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Final Fantasy XV TGS 2014 Trailer | Lord Nomura giveth us His only Son so we may live


Square Enix Presents isn't an event. It's S-E's irregular ad-hoc Youtube streams. Kinda like Nintendo Directs, but each program is usually for a single game. They're promoting Bravely Second and Final Fantasy Explorers this way too. So it's not a specific event to look forward to, they just mean that in future they'll probably have updates using this platform. There's currently nothing announced on the Square Enix Presents blog: http://www.jp.square-enix.com/sep_japan/

I see, I know what they are, I just wasn't sure if they were regular or not.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Prompto looks like a shorter haired Cloud now. Damnit SE.
I can see an argument for the hair, but Prompto's face seems to look different every second.


Kind of like ambiguous Lara Croft before she got her next-gen port makeover.


Why do they even need CG for this game?
The scene where Luna shows up in the trailer already looks CG but is real time.

well they said that back in 2011

it went real-time x 2 > then CG

so it had been recreated at least 3 times lol.

maybe they went back back to real-time and now 4!


I wonder when male FF characters will get normal haircuts for once.

I'm not know with JPN culture, but do all males look like that there? Or just celebrities?


I wonder when male FF characters will get normal haircuts for once.

I'm not know with JPN culture, but do all males look like that there? Or just celebrities?

Besides Noctis and Prompto the rest have normalish haircuts (albeit not as realistic as real life).


oh yea one thing I noticed


this trademark sword for Noctis doesn't appear in the trailer.


he only uses this one (among other weapons)

maybe because it's early part of the story and He doesn't have it, but gets it from his dad later.(the dad uses that same sword in 2011 trailer)


Because it will never look as amazing as this

And it also means there will probably be no more than 4-5 of them in the entire game given the amount of space they take and the amount of space current gen games require and not to mention additional work required to do lip syncing and not to mention if they want to change anything they can't at the last minute. So you'd rather just do them real time with higher quality assets (and lighting if necessary) than gameplay assets (like RE games did last gen) and make it look good.




Not gonna lie, I really liked bleached hair, crackhead Prompto. Made him seem like much more of the "bad influence" that they keep saying he is.

yeah count me in too as a fan of cracky prompto. although his new design isn't bad, the only thing i wish was for the spike to be gone as it reminds me too much of zell (he's exhibiting enough similarities as it is lol)

and my sides, my damn sides @ all the recent lols in this thread hahaha

Yes I noticed that too. The graphics looked definatemy improved: less cuby edges, better hair, more efefcts like reaction to rain. The old trailer graphics still looked like a transition between PS3 and PS4 game (sometimes it even had PS2-like graphics). The new trailer and gameplay really looked next-gen
(current-gen lol)
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