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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]


It was supposed to be the jrpg of forever a decade in the making.

Low 90s are the least it should have gotten.

Who thought this?

It should have been known that after year 5 that this game was troubled. Most people hoped for a serviceable game, and in my opinion we got something much better. Not without issues. And boy are there issues. But I'm lovin' it.


It was supposed to be the jrpg of forever a decade in the making.

Low 90s are the least it should have gotten.

And this is how you self-disappoint yourself.

Honestly I'll be happy if the game just ends up being good and fun and memorable, it doesn't need to be a 10/10 masterpiece crafted by god's golden hammer.


A low 80's is what I've come to expect from the FF series going forward. SE simply haven't been getting it right with the franchise for quite a few years now. A game that took 10 years to make should be nailing it review-wise across the board.

To be fair, I think tastes have just changed too much too. FFX would get the 80s these days. FFVIII would certainly not be in the 90 scores like it was at release.

The games are becoming too polarizing. Not BAD, but polarizing. FF12 is some people's favorite game ever and some people hate the changes to the bitter end. FF13 really is solid, even if it's my least favorite mainline installment. I think FFXIV is a top-tier Final Fantasy game, but the nature of being an MMO limits its appeal and many are turned off instantly by that approach, regardless of how much it does right.

FFXV is similar thus far to me. It's got problem... but so did the old games. Depending on what you like, it's either amazing or disappointing related to what your priorities are.

... But I do wish FFXIV would stop having a monopoly on sensible, good storytelling. At this point, I just go into a Square Enix game expecting the plot to suck.

I expected it, when it was called Versus XIII. I put my hopes in the game after the XIII debacle.
And? It's a much better game than FFXIII in my experience thus far. I hated FFXIII. This game has more personality in the first few hours than Lightning had in three whole games.


Is the combat as simplistic as some reviews are saying? That's really disappointing, if true

More complex than combat in the Witcher 3, imo. Which was just "sword 1 for humans, sword 2 for monsters; mash square/triangle and throw in a sign if you want"

The combo stuff you can do with your buddies is pretty neat, though their spell-crafting element is a bit weird (it's OK though)


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I think a lot of what held this game back was the dev hell and what Tabata felt was necessary to ship the game in a specific time period. The fact that there were so many unfinished ideas and half baked things involved that it brought down a lot of what was good about the concept itself.

I mean they linerized the latter half and most of the characters disappear, its pretty convenient

I think a lot of people are trying to make the argument that what people like about FF is just inherently not all that appealing anymore, which i think is not true. The story could have been great had certain things been cleaned up or fixed and put more focus on, and then we'd be talking less about the issues


Maybe it's because I played through Witcher 3 on the hard difficulty, but I always found the combat deep and challenging enough.

From the 4 hours I've played so far, FFXV's combat is flashier but a little more simplistic. Some enemies are weak to different kinds of weapons or elementia, but most of the time you just switch around tactics when fighting a new enemy until you see orange damage numbers popping off instead of white or purple. That's how you know you found a weakness. Then just block/parry as much as you can and warp to safety as needed.


I expected it, when it was called Versus XIII. I put my hopes in the game after the XIII debacle.

Well that's your deal for having ludicrous, completely unfounded expectations.

If I expect Halo 6 to be the greatest game ever made, it doesn't mean that the developers are now bound to that. It means I'm delusional because there's no reason whatsoever to have anything close to that expectation.


Well that's your deal for having ludicrous, completely unfounded expectations.

My expectations were low after their endless amounts of bad spin offs and the XIII series.

They still couldn't bring a competent video game.

Is the combat as simplistic as some reviews are saying? That's really disappointing, if true

It's very simple and the magic/summon system is paltry.

Game needs a hard mode, combat system overhaul and more monster spawns.


Neo Member
People that are saying 15 is a shit game, need to start playing some really shitty games to understand what the true meaning of shit means.
Let me say that I think this game is 9/10, top 3 FF games for me, I absolutely love it, etc.

That being said:

  1. They needed to flesh out the story more. Namely
    Ardyn's origin/backstory, the true purpose of the ring/Lucis line, and the scourge of the stars. They are easily the most important and most interesting parts of the story.
  2. They missed a huge opportunity in not allowing you to explore the
    World of Ruin. Even if it was a short chapter or two, they really should have let you wander around the Lucis region while the scourge of the stars was at its worst. Would have been terrifying and amazing.
  3. They needed to pace the second half better. Once you are past
    Leviathan/Altissia everything is full speed to the ending. I thought the chapters were well done but they could/should have spaced it out better.

