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Florida Man shot at Pokemon Go players parking on road outside his house at 1:30AM


Are you referring to the lunatics trespassing and stalking outside people's homes at 1:30 in the morning to collect fucking Pokemon?

I'm so sick and tired hearing about this fucking game. It's only a matter of time before we hear about someone getting killed or kidnapped because of this stupid game. Hope Nintendo is ready to deal with the PR nightmare from that.

Holy shit pokemon Go has people pissed. Usually I'd say watching people like this is more entertaining than playing the game itself, but it's so goddamn fun that no matter how angry people get the game is still even cooler.

The fact that people say they see where the old man is coming from is mind bottling. It's legal to be outside in public places at any hour in America guys. It's even legal to be on your cell phone while outside!

Wow, what the fuck is this.

A shockingly common sentiment in this thread.


Gold Member
This happened in my home town lol

Do you know if it was a private community there, or just a random public street? The news is not too clear/descriptive, obviously.

And before people take what I said out of context, it is not justifying him (I personally would have just called the police if I felt something was odd if they went beyond just parked, but where I live it would not be odd to see people park), it is clearing up the 'public road tho' narrative. It puts into context in Florida how private communities are handled with Castle Doctrine compared to public areas.


Do you know if it was a private community there, or just a random public street? The news is not too clear/descriptive, obviously.

And before people take what I said out of context, it is not justifying him (I personally would have just called the police if I felt something was odd if they went beyond just parked, but where I live it would not be odd), it is clearing up the 'public road tho' narrative. It puts into context in Florida how private communities are handled with Castle Doctrine compared to public areas.

Dunno. I don't live there anymore.
Holy shit pokemon Go has people pissed. Usually I'd say watching people like this is more entertaining than playing the game itself, but it's so goddamn fun that no matter how angry people get the game is still even cooler.

The fact that people say they see where the old man is coming from is mind bottling. It's legal to be outside in public places at any hour in America guys. It's even legal to be on your cell phone while outside!

So much this. It's horrifying to see people defending the resident's "right" to shoot at children over the right for any American to be out in public and NOT be shot at.

I'm still curious to read what exactly was going on with the road situation (public road, community road, etc.), but my horror at the acceptance of shooting first, calling the police later won't be diminished.


I was walking when a strange man who looked like he was high on drugs came towards me.

Lol. What an ignorant statement that someone who has lived a sheltered life would make. How does someone look like they are "high on drugs"?

The man was on drugs,

Lol. You just said he LOOKED like he was "high on drugs", then you say he actually was. How do you know he was high?


The guy who shot will be arrested right? Not like he was defending himself.

He should. Absolutely ridiculous. You are allowed to protect your home from intruders. You cannot just go and start shooting at card outside your home. Ignore what they're doing and stay indoors. You know how many quick drug deals or dumb drivers I get parked outside my house on the street sometimes? Or random passerby drunk and doing stupid shit? As long as they are off my property or not doing anything I ignore them. This guy could have easily murdered two people for doing nothing.


The question should also be asked "Why the fuck were you playing Pokemon Go at 1:30 in the morning?!"

I'm glad there's a defense force for everything especially using a dumb ass reason like "well you shouldn't be playing video games past your bed time."


This guy may be on to something. I've yet to shoot at the Pokémon. I usually just feed them berries. I wonder how that would look in AR with an AR.

Perhaps he didn't want them stealing his Pidgies.(sp?)


Lol. What an ignorant statement that someone who has lived a sheltered life would make. How does someone look like they are "high on drugs"?

Lol. You just said he LOOKED like he was "high on drugs", then you say he actually was. How do you know he was high?

Have you seen a drug user before? He was shaking, unsteady on his feet, his eyes were slightly out of focus. He was shouting, obviously he threw a bottle at me and was being aggressive. It's not hard to spot the signs of someone on some kind of drug. Is that seriously what you're taking away from my post?
The guy who shot will be arrested right? Not like he was defending himself.

I love how he just created the "they sped up right at me" story.

Which of course people will believe because we all know that teenagers love to run people over at random. It's their shit.


