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GAF you mislead me!! The Order!!


Did this thread become Bioshock vs. The Order somehow?

I thought the order was better than consensus, but it was absolutely a flawed experience. I'd love to see a sequel, but I doubt that will happen at this point.


It's the Transformers 2 of video games. Utterly without any soul or personality, but I guess some people are into that.

I don't think you do. I don't think you're silly enough to believe that there are people who actually like a lack of personality or "soul" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean) in their video games.

The truth is just that other people saw something in the game that you didn't see. There's no need to make them out to be bizarro people who specifically enjoy "soulless" games with no identity.
Yea, that alternate reality steampunk shooter where the ruggedly handsome protagonist shoots his way out of every situation shouldn't be mentioned together with that other game.

BSI is an FPS/RPG. The Order is a pure TPS. Both are story focused, but the gameplay is very different - they are only similar in that they both feature firearms. Art style and perspective is different. BSI is story driven but it's not "cinematic" in the same obsessive way that TO is.

It's also pretty apples and oranges if somebody is trying to say "well there are lots of great games that GAF hates". Which is pretty much what the person you quoted was responding to. This is not some vocal minority, the game got destroyed in reviews, 63 on metacritic for a hyped up AAA Sony exclusive game with amazing graphics that was hotly anticipated by many. When a major release with great graphics and a lot of polish is considered generally disappointing, it usually still gets into the 70-80 range based purely on its technical and artistic merits. This game was a disappointment by the standard of other disappointments. Individuals can enjoy it, love it even. But nobody should dare pretend its highly negative reputation is just contrarian tenancies from gaming hipsters.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
BSI is an FPS/RPG. The Order is a pure TPS. Both are story focused, but the gameplay is very different - they are only similar in that they both feature firearms. Art style and perspective is different. BSI is story driven but it's not "cinematic" in the same obsessive way that TO is.

It's also pretty apples and oranges if somebody is trying to say "well there are lots of great games that GAF hates". Which is pretty much what the person you quoted was responding to. This is not some vocal minority, the game got destroyed in reviews, 63 on metacritic for a hyped up AAA Sony exclusive game with amazing graphics that was hotly anticipated by many. When a major release with great graphics and a lot of polish is considered generally disappointing, it usually still gets into the 70-80 range based purely on its technical and artistic merits. This game was a disappointment by the standard of other disappointments. Individuals can enjoy it, love it even. But nobody should dare pretend its highly negative reputation is just contrarian tenancies from gaming hipsters.

They aren't really apples and oranges. They're like granny smith and red delicious. They're pretty much the same but the skin-tone and flavour differ a bit. An orange would be Pac-Man or Super Mario. Both games use a gun as communication from the player with the world. Both games are broken up in exploring and shooting gameplay with exploring being there mostly for atmosphere. Both are also filled with gameplay that provides little more than filler to the player. I think camera position (1st person vs 3rd person) is as relevant to a game as aspect ratio of the screen. I'd say method of controlling is far more important: are you controlling your character in 1st person or as an observer?

I don't really know yet what to make of The Order: 1886 yet. There's a lot of good stuff in here and so far I haven't felt the cinematic flair has impacted gameplay. At times I almost feel like it's suffering from Tim Schafer's syndrome, where a game would have made a really great movie and/or tv-series.

If there is a conspiracy towards Sony's first party games I feel that it's rooted more in that Sony has had some truly great first party titles last gen and everything is being compared to that. Having higher expectations often lessens the impact of just-good.


Game is a one trick pony.

I will keep it in my drawer and replay it before the order 2 but the game play is nothing to write home about. Rather plY something like destiny tbh


Hell... I was wishing that I wasn't a júnior member to create this thread.

Just finished yesterday and it was awesome. Really, reeeeally awesome.

Replaying the chapters to get all logs and etc.
Also, I've forgot that can use blacksight... It would be helpful at some parts at the end.
Well, somewhat inspired by this thread and the fact that I finally had time to play it, I just beat the game. I had gotten about a quarter through when it first came out then just dropped it.

But I spent yesterday and today going through it start to finish. I have to say, this is such an underrated game. I think it's a good and fun game and I accept it for what it is. Not every game has to be amazing and transcending. I liked the story and the graphics are just drop dead gorgeous. The gameplay has its ups and downs but on average it tends to be pretty good. I really hope there's gonna be a sequel!
Hey fellow gaffers

Well when the order came out I listened to GAF about how there is no camera control, no multiplayer etc etc

However I saw it today for £25 and was like ok let's give it a go

But GAF you failed to mention the game is really good!!!

It's fast flowing with the gameplay if you like gears of war style game play, the graphics are next to none - looks amazing!!

