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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game

It was a great episode, too. Pervince and the doppelgangers, Hogger losing patience and Lylia throwing some bears into the mix. And the rolls. The terrible rolls!
I'll be the party pooper and say that I don't like the new studio that much. The old setup felt a bit more personal (probably a bit too personal for the three people sharing that small couch) and had a nicer, comfy atmosphere. This new one is so... professional and corporate (you sell outs! How dare you trying to make money!).

But it's okay, I'll live and get used to it eventually.


I think they want as little production as possible on these videos.
Ian works freelance for GT so every hour extra he spends on editing GT Time is billable.

Not sure you understand what I meant. Ian is already there, in the room, looking at them talk. Basically instead of passively watching (and playing games on his phone, as they've talked about earlier) he'd be grabbing the producer mic and interjecting every now and then with pertinent information and quips. It shouldn't result in any extra editing time.


I'll be the party pooper and say that I don't like the new studio that much. The old setup felt a bit more personal (probably a bit too personal for the three people sharing that small couch) and had a nicer, comfy atmosphere. This new one is so... professional and corporate (you sell outs! How dare you trying to make money!).

But it's okay, I'll live and get used to it eventually.

That's true, but i see this studio having more potential.
Especially if they can use those back screens for something useful, in the future, or for some joke, or what have you.
That's true, but i see this studio having more potential.
Especially if they can use those back screens for something useful, in the future, or for some joke, or what have you.

Yeah, but it also means that scenes like this won't be possible on GT Time.

That's from a Just Played anyway. :p
The couch was too cramped for something like that, ;).

I know it's from Just Played. Which is why I said it won't be possible on GT Time.

But you saw them getting comfortable every now and then, sitting with crossed legs and all that. But yeah, like I said, it was probably too "personal" for some.


The latest Mandatory Update is getting a lot of hate on Youtube for some reason :(

I thought it was a great episode. Huber's Sam Lake impression is brilliant.


The latest Mandatory Update is getting a lot of hate on Youtube for some reason :(

I thought it was a great episode. Huber's Sam Lake impression is brilliant.
Every video on youtube gets a lot of hate because it's youtube.

I find it best to just never look at comments.


It got a ton of hate on GT for ages, and today the likes are almost completely positive. I imagine eventually a fair portion of the YouTube haters will either grow accustomed to it or move on.

It definitely grows on you. I liked it from the start, but the first couple episodes were pretty rocky. I quickly grew to absolutely love it though. It's funny as hell.


It definitely grows on you. I liked it from the start, but the first couple episodes were pretty rocky. I quickly grew to absolutely love it though. It's funny as hell.

I definitely wasn't in to it when I first saw clips but recently it's become one of my favourites. When the jokes are snappy and the comedy's absurd, it's great. It kinda turns me off when they tell a corny/bad joke for the sake of it and linger for about 10 seconds but hey, it's not my show. Also, when you see Ian and Elyse outside the show, you realise they're putting on a bit of a front, haha.

I'm catching up on Tabletop Adventures now cause the new ones are entertaining but i have no idea who they are etc. and their stories. Started on the first episode that's not called TTA and Ben said something about a test campaign? Should I skip to a certain episode?


Watching ManUps as we speak, but I just lost it about them saying how it's their stage now and fuck GT Time

This is one of the dumbest ones ever. FUCK THE POL-ISH


Btw, I totally miss the couch for GT Time. The Stage is cool, but there was just something about the Couch that added to GT Time's feel.


Right, am I just drunk, or is that the best episode of ManUps yet? There's usually some good jokes and then some that miss, but holy shit, everything just seemed on point


It got a ton of hate on GT for ages, and today the likes are almost completely positive. I imagine eventually a fair portion of the YouTube haters will either grow accustomed to it or move on.

At first I found Mandatory Update hard to get into because I was just watching two people who know each other quite well just goofing off. It put me off cause I didn't 'get it'. As I started to watch other GT shows, Bosman, GT Time etc, I got to know Elyse and Ian (and GT as a whole) far better, so now when I watch MU, I suddenly get the joke.

They went from kinda lame and obnoxious, to kinda lame but charming and occasionally funny.


Yeah MU is definitely a show that grows on you.
Found it stupid in the beginning (though i never felt the need to voice my opinion that way) and now i love it.
The show itself improved, but it's also heavily dependent on "knowing" Ian and Elyse, and understanding that it's very much self aware.


Honestly I think the best part of MU are the outtakes at the end. I like the whole show, but those are always the highlight for me.
There's also another Mandatory Update with Ian around GDC and Ben Moore using a camera and he's never used one before. Work experience for when GT goes out of business!
GDC-GATE: The Search for Elyse - Mandatory Update: http://youtu.be/DWBB5yohsBM

In Man Ups Nights, kinda love how they all don't really like Kinda Funny games and try to be polite about it.

HA! I was in that video! I was the guy who said "meatball". I figured that our interview was such wonderful garbage that none of it would see the light of day. I should have known that they would be able to make a full episode's worth of wonderful garbage!
Honestly I think the best part of MU are the outtakes at the end. I like the whole show, but those are always the highlight for me.

Yeah, it's a bit like Final Bosman in that the real show takes place after the credits. The outtakes really demonstrate the show's nature being about these friends goofing off telling dumb jokes to each-other. Ian also gets to flex his editing skills cutting that stuff together in the funniest manner possible.

Catching up on some gifs from last week's ep:



Btw, I totally miss the couch for GT Time. The Stage is cool, but there was just something about the Couch that added to GT Time's feel.

I think it's not just the couch, but also the single camera view that added to GT Time's feel. You could always see everyone's reactions. Now, with the new setup, whenever the view switches to a close-up, I fear we're missing out on catching non-verbal reactions from the others.


Finished Tabletop Adventures, wish it didn't end where it did though. It seems too far to wait another week! So good though, loved it when Ben was saying "I need someone to roll a raw D20" and before he even finished, Huber just rolls.


Junior Member
If you cut it off just before he throws the dice and fade it into the fail gif it's a perfect gif about The Joy and Shame if Hogger


I think it's not just the couch, but also the single camera view that added to GT Time's feel. You could always see everyone's reactions. Now, with the new setup, whenever the view switches to a close-up, I fear we're missing out on catching non-verbal reactions from the others.

Yeah, that too. Getting to see everyone's reactions really added to it.
Finally watched this weeks GT time, MU and Bosman

Mandatory Update was very good. The Bloodborne dance was great.

Bosman was brilliant. That bonus bit holy shit
Even though as a German I feel very offended right now
no I don't

Also all those gifs are killing my chrome

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Poor Elyse with Cotard's Syndrome. Must be horrible!
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