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Final Fantasy XV TGS 2014 Trailer | Lord Nomura giveth us His only Son so we may live


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Is DQH confirmed for March? I thought it just had a generic Spring 2015 timeframe.

Pretty much confirmed for a March release due to Koei Tecmo's Fiscal Year as their CEO mentioned that they would release two collaborations by year-end, Hyrule Warriors and the recently announced Dragon Quest Heroes.
You mean that other game with modern cars, fantasy weapons, flying robots and giant monsters?

It IS kinda funny when people think there is so much contrast in XV's world compared to other FF games. Take for an example large enemies. Truly it's not like FF....

.... has ever done that....


And contrast, FFVII is a prime example of a similar contrasting elements. Take for example that Gigas enemy. Basically, this is a world where people have corporate buildings, complete with cubicles, break lounges, computers and security robots. Shinra has all sorts of vehicles at their disposal, from cars, trains to airplanes(and even financed a rocket). Yet, in this world, there's still an area where a race of GIANTS live and roam around, attacking anybody to venture into the outskirts of the Whirlwind Maze.

If that isn't contrasting enough, despite valid modes of transportation, you still have things like these existing:



Again, there's nothing really new about what FFXV is doing that hasn't always been done in the FF series, DECADES prior.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
It's funny seeing how some comments about this game all throughout the net are absolutely blasting this game's direction. FF has to be the single most divisive game series of all time because every entry is so different. Even entries in the same "sub-series" are really different (X vs X-2; XIII-2 vs Lighting Returns)

For me this game's direction hits just about every aesthetic note correctly. The promo picture with them setting up a bunsen burner to cook food along the roadside with a vast expanse of land in the distance pretty much encapsulates the type of FF game I want, but some people look at that say and say "wtf this isn't FF".


It's funny seeing how some comments about this game all throughout the net are absolutely blasting this game's direction. FF has to be the single most divisive game series of all time because every entry is so different. Even entries in the same "sub-series" are really different (X vs X-2; XIII-2 vs Lighting Returns)

For me this game's direction hits just about every aesthetic note correctly. The promo picture with them setting up a bunsen burner to cook food along the roadside with a vast expanse of land in the distance pretty much encapsulates the type of FF game I want, but some people look at that say and say "wtf this isn't FF".

I agree. I just love the idea of traveling with a bunch of good friends.

Final Fantasy XII and XIII left a very bad taste in my mouth when it comes to the team and characters. It felt like the characters did not belong together, they didn't feel like a true team, I felt absolutely no connection between them.

But Noctis and gang? They are not only friends, they are childhood bros. And that particular picture with them cooking beside the road gives me high hopes.


that puzzling face
That's actually not something to be ironic about, as graphics become more photo realistic people tend to suspend their disbelief much less.

Eh yeah, stuff like limit breaks where the background disappears replaced by black or galaxies or random explosions just wouldn't fly anymore.

edit: lol
That's actually not something to be ironic about, as graphics become more photo realistic people tend to suspend their disbelief much less.
Well, that's their problem. I have no problem taking this fantasy world at face value. Despite different graphical styles, cartoony, exaggerated or realistic, this is Final Fantasy first and foremost. If I wanted true realism, I'd seek it out with other games.

Xbox One has no love lul.

The music is pretty different from previous FF games from what I can gather though. :x
Well, we haven't heard any pop-styled music yet(there given Shimomura's not a stranger to pop ballads, we might get some). It's mainly been classically inspired, which I guess I don't mind. I said this elsewhere, it adds to the fanciful nature of the game. And to be honest, I can only take so much electronic/heavy J-pop/heavy J-rock driven modern JRPG music. Something that focuses on more classical music styles, sweeping orchestral scores(not EPIC orchestral scores like in a lot of Western RPGs) might just make this game stand out(well, more than it's already doing, because Shimopi's music, so far, is breathtaking).

Wouldn't mind if we actually get an old fashion waltz somewhere in this game. We haven't had one of those since the Uematsu years.


It's funny seeing how some comments about this game all throughout the net are absolutely blasting this game's direction. FF has to be the single most divisive game series of all time because every entry is so different. Even entries in the same "sub-series" are really different (X vs X-2; XIII-2 vs Lighting Returns)

For me this game's direction hits just about every aesthetic note correctly. The promo picture with them setting up a bunsen burner to cook food along the roadside with a vast expanse of land in the distance pretty much encapsulates the type of FF game I want, but some people look at that say and say "wtf this isn't FF".

