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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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semen stains the mountaintops
The Crown (Tommen and his council) are losing influence in several of the seven kingdoms. They're still strong in the Stormlands (Baratheon), Westlands (Lannister) and to some degree the Reach (Tyrell) and Riverlands (Which isn't technically one of the seven kingdoms but is a big chunk of land so whatever- the Freys).

The Iron Islands (Greyjoy) and Dorne (Materll) are basically acting now with no regard to the crown.

Littlefinger has positioned himself as the most influential person in the Vale, and now potentially positioning himself with a great deal of influence in the North. Neither is really paying much attention to the crown at this point, and their relative seclusion means that there's not much folks in King's Landing can do about it.

But why would this lead to Littlefinger betraying Sansa and Jon?


While I enjoyed seeing Ramsey die screaming, I would have liked to see one other thing first: To see fear in his eyes, just once. Would have been nice.

He looked a bit afraid when that dog got up in his face and wouldn't listen to his command.


Now I'm not going to try to redeem Sansa for lying to Jon (as called out by Brienne) or withholding information but was anything else on her?

If I recall correctly littlefinger did get permission to retake winterfell and become warden(though it was from Cersei so who knows if it's binding) and then took control of the vales army.

Any chance this was all his plan to begin with and by sending the Raven Sansa just got played again and indebted herself to him for something he already planned on doing?


LF thinks he's going to have everyone in the palm of his hands until Bran shows up dropping truth bombs as to who he is and what he's done. His days are numbered.


For me it's The High Sparrow, that cunt made me like Cersei.


The monster.

I would say Frey, but hopefully Arya takes care of him. And he's more of a regional dickhead than anything else. I could see Jaime going full darkside with the right circumstances. It'd be nice if, from this point on, we stopped with the obvious assholes and kept things a bit more murky as things become more focused on the Night King.


The monster.

I would say Frey, but hopefully Arya takes care of him. And he's more of a regional dickhead than anything else. I could see Jaime going full darkside with the right circumstances. It'd be nice if, from this point on, we stopped with the obvious assholes and kept things a bit more murky as things become more focused on the Night King.

Frey is wonderful as a miserable old man. It's a delight whenever he's on screen.


With all the hubbub over the last episode, I'm surprised more people aren't talking about Ned Stark's cameo.



But why would this lead to Littlefinger betraying Sansa and Jon?

I think maybe I misunderstood where you were coming from on the original post I responded to. I think we're talking at cross purposes here. Sorry.

That said, if he doesn't feel he can control them, or at the very least have them act predictably in his favor, I don't see any reason to suspect he wouldn't act in his own interests against them.


It's gonna be Euron
But isn't Euron pre-fucked, with Yara getting along so well with Dany and her 3 armies + 3 Dragons?
I mean, with 13 eps left (in theory), and Euron being busy building ships on the shores of the Iron Islands, how are they going to build him up as a vilain when there's still so much that needs to happen before The Big One?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It's gonna be Euron
I wonder if he has any substantial part to play beyond forcing yarra and theon out of the iron isles and towards Dany. It seems a little late in the day to be adding a major protagonist.
But isn't Euron pre-fucked, with Yara getting along so well with Dany and her 3 armies + 3 Dragons?
I mean, with 13 eps left (in theory), and Euron being busy building ships on the shores of the Iron Islands, how are they going to build him up as a vilain when there's still so much that needs to happen before The Big One?

There's gotta be a reason they introduced him this late.


Going by the luck the casting people have had with kids, by next season she will be 6' and towering over Jon.

Even better. Now they can call her Lil' Lady Mormont ironically.

So, now that there's no more Boltons around, who is to keep the Dreadfort?


For me it's The High Sparrow, that cunt made me like Cersei.

Now that you mention it, they did a great job with making us side with Cercei. People have gone from being okay with Tommen and hating Cercei to hating Tommen and being okay with (or at least feeling sorry for) Cercei.


But isn't Euron pre-fucked, with Yara getting along so well with Dany and her 3 armies + 3 Dragons?
I mean, with 13 eps left (in theory), and Euron being busy building ships on the shores of the Iron Islands, how are they going to build him up as a vilain when there's still so much that needs to happen before The Big One?
You have a point but I don't think they would introduce a crazy pirate this late if he wouldn't have a bigger role. Maybe he will get roflstomped early next season and I'm completely wrong, dunno.
For me it's The High Sparrow, that cunt made me like Cersei.