The first 10 minutes you cant do much but after that it goes all third person shooter style on my ass and moves great!!

Wish this game had sold a lot and not got slammed in to bad sales because it's a fantastic game

Opinions how do they work again?
There are several really good games that vocal parts of GAF love to hate. BioShock Infinite and Tomb Raider 2013 come to mind.

Order 1886 is another one of these games.

Bioshock Infinite Metascore: 93
The Order 1886 Metascore: 63

Metacritic doesn't equal quality, but the people complaining about The Order aren't limited to simply "vocal parts of GAF". Bioshock is a great game that a minority complains about. The Order is a disappointing game that a minority defends.
The game was part of my PS4 bundle and I've already sunk roughly six hours into it. It looks excellent, but other than that am I allowed to say I'm finding the game to be boring as all hell? Way too many people quick to assume everyone critical of The Order never even touched it, let alone played a large chunk of it.


The game was part of my PS4 bundle and I've already sunk roughly six hours into it. It looks excellent, but other than that am I allowed to say I'm finding the game to be boring as all hell? Way too many people quick to assume everyone critical of The Order never even touched it, let alone played a large chunk of it.
Play it a night with all the lights off


I liked it for what it was. Similar to Ryse, imo. Short, slightly repetitive fun romp with beautiful vistas to show off the power of current generation hardware.

Better than Knack.
Recently stopped playing. Scripted and boring as hell. I get some people like it but man...the combat scenarios are dull and can hardly be compared to Gears, I mean, look at the very first Lycan fight. Stand dead still, wait till it pops its head shoot or press X to dodge. Rinse repeat. Lycan just aimlessly charges at you, does one lunge attack and runs back and then repeats. That fight summarises the entire game.
It did seem to me that GAF had one of the most vocal "The Order"-" defense-forces". I don't get OP.

GAF has an unusually high proportion of Sony fans. Any review thread where a Sony exclusive doesn't meet expectations is glorious. See: Review threads for Uncharted 3 and The Order.


Formerly Momotaro
Y'all fooling yourselves if you're expecting a sequel. By now the IP has a lot of bad rep behind it and the radio silence coming from both Sony and RAD is quite telling.

RAD can either work on an entirely new IP from scratch or take contract work from another publisher. They'll get another chance, just not with The Order.


Time Traveler
Hey fellow gaffers

Well when the order came out I listened to GAF about how there is no camera control, no multiplayer etc etc

However I saw it today for £25 and was like ok let's give it a go

But GAF you failed to mention the game is really good!!!

It's fast flowing with the gameplay if you like gears of war style game play, the graphics are next to none - looks amazing!!

The first 10 minutes you cant do much but after that it goes all third person shooter style on my ass and moves great!!

Wish this game had sold a lot and not got slammed in to bad sales because it's a fantastic game
The thing everyone was most pissed about was that it was not worth $60, since you bought it at a discounted price and now you enjoy it, I don't see how the GAF misled you.


GAF has an unusually high proportion of Sony fans. Any review thread where a Sony exclusive doesn't meet expectations is glorious. See: Review threads for Uncharted 3 and The Order.

I honestly didn't get the Uncharted 3 outrage. But I do believe that The Order got unfairly slammed.
I feel that The Order is a very good example of wasted potential. Graphics, of course, looked stunning. I liked what it offered in terms of gameplay, but left me wanting more. The story started off well until it resorted to cliches and commonly used archetypes.

Overall, I consider it to be a beautifully plain game.
i think what gets lost in all the negative posts is that the gunplay is actually pretty good?

Pretty good gunplay doesn't actually mean anything to me.

Gunplay is a generic term for the discharge or exchange of gunfire.
Should you desire to convey meaning, you will have to use other words and make sentences with them.

The way The Order manage healing is interesting and more credible than other games in which you regenerate gun wounds for no apparent reason. That's still a pretty minor thing.
I just can't believe RAD didn't see the signs before release. I legit believed the game was going to turn out better and that they were just picking a bad/unfinished portion of the game to demo (many times). They should have noticed that their use of QTE and pacing wasn't going to stick like, a year beforehand.

I think it's a better game than Uncharted 2 and 3, honestly.

It does somethings very well, others very poorly; unlike Uncharted, which I just feel is mediocre all around - the gunplay, story, protagonist, antagonist, enemy variety etc.

Here's your reply.
...that would do almost nothing because the game's problem is that it's right about 50:50 cutscenes and gameplay

You could then argue that maybe it should have more gameplay than cut scenes given how long it is? I have been told it's around 7-9 hours to beat?

Full disclosure I have not played it, would have liked to have rented it but the redboxes around me don't do PS4 games. Sad to see it didn't get a better reception since I am always up for new IP's.