I am looking forward to the DLC episodes because I can't get enough of the lore/backstory of this game.

Knowing the entire story and all the in's/out's of it all I am really looking forward to starting a new game and really taking my time with it.
HW may be another story, but ARR is 80 to 90% filler (the inverse of this is the amount of time spent developing the villains and motivations) that's more interested in getting you leveled up to 50 than being a concise experience. Its solo content could be described as brain-dead before considering any sort of power-creep since release. Making stews and fixing pottery in the form of incredibly generic MMORPG quests is the norm. What we would consider irredeemably bad side-quests in a single-player game is built straight into the narrative. The dungeons are interesting enough as multiplayer content, but important story beats pop up only once in awhile and the actual world-shaking stuff only happens in the build up to the last two dungeons at level 50 and after the "credits" where there is then several hours of content aimed for level 50 that came out between the expansions. If we consider that stuff ace, it's still dozens of hours until you can reach it and then after doing that (pile on some more hours), you can finally access Heavensward. Imagine if a single-player Final Fantasy was like this. (XIV being an MMO should not be overlooked, especially how it chooses to blend MMO and traditional aspects - for example, predecessor FFXI had story content and level progression completely separate.)
I'm literally playing a single-player Final Fantsy with shitty MMO fetch quests littering the world right now.
A low 80's is what I've come to expect from the FF series going forward. SE simply haven't been getting it right with the franchise for quite a few years now. A game that took 10 years to make should be nailing it review-wise across the board.

Name any other game that has been in dev for so long and actually turned out to be great. Fact is FFXV is gaming first success story when dev cycles are changed and exceed near a decade in total.

It was supposed to be the jrpg of forever a decade in the making.

Low 90s are the least it should have gotten.

Its not even the same game as it once was and placing 90 as the lowest bar is hilariously silly.


Don't be surprised if someone says an 84 is a bad score. Many people are disappointed it isn't getting destroyed by reviews, some even said it was disappointing that the review thread was not a bloodbath.


Yes it was and yes they did. What alternate reality are you living in or are you just damage controlling?

It seems you missed the last year when every thread talking about Final Fantasy XV quickly went to shit, because most of gaf thought it was going to be a disaster.

Yeah, there was a time when it was considered the saviour of Final Fantasy, after Final Fantasy XIII, but that was 6 years ago.


Yes it was and yes they did. What alternate reality are you living in or are you just damage controlling?

Are you serious!? Any game with that long a dev cycle has massive red warning signs all over it. I don't know where you guys are getting the impression its a good thing from. It's completely blowing my mind.

I personally think it's a fantastic game but a long re-cycled development cycle is NOT a good thing.


My expectations were low after their endless amounts of bad spin offs and the XIII series.

They still couldn't bring a competent video game.

It's very simple and the magic/summon system is paltry.

Game needs a hard mode, combat system overhaul and more monster spawns.

If FFXV isn't a "competent video game" to you, you need to lower your expectations of what video games should be.


I'm literally playing a single-player Final Fantsy with shitty MMO fetch quests littering the world right now.

That also describes a bunch of games. My point is if those quests made up the majority of the game's main quest (until post-release updates, expansion).


Are you serious!? Any game with that long a dev cycle has massive red warning signs all over it. I don't know where you guys are getting the impression its a good thing from. It's completely blowing my mind.

I personally think it's a fantastic game but a long re-cycled development cycle is NOT a good thing.

If a game gets 10 years of dev time, that means it will be at least 3 times as good as games with the normal 3 year dev cycle!

^ I have a feeling there may be people who actually think this.


People that are saying 15 is a shit game, need to start playing some really shitty games to understand what the true meaning of shit means.

They have evolved to a higher form of gaming. They don't actually PLAY anything, just skip straight to bitching on the 'net :p

Really streamlined the process.


84 brings it in line with Deus Ex, down from Tomb Raider's and FF14's scores as far as current gen Square retail games go.

Still quite strong overall.

I also updated the title since most sites got the game only two days before launch and are now getting their reviews out, instead of just the publications Square Enix was willing to give notably early access to.


