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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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How linear is the later half of the game. Is it ffx where you have a straight path or is it a few areas blocked off from the rest of the game. Not bias to either side but curious how streamlined the later half gets.
People were nowhere near as emotionally invested in XIII as they have been with this, I'm reserving judgement until i play it myself

People seem pretty emotionally invested in XV in both directions - I think a lot of people made up their minds whether it would be good or bad a long time ago and are just waiting to be proven right.

Ran rp

The only way to know what happens in the world during the game is reading newspapers, hearing the radio news.

It never ends...



Fast question, I don't have the game yet but I got the King's Tale code from my retailer already, but I can't cash it. Anyone know if preorder codes don't work yet or I have a bad code?


I have a quick question guys. Does the Normal PS4 support hdr for FFXV? Has anyone with an hdr TV tried to enable HDR on a normal ps4? Just curious if it's possible before I invest in a TV



Story Finished

Total Playtime: 35:30

This will be my impressions of the overall game with the exception of the endgame content.

The Bad

  • Story/Plot - The story is the biggest issue this game has. They have a fantastic foundation that they squander. So many missed opportunities. So many wasted elements. Terrible directed scenes. Bad dialogue during the serious moments. Tabata and his team are clearly terrible in the creative front and it shows in this game. Too many plot points that don't make sense or it's just for convenience. There is only one amazing moment story moment and I'll detail it in the The Good section.
  • The Linear Second Half - When Tabata mentioned this a lot of people freaked, and for good reason. However, I was excited to see how they would handle it. I expected the plot to become front and center but that wasn't really the case. It's kind of obvious they ran out of time and budget. So instead of creating a second world map they quickly got what they had and placed it at the end in order to finish it. Cause some of these chapters are like 15 minutes long. Some of them are absolute filler. While one turns into a different game (I enjoyed this chapter since it was actually a breath of fresh air. But it's definitely not something I would want to play again in a rerun.) Basically it all feels like a rush just to get the ending of the game. The last chapter is great though and I think that'll be the general consensus.
  • The Marketing and 10 Year Hype - Not part of the game but something that will affect those that were following it. It's a true sign that you must not fall for anything. The marketing for this game was terrible/deceitful and the 10 year development was worst. A bunch of lies and a bunch of cherry picking. A lot of lies from Tabata himself to the point that someone needs to call him out for it, cause it's almost Sean Murray levels of bad. I'm somewhat sad that it's over and it's not the game I always wanted, but at the same time I'm glad that I can move on.
  • Altissia is vastly small and the developers tease you about it in the fucking game. For being the biggest town in the game and having it's own hub, it's embarrassing. Unless something changes in the post game then I'm disappointed about this.
  • Camera is shit
  • Whoever thought having jump as the same button as interact should be fired.

The Good
  • The 4 Main Heroes - Noctis, Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto. The strongest aspect of the game and the only reason to care for the story. They really do feel like friends. You end up caring for each one and you just want to kick it with them and hope nothing bad happens. Their banter is funny and charming. They work best as a group though. Individually, they're not the best. Some don't get even get a full arc. But they're your brothers till the end and they're up there with the FFVI cast as my favorite party members.
  • The World - The world you explore is beautiful. It's a perfect blend of fantasy based on reality. It's the aspect of the game that got that tagline correct. I enjoyed exploring it and will enjoy exploring it more in the upcoming days. There is a lot to see and it's pretty massive. The little outposts are great too and feel homely. Using the Regalia is boring in retrospect but it's great when you're trying to get into the vibes. Chocobos is where its at though. But I guess what people will have a problem with is a lack in scenery diversity and it is something I wish was more of, but what is there is great.
  • Combat - It isn't DMC or even KH but it is a unique combat system that I think they nailed. It can be fun when you're doing it right. Dark Souls isn't fun if you're trying to kill an enemy with fist or using the wrong weapon on enemy. Same thing with FFXV. You have to switch stuff up and learn how to position yourself and use your allies. Got to learn when's the best time to dodge and when to go all out. It's fun with its only big issues are the camera and flying enemies (could be that I'm fighting them wrong.) The ascension grid adds a lot to it as well. Some of the late game items you get are also really cool, but don't expect a lot.
  • Enemy design - Some great new and familiar designs. A great blend of using classic FF monsters and creatures. Each one fitting into their environment and habitat. Just big monster out there and I know for a fact that I haven't seen them all.
  • Graphics - The best looking open world game out there along with the TW3 imo. Some breathtaking moments that makes just want to stand around soak it all in. The animations are top notch, I enjoy just watching Noctis walk down a road. Probably the only game where I enjoy when it rains. I do feel like they cut out some weather effects though, I remember seeing more of it during development, I wouldn't be surprised as they did cut a lot. Also, the performance is generally good, it only gets bad in towns.
  • OST - Yoko Shimomura did a fantastic job. While personally, it isn't my favorite OST out of her (KH still rules), it's my second favorite of the series behind FFVI. However, some tracks were underused with one track in particular from the Platinum Demo that didn't show up. I really like that track too. But still, Noctis Theme is best character them along with Terra's.
  • Fishing/Hunts/Dungeons - The most fun side activities. I haven't done any base invasions though.

