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Game Informer played through MGS Ground Zeroes' main mission in [1.5hrs, not rushing]

Very interesting Kojima interview in the issue. Basically talks about how he got into gaming and how he is stuck being the Metal Gear guy. He claims he does not want to be known as that man, he claims he doesnt have much time left cause he is 50 so he wants to write a list of all he wants to do before he dies and make sure he does it which includes writing a novel and making a movie.

But how exactly is Kojima "stuck"? How many studios would hire him? And he has to have a nice little cashstack right? Or has Konami screwed him over? It seems more like he cares too much about MG to let it go. He can't protect the MG legacy forever. Sooner or later Konami will screw up the series. Kojima has to just jump out of the chopper.

Look at Keita Takahashi. He blew everyone's minds with Katamari Damacy, stayed on to do We Love Katamari after Namco begged him for a follow-up, and then dropped the mic to do his own thing. That isn't easy, and maybe that kind of risky or arrogant move is for the young. But Kojima has the clout to do whatever he wants. If Kojima put up a Kickstarter, it would be funded and stretch goaled out to the edges of the known universe in record time. Old Snake was a mute who did what he was told, but Kojima needs to find the passion and the will to be Solid Snake again.

Jack cw

Great gif! I wonder how Kojima feels about this shitstorm he caused. I'm afraid GZ will bomb pretty hard, so he will cut out anything thats good in Pantom Pain just to please (a nonexisting) fanbase.


I'm hoping all this outrage forces a 1080. This is awful news. I'm hoping there is an entire ecosystem we're missing out on the game. BB likes food so hopefully there's a world of animals waiting for us.

Were there any full price two hour games on PS360? We as customers need official clarification on this from Konami. There are $30 used games with far more replay value than this two hour game. I need a youtube rant on this subject from someone.

A 1080?

You mean like a sick "BIG AIR" Tony Hawk style skateboard move? Yeah, I hope so too.


Less than 2 hours for the main mission eh? So basically Ground Zeroes is exactly what I thought it was, and what I've been telling everyone to set their expectations at, since before they even announced it as a separate product! Yup.

So what happened to that crazy Batzi guy who was telling everyone to shut up and stop making any assumptions, except assumptions which are positive to the game? Oh right, he got BANNED for being a rude jerk. HI BATZI! *waves* :D


A 1080?

You mean like a sick "BIG AIR" Tony Hawk style skateboard move? Yeah, I hope so too.



But how exactly is Kojima "stuck"? How many studios would hire him? And he has to have a nice little cashstack right? Or has Konami screwed him over? It seems more like he cares too much about MG to let it go. He can't protect the MG legacy forever. Sooner or later Konami will screw up the series. Kojima has to just jump out of the chopper.

Look at Keita Takahashi. He blew everyone's minds with Katamari Damacy, stayed on to do We Love Katamari after Namco begged him for a follow-up, and then dropped the mic to do his own thing. That isn't easy, and maybe that kind of risky or arrogant move is for the young. But Kojima has the clout to do whatever he wants. If Kojima put up a Kickstarter, it would be funded and stretch goaled out to the edges of the known universe in record time. Old Snake was a mute who did what he was told, but Kojima needs to find the passion and the will to be Solid Snake again.

The fact that he often doesn't acknowledge MGS games that aren't written by him is telling. His ego won't allow for MGS to be anything other than 'A Hideo Kojima Game'.

His hubris means that he'll sink the franchise before giving his team a chance to attempt it. 'Kojima Production's' failure with Metal Gear Solid Rising is heralded as his excuse for not letting them try, but I imagine even Naughty Dog would struggle for some time if they had to make a 'The Last of Us' game, but not in the same genre, without Neil Druckmann's supervision, but with him giving disapproving looks and publicly voicing his dissatisfaction with the progress of the project. MGS Rising was doomed to failure, as Kojima wouldn't allow for conditions under which it would be a success.

If he wants to stop making Metal Gear I'm sure he can. The problem is that he wants the franchise to stop when his participation does, and that won't ever willingly happen.


I hope that we see a price drop across the board here, because $40 for a 2 hour demo is going to flatline their sales pretty hard. Hardcore gamers that are aware of the situation are not going to touch this with that price point, and as others have mentioned already, John Doe is going to be much more suspicious with TPP when he realises that GZ is merely an 2 hour experience.

But how exactly is Kojima "stuck"? How many studios would hire him? And he has to have a nice little cashstack right? Or has Konami screwed him over? It seems more like he cares too much about MG to let it go. He can't protect the MG legacy forever. Sooner or later Konami will screw up the series. Kojima has to just jump out of the chopper.

