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GAF you mislead me!! The Order!!

Hey fellow gaffers

Well when the order came out I listened to GAF about how there is no camera control, no multiplayer etc etc

However I saw it today for £25 and was like ok let's give it a go

But GAF you failed to mention the game is really good!!!

It's fast flowing with the gameplay if you like gears of war style game play, the graphics are next to none - looks amazing!!

The first 10 minutes you cant do much but after that it goes all third person shooter style on my ass and moves great!!

Wish this game had sold a lot and not got slammed in to bad sales because it's a fantastic game

I thought you were mislead by the many dumb threads trying to sell you on the Order despite how trash it is. You must not have been reading GAF.


Yeah, it's a great game with flaws. It did really click with me though, it will be high up on my goty list. Such a shame we probably never will get a sequel.


I did enjoy The Order, but I can see a lot of aspects that were underdeveloped.

After finishing my time with the game, I equate The Order to be this gens (so far) Assassin's Creed. The original Assassin's Creed wanted to be so much more also, but we got the same repetitive rinse and repeat mission structure and somewhat empty world to play with. In the end some called Assassin's Creed a nice tech demo, the sequel corrected the majority of all the criticisms we had.

This is why I'd like to give Ready At Dwan the benefit of the doubt and deserve a shot to resolve it and at least provide resolutions to the story threads in the game, Ready At Dawn have heard the criticisms, now it's time for them to make their Assassin's Creed II.

If Sony would be so kind to green light it!
Opinions, yo.

If they want me to play the next one it needs to be longer, have a smaller fraction of the overall experience be non-interactive or minimally interactive, and provide more and more interesting enemy types. The story in the game was poor (well, average for video games I suppose) but I can overlook that if the game is good. Regrettably it was only "ok" and suffered from being extremely brief. I mean, if they had just dragged out what they had for another 4 hours, that's not what I would have wanted either. But if they want to sell this game as "premium steak" you have to have game-play that is ahead of everyone else. This is just an average game that happens to also be extremely short and sold for full price. It does not have any notable replay value.

Werewolves and supernatural enemies should be a core part of the game and what makes it different from other shooters, not something you run into a couple of times that are so uninteresting to fight that the game sweeps them under a rug ASAP so you can get back to blasting the same CoD badguys you've been fighting since the early 2000's with a Victorian England skinpack. This could have been the Victorian Steampunk Witcher, with you actually engaging with supernatural threats as often as you fought humans, but they decided to play it extremely safe on the game design front. It's utterly tragic that they gave us a game in such a potentially interesting setting, then used their steampunk alt history not to do interesting things, but to find excuses for why there is a standard assault rifle, battle rifle, sniper rifle, submachine gun, etc that you've come to expect from the genre. Thematically, it "feels" wrong. The most jarring singular instance of this is when you hear posh British people from the 19th Century shouting "FRAG OUT". At this point they might as well have been throwing on IR goggles and asking you whether you were "Oscar Mike".

The graphics were good.


Gold Member
GAF mislead you about the quality of a game? What is new. Although I recall people enjoying this game, you listened to the wrong ones.
I did enjoy The Order, but I can see a lot of aspects that were underdeveloped.

After finishing my time with the game, I equate The Order to be this gens (so far) Assassin's Creed. The original Assassin's Creed wanted to be so much more also, but we got the same repetitive rinse and repeat mission structure and somewhat empty world to play with. In the end some called Assassin's Creed a nice tech demo, the sequel corrected the majority of all the criticisms we had.

This is why I'd like to give Ready At Dwan the benefit of the doubt and deserve a shot to resolve it and at least provide resolutions to the story threads in the game, Ready At Dawn have heard the criticisms, now it's time for them to make their Assassin's Creed II.

If Sony would be do kind to green light it!
That shot at the end of the game
where Galahad is standing over the city
made me think of this game in a sandbox type environment where lycans would hunt you down through the streets and rooftops. I think that would be a good direction for them to go with a sequel. I'm not saying make it open world but just have larger open areas to explore and not have it be as linear/scripted as the first. You could still have a really "cinematic" experience but just open it up a bit and work on the encounter design.
I hope they get to make a sequel as well but just focus more on mission structure, enemy encounters, AI, more creative use of qte (not just press triangle, hold square etc) and anything to add to the replayability like new difficulty unlocks, branching paths etc. They already have the technical side of things on lockdown. This game was a few design choices away from being something truly great.


I thought The Order was pretty good, myself. Sure it had it's flaws but a sequel has great potential to fix any issues and make something amazing.


It's a "good" game and a great starting point. If they fight thought the negativity and build on their framework, the sequel could be great.


I feel it's pretty telling when a lot of the posts praising the game end with "Well, the sequel could be great." This game could've been great on it's own but there are far too many missteps, it doesn't give me confidence that the sequel would somehow be leagues better, especially considering how long this game was being made and how much we actually got...
I should probably buy it soon, I buy all PS exclusive. It deserves to be in my library for great graphics alongside my Driveclub case.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Fine for what it is. I enjoyed it more than I expected because the gunplay, while basic as fuck, had nice presentation and feedback. Shooting stuff felt good and it looked pretty, so it got a fundamental right.