Have you seen a drug user before? He was shaking, unsteady on his feet, his eyes were slightly out of focus. He was shouting, obviously he threw a bottle at me and was being aggressive. It's not hard to spot the signs of someone on some kind of drug. Is that seriously what you're taking away from my post?

Ive been a drug user before. And he couldve been drunk. Or just mentally unstable while stone cold sober. Stop generalizing.
I'm very grateful I live in a country where the right to own a gun to protect yourself and your family is enshrined in the founding document. If I had two punks sitting in front of my house at 1:30 a.m. I'd be very happy to have a firearm nearby. (Of course running out and firing shots is a different story.)

The real story here is how incredibly self-absorbed and ignorant people can be when playing Pokemon Go... walking off cliffs, strolling into traffic, tromping through cemeteries, stalking people's homes in the wee hours... it's nuts.

Well, we agree on something; reading this post I could only think "it's nuts" indeed.


The question should also be asked "Why the fuck were you playing Pokemon Go at 1:30 in the morning?!"

You're right - people are like Gremlins.
If you see someone having fun in public after midnight it's your duty to shoot them.

Seriously, man. What the fuck?


Ive been a drug user before. And he couldve been drunk. Or just mentally unstable while stone cold sober. Stop generalizing.

Okay. That's true, he could have been those other things (though I maintain, it looked like drug use, and that is the report I gave police). I'm not trying to insult those who have had drug problems or anything. But you're entirely missing the point of my anecdote.
The question should also be asked "Why the fuck were you playing Pokemon Go at 1:30 in the morning?!"

Cause its the only time the servers seem to work.

Tried a few times over the weekend and the only times I ever got anything working as after 10pm.

Not that I condone walking around at the dead of night but I bet that plays a part in this late night Pokemon Go-ing
With everything that's going on, I don't trust the police with guns any more than my neighbor. They are supposed to be trained but they act just as paranoid and trigger happy as the gun owner in this story.

If only we could figure out why policemen in the US are more afraid of being shot by civilians than in most first world countries...

Remember that 6% of the US population (black males) made up 40% of ALL unarmed people of all races, shot by the police in 2015. Proven to be 2.5 times more likely to be shot by police than any other race in the US.

Every gun owner cop is a responsible gun owner cop until proven otherwise.

I believe the opposite, and as always, more than 10000 gun murders a year in the US prove me right. Every gun owner is an irresponsible one until reasonably proven by psychological exams, and then I only think of them as "less likely to be irresponsible".

There are countries in the Europe and Asia where officers walk around with clubs instead of guns, correct? Take mine when you take theirs too. Let the military and SWAT be that deadly enforcer.

Policemen do have guns here in Spain, and yet they don't go around shooting people in the face. But then again people don't go around shooting them in the face either. Frankly I don't think it matters a lot either way as long as civilians don't have easy access to firearms. Obviously you can't transition a gun-rich country like the US into a country with zero firearms, it would be suicide for police officers not to carry guns until years after guns are outlawed and their numbers have dwindled.

But then again, most Americans that make this argument know policement can't be disarmed right away, so they use it just to support the status quo. If you genuinely aren't, it wouldn't be a bad idea to check out how other first world countries are doing in terms of gun violence and race. If your concern is about being murdered by a cop because of being black, you'd be surprised how much it helps for him to know for a fact you aren't armed (and, to be cynical about it, for him to know he simply can't get away with "I thought he was armed").


Do you know if it was a private community there, or just a random public street? The news is not too clear/descriptive, obviously.

And before people take what I said out of context, it is not justifying him (I personally would have just called the police if I felt something was odd if they went beyond just parked, but where I live it would not be odd to see people park), it is clearing up the 'public road tho' narrative. It puts into context in Florida how private communities are handled with Castle Doctrine compared to public areas.

Random public street, in a random subdivision.


Being on the road, at any hour, isn't exactly out of the norm in a residential subdivision anywhere in America.

It's not like this was some house way out in the boonies, with no one else around and a private driveway.
]I'm very grateful I live in a country where the right to own a gun to protect yourself and your family is enshrined in the founding document. [/b]If I had two punks sitting in front of my house at 1:30 a.m. I'd be very happy to have a firearm nearby. (Of course running out and firing shots is a different story.)