Haha, indeed. Zelda and FF communities are crazy tiresome and both are my most favorite series. I swear I can't hear it anymore how "FF7 is the best. Why don't they make games like that anymore [read: Why don't they make the same effin' game for 50 years]" and FF7 is even in my Top 3 all-time :D
Life's too short to always oppose everything new. I want new experiences.
Well... you just have to learn to accept different tastes and not let other folk's negativity affect your perception.
I mean, it's the same for me with 95% of WRPGs (and nowadays also of JRPGS, to be honest) which I find absolutly unappealing and unesthetic and can only shake my head at when I see them, but I still won't go into those threads and fill them up with negativity. No need for that. To each his own.

I'll admit that I don't like most of the hairdos, either, but I have just accepted it. It's the artists' vision. Just embracing the quirkiness is the best you can do.
I'd like to see a bit more subdued char designs like Cor and the other older chars from the E3 trailer (especially the purple-haired dude) or like in Agni's Philosophy for FFXVI, though. FFXII was great in that regards mostly (except for Vaan, Penelo, etc.).


This is a gigantic thread, what's the overall impression of the game? I was extremely disappointed by the trailer, I thought it looked much better before I saw the open world segments, I'm sure Dragon's Dogma is cool, but I don't really need a car or pseudo action game combat in my Final Fantasy.


This is a gigantic thread, what's the overall impression of the game? I was extremely disappointed by the trailer, I thought it looked much better before I saw the open world segments, I'm sure Dragon's Dogma is cool, but I don't really need a car or pseudo action game combat in my Final Fantasy.

You must have hated several FF games then.


This is a gigantic thread, what's the overall impression of the game? I was extremely disappointed by the trailer, I thought it looked much better before I saw the open world segments, I'm sure Dragon's Dogma is cool, but I don't really need a car or pseudo action game combat in my Final Fantasy.

the car is like the airship...

also remember this is a follow up to KH style combat, which is widely loved. It's been upgraded to a mainline game because it's tone is to be entirely inline with the series dna and legacy.
This is a gigantic thread, what's the overall impression of the game? I was extremely disappointed by the trailer, I thought it looked much better before I saw the open world segments, I'm sure Dragon's Dogma is cool, but I don't really need a car or pseudo action game combat in my Final Fantasy.

Welcome to 1999


And 2006


You must have hated several FF games then.

Not really... the only FF games I didn't care for was Final Fantasy 8, loved: 4,6,7,9,11,14 and thought 13,12, and 10 were okay.

Not sure what I expected, but the trailer definitely wasn't it.

Edit: You guys are right, poor choice of words on my end.


Not really... the only FF games I didn't care for was Final Fantasy 8, loved: 4,6,7,9,11,14 and thought 13,12, and 10 were okay.

Not sure what I expected, but the trailer definitely wasn't it.

Edit: You guys are right, poor choice of words on my end.
What about V?


It's funny seeing how some comments about this game all throughout the net are absolutely blasting this game's direction. FF has to be the single most divisive game series of all time because every entry is so different. Even entries in the same "sub-series" are really different (X vs X-2; XIII-2 vs Lighting Returns)

For me this game's direction hits just about every aesthetic note correctly. The promo picture with them setting up a bunsen burner to cook food along the roadside with a vast expanse of land in the distance pretty much encapsulates the type of FF game I want, but some people look at that say and say "wtf this isn't FF".

Yeah. The direction looks so good at this point and I prefer all the redesigns for the applicable characters as well. It's shaping up, but at the same time I'm weary. The big picture is looking to "spell" Final Fantasy fine thus far, but I'm more concerned about whether the whole package will be good especially after the "I won't even describe it anymore" XIII trilogy.

"Double Behemot Burger for me, please. And an Elixir Soda."

HD drive-in restaurants please.


This is a gigantic thread, what's the overall impression of the game? I was extremely disappointed by the trailer, I thought it looked much better before I saw the open world segments, I'm sure Dragon's Dogma is cool, but I don't really need a car or pseudo action game combat in my Final Fantasy.

All these "no cars in my FF, please" complaints are ridiculously ignorant. I don't even want to explain why anymore :D
I suppose you don't like FFVII and FFVIII or FFIV with its tanks, either, then?