Lycan fights were pretty fucking terrible though. Broken in your favour, both kinds. And that's where I felt the game faltered significant. One thing Uncharted 2 does exceptionally well is structure these highly scripted linear set pieces, but blend them with interactivity in such a way that the immersion isn't broken. It's "fake", but seamless with the otherwise simple game systems. The Order fucks this up every now and then by excessively reigning back your level of control for a scripted sequence that, while nice to look at, is jarring on an interactive level. It's totally subjective of course, because if you don't spot it then you'll enjoy it more (like a mate of mine did). But from a few seconds into the very first lycan gunfight it became obvious how utterly busted the AI is. And the knife fight made it clear you can win with two buttons no matter the difficulty. And again, while pretty, stuff like that just sours the experience for me. Throws me out, kills the immersion.

But yeah. A bunch of other stuff needs work; story, length, etc. But I had enough fun with it to warrant interest in a sequel. It's one of the better tech demos I've played, but not a reason to get a PS4.

Werewolves and supernatural enemies should be a core part of the game and what makes it different from other shooters, not something you run into a couple of times that are so uninteresting to fight that the game sweeps them under a rug ASAP so you can get back to blasting the same CoD badguys you've been fighting since the early 2000's with a Victorian England skinpack. This could have been the Victorian Steampunk Witcher, with you actually engaging with supernatural threats as often as you fought humans, but they decided to play it extremely safe on the game design front.

This, definitely. The only supernatural entity you fight are lycans and all the fights are forgettable and weakly designed. I liked the gun fights against people, but for the premise they had they completely failed to capitalise on an element that would make it unique.

KC Denton

I feel it's pretty telling when a lot of the posts praising the game end with "Well, the sequel could be great." This game could've been great on it's own but there are far two many missteps, it doesn't give me confidence that the sequel would somehow be leagues better, especially considering how long this game was being made and how much we actually got...

For such a story-focused game, it definitely felt unfinished. As much as some people want to consider it art, there isn't much in there to have any good discussion about. The story/spoilers thread dried up after less than a month (activity slowed to a standstill after March 3rd) meanwhile something like the Bloodborne story thread is still ticking to this day.


Can someone explain the part at the beginning of the game
where you kill rebels, and open the door and you find your french dude casually hitting on a lady along with relaxed npc's, as if there was no gunfighting next door?

Have I lost the timeframe there or what?


Fun experiment: Compare how many times you fight werewolves in Bloodborne to how many times you fight them in The Order 1886.


I enjoyed it too. The way people talked about it I expected 50% watching a movie, 30% QTEs and 20% actually shooting/exploring and it to last like 5 hours. But not only does it look incredible it's also pretty fun with some cool weapons and an interesting world. The worst bit is that the entire game seems to just lead into a sequel which we may never get. And that you don't really fight against any werewolves or vampires.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I'm playing through it right now. I don't have any real complaints at the moment. It's fun. It's varied. The story is interesting. The action has some real impact. Sure, it hasn't evolved the genre but I hardly think this game in particular is setting games back to the stone age.


I've been on the fence about this game since February, but I think I'm going to pick this one up later today. Best Buy has it for $39.99 as does Amazon but I want to play it soon. I think I've read/watched enough YouTube videos to form an opinion that it's a game I want to play.

Possibly a dumb question but, can I invert the camera controls?


I'm on chapter 4 right now. I came with really low expectations and for the moment this game has managed to shatter them... and go even lower.

Honeslty the gameplay on this game seems like a total afterthought. Walking, examining objects, walking again, cutscene where eventually I have to press X or triangle, walk 5 seconds more, press another button. And then there's the enemy encounters... like a shooting alley where the most stupid generic enemies come out every now and then for you to take them out ad infinitum. The latest I played made me think enemies were respawning forever until I triggered something, as I saw them coming out of a building in line one after the other in a way that reminded me of lemmings. And the Lycans, yeah press X to dodge, again, again and... again.

One of the poorest games I tried in years, really disappointing, I have no idea what they were thinking.

Velcro Fly

It's definitely a game I'll check out once I get my PS4.

It seemed interesting to me and then it started getting a ton of hate for reasons that are valid.

Just feel like in the fall when I get my PS4 I'll be able to get the game for $20-30 or so which is a nice price.

It seems like a game that won't be too long and is a really easy plat to boot.


What? You're saying that you were led to believe it was a bad game before it came out? Well, that's strange as I keep reading posts about how overhyped it was on here :/

I've always been confused as to why some people insist this game was hyped to the heavens by posters on Neogaf and elsewhere when the vast majority of coverage and discussion of the game was clearly overwhelmingly negative to someone who was actually reading threads about it.


It's a "good" game and a great starting point. If they fight thought the negativity and build on their framework, the sequel could be great.