Really curious how Stormblood will pan out.
Usually MMO expansions can do quite well if they can deliver a good leveling experience and initial endgame impression since most places will put up reviews within 5 days of launch.

If the rumors of it having a much larger budget than Heavensward are true, that should favor it strongly.
Name any other game that has been in dev for so long and actually turned out to be great. Fact is FFXV is gaming first success story when dev cycles are changed and exceed near a decade in total.
It is certainly very unusual, but not necessarily the "Duke Nukem" doom that many of us have a gut reaction to.

Just in this year you have the example of Owlboy taking a decade because the small team threw out their game multiple times and the creator suffered from wrestling with depression.

Prey took 11 years, Diablo III was something like 11 years, TF2 took 9 years, Starcraft II and L.A. Noire took 7 years, Shenmue took 6 years, yada yada.

It'll be fun to see how TLG finally turns out after all these years.


So did anyone from here play it? If so, what's your opinion?

World looks fantastic.
Combat is the best I've ever played in a JRPG.
Characters are fun and interesting.
All of the music I've heard so far is great.

Slow start.
NPCs are dull and sidequests don't amount to much more than fetch quests.
You'll be doing a lot of driving. (A pro for me because I just like looking at the world but I know it's a con for some).

I'd give it a 8.5/10 at the moment if I had to assign a score.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Just read this thread for reference about what people here on gaf expected one month ago



:/ Looking back on that thread, it didn't fulfill my base most low standard expectation at all. So its strange that i'm still generally satisfied with the result

World looks fantastic.
Combat is the best I've ever played in a JRPG.
Characters are fun and interesting.
All of the music I've heard so far is great.

That's a pretty big claim considering how many action JRPG's there are out there...


Usually MMO expansions can do quite well if they can deliver a good leveling experience and initial endgame impression since most places will put up reviews within 5 days of launch.

If the rumors of it having a much larger budget than Heavensward are true, that should favor it strongly.

If Heavensward was reviewed now rather than at its launch, it would have been lambasted for how fucking awful its endgame raids ended up, the overly empty zones (the excuse at launch was "they left them empty on purpose to add to them later" - LOL) and the numerous dead-on-arrival content like Diadem or Lords of Verminion, and oversight in supporting existing content like Triple Triad, which might have broken tournaments for three whole years if it persists into Stormblood.

Astral Dog

And this is how you self-disappoint yourself.

Honestly I'll be happy if the game just ends up being good and fun and memorable, it doesn't need to be a 10/10 masterpiece crafted by god's golden hammer.
This is the sanest way of looking at this, enjoy it people :)



:/ Looking back on that thread, it didn't fulfill my base most low standard expectation at all. So its strange that i'm still generally satisfied with the result

That's a pretty big claim considering how many action JRPG's there are out there...

I didn't say "it's the best JRPG combat of all time", I said it's the best I've played, unless I'm counting something like Dark Souls as a JRPG.

Just curious as someone who doesn't preorder-why do you preorder? Do you get bonuses with amazon or something. Why not buy it for (most likely) cheaper at retail?

I preordered off Amazon for a final total of $30ish USD.
I got my copy today. I'm enjoying it so far but it is a pretty slow start.

I like what I'm hearing though. It just needs to be a good game people can enjoy and bring some relevancy back to the franchise. I'm hearing (and seeing, though admittedly I'm only a few hours in) great things about the characters and combat, which will take this game a lot further than where XIII got in the public eye.


Just curious as someone who doesn't preorder-why do you preorder? Do you get bonuses with amazon or something. Why not buy it for (most likely) cheaper at retail?

Amazon Prime discounts mainly. I also generally can't actually go out to stores on release day due to working second shift and starting at 1pm....so

Lady Gaia

I expected a complete train wreck of a game and have been pleasantly surprised so far. Reviews seem pretty spot on: plot shows all the signs of a game in development hell, but the game mechanics have gotten a lot of love in that time. Technicnology wise it's not exactly cutting edge, but at least it's respectable. Mid-80s sounds about right to me.
Just curious as someone who doesn't preorder-why do you preorder? Do you get bonuses with amazon or something. Why not buy it for (most likely) cheaper at retail?
Preorder from Amazon or Best Buy, get the game for less than retail with Prime ($47.99), finish quick, trade it back for a $10-12 loss.

Rinse and repeat.
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