It was fun to play via Redbox for a grand total of six dollars. A jolly toothless Spanish speaking man had convinced me this was the way to go.


Incredibly Naive
here we go again, people still harboring the belief that everybody wants to hate this game.

most negative reviews still say the gun play is at the very least solid. the cover system, while dated, is effective, the guns have a ridiculous amount of punch, you feel like you're in control.

You barely use the guns in the game, especially the fun ones like the thermite rifle, and when ypu do use them, iys very repetetive and dull. the ai is lifeless, the level design is horrendous, and the pacing is arguably the worst there is. Its short as it is 5-8 hours... about 50 percent of that you're either watching, or is on rails. the enemy variety is non existent, the lycans are terrible. the list goes on. this game did have a lot of potential, but unfortunately RAD likely bit of more than they could chew.


Pretty good gunplay doesn't actually mean anything to me.

Gunplay is a generic term for the discharge or exchange of gunfire.
Should you desire to convey meaning, you will have to use other words and make sentences with them.
Gunplay is a near-synonym for "gameplay", just with specific regards to shooting mechanics. It's how the game plays when you're shooting stuff.

"Pretty good gunplay" means something just fine on its own. It's not much different from saying that a game has "pretty good gameplay".


here we go again, people still harboring the belief that everybody wants to hate this game.

most negative reviews still say the gun play is at the very least solid. the cover system, while dated, is effective, the guns have a ridiculous amount of punch, you feel like you're in control.

You barely use the guns in the game, especially the fun ones like the thermite rifle, and when ypu do use them, iys very repetetive and dull. the ai is lifeless, the level design is horrendous, and the pacing is arguably the worst there is. Its short as it is 5-8 hours... about 50 percent of that you're either watching, or is on rails. the enemy variety is non existent, the lycans are terrible. the list goes on. this game did have a lot of potential, but unfortunately RAD likely bit of more than they could chew.

My hope is that they take this engine which at its core is quite good, and then make a proper sequel or new game with it, now that they have something to build on.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I went into it knowing exactly what it was, and really enjoyed it. It gave me vibes of the original Assassins Creed, stunningly beautiful with a great concept, but lacking in execution. Sequel could be something special. A solid 7.5 or 8 for me, for some reason it attracts a very large amount of hate on GAF. I don't know why people get so wound up about a critically average new IP, it's not like it's a terrible entry in a famous franchise or anything.


I went into it knowing exactly what it was, and really enjoyed it. A solid 7.5 or 8 for me, for some reason it attracts a very large amount of hate on GAF. I don't know why people get so wound up about a critically average new IP, it's not like it's a terrible entry in a famous franchise or anything.

The thing is, there were tons of "solid 7.5 or 8" shooters that came out last generation and were completely ignored. The Order only recieved so much attention, because we're still early in the new gen and new releases are much bigger deal than they were a few years ago, at the end of last-gen.

The real reason is because it's a console exclusive at the beginning of a new generation. That's about it.


Honestly if the just swing the gameplay/cinematic ratio the other way they could have one hell of a franchise on their hands.

This is pretty much how I feel.

I have a ton of problems with the game, but I found the characters, most of the story, and the world to be quite engaging. I would like to see more of it, hopefully We can get that chance.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
The thing is, there were tons of "solid 7.5 or 8" shooters that came out last generation and were completely ignored. The Order only recieved so much attention, because we're still early in the new gen and new releases are much bigger deal than they were a few years ago, at the end of last-gen.

The real reason is because it's a console exclusive at the beginning of a new generation. That's about it.

If it was just disappointment then yea, but the hate I have seen for this game seems disproportionate. You usually only see this amount of hate for awful games in prestigious franchises (RE6 and FF13 for example).


If it was just disappointment then yea, but the hate I have seen for this game seems disproportionate. You usually only see this amount of hate for awful games in prestigious franchises (RE6 and FF13 for example).

I chalk it up mostly to console warrioring, which is always in much stronger effect near the beginning of a new generation than at the end of it.

Ryse was another game that nobody would have given half of a shit about if it was released at the end of last-gen, but found itself wrapped up in some nasty 2013 console war bullshit. It's just the way the cycle goes.


Pretty good gunplay doesn't actually mean anything to me.

Gunplay is a generic term for the discharge or exchange of gunfire.
Should you desire to convey meaning, you will have to use other words and make sentences with them.

The way The Order manage healing is interesting and more credible than other games in which you regenerate gun wounds for no apparent reason. That's still a pretty minor thing.

Gunplay is a near-synonym for "gameplay", just with specific regards to shooting mechanics. It's how the game plays when you're shooting stuff.