The real story here is how incredibly self-absorbed and ignorant people can be when playing Pokemon Go... walking off cliffs, strolling into traffic, tromping through cemeteries, stalking people's homes in the wee hours... it's nuts.

I agree and am also grateful that the Bill of Rights protects our right to bear arms. Unfortunately, we live in a time where we are losing some of our freedoms and most don't seem to care.


Yes, the first 10 amendments, approved in the years immediately after the Constitution was ratified, are called the Bill of Rights. They were enshrined to limit the power of government over the citizenry and ensure individual liberty. They are the chief reason the United States became the greatest nation on earth and a beacon of freedom for people around the world.

I don't really expect an answer, but what the hell - in what terms is the US the 'greatest' on earth or a beacon of freedom?
Yes, the first 10 amendments, approved in the years immediately after the Constitution was ratified, are called the Bill of Rights. They were enshrined to limit the power of government over the citizenry and ensure individual liberty. They are the chief reason the United States became the greatest nation on earth and a beacon of freedom for people around the world.

Of course with freedom you open the door for people to take advantage and do terrible things. But I'll take it over enslavement to government any day.

Is this a joke post?


I agree and am also grateful that the Bill of Rights protects our right to bear arms. Unfortunately, we live in a time where we are losing some of our freedoms and most don't seem to care.

A law on an old document from the 1700s, great. The world changes, so should laws.

Why do you think you should be able to own a gun? There are FAR more gun incidents (gun crimes or people hurt by guns) in the US than the whole of Europe combined. They do no good at all. If the constitution said you had a right to own a slave, would we say that should remain, because to remove it would 'hurt your freedom'?

Americans like you are insane.


Even ignoring the concept of a living Constitution, the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights specifically cites the need for a "well-regulated militia."

Emphasis on the word "regulated." Meaning you can't just do whatever you want with a gun. There have to be reasonable controls in place. It's similar to how freedom of the press doesn't mean freedom to libel and slander. There are still consequences.

The gun nuts in my country want to strip away as many restrictions as possible. They want to carry rifles that fire enough rounds to kill an army, because they live in paranoid fear that the government will take over (something that the checks and balances in this country are expressly designed to prevent, anyways). Some of 'em even want to carry military-grade hardware like RPGs. It's maddening.

All of these mass shootings, and the gun nuts constantly point to other causes: Radicalization via the Internet! Mental health issues! And indeed, those are part of the problem. But the one variable we can actually predict and control is the common thread in all of these killings: Easy access to high-powered weaponry.

So yeah, we need to get the gun situation under control.

That being said, America really is the best country in the world, imo. Helped establish modern-day democracy, and still paves the way for progress in so many other areas. But in loving my country I must also be critical of it, for that is the only way it will improve. There's a lot we can learn from our more progressive neighbors around the world.
A law on an old document from the 1700s, great. The world changes, so should laws.

Why do you think you should be able to own a gun? There are FAR more gun incidents (gun crimes or people hurt by guns) in the US than the whole of Europe combined. They do no good at all. If the constitution said you had a right to own a slave, would we say that should remain, because to remove it would 'hurt your freedom'?

Americans like you are insane.

No need to name call! You can disagree with my opinion but there is no need to be rude and insult me.

Why do I think I should be able to own a gun? First, the constitution gives me that right. Second, as a law abiding citizen there are plenty of legitimate reasons to own a gun. For example, hunting. Some people hunt and even provide for their family by hunting. Just because you disagree with ones life style doesn't make it wrong or give you the right to throw around insults.


Why do I think I should be able to own a gun? First, the constitution gives me that right.

The constitution is an outdated document written when muskets were considered modern warfare. It simply is not relevant any more. Fuck the constitution, it's been amended before, it can be amended again to serve modern needs.

And hunting is fucking barbaric, too.
No need to name call! You can disagree with my opinion but there is no need to be rude and insult me.

Why do I think I should be able to own a gun? First, the constitution gives me that right. Second, as a law abiding citizen there are plenty of legitimate reasons to own a gun. For example, hunting. Some people hunt and even provide for their family by hunting. Just because you disagree with ones life style doesn't make it wrong or give you the right to throw around insults.