That's true, I loved V as well. Job class system was boss.

I'm just curious what the general consensus is on the trailer. I was very disappointed by it. I'm looking to Tales and Dragon Quest for my JRPG fix now, I guess....

A lot is going on, while at the same time not much is shown. The new stuff is exciting and I think it serves more as a puzzle piece to help fill in our view of the game. People that follow the game closely seem to be more excited than others.

I really want to see some moment to moment gameplay where we get story details, interact with the world and NPCs. I want to see managing of menus, getting quests and all that. So from that perspective it was disapoint, but from bolstering our ideas on stuff we have previously seen it's quite exciting.

Plus it's the first trailer that is 100% in game. It's exciting to see many more aspects of the game coming together as opposed to just a single vertical slice. Most of the game's world had been laid out, but they still had the script all the logic and fill construct all the quest lines. It seems they are in the last stages of fabricating the game. Late alpha probaby. Early beta for other sections of the game.


It IS kinda funny when people think there is so much contrast in XV's world compared to other FF games. Take for an example large enemies. Truly it's not like FF....

.... has ever done that....


And contrast, FFVII is a prime example of a similar contrasting elements. Take for example that Gigas enemy. Basically, this is a world where people have corporate buildings, complete with cubicles, break lounges, computers and security robots. Shinra has all sorts of vehicles at their disposal, from cars, trains to airplanes(and even financed a rocket). Yet, in this world, there's still an area where a race of GIANTS live and roam around, attacking anybody to venture into the outskirts of the Whirlwind Maze.

If that isn't contrasting enough, despite valid modes of transportation, you still have things like these existing:



Again, there's nothing really new about what FFXV is doing that hasn't always been done in the FF series, DECADES prior.

Those FFVII monsters after the snake, where are they from? I have no recollection of them.

Also, you're misinterpreting the complaints (or at least mine!). I don't think FFXV doesn't look like an FF game. It does. A lot. And that's my problem with it. It looks like a by the book, modern SE production with all the usual boxes ticked and standard fan service crap thrown in. When before it was the anti-Final Fantasy.


It looks like a by the book, modern SE production with all the usual boxes ticked and standard fan service crap thrown in. When before it was the anti-Final Fantasy.

Before? Before when? FFXV has always been this way ever since it was Versus XIII.


Also, you're misinterpreting the complaints (or at least mine!). I don't think FFXV doesn't look like an FF game. It does. A lot. And that's my problem with it. It looks like a by the book, modern SE production with all the usual boxes ticked and standard fan service crap thrown in. When before it was the anti-Final Fantasy.

You don't know much about Versus XIII, do you? Certainly doesn't seem like it. Everything you see has been Nomura's vision for YEARS now - at least the points you're probably complaining about. There might be some gameplay mechanic changes since Nomura's not the main director anymore. But design-wise most of it was like this even in the earliest footage of Versus XIII in '09 and '11.
Those FFVII monsters after the snake, where are they from? I have no recollection of them.

Gigas enemies are fought when you exit
Gaea Cliff
and descend into the
Whirlwind Maze

Dragon Riders are fought inside the
Whirlwind Maze

Hell Rider VR2 are fought in the area outside of Junon.
Also, you're misinterpreting the complaints (or at least mine!). I don't think FFXV doesn't look like an FF game. It does. A lot. And that's my problem with it. It looks like a by the book, modern SE production with all the usual boxes ticked and standard fan service crap thrown in. When before it was the anti-Final Fantasy.

It was the anti-Final Fantasy XIII. You know, that game which turned the iconic summon Shiva into a set of twin women who combine into a motorcycle.


Looks pretty neat. But the XIII trilogy shook my faith in Final Fantasy in such an extreme way, so still cautiously optimistic. Definitely like the art style, though. That city shot was dope.


I want to see some prompto gameplay next time,i wonder if you can play the whole game using him only and turn the game into final fantasy shooter.


And btw did they mention what weapon Cor use?
is it just me who's getting a ninja turtles vibe from our 4 heroes?

noctis is leo, blonde is mikey, driver is donatello and the big dude is raph?


I want to see some prompto gameplay next time,i wonder if you can play the whole game using him only and turn the game into final fantasy shooter.


And btw did they mention what weapon Cor use?

part of me feels like this isn't a feature anymore
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