"Pretty good gunplay" means something just fine on its own. It's not much different from saying that a game has "pretty good gameplay".

The problem is people say the game has "good gunplay" when what they seem to mean is that the guns "feel good". Having controls that feel good, and having good tactile feedback is not the same as good gunplay. If gunplay is gameplay with guns, then it is not determined simply by how the guns control and feel. It's about how the level elements react to the guns and how the player must react to their reactions.

The Order has fine controls, and tactile feedback (though few shooters don't have those things these days), but it has mediocre to bad gunplay. Enemies are one note, lacking in interplay. They funnel in through corridors, and either absorb bullets or die instantly. They're either behind cover doing nothing or rushing the player in plain sight. Nothing reacts in any interesting way to the player, and therefore the player doesn't have to react in any interesting way to the game. This is without even considering all the one-hit kill weapons that don't even require the player to aim.

Since the interplay between the player and the game elements is so one-dimensional, sometimes essentially zero-dimensional when considering the lightning gun, the game has average to bad gameplay/gunplay.

But the game is beautiful and the guns makes nice sound effects, so hey, guess people don't care.


I played this game not expecting much, and it didn't impress me. My biggest problem with the game is the terrible AI that leads to virtually no interesting encounters. It just got boring really fast and then it was over.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I chalk it up mostly to console warrioring, which is always in much stronger effect near the beginning of a new generation than at the end of it.

Ryse was another game that nobody would have given half of a shit about if it was released at the end of last-gen, but found itself wrapped up in some nasty 2013 console war bullshit. It's just the way the cycle goes.

Yea I suppose. I compared it AC earlier (as that jump in quality is how I would like the sequel to go) but the game it reminds me of most is Heavenly Sword. Hyped Sony exclusive at the start of the gen, very nice graphics, very cinematic, short and not quite there gameplay-wise. I wasn't on GAF then but I imagine there was a similar situation with that game.


Yea I suppose. I compared it AC earlier (as that jump in quality is how I would like the sequel to go) but the game it reminds me of most is Heavenly Sword. Hyped Sony exclusive at the start of the gen, very nice graphics, very cinematic, short and not quite there gameplay-wise. I wasn't on GAF then but I imagine there was a similar situation with that game.

Yeah, Heavenly Sword is an absolutely perfect comparison.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yeah, Heavenly Sword is an absolutely perfect comparison.

I actually quite liked Heavenly Sword (and Ryse and the Order). I think sometimes I am just in the mood for short cinematic action games, they are a nice palate cleanser, particularly with most AAA games being 30 hour open-world games.


I actually quite liked Heavenly Sword (and Ryse and the Order). I think sometimes I am just in the mood for short cinematic action games, they are a nice pallet cleanser, particularly with most AAA games being 30 hour open-world games.
The Order's gameplay was perfectly passable, to me. I've had a decent time with generic shooters before, and The Order probably won't be the last. It wasn't until I got to the face-slap that they call an ending, though, that my opinion of the game shifted straight into "bad game" territory.

The Order put far too much of an emphasis on its story and characters to let the game end like that. Just absolutely no respect for the player, so I have absolutely no respect for RAD.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
The Order's gameplay was perfectly passable, to me. I've had a decent time with generic shooters before, and The Order probably won't be the last. It wasn't until I got to the face-slap that they call an ending, though, that my opinion of the game shifted straight into "bad game" territory.

The Order put far too much of an emphasis on its story and characters to let the game end like that. Just absolutely no respect for the player, so I have absolutely no respect for RAD.

I wouldn't disagree with any criticism of the ending, I think it just bothered me less than most people tbh.


I wouldn't disagree with any criticism of the ending, I think it just bothered me less than most people tbh.

I felt like I got smashed over the head with a bag of hammers. The Order's ending should never be allowed to happen in anything outside of an episodic game.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I felt like I got smashed over the head with a bag of hammers. The Order's ending should never be allowed to happen in anything outside of an episodic game.

Lol. Maybe I have been desensitised by almost every game having a sequel-bait ending nowadays.


Lol. Maybe I have been desensitised by almost every game having a sequel-bait ending nowadays.
Most games don't place nearly as much of an emphasis on story and characters as The Order did, which is why I'm particularly cross about it in this instance.

RAD put more effort into the story and characters of the game than they did the gameplay, which is why the story failing so greatly is far less forgivable, to me, than the gameplay just being merely passable.

They're allowed to have their development priorities, they can make whatever kind of game they want to make, but damn if it isn't embarrassing as fuck to have fucked up their #1 priority. I had already expected the gameplay to be mediocre, but the one hope I held out for this game was for them not to fuck up the part of development that was most important to them (or second most important, after graphical presentation). But they did.
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