Look at Keita Takahashi. He blew everyone's minds with Katamari Damacy, stayed on to do We Love Katamari after Namco begged him for a follow-up, and then dropped the mic to do his own thing. That isn't easy, and maybe that kind of risky or arrogant move is for the young. But Kojima has the clout to do whatever he wants. If Kojima put up a Kickstarter, it would be funded and stretch goaled out to the edges of the known universe in record time. Old Snake was a mute who did what he was told, but Kojima needs to find the passion and the will to be Solid Snake again.

It's a bit more complicated for Kojima, since he's now running a studio that is funded by Konami. He's not going away from that. He has tried many times to let others take over the helm so that he could focus on other things, but they've completely failed every single time. No one understands the intricate lore as well as Kojima, so I think it would be impossible for him to let someone else take over.

Since Konami wants MGS games, he's pretty much stuck with them. Now with that said, after TPP has shipped, I'd love to see Kojima Productions try something new. Perhaps a new IP?

The Adder

MGS isn't some unknown. It's a beloved IP that makes some people like me turn off rational for a reason; years of great games by a lead who loves the industry and the medium. You almost make it sound like it's a scam by Konami. Like they are going to take the money, run with it and turn MGS into a mobile game. I do believe by feeding this, yes, a bit of a overpriced product, I do so in support of Kojima Productions and their future projects.

I don't like to look at EVERY game like a product. Some earn your loyalty and trust and as mentioned above I see this as a "needed" support of future project or even PP itself. Understandable as Konami isn't the biggest publisher around and at least they aren't making Hideo rush MGS games out yearly (talk about shitty business models btw - those rushed yearly releases).

Naive or not, that's how I see it at this point and in this specific case. I get your point by the way. I am someone who after seeing the Dungeon Keeper app fiasco, uninstalled Origin from my PC and will avoid any future WB game in the foreseeable future also (due to the terribly cynical release of Arkham Origins) etc, so I get not supporting shitty business.

But after 25 years, you have to cut them slack somewhere. And it's not like it's an outright scam, we are getting a brand new (but yes short) piece of a brand new MGS in a brand new engine. Some fans feel they got enough value out of MGS over the years to think that is a good enough proposition for $40. And I don't believe for a second this business can spread. Not many IPs have the strength of MGS (that they rightly earned over the many years)

I guess in short, in Hideo I trust.

Consumers like you are the reason gaming is going to shit. Bending over backwards to try to justify shitty business practices for whatever reason and then turning around and complaining when every company starts doing it.

I used to love this hobby...


It's insane that people would pay 40€ for this, absolutely mind boggling.

Konami is desperate for money, and they know MGS fans are desperate for something new. It's a match made in heaven. Just look at some of the posts in this thread to see how some people can't wait to get their hands on a new MGS experience even if it's a paid demo.

Jack cw

The fact that he often doesn't acknowledge MGS games that aren't written by him is telling. His ego won't allow for MGS to be anything other than 'A Hideo Kojima Game'.

His hubris means that he'll sink the franchise before giving his team a chance to attempt it. 'Kojima Production's' failure with Metal Gear Solid Rising is heralded as his excuse for not letting them try, but I imagine even Naughty Dog would struggle for some time if they had to make a 'The Last of Us' game, but not in the same genre, without Neil Druckmaan's supervision, but with him giving disapproving looks and publicly voicing his dissatisfaction with the progress of the project. MGS Rising was doomed to failure, as Kojima wouldn't allow for conditions under which it would be success.

If he wants to stop making Metal Gear I'm sure he can. The problem is that he wants the franchise to stop when his participation does, and that won't ever willingly happen.

I have a feeling that is pretty much the truth. He is fishing for attention and MGS is the only thing for him to be relevant. I would even say that he basically fears to touch another IP or develop one, as it wouldnt have that fanbase that either hate or admire him that much. He is caught in his own hubris and Konamis pressure on him. Its pretty telling that after he claimed to have finished with the series, the "team" came back to him and wanted him to make it again. Its kind of an self inflicted curse as he apparently kills any potential successor who is creative. The more I see and read about the internal structure of Kojima Productions, the more I think that the problem is that he doesnt delegate talented directors into the several departments, so there is zero chance that someone that is equally good could take the MGS series from him. He doenst want to lose his "baby" I understand that, but the story is done, everything told and I cant see this franchise reach new hights unless there is a reboot.


Do we want to take bets on how quickly this gets a BOMBA price drop?

I'm guessing in a month we'll see it for $20.
And that's when I'll pick up a copy. I don't have a lot of disposable income so I'll definitely wait until this is $20. I wouldn't say that I'm a diehard MGS fan but I have enjoyed previous games in the series.

From the first Metal Gear game I ever played (Metal Gear Solid) to MGS2 to MGS4. Yes, I skipped 3 surprisingly. I'll have to play that someday. But no way will I pay $40 for a two hour MGS game.