This, so much. A sequel that cleaned up the negative aspects of this game would be a killer. I really hope it happens.
I enjoyed it despite the negativity surrounding it. It does have flaws but they really nailed the setting, gunplay, voice acting and music. Would definitely play a sequel.

I think next time they should focus on actual gameplay though. They fucked up with the "filmic" messaging throughout development.

Completely agree. It was a good game with solid foundations on which to build a sequel. I hope RAD get the chance, unlikely as that may seem.


Looks mediocre to me, but regardless it is rarely a good idea to follow bandwagon opinions imho. (I mean blindly jumping on bandwagons)


The only parts i found to be remotely interesting they completely fucked up from the get go. Don't really see the point of framing your narrative in the supernatural if you are going to do next to nothing with it. The lycan encounters and boss fights were embarrassing. Felt like they put next to no effort in.

Game looked nice though.


I was initially hesitant to buy it based on some of the things I heard, but I'm honestly going to come out and say that I can't remember a time I've been happier with a purchase.

Driveclub was the last game to make me go "whoa!", but this was a whole new plane of exuberance altogether. People can criticize newer generations all they want for the focus on graphics at the expense of sophisticated gameplay, but the truth is I've never been more spellbound by what was on screen. There were actually times when I seriously debated whether I'd enjoy the game more as a cinematic experience--not playing, mind you. Just sitting there as a purely observing party. There's something profound about that dynamic, where the player is rendered into an observing party as opposed to a participant, almost like a different take on the older LucasArts games. It would've been so cool if The Order had an expanded demo mode.

The closest I got is asking my sister to play while I watched, but she had no idea how to take cover. >.>


It's the Transformers 2 of video games. Utterly without any soul or personality, but I guess some people are into that. I'm not gonna say I hate it because hate implies the game actually managed to get a reaction from from me other than 'Oh yeah, this exists'.


thanks for the laugh
It's the Transformers 2 of video games. Utterly without any soul or personality, but I guess some people are into that. I'm not gonna say I hate it because hate implies the game actually managed to get a reaction from from me other than 'Oh yeah, this exists'.

people went to see transformers 2.


Can someone explain the part at the beginning of the game
where you kill rebels, and open the door and you find your french dude casually hitting on a lady along with relaxed npc's, as if there was no gunfighting next door?

Have I lost the timeframe there or what?
He's French; always hitting on women right?

IIRC there's an implied passage of time plus you're supposed to have made it through to an area being secured by additional forces that French dude - Lafayette - presumably led or helped and while waiting for you he figured he'd take advantage of the situation (as the saying goes).


He's French; always hitting on women right?

IIRC there's an implied passage of time plus you're supposed to have made it through to an area being secured by additional forces that French dude - Lafayette - presumably led or helped and while waiting for you he figured he'd take advantage of the situation (as the saying goes).

Of course, the French ladies man, along with the woman character that has to show at every possible moment she is stronger and rougher than you. Characters couldn't be more cliché.


I enjoyed the game as well, but I didn't pay full price either. If I paid $60 when it launched I would have joined the backlash.

There just isn't a lot of game there and the story left me pretty unsatisfied.


Of course, the French ladies man, along with the woman character that has to show at every possible moment she is stronger and rougher than you. Characters couldn't be more cliché.
Yup. It was kind of a shame because the animation and facial system was superb I thought; clearly capable of very subtle nuances which they did show from time to time. VA all sounded good too; it's just the dialogue and dedign was mostly cliche: Galahad always gruff; Igraine always tough as nails; Percival always elder leader and a little mysterious.

I'd love to see the engine used with more subtle characters as it would be superb.


My second fav game on PS4. (BB is first)

I enjoyed it more than stuff like destiny, infamous, dialo3, FC4.

It's short of content, but i am perfectly fine with one and done games since I have a gigantic backlog.
I think it's still my favourite game this year (and I've played The Witcher).

Really enjoyed my time with it. Length was fine. It was an interesting game that kept me entertained from start to finish. It wasn't perfect and had plenty of potential but is was a really good game nonetheless.


No replay ability killed this game. Horde mode would have been fun since there's a few cool guns in the game or at least a few alternate costumes and ability to skip cutscenes in a new game would have been something.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Did you just put Bioshock Infinite and The Order in the same sentence?


Yea, that alternate reality steampunk shooter where the ruggedly handsome protagonist shoots his way out of every situation shouldn't be mentioned together with that other game.

Endo Punk

Gotta give nods to Bio infinity even though I don't like FPS. The game is incredibly imaginative with the setting and does more justice to it in comparison. With the Order I never felt like I was in victorian london, it kept pulling me out and felt more like a museum tour then a genuine living breathing place like the artwork implied. I hope Ass Creed Syndicate does a better job because I really love the setting and style.


He's French; always hitting on women right?

IIRC there's an implied passage of time plus you're supposed to have made it through to an area being secured by additional forces that French dude - Lafayette - presumably led or helped and while waiting for you he figured he'd take advantage of the situation (as the saying goes).

I thought I saw bodies next door to where this casuality was going on... So I had to ask.. Thanks!
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