Several decades ago hunting may have been the primary reason to own a gun, that is clearly not the case anymore. The amount of people who feel the need to own a gun for hunting is microscopic compared to the amount of people who now feel the need to own one for self defense. Owning one for hunting is "fine", everyone owning one because of fear of their neighbor is a problem.
Why do I think I should be able to own a gun? First, the constitution gives me that right.

We are discussing if the constitution should give you that right. Are you familiar with the concept of circular reasoning?

Second, as a law abiding citizen there are plenty of legitimate reasons to own a gun. For example, hunting. Some people hunt and even provide for their family by hunting.

Yeah, I'm sure most people in New York keep a handgun in their nightstand drawer in case they come across a deer while driving to work. :D

Just because you disagree with ones life style doesn't make it wrong or give you the right to throw around insults.

I understand you being upset and insults should be kept outside of civil conversation, but there's no way to defend this "lifestyle" thing under any kind of reasonable scrutiny.


No need to name call! You can disagree with my opinion but there is no need to be rude and insult me.

Why do I think I should be able to own a gun? First, the constitution gives me that right. Second, as a law abiding citizen there are plenty of legitimate reasons to own a gun. For example, hunting. Some people hunt and even provide for their family by hunting. Just because you disagree with ones life style doesn't make it wrong or give you the right to throw around insults.

Sorry, I don't mean to name call, this issue just makes me quite upset.

Farmers are allowed to own some types of guns in the UK if they have a special license. Ditto hunters. I don't think hunting or farming can be used as a reason for everyone being allowed a gun.

And you go back to the constitution. So what? Just because it is currently allowed does not mean it should be. Many hundreds of laws created in the 1700s in the UK, or indeed in hundreds of countries around the world, have been removed because they are no longer sensible in the modern era. I am arguing that gun ownership is one such law.
Again, if the constitution said you could own a slave, would you defend that?
Several decades ago hunting may have been the primary reason to own a gun, that is clearly not the case anymore. The amount of people who feel the need to own a gun for hunting is microscopic compared to the amount of people who now feel the need to own one for self defense. Owning one for hunting is "fine", everyone owning one because of fear of their neighbor is a problem.

I've stated previously that gun laws need revisited. That said, I don't agree there should be a gun ban.

The constitution is an outdated document written when muskets were considered modern warfare. It simply is not relevant any more. Fuck the constitution, it's been amended before, it can be amended again to serve modern needs.

And hunting is fucking barbaric, too.

Yea, fuck the constitution. Who needs freedom right? I can't take you seriously if that's how you feel.


Again, if the constitution said you could own a slave, would you defend that?
Funny you should mention this — America actually had a civil war over the issue! It was really quite something.

But yeah, the constitution has changed for the better, making blacks and women equal, among other things.

Hopefully reasonable gun control is next.
When everyone has guns in that country it will take the littlest spark for someone to start a goddamn war in the towns and cities.

It's a lethal domino effect waiting to happen.


I've stated previously that gun laws need revisited. That said, I don't agree there should be a gun ban.

Yea, fuck the constitution. Who needs freedom right? I can't take you seriously if that's how you feel.

Amending one part of the constitution *does not* mean removing all your freedoms. It means updating an out of date law. Yes, it would remove one particular freedom to own a gun. (It would actually make you more safe, though).

People used to have the freedom to smack their kids here in the UK. Now it's been outlawed. Times change.

Edit: Neiteio - yes, very good point about the civil war. Given the attitude of some Americans, I fear another one might break out if the constitution were ever to be updated to remove guns (and all the objectors own guns - gulp!)


Here's something that I find hard to argue against:

Why do you need magazines containing more than 10 or 12 rounds to protect yourself? That's what they need to ban. Unless you're expecting an army to rob your house, you don't need high-capacity clips.

The clips are really what should be banned. If you try to ban semi-autos/ARs, gun manufacturers just tweak the formula to slip past the law.


Gold Member
Amending one part of the constitution *does not* mean removing all your freedoms. It means updating an out of date law. Yes, it would remove one particular freedom to own a gun. (It would actually make you more safe, though).

People used to have the freedom to smack their kids here in the UK. Now it's been outlawed. Times change.

Oh if that were only that easy. Sadly it is not.

