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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Speaking of the open world I'm delighted they haven't gone the Ubisoft \ Witcher route and overloaded the map with a billion things. !

THIS is SO good to hear. I absolutely hated maps like the ones from Witcher 3. Ugh. Against the common opinion infact I found MGSV's open world one really awesome. Good level design and gameplay, not worthless distractions.
From early on

- A gambit like system for your companions
Luna being a party member
- Duscae being 1/10 of the overall map (iirc he specifically mentioned the Duscae region and not the portion you play in episode duscae)
- New game+ (will probably be added in)
- 40-50 hours just for the main quest alone (yes I know I'm stretching here but this gave out the impression of a meaty story when in reality the story can be done in 15-20 hours if just doing the main quest alone.)
- The
"Eyes of expiring soul"
thing was still being used in some marketing material despite the fact that aspect isn't in.
- Cutscenes being removed despite being the focus of some key trailers. This is common in all stuff but that doesn't mean it isn't misleading.
- Luna is a strong female character.

Yea you're right it isn't Sean Murray levels of bad, but it was definitely skewered to take ways its attention away from its major problems. Which is good for them I guess, not good for us.

1. He said it will be a form of gambit, not that it will be a gambit system. You can also customize what your ally will do during a battle, so I consider that a form of gambit.
2. I remember stating him that
Luna will not be a support character when ask about the support characters in an interview.
3. New game + might be added in a patch if the demand is here. He said it.

For the other things I can't comment since I didn't played the game.
I'm not sure I fully understand the combat yet. I understand how to blink and parry but in fights with multiple enemies it becomes so chaotic and I don't always get the square button prompt to defend + parry.

Instead it becomes so chaotic that I can barely see when an enemy will attack me so Noctis ends up getting attacked a lot, sometimes multiple times after eachother. I'm not 100% sure when the parry prompt shows up and when not, and why.
You're not alone. 20 hours in and I still don't understand it.

Definitely too chaotic for me.


Junior Member
Just received the game in the mail, and the case has been slightly damaged. Not that I care too much right now, I just want to play the game, but do SimplyGames replace these?


that puzzling face

I think the exact quote is "
Luna will not join the your fight, you will join hers
". Not sure where from.

This is getting pretty close to outright spoiler territory though, even if the above was part of an ATR or interview.


Just received the game in the mail, and the case has been slightly damaged. Not that I care too much right now, I just want to play the game, but do SimplyGames replace these?

Just switch the insert with the box from a game you don't care about


From early on

- A gambit like system for your companions
Luna being a party member
- Duscae being 1/10 of the overall map (iirc he specifically mentioned the Duscae region and not the portion you play in episode duscae)
- New game+ (will probably be added in)
- 40-50 hours just for the main quest alone (yes I know I'm stretching here but this gave out the impression of a meaty story when in reality the story can be done in 15-20 hours if just doing the main quest alone.)
- The
"Eyes of expiring soul"
thing was still being used in some marketing material despite the fact that aspect isn't in.
- Cutscenes being removed despite being the focus of some key trailers. This is common in all stuff but that doesn't mean it isn't misleading.
- Luna is a strong female character.

Yea you're right it isn't Sean Murray levels of bad, but it was definitely skewered to take ways its attention away from its major problems. Which is good for them I guess, not good for us.

He mentioned gambit system before but it wasn't an exact replica, it was just in regards to predetermined set AI commands. What he described specifically in 2014 when he mentioned gambits is exactly what we got in the final game.

"Speaking to 4Gamer, Tabata said gameplay is less about focusing on menus and more about playing around and navigating 3D spaces, albeit with predetermined moves. He describes it as similar to Final Fantasy XII‘s Gambit System.

There are no menu commands in combat. It controls like an action game where players switch between offense and defense. You can only control Noctis, but you can give orders to other party members. And you can call up the menu screen to give commands to everyone, swap out weapons, etc."

Read more at http://gematsu.com/2014/09/final-fa...nt-open-world-combat-demo#j6SjViP031RqioRe.99

At one point he did say we go
to join up with Luna in battle which does happen, but did he ever say she would be a party member?
I remember him saying in another interview Luna won't be a guest party member
From early on

- A gambit like system for your companions
He only said they would consider it for the final game and from the looks it, this one didn't make the cut. The ascension grid does feature a Party AI based grid so there's that.
Luna being a party member
As we saw, a lot of content appears to have been cut or maybe neglected to DLC, who knows.
- Duscae being 1/10 of the overall map (iirc he specifically mentioned the Duscae region and not the portion you play in episode duscae)
I am sure at that time, he was talking about Episode Duscae and the final Duscae is way bigger, perhaps not 1/10.
- New game+ (will probably be added in)
- 40-50 hours just for the main quest alone (yes I know I'm stretching here but this gave out the impression of a meaty story when in reality the story can be done in 15-20 hours if just doing the main quest alone.)
The main story quest is to gain all the Kings arms, no? I missed 5 of them during my playthrough and maybe Tabata was talking about getting all of them before the end of the game. I don't know, a lot of ways to interpret it.
- The
"Eyes of expiring soul"
thing was still being used in some marketing material despite the fact that aspect isn't in.
Marketing is done by SE PR and not the director or developers.
- Cutscenes being removed despite being the focus of some key trailers. This is common in all stuff but that doesn't mean it isn't misleading.
Happens all the time in major games. Even UC4 had a big set piece removed even though it was playable.
- Luna is a strong female character.
This is one point that I agree.

