think it boils down more to the point of people who go on to say "It looks like X version". You get some reactions too it. Which is something I'm not entirely seeing from these previews. Game looks good, and it'll get better.


I think it boils down more to the point of people who go on to say "It looks like X version". You get some reactions too it. Which is something I'm not entirely seeing from these previews. Game looks good, and it'll get better.

Exactly my point. I have no issue with the rest of his points.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
You said "paid previews confirmed". The Twitter guy did not mention anything like it.

Do you have any proof of that?

Wow man, it was a joke.

Don't take everything so seriously all the time.

I know you like to defend this game with everything you have but better chill for a bit and listen to a guy who actually had first hands-on with the game.
Glad to see all these positive impressions. Can't wait to finally play this in November! Hopefully the extra months allow the team time to really polish the game
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