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Game Informer played through MGS Ground Zeroes' main mission in [1.5hrs, not rushing]


I see your point, and agree that he went way overboard in this thread to the point of dickishness, but I guess I like to think when someone gets banned for their actions that justice has been served. It just seems excessive to then call them out after they're banned.

But you're a mod and have been here a lot longer than me, so I'm not gonna try to argue about it or act like I know better than you. I'm just saying how I feel about it.

He's not permed or anything. He was banned for behavior not directly linked to him being totally wrong about what he kept telling people. I'm not calling him out as a mod or anything, just as one of the many people who was sick of how he would run down other people for even suggesting that this would be a paid demo, when he didn't know better than anyone else. He'll still be back and I hope he realizes how silly his behavior was in the previous threads now, that's all.
He's not permed or anything. He was banned for behavior not directly linked to him being totally wrong about what he kept telling people. I'm not calling him out as a mod or anything, just as one of the many people who was sick of how he would run down other people for even suggesting that this would be a paid demo, when he didn't know better than anyone else. He'll still be back and I hope he realizes how silly his behavior was in the previous threads now, that's all.

Sorry, I guess I didn't see it that way initially, but now I can see your point. Like I said, I agree that he started going overboard and I'm not trying to defend him or what he did/said, I just saw your post as almost like kicking someone while they're down.

Anyways, sorry to get so off-topic. Carry on with this thread, it has provided me with a lot of much needed laughs today.


Funny because it's true
The longest cutscene in the entire franchise is a little over 40 minutes. Which is a lot. But some RPGs like Persona or Trails in the Sky will have longer stretches without any battles or even gameplay.

I was tempted to buy a ps4 for this...now I might pick it out of a bargain bin for ps3.


Well my dear here the PS4 retail version is € 49,99 and in GS (where I pre-order) is € 50,99. It's really A LOT counting that sometimes the new releases go out at € 59,99. I preordered because I had some credit in GS (49 euro) and I'm a fan of the serie....BUT this 2.5 hours thing piss me off a lot. However I have some questions:

1- Any official reply/comment by Kojima or Konami?
2- GameInformer looks like got some kind of exclusive...but I think Konami is not getting the effect they predicted about this press coverage
3- The mission of GZ were two or just one?
4- I remember (and someone even posted the tweet) about some extra content for the retail boxed versions, now the game is going to be released in less than two months and...no news about this? Did I miss something?


As soon as you press start, this comes out


P.S. Not a great creation I know...


Make no mistake about it, there's only one main mission.

* Kojima himself said that TPP is "hundreds of times bigger" than GZ
* The quote from GI is pretty cut and dry. There's only one main mission.

Hell, if they managed to play around with extra content, it would be reasonable to suggest that the main mission is even shorter than that. We're talking about < 4 hours here
40 dollars for one mission.............

And now I'm dumbfounded by some of these posts here.


Last time I played the tanker chapter in mgs2 I beat it in 12 minutes...I'll take a 2 hour prologue.

And fans are still lapping this shit up. I really do not like this trend of paying for largely a prologue.

This is not a new trend and honestly, if I followed every single stupid rule on what not to spend my money on from the wise sage advice people give on the internet, I'd have no gaming console and no games to enjoy ever. I'll take a prologue to the main game over dlc or f2p bullshit any day...
can't wait, it's Metal Gear Solid. of course it's short since it's a prologue like the Tanker/Virtuous missions from MGS2 and 3. there's bound to be a ton of replay value though, experimenting with the AI, using different gadgets and routes, etd. the price could've been lower but oh well.


And fans are still lapping this shit up with joy.

No, not all of them, plenty of fans have already voiced their disapproval and won't be buying it until a severe price drop.

Personally I know I'll be spending way more time with it than 2 hours, and no other game comes close to being as desirable for me.


No, not all of them, plenty of fans have already voiced their disapproval and won't be buying it until a severe price drop.

Personally I know I'll be spending way more time with it than 2 hours, and no other game comes close to being as desirable for me.

Go ahead, but when the epilogue of MGSV is $40 I'm looking at you.



Konami is desperate for money, and they know MGS fans are desperate for something new. It's a match made in heaven. Just look at some of the posts in this thread to see how some people can't wait to get their hands on a new MGS experience even if it's a paid demo.

You shouldn't even put all the MGS fans into one pot. I love the franchise and played every single game in the franchise. I still feel that Konami is trying to take advantage of people and I am not going to play ball.
If every version, physical/digital, current/next gen cost the same price, and that price was $24ish, the way it is in Japan, I would be OK with this. I'm a huge MGS fan, and I know I'll get more than two hours worth of enjoyment out of it by exploring everything and listening to every Codec call, trying out every weapon and goofing around. Maybe there'll be unlockables for completing it. Maybe the side missions won't be Peace Walker garbage. A longer main mission would be much appreciated, of course, but I could feel good about a $20 purchase. $15 would be better, but the XBLA price creep started well before Ground Zeroes.

Fuck $40, though. Nope. Not even. That is not acceptable. That's up in '$50-for-that-Angry-Birds-game-on-PS4' territory. I hope this backfires terribly for Konami, because this shit ain't OK.


I'll be honest, I was kinda expecting this with Kojimi calling GZ the prologue and all that jazz.

I usually wouldn't even have a big issue with the length (hhehehehehhe). I mean I had no qualms about paying full price for Gone Home and I loved all two hours of that game without any regrets.