Konami is desperate for money, and they know MGS fans are desperate for something new. It's a match made in heaven. Just look at some of the posts in this thread to see how some people can't wait to get their hands on a new MGS experience even if it's a paid demo.
I seriously think there's paid demos, and then there's this.

Jack cw

It sure get's people talking about it.


Seems like any kind of PR is PR. Well, same happened to xbone and I'm sure this will have impact on Phantom Pains sales and quality. Kojima is too sensitive and will find a way to destroy the PP experience to make amends.


MGS has never used CG, I'm pretty sure of it.

MGS4 used engine-captured cinematic in some rare cases when camera was thrown across large spaces where PS3 hardware would have trouble keeping all those assets in ram. Its very hard to spot those places, because there are no changes in visual quality of the video.


In what realm of the universe do you live that one can still rent video games?
I'm not sure if my statement remains valid but the last time I visited a few latin america countries it was still possible there, they even had proper Blockbusters!

Edit: yeah and we have GameFly and Redbox of course

Jack cw

MGS4 used engine-captured cinematic in some rare cases when camera was thrown across large spaces where PS3 hardware would have trouble keeping all those assets in ram. Its very hard to spot those places, because there are no changes in visual quality of the video.

Yep. The scene with Ocelot in Prague in MGS4 for example was a fmv. You could still spot some compression artefacts, so it was abvious and the fact that all the customization in Snakes suit was set to default in this scene.


Konami is desperate for money, and they know MGS fans are desperate for something new. It's a match made in heaven. Just look at some of the posts in this thread to see how some people can't wait to get their hands on a new MGS experience even if it's a paid demo.

Makes me glad that I have some restraint considering how much I enjoy the gameplay of the MGS franchise. The key word there being the gameplay, and it's hard to justify this when there's so little gameplay to be had.

I love MGS, but I love plenty of other games and don't need to spend money and support an obvious cash grab when there's more to play elsewhere.

If people want to buy it, it's their money so go for it. But no one should be defending this bullshit and they sure as hell better not be complaining about another game's length after supporting a glorified demo at an absurd price.

I hope most big MGS fans that know about this will hold off until it's cheaper. If no one buys this at full price, they'll have no choice but to lower it and maybe they can feel better about getting their MGS fix at a respectable price.


Konami is desperate for money, and they know MGS fans are desperate for something new. It's a match made in heaven. Just look at some of the posts in this thread to see how some people can't wait to get their hands on a new MGS experience even if it's a paid demo.

it's kind of like Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, or? sold ~4+ million units and was basically a demo, can't remember the exact price point, though.

if the fanbase is there, it will sell. no matter the price.


But how exactly is Kojima "stuck"? How many studios would hire him? And he has to have a nice little cashstack right? Or has Konami screwed him over? It seems more like he cares too much about MG to let it go. He can't protect the MG legacy forever. Sooner or later Konami will screw up the series. Kojima has to just jump out of the chopper.

Look at Keita Takahashi. He blew everyone's minds with Katamari Damacy, stayed on to do We Love Katamari after Namco begged him for a follow-up, and then dropped the mic to do his own thing. That isn't easy, and maybe that kind of risky or arrogant move is for the young. But Kojima has the clout to do whatever he wants. If Kojima put up a Kickstarter, it would be funded and stretch goaled out to the edges of the known universe in record time. Old Snake was a mute who did what he was told, but Kojima needs to find the passion and the will to be Solid Snake again.

you don't need konami to screw up the series, you have kojima for that. mgs4 was a train wreck both from a technical standpoint and worse, from a story telling perspective.

big boss being made of spare parts from his clones and being unfrozen
no part of liquid survived mgs1
solidus got turned into spare parts for big boss
solid snake lost to big boss at the end, even though he beat him twice already (metal gear 1 and 2)


The fact that he often doesn't acknowledge MGS games that aren't written by him is telling. His ego won't allow for MGS to be anything other than 'A Hideo Kojima Game'.

His hubris means that he'll sink the franchise before giving his team a chance to attempt it. 'Kojima Production's' failure with Metal Gear Solid Rising is heralded as his excuse for not letting them try, but I imagine even Naughty Dog would struggle for some time if they had to make a 'The Last of Us' game, but not in the same genre, without Neil Druckmann's supervision, but with him giving disapproving looks and publicly voicing his dissatisfaction with the progress of the project. MGS Rising was doomed to failure, as Kojima wouldn't allow for conditions under which it would be a success.

If he wants to stop making Metal Gear I'm sure he can. The problem is that he wants the franchise to stop when his participation does, and that won't ever willingly happen.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that Konami is.blackmailing him with pics of him banging this translator chick.

