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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game


I'm trying to watch old Tabletop Adventure episodes, but the video player on gametrailers is such a piece of shit that it actively prevents me from enjoying it. Adblock disabled and it sometimes restarts the video, goes to black screen, doesn't start the video at all. It's a nightmare. Why can't they just put that shit on Youtube.


I'm trying to watch old Tabletop Adventure episodes, but the video player on gametrailers is such a piece of shit that it actively prevents me from enjoying it. Adblock disabled and it sometimes restarts the video, goes to black screen, doesn't start the video at all. It's a nightmare. Why can't they just put that shit on Youtube.

It is on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/gametrailers/videos

Well, newer ones are. Not sure how far back it goes. Sorry if it doesn't go back much!
I'm rooting for Ian and Elyse but I'm not gonna lie, it was hard to sit through their latest MU. Their joke premises were just so stale this week. They said hotblooded so cut to Bloodworth being hot! I'm sure they knew it too but either because of time or whatever decided to just linger on the jokes hoping to mine them further instead of starting over. Ian touching Elyse's shoulder to her responding, "You're touching my blood," was the kind of amusing exception. The absurdest humor portions didn't hit either. I'm hoping next week they can spend a little more time on their premises to find an interesting angle and just throw out the obvious ones.
Can someone GIF Huber shaking his dice in the tabletop vid? 1:11.52 to around 1:11:56

-Huber gifs-
I created a smaller one so we're not embedding 11MB gifs!



I thought GTLive was fine, tbh.
Wanted to hear Kyle on Lego JP, but they stopped him. :\

Don't care for the Smosh people, but i thought only that white dude was annoying, the other one seemed alright.
Also i forgot to say: Please when you do Just Played with two people far apart (like in the FFXV case, or often when Andrea is involved) DON'T LOOK AT THE CAMERA, it creeps me out.

I actively avoided a couple of Just Played i was interested in because of it (that is, i just listened to the audio), i liked it best when Brandon was like looking at a laptop, it felt more natural.


Scanned through the GT Live as those Smosh guys seemed to get worse, disappointed at how little we saw of DQ: Heroes.

Could Ben, Bosman and Huber do a JP for that?
Also i forgot to say: Please when you do Just Played with two people far apart (like in the FFXV case, or often when Andrea is involved) DON'T LOOK AT THE CAMERA, it creeps me out.

I actively avoided a couple of Just Played i was interested in because of it (that is, i just listened to the audio), i liked it best when Brandon was like looking at a laptop, it felt more natural.

I mean, do you get creeped out when you watch the news or anything else. I'm interested in more feedback if there's a huge consensus, but as soon as I made that change, the whole vibe just felt way better. Much easier to see the person's eyes and connect with the viewer.


I mean, do you get creeped out when you watch the news or anything else. I'm interested in more feedback if there's a huge consensus, but as soon as I made that change, the whole vibe just felt way better. Much easier to see the person's eyes and connect with the viewer.

Just Played feel more like a conversation between two established people (one of which isn't me) whereas usually news anchors are directly addressing the audience.
That's why it feels weird to me personally, it's not just the act of them looking into the camera, it's that they're talking to someone that isn't me, while watching directly into my eyes.

For example Andrea Rene doing GT News, looking into the camera makes sense.

Anyway, maybe that's just me though.


Just Played feel more like a conversation between two established people (one of which isn't me) whereas usually news anchors are directly addressing the audience.
That's why it feels weird to me personally, it's not just the act of them looking into the camera, it's that they're talking to someone that isn't me, while watching directly into my eyes.

For example Andrea Rene doing GT News, looking into the camera makes sense.

Anyway, maybe that's just me though.

Yeah, the ones with Andrea always feel off to me too because of this. Plus with her ones basically being Skype calls they really lack the great "intimate" feel of the ones with the staff talking on the couch and chairs.

Also kinda sad that GT Time went to the Stage, the couch and chairs feels so much better.

Mikey Jr.

Watched the GT live. Several complaints.

Those 2 smosh guys were fucking annoying beyond belief. White guy was bad, black guy was rage inducing. Their personalities did not mesh with the GT staff.

Second complaint. We got MAYBE 5 minutes total of talking about the game. Every day on twitch, they have a new game they play through. The fact that they played dq today means we won't see it again.

So they wasted hotline miami and dq on this show where they barely show the game? Bad idea.
Just Played feel more like a conversation between two established people (one of which isn't me) whereas usually news anchors are directly addressing the audience.
That's why it feels weird to me personally, it's not just the act of them looking into the camera, it's that they're talking to someone that isn't me, while watching directly into my eyes.

Well I'm talking specifically about when news shows go to someone on location. They still look at the camera when they talk to someone in the field. I'm the one who had it set up the other way too because I thought it would be better not to hide that they were on a laptop, but it just didn't come across as well as I thought it would.

As for the Skype calls not feeling as intimate in general, that sounds a little like it's just the nature of the beast, and possibly somewhat due to Andrea's more professional manner. Her being in SF is letting us cover some things we'd otherwise have to skip since anyone else would have to spend a day or two to fly up and back. She can just go down the road for a few hours.


Well I'm talking specifically about when news shows go to someone on location. They still look at the camera when they talk to someone in the field. I'm the one who had it set up the other way too because I thought it would be better not to hide that they were on a laptop, but it just didn't come across as well as I thought it would.

I think in that case it looks less jarring because it's usually a segment within the news show, and it's usually brief (at least here, not sure in the US), more over, there's supposed to be a different "connection" with you guys, compared to a news anchor, which feels more detached and formal, that's probably why it feels so jarring to me.
I'm sure i'd get used to it with time though.