  • The Ending - It's done pretty darn well. I legit teared up. And it was the only time where I saw a clear vision of what could have been if this was still Versus and Nomura was still directing. Great final bosses too even though I know some won't like it.

The So-So
  • The Villains - won't say much in order not give away but it falls in line with what I said about the story, but there is only one thing keeping it from falling it into the bad category.
  • Side quests - Bunch of pointless ones and not enough of some that would have help the story/character development. I enjoyed doing them though and its great to just hear the 4 bros reaction to them.
  • Summons - They are really awesome when it happens but I have no idea how it happens. I've never actually done it when it wasn't for a story moment cause the game does not tell you.

That's pretty much it. If I think of more I'll edit the post but I got pretty much everything I wanted to say out without trying to spoil anything. A big treat about this game is that post game will be a lot of fun. I beat it in 35 hours but there is still a lot for me to do. I focused on trying to complete the story before the review thread. I plan on 100% and platinuming it. Maybe doing everything will change my overall score but overall I give the game a 7.5/10 with high chance of it going up to an 8 the more I discover. Is it worth the ten year hype? No. Will it bring back FF to its former glory? Not with that story. Will it usher FF into a new glory? Maybe.


I'm reading that the NA and EU versions let you select the language for both audio and text! Does this apply to the entire game, or just cutscene subtitles?

The English translations of FF games have long since surpassed the Japanese originals (FF14, case in point), so I'll buy the version in my country if it will let me play the whole game in English.


I'm guessing the game is out pretty much everywhere now?

Just got a text from Gamemania (Belgium) that I could come and pick up Final Fantasy XV. Breaking the street date that early usually never happens here.


I'm not sure I fully understand the combat yet. I understand how to blink and parry but in fights with multiple enemies it becomes so chaotic and I don't always get the square button prompt to defend + parry.

Instead it becomes so chaotic that I can barely see when an enemy will attack me so Noctis ends up getting attacked a lot, sometimes multiple times after eachother. I'm not 100% sure when the parry prompt shows up and when not, and why.
in some forums here in Germany the reception is really really good. (by those people that already got the game)
especially Newcomers into the franchise are surprised by how fun the game is

after playing the game myself i have a very good feeling about the reviews - sometimes i just forget that GAF is the same place where Uncharted 4 is often called overrated or the Witcher 3 (my favourite Game this gen) an unplayable Game due its horrible Combat :D


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm guessing the game is out pretty much everywhere now?

Just got a text from Gamemania (Belgium) that I could come and pick up Final Fantasy XV. Breaking the street date that early usually never happens here.

Sadly no. The rule of release date law is still being maintained here in Canada and the USA, aside from certain renegade retailers.
ShopTo have failed me... Haven't even dispatched my copy yet :(

Bought Titanfall 2 from the US PS store in the Black Friday sale to tide me over...


The Bad

  • Story/Plot - The story is the biggest issue this game has. They have a fantastic foundation that they squander. So many missed opportunities. So many wasted elements. Terrible directed scenes. Bad dialogue during the serious moments. Tabata and his team are clearly terrible in the creative front and it shows in this game. Too many plot points that don't make sense or it's just for convenience. There is only one amazing moment story moment and I'll detail it in the The Good section.
  • The Linear Second Half - When Tabata mentioned this a lot of people freaked, and for good reason. However, I was excited to see how they would handle it. I expected the plot to become front and center but that wasn't really the case. It's kind of obvious they ran out of time and budget. So instead of creating a second world map they quickly got what they had and placed it at the end in order to finish it. Cause some of these chapters are like 15 minutes long. Some of them are absolute filler. While one turns into a different game (I enjoyed this chapter since it was actually a breath of fresh air. But it's definitely not something I would want to play again in a rerun.) Basically it all feels like a rush just to get the ending of the game. The last chapter is great though and I think that'll be the general consensus.
  • The Marketing and 10 Year Hype - Not part of the game but something that will affect those that were following it. It's a true sign that you must not fall for anything. The marketing for this game was terrible/deceitful and the 10 year development was worst. A bunch of lies and a bunch of cherry picking. A lot of lies from Tabata himself to the point that someone needs to call him out for it, cause it's almost Sean Murray levels of bad. I'm somewhat sad that it's over and it's not the game I always wanted, but at the same time I'm glad that I can move on.
  • Altissia is vastly small and the developers tease you about it. For being the biggest town in the game and having it's own hub, it's embarrassing. Unless something changes in the post game then I'm disappointed about this.

