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Giant bomb "dot com" official thread 12 - anime + waluigi discussion webzone

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Guys how the fuck are you watching tv shows and giantbomb content? It's one or the other for me!

I ain't got time for all this!

i watch a fuck ton of TV and its my favorite entertainment medium, but honestly, watching Giant Bomb content scratches the same itch

it's pretty easy to balance both really

although i still haven't had time to listen to any of the Danswers casts or a ton of the old podcasts. I only really started regularly listening to the podcast in 2014
I play a lot of games that don't require full concentration like jrpgs and turn based strategy and sim games. So I'm usually watching tv shows or GB videos while farming, etc.

i can't decide whether i should try to play through MGS3 before Scanlon 3 starts

it's the only one i've never played through, i started it like 3 times but never got very far
got the HD collection sitting here though

The game gets really good once you finish the Virtuous Mission. It takes some time to get used to the changes like no radar, degrading silencers, worrying about food and camo etc. It's absolutely worth seeing for yourself if you enjoy MGS though, it has some of the best boss fights in the series.


I play a lot of games that don't require full concentration like jrpgs and turn based strategy and sim games. So I'm usually watching tv shows or GB videos while farming, etc.


I used to listen to the podcast while playing driving or sports games, sadly my commute takes precedence these days though...
Guys how the fuck are you watching tv shows and giantbomb content? It's one or the other for me!

I ain't got time for all this!

We don't have cable, so Giant Bomb literally is my TV. I Chromecast or Roku to my TV to watch GB stuff.

There are a few shows I watch via Netflix/Amazon On Demand (COPS, Bobs Burgers, etc) but I spend maybe 2 hours a week watching that stuff meanwhile I watch pretty much everything GB puts up every week.


gimme pictures of corgis


Well, you can still play aside them.

no time. too much backlog... haven't even really played my n3ds that i just bought lol
it wasnt great

and like super linear to boot

you had this whole house to do shit in

and there were like 2 hidden rooms and the rest had jack shit and only helped you get lost

But it went from commercial-tier video game to bundlewear. Seems like a dramatic drop in quality to me.

Oh well. Here's to Lucius III: Origins.
let me clear something up for MGS3 for those who haven't played it

it's not going to be solid scanlon and colonel ryckert this time around, it's going to be naked scanlon and major ryckert

also, there may be some discussion about how MGS3 is the best in the series

this can be promptly ignored since that's all nonsense
let me clear something up for MGS3 for those who haven't played it

it's not going to be solid scanlon and colonel ryckert this time around, it's going to be naked scanlon and major ryckert

also, there may be some discussion about how MGS3 is the best in the series

this can be promptly ignored since that's all nonsense
But MGS3 is the best game in the series. And you can't prove me wrong because it's a scientific fact.
Guys what if like

Drew ended up playing like 5 hours of MGS3 today cause he loved it so much

That can be the only explanation as to why it's not on the schedule yet: he's still playing.

What if...Drew is one of those crazy people that hates the game because of the Cold War setting, different characters etc? (Looking at you Jeff Gerstmann!)


mgs3 is my favorite game in the series
I know some found it annoying, but i loved the camo switching.

And some of the most interesting boss battles in any game ever


MGS3 is easily the best.

MGS1 is top heavy in terms of gameplay depth and relies on absurd amounts of backtracking.

MGS2 is too focused on subverting player expectations and meme theory to be a good video game.

MGS3 strikes a balance between story, gameplay depth, camp, tragedy, and seriousness that no game in the series has since achieved. Basically go watch SuperBunnyhop's Critical Close-Up of MGS3 and weep that Metal Gear will never be so perfect again.

Any chance of it going up at midnight Pacific tonight?


Don't see the point of the debate when MGS5 is not only the best in the series, it's the game of the generation

MGS5 has residual vagina bomb stink on it, so it can't be the best.

According to Dan's Twitter he and Drew are watching Rocky IV in the office. Late night recording more episodes of Metal Gear Scanlon?
I dunno. Put a few more in the stomach. Disguise them as organs or whatever. nanomachine bomb.

this is the late 70s son no nanomachines here

You ask that like it was a perfectly normal and obvious thing to do.

He's an evil sadistic man. Of course sticking bombs in a V isn't normal. Ever seen SAW? It's like that.

Hide it in the anus of the one who conceptualized Paz as a character. Nothing but creepy ass pervy cliches and shitty writing. Abhorrent character.


On the target, of course.

Or was that lady the target to begin with? I haven't kept up with the intricate web that is Metal Gear lore.

The lady was bait for BB.
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