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First ever DriveClub direct feed racing footage (GamesCom)


Probably already mentioned, but it doesn't look like the tires are leaving skid marks when they loose traction? Rushy, you can't let the team forget about that little detail! :)
Would they only (realistically, I guess) be left when tyres are leaving smoke? I don't recall seeing any cars doing that from any of the recent expo demos...


Would they only (realistically, I guess) be left when tyres are leaving smoke? I don't recall seeing any cars doing that from any of the recent expo demos...

In some of the footage Blim and crew filmed at gamesom they were taking some corners pretty hard, they were leaving smoke trails but no tire marks. :( You can notice it in some of the facebook footage too when they switch to chase cam.


Sarcasm? That's not the point of splitscreen. Yes part of it is being able to play games simultaneously with your buds, but it's having people over, cracking wise, tossing the controller around between players, etc., that's what splitscreen is for.

Yup. My friends all have internet connections, their own copies of games, yet we play splitscreen games all the time. It is also the reason we tend to ignore games without splitscreen as well since we can't play them when we're over at each others places. Usually games without splitscreen become bargain buys (unless they're something like The Last Of Us).

Also the reason why time and time again, we end up going back to Call Of Duty rather than switch over to Battlefield or Killzone.


It must be posted


And this is why day/night cycles are important to racers and aren't a simply visual effect. Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer to see a full race of DC at night. The short bit in the gamescom trailer gave me hope that they're going the GT5/Dragon's Dogma route of making night time actually dark unlike many games where there isn't much of a different between day time and night in terms of changing your play style.

I'm at a loss for words here. How little did I play this game? I didn't even know there was a day-night cycle. This is amazing and by far more impressive than what I have seen in Driveclub or in Forza 4.


I'm at a loss for words here. How little did I play this game? I didn't even know there was a day-night cycle. This is amazing and by far more impressive than what I have seen in Driveclub or in Forza 4.

Agreed. That's incredible, I had no clue GT5 looked that good. I only played it for a brief amount and really wasn't blown away by the visuals. That is something else though.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I got to play this game today. It was quite fun. Felt like PGR in terms how the cars felt and handled. Visually the game is messy. I was shocked. Jaggies everywhere, it was actually distracting. I couldn't always see where the turns where lol.
Visually the game is messy. I was shocked. Jaggies everywhere, it was actually distracting. I couldn't always see where the turns where lol.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I'm pretty sure jaggies just means they haven't finalized the anti aliasing. Motorstorm isn't known for jaggies as best as I remember.

Either way it was a poor showing. Game play is tight though so that's all that matters in the end. I was just in shock because my jaw dropped for the wrong reason lol


Junior Member
No tuning. Like PGR.

That doesn't make any sense... if you halve the resolution to 720p and halve it again to focus on your own screen, wouldn't it be even *lower* IQ?

And I don't think PS4 has that much more grunt than the One. We've seen the compromises FM5 has had to make to get it running smoothly (very little dynamic lighting or whatever, lots of baked stuff) and DC obviously has to prioritise things differently. To get split-screen going it would have to take even more of a hit, so they'd have to do something like have no night races or fewer cars on track or vastly lower detail. I'm kinda glad they decided not to do that.
The game is running at 1080p.

If they dropped the resolution at split-screen, you wouldn't quite notice it as the screen size is reduced anyhow.

Besides, KZ3 did it, and that is one game which certainly is pushing the PS3 to it's limits:

Hopefully it's a feature in DC2.


Apologies for the bump :)

There have been a couple of comments about things possibly being for DC2. I got the impression that DC was going to try and be more of an evolving title, rather than franchised. Maybe a DC2 a long way down the line, but I'd like to see new features (weather, race types, split screen) alongside new content (cars and tracks) as time goes on. So the DC we are playing a year or two years from now is still called DC but is a substantially evolved game. Maybe Rushy can confirm?

I'd like to see a lot of games take this approach with the upcoming generation. It suits the digital age and more than suits how games could evolve over a more rigid yearly/bi-yearly franchise system.


Seeing this get bumped is driving me crazy and giving me unrealistic expectations for this dumb video. Hearing the impressions from gamescom and PAX both don't sound particularly hot, just decent. So I should probably just wait for the game to get closer to release and hopefully witness another visual spike like we had last time. Seems like they're still heavy in crunch time and the game already looks solid so we can only go up.


Gold Member
Each and every single time i see this thread on the first page, i inmediately click it expecting a new DC direct feed video, but sadly the results are always the same.


So I asked this in that other Driveclub thread but it dropped off the page.

So they said internally they've tested their Oculus Rift type device on Driveclub. Since you can't really do Virtual Reality with 30fps, do you think there's a possibility that internally they are approaching the 60fps target?


So I asked this in that other Driveclub thread but it dropped off the page.

So they said internally they've tested their Oculus Rift type device on Driveclub. Since you can't really do Virtual Reality with 30fps, do you think there's a possibility that internally they are approaching the 60fps target?

I'd say that's really possible, especially because the resolution on current VR gear is usually (much?) lower than 1080p, so that'd allow them to retain 60fps even while generating stereo image - that's assuming they were able to achieve 60fps at 1080p non-3D.


Good Art™
I'd say that's really possible, especially because the resolution on current VR gear is usually (much?) lower than 1080p, so that'd allow them to retain 60fps even while generating stereo image - that's assuming they were able to achieve 60fps at 1080p non-3D.

I'm not a specialist or anything but i find it really optimistic to imagine the Stereo version would require less resources and run better..

At least the global resolution would be the same for a full hd oculus. Then twice the polys.
lol no split screen? in a racing game? That is seriously messed up. If any game needs to have split screen it's racing games by default. It shouldn't even be a question. There is no way I'm buying this game now, no matter if it gets rated 10/10.

I'm glad there's a free version. Can't wait for Ps4 gt6 with split screen.

I understand why you want split screen, but you make it sound as if it's unusual for racing games not to have them these days. a good chunk of great racers last gen were missing the feature.


So I asked this in that other Driveclub thread but it dropped off the page.

So they said internally they've tested their Oculus Rift type device on Driveclub. Since you can't really do Virtual Reality with 30fps, do you think there's a possibility that internally they are approaching the 60fps target?

I dont think both consoles will be good for consumer-version oculus.
now, both sony and microsoft I think will jump into the thing at one point, but I have my doubts if what they will bring will indeed compete with the real thing.
I'm afraid it will be more like a "me too" accessory for both of them.
I'm definitely looking forward to DC, but I kinda of wished Evo stuck with their bread & butter...

It looks as if the team was sort of held back with this one on a technical standpoint...


So I asked this in that other Driveclub thread but it dropped off the page.

So they said internally they've tested their Oculus Rift type device on Driveclub. Since you can't really do Virtual Reality with 30fps, do you think there's a possibility that internally they are approaching the 60fps target?

they'd do it as a patch/DLC, and either work on improving the performance (like SSDHD did) or cut down the details to run at a locked 60fps
I've been trying to keep up with this thread but why are people crapping on this game's visuals now?

It seems like it went from "Meh" at E3, to everybody saying it was the best looking racing game out there after the more recent footage, and now it's back to not looking great?


I've been trying to keep up with this thread but why are people crapping on this game's visuals now?

It seems like it went from "Meh" at E3, to everybody saying it was the best looking racing game out there after the more recent footage, and now it's back to not looking great?
I don't think anybody is doing that. We are just waiting for some decent footage as the Facebook vids were very low bitrate
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