But, and this is a big BUT (hheheheheheh, I'm sorry), GZ seems to me like freaking reverse DLC. Konami expects us to pay 30 bucks for just a tiny portion of the entire game and it's most likely not even going to be part of the retail release of Phantom Pain. That means that I have to spend up to €100 for the entire MGSV experience. I hope I'm wrong about the exclusivity of GZ, but I haven't seen anything that disputes this.

I'm so disappointed in Kojima.
can't wait, it's Metal Gear Solid. of course it's short since it's a prologue like the Tanker/Virtuous missions from MGS2 and 3. there's bound to be a ton of replay value though, experimenting with the AI, using different gadgets and routes, etd. the price could've been lower but oh well.

Well, if it's worth it to you then it's worth it. No one else can tell you how much you should value something. I get that $40 is steep for the majority, but I really despise the attitude that people who are willing to spend their money on it should feel ashamed of themselves for lending a helping hand in the destruction of the gaming industry. There are no guilty pleasures when it comes to what you value. Play what you like, and enjoy.


1) There was a response to prodogy saying he you could beat GTAV ins 75 minutes, how in the hell?

2) On Topic: thats kind of sketch, I am not paying all that money for that. I guess I will wait for the main game or when the prolouge comes goes down in price. Maybe that will be more meaty.
It might be a little early to jump the gun. Journey received a lot of flak once it was revealed to be 2-3 hours long and that turned out to be a critical and fan success.

On one hand, what if this is a brilliant 2 hour main mission, no filler, and has as much fun and replayability as the former MGS demos (considering its open world now)?

On the other, I think most agree that $40 is too much here. I'm definitely not picking this up at full price, unless the impressions of seasoned MGS fans and reviews are of high praise.


It's a 40 dollar retail product, why can't people get this.


It's Metal Gear Solid 5, why can't people get that?

So many semi-causals are going to get screwed. People who have expectations of MGS, and some brand recognition.

I take issue with Konami. Digital -> Retail also (at a premium). MGS: GZ to MGSV:GZ. Instead of dedicated fans getting milked, trusting consumers do also.

And if it is deemed that GZ doesn't have enough value for $30/$40 I hope the games media at large pull no punches and make it clear. For the greater good of the franchise.

Good will is easily lost, and far harder to gain.


It might be a little early to jump the gun. Journey received a lot of flak once it was revealed to be 2-3 hours long and that turned out to be a critical and fan success.

On one hand, what if this is a brilliant 2 hour main mission, no filler, and has as much fun and replayability as the former MGS demos (considering its open world now)?

On the other, I think most agree that $40 is too much here. I'm definitely not picking this up at full price, unless the impressions of seasoned MGS fans and reviews are of high praise.

Nobody here is tossing shade at the quality of what the game may offer. Many people are bothered by the reality that what is on offer sure as shit does not meet the asking price.

We know the main mission, let alone the whole game here, is not open world. The main mission is just the camp. We know what's on offer, and what they want people to pay for is just absurd.


No, not all of them, plenty of fans have already voiced their disapproval and won't be buying it until a severe price drop.

Personally I know I'll be spending way more time with it than 2 hours, and no other game comes close to being as desirable for me.

Here is the main problem, others will buy it. I could go back and change this to countless other things that have unfortunately been normalized by consumers.And you say yourself you will eventually buy it. How long will you be able to fight the hype.

This gen has really shown how easily the gaming community can be manipulated and milked despite their insistance otherwise.

"Horse armour dlc?! pffft im not buying that, that shit wont fly"

"Subscription fee to play online?! Shit wont fly, hell the competition isnt even charging who pay for that?"

"Gold for demos? yea right"

"Season passes for dlc?! They're crazy"

"Cutting from main game to sell dlc, never"

Complacency has allowed all this, and more to become normal accepted things. When this game shows some success despite the gnashing of teeth it will flash greenlights for everyone else with long dev times. Then comes the abuse...


He's probably thinking "what a rip-off" lol, though seriously how can kojima agree to this!? He's even hinting that the game is short.

Kojima and Co have been sending out messages that only the likes of Batzi could tune out.

I imagine that if it were Kojima's decision the worst we would have seen would be MGS: Ground Zeroes (without the V) at $20 on all platforms. Even Kojima has given up on pretending that it's a more substantial experience than that. It's a cash grab to justify the expense of the FOX Engine and lengthy MGSV development time. MGSV: GZ is the result of this compromise.

Ein Bear

Do we have a rough ETA for Phantom Pain? I'd assumed it was coming out later in the year, but it's starting to sound like it's even further away than that.


He's probably thinking "what a rip-off" lol, though seriously how can kojima agree to this!? He's even hinting that the game is short.

In one of the previous interviews, Kojima straight out said that this wasn't his own decision, but something decided by the marketing team at Konami due the various reasons. The reasons he gave were that it's been really long since the last major MGS release and fans have been getting impatient, and that the rest of MGS5's development still has quite a way to go so they needed something to release. It's just business. :(


Do we have a rough ETA for Phantom Pain? I'd assumed it was coming out later in the year, but it's starting to sound like it's even further away than that.

A weary 2015, methinks.

I feel like it'll be 2016 though. With Ground Zeroes buying time and current-gen install bases being large.

I don't think this E3 will MGSV's last, in any case.


Konami must be in serious financial straits to risk damaging their brand like this.

Would have made more sense to attach this to a rerelease of the MGS remasters, IMO.
They are charging an insane amount of money for what seems to be a 2+ hour experience. I'm wondering, what price would be acceptable for people to even think about picking this up?
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