It's also what i said about GTLive after all, i liked it but for the future i would've liked it to get a bit more loose and relaxed (what i love about MU Nights and GTtime).

That said, i totally get that you guys have limited options, given the geographical distance you have to deal with.


Well I'm talking specifically about when news shows go to someone on location. They still look at the camera when they talk to someone in the field. I'm the one who had it set up the other way too because I thought it would be better not to hide that they were on a laptop, but it just didn't come across as well as I thought it would.

As for the Skype calls not feeling as intimate in general, that sounds a little like it's just the nature of the beast, and possibly somewhat due to Andrea's more professional manner. Her being in SF is letting us cover some things we'd otherwise have to skip since anyone else would have to spend a day or two to fly up and back. She can just go down the road for a few hours.

Just my two cents here and not to diss UrbanRats opinion...

I think the GT Live setup looks nice and professional, feels like a morning news team/round talk which I like. The only dissonance is between the table and the couch but it's nothing to get bothered about. (I also think this is because Brandon is trying to talk to someone who is distracted playing a game).

The 'Skype' JPs work fine to me and I don't really see how you can improve on them, you're right that it's just the nature of the beast. I'd rather Andrea talk in my direction as well as Brandon as she's providing me with information (a news report of sorts) as well as him. The editing/quality on those videos is great as well considering the awkward circumstances.

All I'd say is no more Smosh, please.


Just to clarify, i like the general format GT Live has, and it's fine that is different than GTtime and MU Nights of course, that's why you have 3 different shows after all.

What i'm saying is that i think it seems to run a bit too fast at times (Kyle talking about LEGO JP is a recent example, or even the little time dedicated to the games being played by Ben) and it seems to work to its detriment.

I don't know if it'd be logistically impossible for you to do a 2 hours show, though.


I wasn't the biggest fan of the Smosh guys myself. They're basically the type of people Kyle makes fun of with The Last Levelle, it seems. They seem like nice people, but their style of entertainment just isn't vibing with me.

That aside I really like the format of the show, and the fact that it feels more like a real show than MU Nights and GT Time, which are just podcasts with added video.

The only thing I can put a finger on that I think needs improvement is to either make GT Live longer, or condense the amount of topics you want to get to in a single show. Right now the show feels extremely rushed with Kyle's segment cut short for some meaningless audience questions that didn't really add much, but which had to get added in there because it was a planned segment.

Oh, and thanks a bunch for actually bothering with interacting with us here in the thread, Blood. It means a lot!
I didn't mind the Smosh guys and enjoyed the episode, but I do agree that it would be better if Branson wasn't so worried about time. He talks fast normally, which is fine, but he gets a bit fixated on keeping a schedule and rushing through topics.


Damnit, Tabletop's not on youtube yet :( can't watch it on the site because when it goes to a ad break the video simply stops and doesn't even play an advert, so can't get to the next section. :(


Watching GT Time now and BREAKING NEWS: Ian now has free reign to jump in whenever. This should be great.

Noprah needs to be a character on Mandatory Update now


Tabletop Adventures was alright, but so much arguing about the platform made me have to skip some. Also didn't like how Ian interrupted the triumphant return of Pervince just to focus on his plans. At least it picked up again once Pervince healed Hoggar.


It's a shame they can't go back to the 2 hour format, this really needed some extra time to actually make some progress
From my own Tabletop adventures years back I always loved when the adventure was going nowhere and the DM was getting furious, especially if he had put a lot of preparation for his campaing and the players would just sidetrack like crazy.

Never have been DM myself.


I can see more insanity coming in the city, especially if they're not straight into combat. Really looking forward to the next one.
The latest episode dragged somewhat. They took far too long talking about the spikes and the way the floor moves and whether they could get Hogger out. We all knew they were going to make it, so just stop going into such great detail on something that doesn't matter. Just move them along to the next scene which was what Ben wanted to do from the very beginning.

Same with Pervince and the gold dust. They spent a good 5 minutes arguing about what magic trick to use to avoid it, Ben was even willing to cheat, if you're going to do that why not just forget about the bloody gold dust and have Pervince accidentally stumble upon the rest of the crew?


Part of the charm of Tabletop Adventures is them ridiculously over-thinking things, imo. But, yeah, they kinda went a wee bit far with it in that dungeon.


I admired Ian's deep thought on how to escape the situation and the planning, but yeah they could have wrapped that portion up a little quicker. They'll probably know that for the next time they encounter something like that though.


I clicked the link and actually liked it. That's not the only thing on there, there's bets on Mandatory Update and the like.


Seems like harmless fun to be honest, though personally for a silly contest, i prefer silly prizes.
Like, if Final Bets had real stakes instead of joke ones, it'd be pretty fucking lame by comparison.

Personally i'd take choosing what tshirt, say, Ian has to wear on the next MU, over a free console.

But if SweetTeddie's worry was anything to do with them altering the review or anything like that, i think that'd be just a tad paranoid.


I'm 4 minutes in to the new MU and I can't believe what I'm seeing/hearing...

...Elyse's part just started....

Edit: Only Bloodborne hype could have produced a video such as this.

Double Edit..




♪~♪ ヽ໒(⌒o⌒)७ノ ♪~♪

♫ ♪ Let me entertain you ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ I got fur growing outta m'ass ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ A brand new bloooOOOOOOD, booooorne ♪ ♫

♫ ♪ Bloodborne in my bedroom ♪ ♫
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