The So-So
  • The Villains - won't say much in order not give away but it falls in line with what I said about the story, but there is only one thing keeping it from falling it into the bad category.

That's pretty much it. If I think of more I'll edit the post but I got pretty much everything I wanted to say out without trying to spoil anything. A big treat about this game is that post game will be a lot of fun. I beat it in 35 hours but there is still a lot for me to do. I focused on trying to complete the story before the review thread. I plan on 100% and platinuming it. Maybe doing everything will change my overall score but overall I give the game a 7.5/10 with high chance of it going up to an 8 the more I discover. Is it worth the ten year hype? No. Will it bring back FF to its former glory? Not with that story. Will it usher FF into a new glory? Maybe.





Story Finished

The Bad

Story/PlotThe story is the biggest issue this game has. They have a fantastic foundation that they squander. So many missed opportunities. So many wasted elements. Terrible directed scenes. Bad dialogue during the serious moments. Tabata and his team are clearly terrible in the creative front and it shows in this game. A lot of lies from Tabata himself to the point that someone needs to call him out for it, cause it's almost Sean Murray levels of bad. There is only one amazing moment story moment and I'll detail it in the The Good section.

Holy shit...


Man I really hope title screen installs after the disc install don't become a regular thing.

I mean it's a nice title screen but holy shit is this a bad impression to set for a game I already had low expectations for.
Also began my play, and the big problem I have is similar to what another at least in this thread had.

When I'm playing FFXV, and only when I'm in the game as PS4 menus are OK, all sides are out of the TV.
Up, bottom, left or right, I miss information everywhere.

I hope it's going to be patched...the 1.01 version is downloading right now, maybe it'll fix it but I'm not sure yet.
I remember having the same problem in Judgment Disc.
So the guy who apparently hears from actual reviewers is claiming that there'll be reviews in the 9's? If so, that's great to hear. Also, many more positive impressions today. Super excited.

No no, I EXPECT there will be many 9s. No one shares any numbers with me, I don't want them. I'm speaking strictly on impressions I've heard.


Also began my play, and the big problem I have is similar to what another at least in this thread had.

When I'm playing FFXV, and only when I'm in the game as PS4 menus are OK, all sides are out of the TV.
Up, bottom, left or right, I miss information everywhere.

I hope it's going to be patched...the 1.01 version is downloading right now, maybe it'll fix it but I'm not sure yet.
I remember having the same problem in Judgment Disc.

Could be your tv. I had the same problem with Overwatch and then this but then I discovered my tv was in 16:9 mode which wasn't the correct one it should be on. PS4 menu always looked good for me too.


Welp. Those impressions are getting me down. At least the combat system turned out to be good from what I can gather here, and if the gameplay is good I can overlook some other flaws (that being said, reading that the story is so-so to bad makes me a little sad).

By the way: Kingsglaive was awesome.


He edited it out but this isn't even comparable situation.

@Sappyday: You only have yourself to blame since you said that you expected a game that was hyped for 10 years :p

I have been over the Versus garbage for a long while so this had no effect on me.

What do you mean? The lies are straight up from Tabata and the current iteration of the game. Unless you're talking about something else.

Either way I tried to not let the 10 year hype affect my view. The story is bad whether it had the ten year hype or not. For me personally yes it did disappoint more cause of it but I don't blame that extra disappointment on no one but me.


Quick impressions from me. 6 1/2 hours in, still on Chapter 1.

Will start with combat, which was the biggest focus for me. I'm still not sure if I quite gel with it yet. I'm a turn based fan though so YMMV. I will say that I'm having fun though and eager to get better. There's great little moments when the bros attack together and I also get the impression it's going to have a lot of depth as I progress. Very interested to see this deeper magic option in wait mode as well as the system at the moment in particular is clunky.

As for the story I think it's really good so far. It's a much more broken down presentation through dynamic conversations, radio broadcasts, random cutscenes through exploration and then main cutscenes when you progress the story. You could indeed go for hours without a proper cutscene but this is just due to the open world nature of it and the bros conversations keeps you going. The bros is where the game utterly shines though, their characterisation is great. I can't think of another game that has this much detail in the characters themselves.

