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Final Fantasy XV Jump Festa 2015 Trailer


Cidney is southern in the dub. She might have a certain dialect in Japanese.

Then again, Ignis is inexplicably British, so who knows!


Drakengard 3 and FFXII:LR has the voices up on sale. They were offered for free for a week

Oh man, im hoping that with them saying the demo will have dual audio... and this fact here...

I REALLY hope Dual Audio is included or at least JP Voices offered via free download like FFXIII: LR.

(i dont wanna say anything... but id pay 0.99$ to download JP voices, better than spending it on costumes.)


Will there be a town in the demo? The one in the trailer?

Seems like everything being shown right now relates to the demo and they already said Cidney and a summon that's not Titan are in it.


I noticed that at 1:30 in the trailer, there is a shot of the party out of the car in a location similar to the latest CG render and I think there's five people there, the fifth being possibly Cor, I'd post a screencap of it but I'm on the phone, can someone look into it? That may confirm Cor as a party member (hopefully not hiding in the trunk though lol)


I noticed that at 1:30 in the trailer, there is a shot of the party out of the car in a location similar to the latest CG render and I think there's five people there, the fifth being possibly Cor, I'd post a screencap of it but I'm on the phone, can someone look into it? That may confirm Cor as a party member (hopefully no hiding in the trunk though lol)

He's a guest party member. Not there always.
I noticed that at 1:30 in the trailer, there is a shot of the party out of the car in a location similar to the latest CG render and I think there's five people there, the fifth being possibly Cor, I'd post a screencap of it but I'm on the phone, can someone look into it? That may confirm Cor as a party member (hopefully not hiding in the trunk though lol)

You're right, nice catch.

Definitely looks like Cor's posture.


Why do we have two threads about the same trailer? :/

Anyway, Shimomura is a Goddess, my God, that soundtrack.

We can now confirm that Cor is not the car too lol, since they both show up in a scene at the same time.


Junior Member
I wonder if this would be the final Active Time Report for now until the demo launches. After all, it's likely mere 4 or 5 months away from now for the release and they don't want to spoil too much of its content.


Neo Member
It would seem that the summons are bosses in this FF. We have seen Leviathan wrecking chaos and I assume it is Titan at the end of this trailer? We have seen a fire and ice area as some already mentioned and given Shiva and Ifrit are such iconic summons they will probably be in it as well.

Square enix why are you teasing us so much. GIVE US A DATE NOW


You're right, nice catch.

Definitely looks like Cor's posture.
Yeah, that's what I thoght, it looks like him, thanks for posting it :)

And for wmlk (I don't know how to quote more than one post from the phone lol) is that confirmed? I'd be totally okay with it if that's the case.


If they don't end up getting the lips synced for the English voices it will kill more of my enjoyment for the game than is healthy. Maybe it's weird, but I think MGS4 was the last game that I tolerated with this. At least that was better than MGS3. They tried. These days I just can't stand it in story games. It's like an uncanny valley thing.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
If they don't end up getting the lips synced for the English voices it will kill more of my enjoyment for the game than is healthy. Maybe it's weird, but I think MGS4 was the last game that I tolerated with this. At least that was better than MGS3. They tried. These days I just can't stand it in story games. It's like an uncanny valley thing.
I don't see why they wouldn't, since they've done it with all the previous mainline games.


If they don't end up getting the lips synced for the English voices it will kill more of my enjoyment for the game than is healthy. Maybe it's weird, but I think MGS4 was the last game that I tolerated with this. At least that was better than MGS3. They tried. These days I just can't stand it in story games. It's like an uncanny valley thing.

Don't worry about this. They haven't even put in the effort to sync them yet. Go back and watch some of the old FFXIII footage. The lipsync was way off.


Goddamn I LOVE the city. I don't know why it reminds me of Lindblum a little.


P.S: Did Noctis just go Dragoon on that soldier's ass? lol.


Just saw the trailer. Since it's an open world game, getting that level of visual fidelity is very impressive.

I have high hopes for this game.


No, us. He's a well-educated character so he's gotta sound posh and British, she's a mechanic gal so let's give her southern accent! So dumb.

Ah, it's a little chiched, yeah, but it's all in good fun. They're trying to mix it up some.


Well that sure was a nice thing to wake up to!
Really digging how unique the modern setting continues to look in combination with the Fantasy elements.The setting and the whole atmosphere of the game gives me FFVII and FFVIII vibes but they really have their own thing going on.
I like the look of the new town,i wonder if it will be in the demo (probably not).

The only thing i don't like so far is that the enemy AI looks so passive during combat.They just around as Noctiis and friends destroy each soldier one by one.Hopefully they will improve this and make them a bit more aggressive in the final version.
I also don't like the English VA,i hope there is a choice for Japanese audio.

But all in all man,i love it! Finally a Final Fantasy that is ambitious and makes me looking forward to play it.


Man... how many of these buildings will have explorable interiors? They did say you can go to hotels or shops etc so... :S


Cor hiding in the trunk, confirmed.
I just had a similar thought!! Hopefully, as the party grows in size, they just sit in each other's laps or lay in a stack, and you get to throw the whiniest one in the trunk. Car accidents would be a blast.

But really, assuming we don't get to unlock a tour bus upgrade or something, I guess the car equals party management. Curious to see how that ends up mattering if you only play Noctis.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
The English voices don't match the character's lips at all... Like they didn't even try or bother
They didn't try or bother. They match the lips later. It might even look more out of whack than an anime dub, because in the case of a video game, they will be re-animating the lips to match the English dialogue.

Go back and watch English trailers of XIII and it's the same thing. Lips flapping out of sync like a bad Kung fu movie. But the final game looked great.


Junior Member
I think the game is showing a lot of promise, but the trailer definitely shown that it's still all WIP. The lip syncing was next to zero, major lack of AA especially in town area and enemy AI was kinda brain dead.

But as I said, this game is completely under development and is at least 1 year+ away from release, so they have got time to keep improving the game.
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