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Final Fantasy XV Impressions: Mark All Spoilers

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My game with my Lambo :)

I don't have a car.

Or a driver's licence.
What is the consensus on the side quests/dungeons? Are they pretty bare? I've read there are a lot of fetch quests, which make me a little concerned...
Holy shit! Post-game, there are so many new hunts, even Level 99 one which have mysterious super bosses!!! These boss fights don't have a picture of the monster when the hunt is given so I am pretty sure they are all new designs.

Also can confirm ultimate weapons quest is given by a person in Lestallum.

I can't remember if anyone answered this previously, but in the post game
do you stay as "older" Noctis & co when you travel back to the open world areas?
Sorry to ask a question that's probably been asked a lot in this thread, but don't fancy accidentally spoiling any more: how long does the main quest take to beat?
I can't remember if anyone answered this previously, but in the post game
do you stay as "older" Noctis & co when you travel back to the open world areas?
I wish we were older but we stay younger, but with the kickass Kingsglaive outfit

Sorry to ask a question that's probably been asked a lot in this thread, but don't fancy accidentally spoiling any more: how long does the main quest take to beat?
I'd say average should be around 25-30 hours and if you take your time, you can bump it up to 35-40. If you do almost everything though, then it is way longer. There is also new stuff in the post-game.


Wait, the disc has been in for 3 hours, patch downloaded and installed... And after the game boots up it's got another 13 minutes to install and I can't even hear the disc spinning. Weird.

Also, my Carbuncle was named innapropriatley apparently. I can't remember.
Played roughly 5 hours last tonight. Dropping insanely short and sweet impressions:

It's good. Real good. I'm enjoying my time a lot with it. The character interaction between the bros is wonderful, and I really liked the title card scene (was on complete media blackout so wasn't spoiled on that before hand).

Still wrapping my head around the combat a bit. There are times when it clicks and everything flows and it's awesome, and other times where I get swarmed and confused and I have no idea what's happening.

Like others said, little to no story so far, but that's OK. The little quips as the bros travel is more than enough, and the world building is scratching that story "itch" for me so far.

Game looks beautiful, music is heavenly, and I can't wait to dive back in later.


My copy arrived this morning. As I have a pro, I'm not sure if I should play it yet lmao

Unless you're worried about spoilers I don;t see any reason not to wait a couple of weeks, they did say December. I think I'm going to have to get someone to hide my copy once it arrives so I don't get tempted..


So an interesting glitch happened on my end while doing a side-quest I accepted from someone in
, where I got in a fight with a bunch of enemies, and then faced a ridiculous framerate drop and suddenly the screen shifted into an infinite loading screen.

I got the video captured via the PS4's capture and I was wondering if it's okay to share.

EDIT: Also, has anyone managed to get trophies to show up or sync? it hasn't been working on my end and I can't sync for shit.


Shame about the story... but then I suppose most JRPGs falter when it comes to finely tuned storytelling. Still, I had hoped XV would be different if only because of its clearer structure (road movie), and relatively straightforward narrative hook (reclaiming the throne). Ah well.

Fortunately, there's more to a good narrative... Things like world-building, character interactions, emotional beats, and the overall aesthetic (right down to the soundtrack). I'd argue that when we talk about Final Fantasy's glory days as a narrative-driven franchise, it's these factors that come to mind rather than the actual unfolding of the story.

Hope that remains true here!
I'm not sure I fully understand the combat yet. I understand how to blink and parry but in fights with multiple enemies it becomes so chaotic and I don't always get the square button prompt to defend + parry.

Instead it becomes so chaotic that I can barely see when an enemy will attack me so Noctis ends up getting attacked a lot, sometimes multiple times after eachother. I'm not 100% sure when the parry prompt shows up and when not, and why.

Game doesn't explain it that much but you will fight better in distance. Try to get distance from battle with running, dodging, warping or best, warping to blue markers so that your MP restores completely. find an enemy and attack (warp strike) it. Try to blindside him (from behind). if one of your allies is near you, it will be a link attack or even better Blinside link (An attack with an ally from behind an enemy). start your combo, and in the middle of combo switch to a heavier weapon so that your finishing move becomes stronger. Time to get distance again. This when you should use phasing and dodging and parrying. I usually use allies technique in defense time. When you got enough distance, monitor allies stats and use Potion\Elixir\stuff if necessary. If enemies are together, you can use magic. get ready for another strike and so on.

I would explain more (and better) if it wasn't for my terrible english writing skills, but combat has enough deepness and is actually really fun. Man, I want a Hard diff so bad.
Shame about the story... but then I suppose most JRPGs falter when it comes to finely tuned storytelling. Still, I had hoped XV would be different if only because of its clearer structure (road movie), and relatively straightforward narrative hook (reclaiming the throne). Ah well.

Fortunately, there's more to a good narrative... Things like world-building, character interactions, emotional beats, and the overall aesthetic (right down to the soundtrack). I'd argue that when we talk about Final Fantasy's glory days as a narrative-driven franchise, it's these factors that come to mind rather than the actual unfolding of the story.
Hope that remains true here!

Thing is there's moments of brilliance where you can get an idea where the original premise was going. That's why it's so disappointing for many here.. then you have some
plot threads
that go unsolved.


Watching Kingsglaive first is highly recommended. It's got a mixed reception (personally, I like it; some folks abhor it) but it is a great primer because the game isn't so sterling at setting the table narratively.

Brotherhood also comes recommended. It's just a neat look into the cast ahead of the game. It can be charming. And it is free on YouTube.

EDIT: beaten like crazy

Thinking I might do Kingsglaive and skip brotherhood
Someone mentioned thank goodness they didn't go Ubisoft in icons but I think FFXV still has plenty of icons overall especially when you get the info from the tipsters. Doesn't bother me at all though.


How do us peasants who only have the regular edition watch Kingsglaive, by the by? I'm guessing it's not up on YouTube like Brotherhood is.
Quick thoughts:

The intro is indeed weak. I am not sure whose idea it was, but it should have been fleshed out more and extended, particularly the first. It seems like just snippets of a larger intro slapped together. I am all for a big epic beginning and then moving to something more humble (i.e., Wheel of Time, Lord of the Rings movie), but this lacks impact because the scenes aren't developed enough. Weird.

Visuals - Really nice on Pro (and I guess PS4). Differences between Light and High are pretty subtle but it does clean up the image and add a little detail. It is perhaps more noticible say in the car as well. Looks cleaner in motion. Overall, game looks very nice though. Great modelling, lighting and animations. Totally different aesthetic than say W3, but at least equally impressive, probably more so in latter areas of the game and with big set pieces.

Gameplay seems snappier than Duscae at least.

Story Nothing to go on yet. Seems sparse as others have said.


How do us peasants who only have the regular edition watch Kingsglaive, by the by? I'm guessing it's not up on YouTube like Brotherhood is.

You can buy it separately. DVD is only £6 on amazon, £9 for the bluray, but it seems to be quite a bit more in the US for some reason
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