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Final Fantasy XV - Review Thread [Second wave of reviews coming in]

Buckle up, buckaroos!


I really should've added the dialog to that...

Someone feel free to edit the GIF to make it FFXV appropriate.


about what most were expecting I take it, guess it was too much to ask for this to be a masterpiece, alas it is only just good.
Well, this is actually a lot better than I expected. I thought there was a good chance this game would end up in the 70s on MC. Looking forward to playing it tomorrow.


Absolutely awesome! I can't wait to sink my teeth in it. 20 hour story playtime is perfectly fine with me anyway for as long as the 20 hours kick ass, which sounds like it.
Pleasantly surprised with the positive reviews, thought it would get lower.

Now to wait for 10 hours before the game is unlocked on the PS4 :(


I hope not even though I like Noctis and Co. We shouldn't see anything tied to FNC again except in side games and spinoffs like Dissidia and WOFF. This chapter for SE needs to close so we can move on to FFXVI.

I really think Final Fantasy needs a reboot. I mean, so we can start at 1 again. Numbers getting to high. :p

And watch XVI be another MMO. lol


This is the crap that makes me so mad about modern Final Fantasy games. Guys, just make a damn story!

I know. Just... fuck the outside marketing and spin-off shit, just make sure your story has

-An exciting beginning
-Some interesting world-building and backstory
-A villain that makes sense
-A climax
-A conclusion

With story beats at regular intervals along the way. Why is this so hard?

Kingsglaive has tons of story beats that would have made for a fantastic opening to FFXV. It's not like they're not capable of writing this stuff...


I'm glad this seems to be doing well so far, I'm quite excited to play this as soon as it gets delivered!

By the way, Kotaku's review has quite a big spoiler in one of the screenshots, and it's very visible.


Possible to finish a JRPG in under 30 hours?

Best news coming out of this. I'll pick it up now. Had no interest in buying another 60 hour+ JRPG bloatfest.

I was just going to comment on this. Most people don't have time to play a 60 hour JRPG story wise. That said there is still enough here with everything to get a large amount of playtime and feel satisfied.


I took the rest of the week off of work for this game lol. Woo!

I'm juat glad SE can finally say they shipped this game. Reviews are pretty good too!


Agreed. I don't hate Skyward Sword, but with games like this I like to let it build up a bit of a legacy first. I can never seem to gauge AAA games well from reviews alone.

Yeah, when it comes to establishes names reviewers are either incredibly generous or they mercilessly burn that shit to the ground (RE6, which was admittedly deserved somewhat).


Neo Member
Good scores. Haven't been extremely hyped for the game in a long time, so going in expecting it to simply be an enjoyable experience, nothing more.


People disappointed by the scores being so high. I predicted correctly:80-85. No way this game would have reached 90+ but also impossible to receive a MC as low as sub 70.


Possible to finish a JRPG in under 30 hours?

Best news coming out of this. I'll pick it up now. Had no interest in buying another 60 hour+ JRPG bloatfest.

Same! Recently stopped playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions after 20h because I had other things to do. Tried to continue and it's so demotivating to read there are 20-30 more hours until the end. Nuh. I'm good. I got things to do, places to be.


Sounds like the open world and exploration aspects are actually the games strong suit. Kinda blowing my mind if true, the open world have looked super barren in all the footage I've seen
Yikes. I was certainly expecting better reviews than FF13. Looks to be about the same so far.

That doesn't mean anything, games were reviewed very differently back when FFXIII was released. Giving a big mainstream game a score below 8 was unthinkable back then, not so much now, thankfully.
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