Speaking of the open world I'm delighted they haven't gone the Ubisoft \ Witcher route and overloaded the map with a billion things. There's a few things dotted on the map and at no point does it overwhelm (as it does on the mentioned games). I just had a great time exploring and there's quite a few secrets here and there.

As for the rest. The graphics are great (particularly the models and animation), the English VA is better than expected (mainly it's not breaking immersion, it just works for me) and the music is simply god tier. There's a few rough patches in terms design (mostly UI), most egregious being the low resolution map. The camera is also not great (I expect to see this featured heavily in reviews) but I love Monster Hunter, which has the worst camera known to man so I can deal haha. To be clear the camera is serviceable overall.

I do wonder where it's going to land scores wise. I think it'll get 8s and 9s here and there but I also think it'll vary widely and wouldn't be surprised to see a big publication give it a much lower score (Specifically, I wouldn't be surprised if the combat just doesn't click for some folk).

Overall I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to playing it a lot more. Been waiting 10 years for this and I'm so glad it's here! It's still too early for comparisons but for me it's already better than XII and XIII.

Right, back to Eos!


ShopTo have failed me... Haven't even dispatched my copy yet :(

Bought Titanfall 2 from the US PS store in the Black Friday sale to tide me over...

For me they always dispatched teusday games on friday,looks like for once they did not or maybe they did not get the copies in time :(
I told myself I wasn't going to do this.

I'm glad you did, great post. My list is quite different than yours in some ways (IV and VI and XIII higher, IX and VIII lower), but none-the-less. Lead up to a new mainline FF has an almost festival atmosphere to me. So many hopes and dreams, carried in the fragile ship of this bizarre, ungainly series.
Could be your tv. I had the same problem with Overwatch and then this but then I discovered my tv was in 16:9 mode which wasn't the correct one it should be on. PS4 menu always looked good for me too.

Well you get a point I suppose, I put my TV on "No scaling" and it fixed the thing...
Good grief, the opening hour is fantastic!

So stylish, unique and charming. Pretty good-looking on Pro too. Absolutely adore this opening.


Can you write what was you felt was misleading. Spoiler tag if related to story.

From early on

- A gambit like system for your companions
Luna being a party member
- Duscae being 1/10 of the overall map (iirc he specifically mentioned the Duscae region and not the portion you play in episode duscae)
- New game+ (will probably be added in)
- 40-50 hours just for the main quest alone (yes I know I'm stretching here but this gave out the impression of a meaty story when in reality the story can be done in 15-20 hours if just doing the main quest alone.)
- The
"Eyes of expiring soul"
thing was still being used in some marketing material despite the fact that aspect isn't in.
- Cutscenes being removed despite being the focus of some key trailers. This is common in all stuff but that doesn't mean it isn't misleading.
- Luna is a strong female character.

Yea you're right it isn't Sean Murray levels of bad, but it was definitely skewered to take ways its attention away from its major problems. Which is good for them I guess, not good for us.
Can you clarify what Tabata lied about without spoiling? Also sources to said lies.

Sorry, but a good chunk of what Tabata said is in the game compared to Sean Murray, which is almost nothing. We got open world, improved combat based on feedback, wait mode, warned players about the second half being more linear, moogles,airship, etc.

The only thing I could suspect is the Altissia size, and I remember he said the people losing themselves in the streets so much it was big, but I think he just meant in term of developing the overall cities, not just the playable areas.

So all in all, I don't know what you can compare to Murray, it's comparing transparency vs silence.
GAME still not shipped my copy out. I wasn't expecting it early, but damn it says 1-2 shipping. If they don't send it out today it might not even arrive on release day. If that ends up happening I'm going to be flipping my fucking lid. They took the money a week ago ffs.
From early on

- A gambit like system for your companions
Luna being a party member
- Duscae being 1/10 of the overall map (iirc he specifically mentioned the Duscae region and not the portion you play in episode duscae)
- New game+ (will probably be added in)
- 40-50 hours just for the main quest alone (yes I know I'm stretching here but this gave out the impression of a meaty story when in reality the story can be done in 15-20 hours if just doing the main quest alone.)
- The
"Eyes of expiring soul"
thing was still being used in some marketing material despite the fact that aspect isn't in.
- Cutscenes being removed despite being the focus of some key trailers. This is common in all stuff but that doesn't mean it isn't misleading.
- Luna is a strong female character.

Yea you're right it isn't Sean Murray
levels of bad, but it was definitely skewered to take ways its attention away from its major problems. Which is good for them I guess, not good for us.

Ya don't say.
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