FunFact: The cities with the highest gun control, have the highest violent gun crimes/murders here. Bad Guy will always find a way, especially when he knows Good Guy follows the laws he does not.


Oh if that were only that easy. Sadly it is not.

FunFact: The cities with the highest gun control, have the highest violent gun crimes/murders here. Bad Guy will always find a way, especially when he knows Good Guy follows the laws he does not.

Well yeah, if some cities remove guns and others don't, then what do you expect. You're just proving that gun ownership is very bad, because gun owners target communities which they perceive to be more vulnerable/less capable of defending themselves. Gun ownership must be outlawed everywhere at once.


The gun nuts in my country want to strip away as many restrictions as possible. They want to carry rifles that fire enough rounds to kill an army, because they live in paranoid fear that the government will take over (something that the checks and balances in this country are expressly designed to prevent, anyways). Some of 'em even want to carry military-grade hardware like RPGs. It's maddening.

What baffles me is that gun nuts actually believe they'd be capable of overturning the government with their AR.
There's a reason if since the dawn of time coup d'etats have been carried out with armies (country's own army, oftentimes) stepping in, and even then it might not be enough (see Turkey).
Let's see a disorganized group of hillbillies actually try to take over the government all by themselves.

Also, what kind of unacceptable outrage are they waiting to step in? Cause last time I checked the USA weren't doing that well on multiple accounts.
And that's not even taking into account poverty and youth unemployment.

So.. shouldn't there be an army right in front of the White House?
Or maybe it's just an excuse to keep the guns, who knows.


Gold Member
Well yeah, if some cities remove guns and others don't, then what do you expect. You're just proving that gun ownership is very bad, because gun owners target communities which they perceive to be more vulnerable/less capable of defending themselves.

You need to be careful with the use 'gun owners' which is traditionally describing law abiding citizens here in the States, versus 'criminals with guns' which make up the immense majority of the crime statistics.

Generalizations will not get your argument to have any unbiased weight.

It is not your average law abiding citizen walking into the next town over, shooting people up in those cities. It is the people who would still have, and still acquire said firearms illegally shooting the place up, when law abiding citizen is removed from the equation to equally arm.

It is a very complex issue, where issuing a ban will not simply solve, just like that.


This is why they need to add PvP to Pokemon Go. That way, instead of shooting each other, Americans can settle their differences with a Pokemon battle!
Here's something that I find hard to argue against:

Why do you need magazines containing more than 10 or 12 rounds to protect yourself? That's what they need to ban. Unless you're expecting an army to rob your house, you don't need high-capacity clips.

The clips are really what should be banned. If you try to ban semi-autos/ARs, gun manufacturers just tweak the formula to slip past the law.

Extremely lethal weapons should be banned. If robbers got their hands on RPG's, should the rest of the population get them too, so they can defend themselves? Maybe you should all drive armored and gun-mounted vehicles.

Easy access to cheap guns makes the small-time criminal's job much easier, and therefore more tempting. And more deadly.
Somehow you think your freedom to own a gun is more important than my freedom to not be shot in the street.

I mean, that's what it hinges on. Staunch Second Amendment proponents believe the loss of life resulting from gun propagation will never offset the right to bear arms due to X, Y and Z. We see this time and time again even after terrible events like the Sandy Hook massacre or Aurora.


Extremely lethal weapons should be banned. If robbers got their hands on RPG's, should the rest of the population get them too, so they can defend themselves? Maybe you should all drive armored and gun-mounted vehicles.

Easy access to cheap guns makes the small-time criminal's job much easier, and therefore more tempting. And more deadly.
Just in case you can't tell, I'm against guns and feel we need more control. It's even in the 2nd Amendment: "a well-regulated militia." As in we need regulation, we need control. Your right to bear arms doesn't mean you're free to do whatever you want with a gun, just like freedom of the press doesn't mean you're free to libel and slander.

We absolutely need better gun control. But I think the more effective starting point would be banning high-capacity ammo clips. Currently, we can try to ban semi-autos and ARs, etc, but gun manufacturers will just tweak the design here and there and continue selling. But if you ban the sale of high-capacity clips, then those ARs will have nothing to fire.

Make it literally a matter of counting bullets. If the clip contains more than X number of bullets, it cannot be sold.
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