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Football Thread 2011/2012 | OT11 | Roll on the Euros and transfer muppetry

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You are right Khedira doesnt make sense. They would never sign him because that would mean that it was a mistake not signing him (or Özil) in the first place.


You are right Khedira doesnt make sense. They would never sign him because that would mean that it was a mistake not signing him (or Özil) in the first place.

They would have, it was basically a done deal. Van Gaal said "nope".

I remember the Hoeneß interview where he confirmed it. According to him van Gaal said "we don't need him, Alaba will play." Knowing how van Gaal ignored players he disliked (for hiw own obscure reasons), it made no sense to get Khedira.


il capo silenzioso
Marco Verratti: "I would like to play in Serie A with Pescara, but if I leave my club, my first choice will be Juventus."

Not sure if fap or not.


I know, i will never forgive him for Kraft without him the Neuer transfer would've gone far smoother.

edit: Jonker was amazing, tho. wish he was our coach, seemed like a LVG without the baggage.
Solskjaer to Villa then?

Solskjær said that "The situation is that I haven't gotten any offer from Villa to consider". So sounds like the owner just called him into a meeting to get his word on if he was staying or not, should the offer come. The owner is really rich but apparently a bit of a nutter, he also owned Wimbledon before and was one of the people who decided to make it Milton Keynes.
@MiguelDelaney: Also details of a busy summer for United in tomorrow's Irish Examiner.

Yay, rumours to look forwards to! Delaney also said that Hazard was at OT on Wednesday, which was a rumour quite a few people were running with on Twitter.


Yay, rumours to look forwards to! Delaney also said that Hazard was at OT on Wednesday, which was a rumour quite a few people were running with on Twitter.
Weren't there figures a few days ago that United are losing a quarter of a million a day with interest on loans etc from the Glazers? If that's true where will they get the money from for this "busy summer"? More loans?
He will be missed, but what a way to go out. I hope we give him a great send off.




Solskjær said that "The situation is that I haven't gotten any offer from Villa to consider". So sounds like the owner just called him into a meeting to get his word on if he was staying or not, should the offer come. The owner is really rich but apparently a bit of a nutter, he also owned Wimbledon before and was one of the people who decided to make it Milton Keynes.

Allegedly (according to the most reliable "insiders" who leak to Villa fan sites) this is now a done deal and OGS is coming to Villa. We shall see, I dont want to get too excited. These are the same "insiders" who got McLeish wrong last year but got every transfer right.


Weren't there figures a few days ago that United are losing a quarter of a million a day with interest on loans etc from the Glazers? If that's true where will they get the money from for this "busy summer"? More loans?

United have about £60m-70m worth of cash reserves in the bank. No team in world football makes more money than United. I'd say we're fine for transfers up to a certain point. I don't think loans are necessary.

United won't spend more than £30m on transfers though.
Weren't there figures a few days ago that United are losing a quarter of a million a day with interest on loans etc from the Glazers? If that's true where will they get the money from for this "busy summer"? More loans?
Yep, £70m through Q3 in interest and bond buy backs. (About £30m was bond buy backs).

There won't be a busy summer in terms of a big net spend. I mean it is possible but it's unlikely. There still money there though, the cash in the bank is probably somewhere in between £50-70m and the club still makes a profit every year despite the debt.

Personally I think the budget is going to be between £20m-£30m at most...obv you take away the debt and it's perfectly possible the budget is up to 5x that...but alas.

Because of the debt people don't realise just how rich the club is. It really is an incredible financial machine. Sadly it's wasted.

Surely United wouldn't pay those sort of wages.
They won't give Hazard £200k. Not a chance. We could, wage/turnover is below 50% so it's perfectly affordable on the one player...but Hazard isn't that player and generally wage bumps are a slippery slope.


Anyone looking forward to E3?

No Mirrors Edge 2 no sale. Games are so hard for me to get into. I only like playing against other XBL users. Which is why I almost exclusively play COD and FIFA. Not like I'm against single player games but I want bang for my buck 65$ for a game that I can't really play with anyone or 65$ I can play against human beings for a full year until the next version comes out. Meh I'm a terrible gamer.


I remember really enjoying E3 in 2010 for Nintendo conference, Hopefully with knowing so little on the software front this year could be good. They were also responsible for the worst: 2008.
Sony is always boring no matter what games they show. Usually its about 2 hours long and they have terrible presentation skills which is sad considering the things they usually show.


Bayern is offering 5m + Rafinha, Schalke's board is discussion the offer but Heldt is against it as he doesnt rate Rafinha. (Bild App)
Allegedly it is Neuer's wish that Höwedes joins Bayern.


E3 will most likely be pony like it always is these days.

I'm just looking forward to Metal Gear Rising and Metal Gear Solid 5, then I'm bailing out. You can take your laughable justifications of the 'Vita's inevitable success' and the Wii U being 'what people want', and shove it. :p


I remember really enjoying E3 in 2010 for Nintendo conference, Hopefully with knowing so little on the software front this year could be good. They were also responsible for the worst: 2008.
Sony is always boring no matter what games they show. Usually its about 2 hours long and they have terrible presentation skills which is sad considering the things they usually show.
F U!! Lol MS has benn the worst thesepast E3's with their Kinect crap!


F U!! Lol MS has benn the worst thesepast E3's with their Kinect crap!

I specifically didn't mention Microsoft because of that. It also doesn't help with the focus on CoD and Halo/Gears, None of which I am particularly interested in. XBLA is fantastic though and I'd nearly buy an Xbox for that.


not as hyped as last year's e3, so many AAA games!

give me hd zelda nintendo

that too. galaxy 3(or a true 3d mario on wiiu) and next zelda is all I want from this years e3/nintendo
don't care about ms or sony anymore.


bring new consoles already, ffs! I want to change, I don't want to pay for online anymore fuck that shit.

Bayern is offering 5m + Rafinha, Schalke's board is discussion the offer but Heldt is against it as he doesnt rate Rafinha. (Bild App)
Allegedly it is Neuer's wish that Höwedes joins Bayern.

Heh, if they end up selling then they're plain stupid.
I would guess, if Howedes joins, then van Buyten would mostly be a reserve player.


Howedes also being an option for RB backup. Not bad.


I'm thoroughly un-excited for WiiU. Losing my faith in Nintendo. Win me back plz!


I'll probably still buy it because it looks great for family but damn...

- Stupid name
- Uncertainty whether its even an upgrade over PS3/360
- Casual orientated Nintendo

Console gaming is falling apart. I do most of my gaming on PC these days unless its FIFA.

not as hyped as last year's e3, so many AAA games!

give me hd zelda nintendo

I've already given up on Nintendo progressing with that HD Zelda demo..Nintendo are too tight to have a Zelda game released on or at least close to launch date..


Playing Beckham's last minute freekick vs Greece in 2002 qualifiers on Score!, and they let you bend it pretty wildly. So good.



I'll probably still buy it because it looks great for family but damn...

- Stupid name
- Uncertainty whether its even an upgrade over PS3/360
- Casual orientated Nintendo

Console gaming is falling apart. I do most of my gaming on PC these days unless its FIFA.

why do you care about the name? you are going to play the games and not the name.
if casual oriented nintendo means galaxy, smash bros brawl, zelda ss or donkey kong country, then please, don't change nintendo.


i wish score! had club goals instead of solely international as it's best when you're doing goals you've seen before like the d beck fk. guess it's impossible for them to license the clubs names and having merseyside reds etc like pro evo would be a bit lame.
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