I think it'd take Metal Gear Ac!!!d for me to get hyped about anothet MG which is sad to me, but I lost interest after all the Big Boss fellating and nanomachines (Nanomachines???) crap. MGS4 wasn't bad, but I didn't feel the need to play Peace Walker after it.

PS: I'd take a full HD 60fps feature perfect MGS remake using the sexy Shadow Moses assets from 4, though.
I don't see how people can call someone who wants to pay full price for this crazy. People are allowed to spend their money on whatever they want. You might not think it's worth it, but I'm sure a lot of people in this thread have spent money on games they never got around to playing, and I personally think that's even crazier. After I spend $30-$40 on this I know I'll be playing the shit out of it the second I get home.

So what happened to that crazy Batzi guy who was telling everyone to shut up and stop making any assumptions, except assumptions which are positive to the game? Oh right, he got BANNED for being a rude jerk. HI BATZI! *waves* :D

If you're being serious that's kinda harsh, he's already banned for what he did, why rub it in his face?


And people laughed at GT Prologue at least that one had hours of replayability, ffs Konami...

To be fair, this will probably have a lot of replayability too. I remember playing the Tanker demo for hours and hours because there was so much to fuck around with. I don't think play time is the main problem here. It just seems kinda sad that Konami has been reduced to begging for money from the MGS fanbase for something they used to give away free previously.

Remember the TGS demo for Peace Walker on PSP? I played that for hours. I recall it took about 90 minutes to complete the first time too. It even supported co-op over Ad-hoc Party and I remember playing through it with some friends. It was a free download on their site.

Remember the Tanker demo for MGS2? Again, hours of replayability if you wanted to fuck around. About 60-90 minutes to play through it the first time. Came "free" with ZoE.

Remember the MGS1 demo which was in the OPM? It had the entire opening segment of the game up until you infiltrated into the base itself from the helipad. Maybe 15-30 minutes the first time through, but it was pretty replayable for the codec stuff and just to find different ways to get in. Also as the first taste of 3D Metal Gear, it was really impressive. Came free with a game magazine.

And now in 2014, we're getting pretty much the same thing for MGS5, except it's a stand alone product being sold at retail and digitally, for 20-40 bucks depending on the format and platform. That's not going forward, that's going backwards. I think ultimately that is the most disappointing thing about it.

If you're being serious that's kinda harsh, he's already banned for what he did, why rub it in his face?

I'm just calling him out for all the crap he said in every previous Ground Zeroes thread including this one. The guy had no issues getting in everyone's faces trying to defend and downplay the negativity on the game, so he should have no problems with people rubbing it back at him now. People shouldn't dish out stuff and not expect it to come back at them. :)


Consumers like you are the reason gaming is going to shit. Bending over backwards to try to justify shitty business practices for whatever reason and then turning around and complaining when every company starts doing it.

I used to love this hobby...

Oh get off your high horse. Look at my gaming history before you start labelling people with a broad stroke based on 2-3 posts. Would also help if you actually read the discussion I had with the other, more reasonable poster who actually tried to understand what I was saying instead of very annoyingly placing me in a pot and ignoring every point I was trying to make.

I am not going to bother highlighting why your post is silly given the context of this specific discussion I was having as if you can't be bothered to read or comprehend other people's post, I don't care to discuss anything with you.


Gold Member
The mgs2 demo was 50 dollars.

Why does everyone preach that the MGS2 demo was 50 bucks? Fun fact: it was a demo bundled with... a FULL GAME (a great one too!).
But did you know? The MGS1 demo was also for 50 bucks and came with some Silent Hill game, or whatever (in Europe).
I'm just calling him out for all the crap he said in every previous Ground Zeroes thread including this one. The guy had no issues getting in everyone's faces trying to defend and downplay the negativity on the game, so he should have no problems with people rubbing it back at him now. People shouldn't dish out stuff and not expect it to come back at them. :)

I see your point, and agree that he went way overboard in this thread to the point of dickishness, but I guess I like to think when someone gets banned for their actions that justice has been served. It just seems excessive to then call them out after they're banned.

But you're a mod and have been here a lot longer than me, so I'm not gonna try to argue about it or act like I know better than you. I'm just saying how I feel about it.


I'm just calling him out for all the crap he said in every previous Ground Zeroes thread including this one. The guy had no issues getting in everyone's faces trying to defend and downplay the negativity on the game, so he should have no problems with people rubbing it back at him now. People shouldn't dish out stuff and not expect it to come back at them. :)

My only issue with the dude was he kept on saying this wouldn't be a demo, and that there must be more to it.

There's a very, very clear reason as to why they never showed off more..


Was defending 4 hours, but 2 is a bit insane since that all kicked off while I was sleeping.

Booking the release date off work to hopefully smash through it, platinum and trade it in the next day.

Still actually cannot wait.
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