Yea you're right it isn't Sean Murray levels of bad, but it was definitely skewered to take ways its attention away from its major problems. Which is good for them I guess, not good for us.

no seriously, does anybody know how to find the amethyst stone in the artisan quest
I am sure it was behind a rock closest to the road while within the range of the quest.
Fuck me. GAME are now listing 3-10 days on deliveries due to Black Friday. Still not shipped my order and have charged me about 4 days ago now, then to top it off online chat is dead and their phone line is busy as fuck and costs who knows how much per minute. Not even sure what to do now.
I think the exact quote is "
Luna will not join the your fight, you will join hers
". Not sure where from.

This is getting pretty close to outright spoiler territory though, even if the above was part of an ATR or interview.

Didn't he said also that
Luna is a character that Noctis is always in the search of, but can't quite reach? That for me is the proof that Luna will not be a playable character from the get go...


At one point he did say we go to join up with Luna in battle

You didn't just spoiler us, did you? o___O
It sounds as if Luna is not going to join the party. WTF?!

Edit: Now you edited it to be a spoiler... Benzy, I am mad! >__<
You're not alone. 20 hours in and I still don't understand it.

Definitely too chaotic for me.

Here's my tips squarely based off the demo (where I killed a ton of level 30-42 monsters):

- The parry timing can be held down like block, it's not just a singular press.
- Gladios' link is amazing for tougher fights. Not for the damage but for the crazy amount of invincibility frames it gives.
- Use warp like crazy. I primarily use to to get to the outskirts of the fight and work my in, especially when swamped. Same with warping to a high point.
- You have to use the left and right stick while attacking to position yourself for more seamless combos, as opposed to the default movement plus warping which doesn't really work for close quarters.


that puzzling face
Falk, the beautiful Wanderlust song, that you mentioned a couple of days ago, is nowhere to be found in the game even after the patch. :/

So it's not the Crown patch. I'm fully anticipating an actual Day 1 patch now. Thanks for the confirmation!


Having to wait until evening for night hunts is tedious.
There's nothing like The Witcher's meditation to skip until night time?
Having to wait until evening for night hunts is tedious.
There's nothing like The Witcher's meditation to skip until night time?
There is a tape solution. Basically use fast travel to go to a location far away then return through fast travel and time will pass this way.


Man, why did you not put that in spoilers before?I don't know whats worse, you ruining that for me or Tabata ruining that in the first place for everyone.

Sorry man, I thought it wasn't that big of a spoiler and most people knew that already, I also get lazy typing on mobile. Seems like I saved you a later disappointment when you get to that part though.

Man, why did you not put that in spoilers before? I don't know whats worse, you ruining that for me or Tabata ruining that in the first place for everyone. D:

Not to trivialize your pain, but didn't Tabata explicitly say this?

At least, I thought so, because I'd already resigned myself to this for some reason :-(


With all the impressions I have been hearing about the story (in addition to stuff I spoiled myself on in the Spoiler Thread), it really seems like FFXV is the second coming of Resonance of Fate storywise; very, very good central cast, very poor execution literally everywhere else.

But eh, I'm adjusting my expectations, so that's cool.


Not to trivialize your pain, but didn't Tabata explicitly say this?

At least, I thought so, because I'd already resigned myself to this for some reason :-(

Tabata explicitely said Luna was going to be a party member. Now benzy implied in his anwer to other posts (which he didn't put in spoilers) that she will apparently not join the party. Right now I'm super confused who I should be upset with. I guess with both. >__<

There's a reason why sometimes fast travel is greyed out? (I'm not in battle)
Greyed out? You can only fast travel to the locations you have already traveled or visited on the map. So the locations that aren't discovered are not up to fast travel. You can also fast travel to parking spots and outposts but not to quest locations or a specific place in map.
To all those who finished the game or have made good enough head way to take a guess:

> Make your metacritic predictions.

We must find the chosen one (for early copy impressions :p).


Greyed out? You can only fast travel to the locations you have already traveled or visited on the map. So the locations that aren't discovered are not up to fast travel. You can also fast travel to parking spots and outposts but not to quest locations or a specific place in map.

How easy is it to find sidequests? Are they just centered around outposts when not in a city?


To all those who finished the game or have made good enough head way to take a guess:

> Make your metacritic predictions.

We must find the chosen one (for early copy impressions :p).

Kind of hard to tell still which is why I'm very intrigued by the review thread (will be a lot fun now that I finished the game). No way near 90. At best an 85, but at worst a 65-70.
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