Nah fuck both of them. I hope the high Sparrow gets killed, her son in front of her and then her going nuts and burning everyone and Jaime finding out about it. Would be a crazy ending.
It feels like wildfire is going to happen, might as well make it happen at the right time

Really wish Tyrion didn't mention wildfire, that looked like awful tv writing rather than GRIMM's writing. We don't need foreshadowing spoon fed to us double Ds. :\

tootsi666 said:
You have a point but I don't think they would introduce a crazy pirate this late if he wouldn't have a bigger role. Maybe he will get roflstomped early next season and I'm completely wrong, dunno.
Would be interesting if he kills a solid amount of her armies and one of her dragons. Right now, it's leaning towards him getting rekt in record time though.
With Ramsey dead, which villain will take his place at the top of the most hated list? LF?

Littlefinger or Daenerys are the most likely to me. Littlefinger for obvious reason, and Daenerys because she's in direct conflict with anybody in Westeros who won't immediately bow to her (I don't foresee every house just shaking hands with her), has a tendency to burn people alive who oppose her (even if that also sets her up as a saviour against the White Walkers, it's not exactly the most heroic of execution methods, particularly when she has Lord of Light support; Tyrion may try to dissuade it, but I can't see her listening entirely). and her support which she will be bringing to Westeros consists of an army without feelings, sellswords, Iron Borns who are wanted dead by the King of the Iron Islands, dragons, and the Dothraki horde who are renowned as rapists and plunderers. While we've followed her for six seasons and she's been portrayed as a very self-righteous individual, she's in an excellent position to be a villain who plans on conquering Westeros in opposition to almost every noble house in the show.

There's also the matter of the White Walkers who are in a pretty villainous role.

As for which will be the most hated by viewers? I couldn't really say.


Nah fuck both of them. I hope the high Sparrow gets killed, her son in front of her and then her going nuts and burning everyone and Jaime finding out about it. Would be a crazy ending.
It feels like wildfire is going to happen, might as well make it happen at the right time

Really wish Tyrion didn't mention wildfire, that looked like awful tv writing rather than GRIMM's writing. We don't need foreshadowing spoon fed to us double Ds. :\

You say that, but in this thread where you assume people must be watching the show pretty closely, Sansa writing a letter to Littlefinger asking for help went unnoticed by some because she didn't say "Well, I guess it's time to write to Littlefinger" out loud.
Remember that time Littlefinger said he wanted to be named warden of the north and Cersei told him she would make a royal decree if he put Sansa's head on a pike.... Good times... good times lol


Prediction: Sansa is going to seduce Robin then turn him on littlefinger. It's such a king's landing thing to do.


Sounds like you should switch to Game of Owns.

Never heard of it. CoK and Grantland/Ringer stuff are really the only Thrones pods I listen to regularly. Sometimes Boars Gore and Swords but their humor is very hit or miss for me.

For me it's The High Sparrow, that cunt made me like Cersei.


You should have liked Cersei from the beginning! I honestly think a lot of the hate she gets is unjustified and comes, in part, from her serving as a red herring for several atrocities she wasn't responsible for:

-poisoning Jon Arryn
-sending the assassin after Bran
-killing Robert's bastards
-trying to have Tyrion killed

She's done her fair share of narly shit, don't get me wrong, but she's far from the one note monster some paint her to be.
For me it's The High Sparrow, that cunt made me like Cersei.


I liked Cersei from day one. One of the best characters on the show, and one of the best actors too. Really hoping she doesn't get killed off.

Plus, Lena is hot as fuck.


Remember that time Littlefinger said he wanted to be named warden of the north and Cersei told him she would make a royal decree if he put Sansa's head on a pike.... Good times... good times lol
No man read the thread, littlefinger is alright, Sansa turned evil and was trying to kill Jon.


Prediction: Sansa is going to seduce Robin then turn him on littlefinger. It's such a king's landing thing to do.

Prediction: Sansa is going to tell Robin that Littlefinger killed his mom. Robin then kills Littlefinger and Sansa for interrupting him while he's playing with his pet bird.


This keeps coming up through the years (because the show keeps bringing up the comparison) but I don't think Dany will ever be the antagonist for descending into madness or go down 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions' thing. She is not a moral relativist and actively subjugates others to match her own sense of justice but considering what this has been so far (abolition of slavery, pillaging, raping and serving as an idol of a strong woman in a highly misogynist world), this has not been portrayed as a negative. Her means of getting what she wants have been questioned at times (to highlight her inexperience) but her ideals have not. There maybe some brief conflict with the Starks initially but it will not be portrayed as a case of Dany being a villain. She is being shown as a benevolent despot.
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